/* * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Red Hat, Inc. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * Author: Gris Ge */ #ifndef _GNU_SOURCE #define _GNU_SOURCE /* For NI_MAXHOST */ #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libopeniscsiusr/libopeniscsiusr.h" #include "misc.h" #include "sysfs.h" #include "iface.h" #include "context.h" #include "idbm.h" #include "default.h" #ifndef SBINDIR #define SBINDIR "/sbin" #endif #define ISCSIUIO_PATH SBINDIR "/iscsiuio" struct _iscsi_net_drv { const char *net_driver_name; // Ethernet driver. const char *iscsi_driver_name; // iSCSI offload driver. const char *transport_name; // iSCSI transport name. }; static struct _iscsi_net_drv _ISCSI_NET_DRVS[] = { {"cxgb3", "cxgb3i", "cxgb3i"}, {"cxgb4", "cxgb4i", "cxgb4i"}, {"bnx2", "bnx2i" , "bnx2i"}, {"bnx2x", "bnx2i", "bnx2i"}, }; const struct iscsi_iface _DEFAULT_IFACES[] = { { .name = "default", .transport_name = "tcp", }, { .name = "iser", .transport_name = "iser", }, }; static int _load_kernel_module(struct iscsi_context *ctx, const char *drv_name); static int _iface_conf_write(struct iscsi_context *ctx, struct iscsi_iface *iface); static int _fill_hw_iface_from_sys(struct iscsi_context *ctx, struct iscsi_iface *iface, const char *iface_kern_id); _iscsi_getter_func_gen(iscsi_iface, hwaddress, const char *); _iscsi_getter_func_gen(iscsi_iface, transport_name, const char *); _iscsi_getter_func_gen(iscsi_iface, ipaddress, const char *); _iscsi_getter_func_gen(iscsi_iface, netdev, const char *); _iscsi_getter_func_gen(iscsi_iface, iname, const char *); _iscsi_getter_func_gen(iscsi_iface, port_state, const char *); _iscsi_getter_func_gen(iscsi_iface, port_speed, const char *); _iscsi_getter_func_gen(iscsi_iface, name, const char *); /* * ipv6 address strings will have at least two colons * * NOTE: does NOT validate the IP address */ static bool lib_ipaddr_is_ipv6(struct iscsi_context *ctx, char *ipaddr) { char *first_colon, *second_colon; bool res = false; if (ipaddr) { first_colon = strchr(ipaddr, ':'); if (first_colon) { second_colon = strchr(first_colon+1, ':'); if (second_colon && (second_colon != first_colon)) res = true; } } _debug(ctx, "ipaddr=\"%s\" -> %u", ipaddr, res); return res; } int _iscsi_iface_get_from_sysfs(struct iscsi_context *ctx, uint32_t host_id, uint32_t sid, char *iface_kern_id, struct iscsi_iface **iface) { int rc = LIBISCSI_OK; char *sysfs_se_dir_path = NULL; char *sysfs_sh_dir_path = NULL; char *sysfs_scsi_host_dir_path = NULL; char proc_name[ISCSI_TRANSPORT_NAME_MAXLEN]; struct iscsi_iface **ifaces = NULL; uint32_t iface_count = 0; uint32_t i = 0; struct iscsi_iface *tmp_iface = NULL; bool bound_by_hwaddr = false; bool bound_by_netdev = false; bool matched = false; assert(ctx != NULL); assert(iface != NULL); *iface = NULL; if (sid != 0) { _good(_asprintf(&sysfs_se_dir_path, "%s/session%" PRIu32, _ISCSI_SYS_SESSION_DIR, sid), rc, out); } _good(_asprintf(&sysfs_sh_dir_path, "%s/host%" PRIu32, _ISCSI_SYS_HOST_DIR, host_id),rc, out); _good(_asprintf(&sysfs_scsi_host_dir_path, "%s/host%" PRIu32, _SCSI_SYS_HOST_DIR, host_id), rc, out); *iface = (struct iscsi_iface *) calloc(1, sizeof(struct iscsi_iface)); _alloc_null_check(ctx, *iface, rc, out); _good(_sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_scsi_host_dir_path, "proc_name", proc_name, sizeof(proc_name) / sizeof(char), NULL /* raise error if failed */), rc, out); if (strncmp(proc_name, "iscsi_", strlen("iscsi_")) == 0) _strncpy((*iface)->transport_name, proc_name + strlen("iscsi_"), sizeof((*iface)->transport_name) / sizeof(char)); else _strncpy((*iface)->transport_name, proc_name, sizeof((*iface)->transport_name) / sizeof(char)); _good(_sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_sh_dir_path, "hwaddress", (*iface)->hwaddress, sizeof((*iface)->hwaddress) / sizeof(char), DEFAULT_HWADDRESS), rc, out); if (strcmp((*iface)->hwaddress, DEFAULT_HWADDRESS) != 0) bound_by_hwaddr = true; _good(_sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_sh_dir_path, "netdev", (*iface)->netdev, sizeof((*iface)->netdev) / sizeof(char), DEFAULT_NETDEV), rc, out); if (strcmp((*iface)->netdev, DEFAULT_NETDEV) != 0) bound_by_netdev = true; if (sysfs_se_dir_path) _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_se_dir_path, "initiatorname", (*iface)->iname, sizeof((*iface)->iname) / sizeof(char), ""); if (strcmp((*iface)->iname, "") == 0) _good(_sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_sh_dir_path, "initiatorname", (*iface)->iname, sizeof((*iface)->iname) / sizeof(char), ""), rc, out); _good(_sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_sh_dir_path, "port_state", (*iface)->port_state, sizeof((*iface)->port_state) / sizeof(char), "unknown"), rc, out); if (strcmp((*iface)->port_state, "Unknown!") == 0) _strncpy((*iface)->port_state, "unknown", sizeof((*iface)->port_state) / sizeof(char)); _good(_sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_sh_dir_path, "port_speed", (*iface)->port_speed, sizeof((*iface)->port_speed) / sizeof(char), "unknown"), rc, out); if (strncmp((*iface)->port_speed, "Unknown", strlen("Unknown")) == 0) _strncpy((*iface)->port_speed, "unknown", sizeof((*iface)->port_speed) / sizeof(char)); if (sysfs_se_dir_path != NULL) _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_se_dir_path, "ifacename", (*iface)->name, sizeof((*iface)->name)/sizeof(char), ""); if (iface_kern_id != NULL) { _good(_fill_hw_iface_from_sys(ctx, *iface, iface_kern_id), rc, out); } else { _good(_sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_sh_dir_path, "ipaddress", (*iface)->ipaddress, sizeof((*iface)->ipaddress) / sizeof(char), DEFAULT_IPADDRESS), rc, out); /* bnx2i does not create * /sys/class/iscsi_iface/ * We need to use transport_name.hwaddress as iface name. */ _debug(ctx, "HAHA: hwaddress %s", (*iface)->hwaddress); if (bound_by_hwaddr) snprintf((*iface)->name, sizeof((*iface)->name)/sizeof(char), "%s.%s.%s.%u", (*iface)->transport_name, (*iface)->hwaddress, lib_ipaddr_is_ipv6(ctx, (*iface)->ipaddress) ? "ipv6" : "ipv4", (*iface)->iface_num); } if (strcmp((*iface)->name, "") == 0) { /* * Before 2.0.870, we only could bind by netdeivce or hwaddress, * so we did a simple reverse lookup to go from sysfs info to * the iface name. After 2.0.870 we added a lot of options to * the iface binding so we added the ifacename to the kernel. * * Below codes are for older kernels that do not export the * ifacename. If the user was doing iscsi_tcp session binding * we will find the iface by matching net info. */ _good(iscsi_ifaces_get(ctx, &ifaces, &iface_count), rc, out); for (i = 0; i < iface_count; ++i) { tmp_iface = ifaces[i]; if ((bound_by_hwaddr == true) && (strcmp(tmp_iface->hwaddress, (*iface)->hwaddress) == 0)) { _strncpy((*iface)->name, tmp_iface->name, sizeof((*iface)->name)/sizeof(char)); matched = true; break; } if ((bound_by_netdev == true) && (strcmp(tmp_iface->netdev, (*iface)->netdev) == 0)) { _strncpy((*iface)->name, tmp_iface->name, sizeof((*iface)->name)/sizeof(char)); matched = true; break; } } if (!matched) _strncpy((*iface)->name, DEFAULT_IFACENAME, sizeof((*iface)->name) / sizeof(char)); } out: if (rc != LIBISCSI_OK) { iscsi_iface_free(*iface); *iface = NULL; } free(sysfs_se_dir_path); free(sysfs_sh_dir_path); free(sysfs_scsi_host_dir_path); iscsi_ifaces_free(ifaces, iface_count); return rc; } /* create all ifaces for a host from sysfs */ int _iscsi_ifaces_get_from_sysfs(struct iscsi_context *ctx, uint32_t host_id, struct iscsi_iface ***ifaces, uint32_t *iface_count) { int rc = LIBISCSI_OK; char **iface_kern_ids = NULL; uint32_t i = 0; assert(ctx != NULL); assert(ifaces != NULL); *ifaces = NULL; *iface_count = 0; _good(_iscsi_iface_kern_ids_of_host_id(ctx, host_id, &iface_kern_ids, iface_count), rc, out); if (*iface_count > 0) { *ifaces = (struct iscsi_iface **) calloc(*iface_count, sizeof(struct iscsi_iface *)); _alloc_null_check(ctx, *ifaces, rc, out); for (i = 0; i < *iface_count; i++) { _good(_iscsi_iface_get_from_sysfs(ctx, host_id, 0, iface_kern_ids[i], &(*ifaces)[i]), rc, out); } } else { /* if there's no iface exported in sysfs, * we should still be able to create one record per host */ *ifaces = (struct iscsi_iface **) calloc(1, sizeof(struct iscsi_iface *)); _alloc_null_check(ctx, *ifaces, rc, out); *iface_count = 1; _good(_iscsi_iface_get_from_sysfs(ctx, host_id, 0, NULL, &(*ifaces)[0]), rc, out); } out: if (iface_kern_ids != