/* * Return codes used by iSCSI tools. */ #ifndef _ISCSI_ERR_ #define _ISCSI_ERR_ enum { ISCSI_SUCCESS = 0, /* Generic error */ ISCSI_ERR = 1, /* session could not be found */ ISCSI_ERR_SESS_NOT_FOUND = 2, /* Could not allocate resource for operation */ ISCSI_ERR_NOMEM = 3, /* Transport error caused operation to fail */ ISCSI_ERR_TRANS = 4, /* Generic login failure */ ISCSI_ERR_LOGIN = 5, /* Error accessing/managing iSCSI DB */ ISCSI_ERR_IDBM = 6, /* Invalid argument */ ISCSI_ERR_INVAL = 7, /* Connection timer exired while trying to connect */ ISCSI_ERR_TRANS_TIMEOUT = 8, /* Generic internal iscsid failure */ ISCSI_ERR_INTERNAL = 9, /* Logout failed */ ISCSI_ERR_LOGOUT = 10, /* iSCSI PDU timedout */ ISCSI_ERR_PDU_TIMEOUT = 11, /* iSCSI transport module not loaded in kernel or iscsid */ ISCSI_ERR_TRANS_NOT_FOUND = 12, /* Permission denied */ ISCSI_ERR_ACCESS = 13, /* Transport module did not support operation */ ISCSI_ERR_TRANS_CAPS = 14, /* Session is logged in */ ISCSI_ERR_SESS_EXISTS = 15, /* Invalid IPC MGMT request */ ISCSI_ERR_INVALID_MGMT_REQ = 16, /* iSNS service is not supported */ ISCSI_ERR_ISNS_UNAVAILABLE = 17, /* A read/write to iscsid failed */ ISCSI_ERR_ISCSID_COMM_ERR = 18, /* Fatal login error */ ISCSI_ERR_FATAL_LOGIN = 19, /* Could ont connect to iscsid */ ISCSI_ERR_ISCSID_NOTCONN = 20, /* No records/targets/sessions/portals found to execute operation on */ ISCSI_ERR_NO_OBJS_FOUND = 21, /* Could not lookup object in sysfs */ ISCSI_ERR_SYSFS_LOOKUP = 22, /* Could not lookup host */ ISCSI_ERR_HOST_NOT_FOUND = 23, /* Login failed due to authorization failure */ ISCSI_ERR_LOGIN_AUTH_FAILED = 24, /* iSNS query failure */ ISCSI_ERR_ISNS_QUERY = 25, /* iSNS registration/deregistration failed */ ISCSI_ERR_ISNS_REG_FAILED = 26, /* operation not supported */ ISCSI_ERR_OP_NOT_SUPP = 27, /* device or resource in use */ ISCSI_ERR_BUSY = 28, /* Operation failed, but retrying layer may succeed */ ISCSI_ERR_AGAIN = 29, /* unknown discovery type */ ISCSI_ERR_UNKNOWN_DISCOVERY_TYPE = 30, /* Always last. Indicates end of error code space */ ISCSI_MAX_ERR_VAL, } iscsi_err; extern void iscsi_err_print_msg(int err); extern char *iscsi_err_to_str(int err); #endif