.TH ISCSISTART 8 "Jan 2010" "" "Linux Administrator's Manual" .SH NAME iscsistart \- iSCSI boot tool .SH SYNOPSIS .BI iscsistart [OPTION] .SH "DESCRIPTION" .B iscsistart will start a session using the settings passed in, or using the iBFT or Open Firmware [OF] boot information. This program should not be run to manage sessions. Its primary use is to start sessions used for iSCSI root boot. .SH OPTIONS .TP .BI [-i|--initiatorname=]\fIname\fP Set InitiatorName to name (Required if not using iBFT or OF) .TP .BI [-t|--targetname=]\fIname\fP Set TargetName to name (Required if not using iBFT or OF) .TP .BI [-g|--tgpt=]\fIN\fP Set target portal group tag to N (Required if not using iBFT or OF) .TP .BI [-a|--address=]\fIA.B.C.D\fP Set IP addres to A.B.C.D (Required if not using iBFT or OF) .TP .BI [-p|--port=]\fIN\fP Set port to N (Optional. Default 3260) .TP .BI [-u|--username=]\fIN\fP Set username to N (Optional) .TP .BI [-w|--password=]\fIN\fP Set password to N (Optional) .TP .BI [-U|-username_in=]\fIN\fP Set incoming username to N (Optional) .TP .BI [-W|--password_in=]\fIN\fP Set incoming password to N (Optional) .TP .BI [-d|--debug=]\fIdebug_level\fP Print debugging information .TP .BI [-b|--fwparam_connect] Create a session to the target using the iBFT or OF info .TP .BI [-N|--fwparam_network] Bring up the network as specified by iBFT or OF .TP .BI [-f|--fwparam_print] Print the iBFT or OF info to STDOUT .TP .BI [-h|--help] Display this help and exit .TP .BI [-v|--version] Display version and exit .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR iscsiadm (8) .SH AUTHORS Open-iSCSI project .br Mike Christie