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < *iface_count; i++) { free(iface_kern_ids[i]); } free(iface_kern_ids); } if (rc != LIBISCSI_OK) { iscsi_ifaces_free(*ifaces, *iface_count); *ifaces = NULL; *iface_count = 0; } return rc; } int iscsi_default_iface_setup(struct iscsi_context *ctx) { int rc = LIBISCSI_OK; char strerr_buff[_STRERR_BUFF_LEN]; int errno_save = 0; struct _eth_if **eifs = NULL; uint32_t eif_count = 0; uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t n = 0; size_t j = 0; struct _iscsi_net_drv *ind = NULL; uint32_t *hids = NULL; uint32_t hid_count = 0; struct iscsi_iface **ifaces = NULL; uint32_t iface_count = 0; char *path = NULL; assert(ctx != NULL); _good(_idbm_lock(ctx), rc, out); if ((access(IFACE_CONFIG_DIR, F_OK) != 0) && (mkdir(IFACE_CONFIG_DIR, 0770) != 0)) { errno_save = errno; _idbm_unlock(ctx); _error(ctx, "Could not make %s folder(%d %s). " "HW/OFFLOAD iscsi may not be supported.", IFACE_CONFIG_DIR, errno_save, _strerror(errno_save, strerr_buff)); if (errno_save == EACCES) return LIBISCSI_ERR_ACCESS; return LIBISCSI_ERR_BUG; } _idbm_unlock(ctx); /* Load kernel driver for iSCSI offload cards, like cxgb3i */ _good(_eth_ifs_get(ctx, &eifs, &eif_count), rc, out); for (i = 0; i < eif_count; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < sizeof(_ISCSI_NET_DRVS)/sizeof(struct _iscsi_net_drv); ++j) { ind = &(_ISCSI_NET_DRVS[j]); if ((ind->net_driver_name == NULL) || (strcmp(eifs[i]->driver_name, ind->net_driver_name) != 0)) continue; /* * iSCSI hardware offload for bnx2{,x} is only supported * if the iscsiuio executable is available. */ if ((strcmp(eifs[i]->driver_name, "bnx2x") == 0) || (strcmp(eifs[i]->driver_name, "bnx2") == 0)) { if (access(ISCSIUIO_PATH, F_OK) != 0) { _debug(ctx, "iSCSI offload on %s(%s) " "via %s is not supported due to " "missing %s", eifs[i]->if_name, eifs[i]->driver_name, ind->iscsi_driver_name, ISCSIUIO_PATH); continue; } } if (_iscsi_transport_is_loaded(ind->transport_name)) continue; _debug(ctx, "Loading kernel module %s for iSCSI " "offload on %s(%s)", ind->iscsi_driver_name, eifs[i]->if_name, eifs[i]->driver_name); _good(_load_kernel_module(ctx, ind->iscsi_driver_name), rc, out); } } _good(_iscsi_hids_get(ctx, &hids, &hid_count), rc, out); for (i = 0; i < hid_count; ++i) { /* Create /etc/iscsi/ifaces/ file if not found */ _good(_iscsi_ifaces_get_from_sysfs(ctx, hids[i], &ifaces, &iface_count), rc, out); for (n = 0; n < iface_count; n++) { if ( ! iscsi_is_default_iface(ifaces[n])) { _good(_asprintf(&path, "%s/%s", IFACE_CONFIG_DIR, ifaces[n]->name), rc, out); if (access(path, F_OK) != 0) rc = _iface_conf_write(ctx, ifaces[n]); free(path); path = NULL; } iscsi_iface_free(ifaces[n]); ifaces[n] = NULL; if (rc != LIBISCSI_OK) goto out; } free(ifaces); ifaces = NULL; } out: if (ifaces != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < iface_count; i++) free(ifaces[i]); free(ifaces); } _eth_ifs_free(eifs, eif_count); free(path); free(hids); return rc; } static int _load_kernel_module(struct iscsi_context *ctx, const char *drv_name) { struct kmod_ctx *kctx = NULL; struct kmod_module *mod = NULL; int rc = LIBISCSI_OK; kctx = kmod_new(NULL, NULL); _alloc_null_check(ctx, kctx, rc, out); kmod_load_resources(kctx); if (kmod_module_new_from_name(kctx, drv_name, &mod)) { _error(ctx, "Failed to load module %s.", drv_name); rc = LIBISCSI_ERR_TRANS_NOT_FOUND; goto out; } if (kmod_module_probe_insert_module(mod, KMOD_PROBE_APPLY_BLACKLIST, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) { _error(ctx, "Could not insert module %s. Kmod error %d", drv_name, rc); rc = LIBISCSI_ERR_TRANS_NOT_FOUND; } kmod_module_unref(mod); out: if (kctx != NULL) kmod_unref(kctx); return rc; } static int _iface_conf_write(struct iscsi_context *ctx, struct iscsi_iface *iface) { char *conf_path = NULL; char strerr_buff[_STRERR_BUFF_LEN]; int errno_save = 0; FILE *f = NULL; int rc = 0; if (iscsi_is_default_iface(iface)) { _error(ctx, "iface %s is not a special interface and " "is not stored in %s", iface->name, IFACE_CONFIG_DIR); return LIBISCSI_ERR_INVAL; } _good(_idbm_lock(ctx), rc, out); _good(_asprintf(&conf_path, "%s/%s", IFACE_CONFIG_DIR, iface->name), rc, out); _debug(ctx, "Creating iSCSI interface configuration file '%s' " "using kernel information", conf_path); f = fopen(conf_path, "w"); errno_save = errno; if (!f) { _error(ctx, "Failed to open %s using write mode: %d %s", conf_path, errno_save, _strerror(errno_save, strerr_buff)); rc = LIBISCSI_ERR_IDBM; goto out; } _idbm_iface_print(iface, f); _idbm_unlock(ctx); out: free(conf_path); if (f != NULL) fclose(f); return rc; } // mimic of iscsi_sysfs_read_iface() in iscsi_sysfs.c. static int _fill_hw_iface_from_sys(struct iscsi_context *ctx, struct iscsi_iface *iface, const char *iface_kern_id) { int rc = LIBISCSI_OK; char *sysfs_iface_dir_path = NULL; uint32_t tmp_host_no = 0; uint32_t iface_num = 0; int iface_type = 0; assert(ctx != NULL); assert(iface != NULL); assert(iface_kern_id != NULL); _good(_asprintf(&sysfs_iface_dir_path, "%s/%s", _ISCSI_SYS_IFACE_DIR, iface_kern_id), rc, out); _good(_sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "ipaddress", iface->ipaddress, sizeof(iface->ipaddress) / sizeof(char), DEFAULT_IPADDRESS), rc, out); if (strncmp(iface_kern_id, "ipv4", strlen("ipv4")) == 0) { iface->is_ipv6 = false; _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "bootproto", iface->bootproto, sizeof(iface->bootproto) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "gateway", iface->gateway, sizeof(iface->gateway) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "subnet", iface->subnet_mask, sizeof(iface->subnet_mask) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dhcp_alt_client_id_en", iface->dhcp_alt_client_id, sizeof(iface->dhcp_alt_client_id) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dhcp_alt_client_id", iface->dhcp_alt_client_id, sizeof(iface->dhcp_alt_client_id) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dhcp_dns_address_en", iface->dhcp_dns, sizeof(iface->dhcp_dns) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dhcp_learn_iqn_en", iface->dhcp_learn_iqn, sizeof(iface->dhcp_learn_iqn) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dhcp_req_vendor_id_en", iface->dhcp_req_vendor_id_state, sizeof(iface->dhcp_req_vendor_id_state) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dhcp_use_vendor_id_en", iface->dhcp_vendor_id_state, sizeof(iface->dhcp_vendor_id_state) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dhcp_vendor_id", iface->dhcp_vendor_id, sizeof(iface->dhcp_vendor_id) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dhcp_slp_da_info_en", iface->dhcp_slp_da, sizeof(iface->dhcp_slp_da) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "fragment_disable", iface->fragmentation, sizeof(iface->fragmentation) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "grat_arp_en", iface->gratuitous_arp, sizeof(iface->gratuitous_arp) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "incoming_forwarding_en", iface->incoming_forwarding, sizeof(iface->incoming_forwarding) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "tos_en", iface->tos_state, sizeof(iface->tos_state) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_u8(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "tos", &iface->tos, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u8(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "ttl", &iface->ttl, 0, true); } else { iface->is_ipv6 = true; _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "ipaddr_autocfg", iface->ipv6_autocfg, sizeof(iface->ipv6_autocfg) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "link_local_addr", iface->ipv6_linklocal, sizeof(iface->ipv6_linklocal) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "link_local_autocfg", iface->linklocal_autocfg, sizeof(iface->linklocal_autocfg) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "router_addr", iface->ipv6_router, sizeof(iface->ipv6_router) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "router_state", iface->router_autocfg, sizeof(iface->router_autocfg) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "grat_neighbor_adv_en", iface->gratuitous_neighbor_adv, sizeof(iface->gratuitous_neighbor_adv) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "mld_en", iface->mld, sizeof(iface->mld) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_u8(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "dup_addr_detect_cnt", &iface->dup_addr_detect_cnt, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u8(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "hop_limit", &iface->hop_limit, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "flow_label", &iface->flow_label, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "nd_reachable_tmo", &iface->nd_reachable_tmo, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "nd_rexmit_time", &iface->nd_rexmit_time, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "nd_stale_tmo", &iface->nd_stale_tmo, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "router_adv_link_mtu", &iface->router_adv_link_mtu, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "traffic_class", &iface->traffic_class, 0, true); } _sysfs_prop_get_u16(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "port", &iface->port, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u16(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "mtu", &iface->mtu, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u16(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "vlan_id", &iface->vlan_id, UINT16_MAX, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u8(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "vlan_priority", &iface->vlan_priority, UINT8_MAX, true); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "vlan_enabled", iface->vlan_state, sizeof(iface->vlan_state) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "enabled", iface->state, sizeof(iface->state) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "delayed_ack_en", iface->delayed_ack, sizeof(iface->delayed_ack) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "tcp_nagle_disable", iface->nagle, sizeof(iface->nagle) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "tcp_wsf_disable", iface->tcp_wsf_state, sizeof(iface->tcp_wsf_state) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_u8(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "tcp_wsf", &iface->tcp_wsf, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u8(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "tcp_timer_scale", &iface->tcp_timer_scale, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "tcp_timestamp_en", iface->tcp_timestamp, sizeof(iface->tcp_timestamp) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "redirect_en", iface->redirect, sizeof(iface->redirect) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_u16(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "def_taskmgmt_tmo", &iface->def_task_mgmt_tmo, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "header_digest", iface->header_digest, sizeof(iface->header_digest) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "data_digest", iface->data_digest, sizeof(iface->data_digest) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "immediate_data", iface->immediate_data, sizeof(iface->immediate_data) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "initial_r2t", iface->initial_r2t, sizeof(iface->initial_r2t) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "data_seq_in_order", iface->data_seq_inorder, sizeof(iface->data_seq_inorder) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "data_pdu_in_order", iface->data_pdu_inorder, sizeof(iface->data_pdu_inorder) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_u8(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "erl", &iface->erl, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "max_recv_dlength", &iface->max_recv_dlength, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "first_burst_len", &iface->first_burst_len, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u16(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "max_outstanding_r2t", &iface->max_out_r2t, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_u32(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "max_burst_len", &iface->max_burst_len, 0, true); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "chap_auth", iface->chap_auth, sizeof(iface->chap_auth) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "bidi_chap", iface->bidi_chap, sizeof(iface->bidi_chap) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "strict_login_comp_en", iface->strict_login_comp, sizeof(iface->strict_login_comp) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "discovery_auth_optional", iface->discovery_auth, sizeof(iface->discovery_auth) / sizeof(char), ""); _sysfs_prop_get_str(ctx, sysfs_iface_dir_path, "discovery_logout", iface->discovery_logout, sizeof(iface->discovery_logout) / sizeof(char), ""); if (sscanf(iface_kern_id, "ipv%d-iface-%" SCNu32 "-%" SCNu32, &iface_type, &tmp_host_no, &iface_num) == 3) iface->iface_num = iface_num; snprintf(iface->name, sizeof(iface->name)/sizeof(char), "%s.%s.%s.%u", iface->transport_name, iface->hwaddress, iface->is_ipv6 ? "ipv6" : "ipv4", iface->iface_num); out: free(sysfs_iface_dir_path); return rc; } int iscsi_ifaces_get(struct iscsi_context *ctx, struct iscsi_iface ***ifaces, uint32_t *iface_count) { int rc = LIBISCSI_OK; struct dirent **namelist = NULL; int n = 0; size_t i = 0; struct iscsi_iface *iface = NULL; int j = 0; uint32_t real_iface_count = 0; assert(ctx != NULL); assert(ifaces != NULL); assert(iface_count != NULL); *ifaces = NULL; *iface_count = 0; _good(_idbm_lock(ctx), rc, out); _good(_scandir(ctx, IFACE_CONFIG_DIR, &namelist, &n), rc, out); _debug(ctx, "Got %d iface from %s folder", n, IFACE_CONFIG_DIR); *iface_count = (n + sizeof(_DEFAULT_IFACES)/sizeof(struct iscsi_iface)) & UINT32_MAX; *ifaces = (struct iscsi_iface **) calloc(*iface_count, sizeof(struct iscsi_iface *)); _alloc_null_check(ctx, *ifaces, rc, out); for (j = 0; j < n; ++j) { _good(_idbm_iface_get(ctx, namelist[j]->d_name, &iface), rc, out); if (iface != NULL) { (*ifaces)[real_iface_count++] = iface; } } for (i = 0; i < sizeof(_DEFAULT_IFACES)/sizeof(struct iscsi_iface); ++i) { iface = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iscsi_iface)); _alloc_null_check(ctx, iface, rc, out); (*ifaces)[real_iface_count++] = iface; memcpy(iface, &_DEFAULT_IFACES[i], sizeof(struct iscsi_iface)); } *iface_count = real_iface_count; out: _scandir_free(namelist, n); _idbm_unlock(ctx); if (rc != LIBISCSI_OK) { iscsi_ifaces_free(*ifaces, *iface_count); *ifaces = NULL; *iface_count = 0; } return rc; } void iscsi_ifaces_free(struct iscsi_iface **ifaces, uint32_t iface_count) { uint32_t i = 0; if ((ifaces == NULL) || (iface_count == 0)) return; for (i = 0; i < iface_count; ++i) iscsi_iface_free(ifaces[i]); free (ifaces); } static bool _iface_is_bound_by_hwaddr(struct iscsi_iface *iface) { if (iface && strlen(iface->hwaddress) && strcmp(iface->hwaddress, DEFAULT_HWADDRESS)) return true; return false; } static bool _iface_is_bound_by_netdev(struct iscsi_iface *iface) { if (iface && strlen(iface->netdev) && strcmp(iface->netdev, DEFAULT_NETDEV)) return true; return false; } bool _iface_is_valid(struct iscsi_iface *iface) { if (!iface) return false; if (strlen(iface->name) == 0) return false; if (strlen(iface->transport_name) == 0) return false; if (_iface_is_bound_by_hwaddr(iface)) return true; if (_iface_is_bound_by_netdev(iface)) return true; /* bound by transport name */ return true; } bool iscsi_is_default_iface(struct iscsi_iface *iface) { size_t i = 0; for (; i < sizeof(_DEFAULT_IFACES)/sizeof(struct iscsi_iface); ++i) { if (strcmp(iface->name, _DEFAULT_IFACES[i].name) == 0) return true; } return false; } const char *iscsi_iface_dump_config(struct iscsi_iface *iface) { FILE *f = NULL; char *buff = NULL; assert(iface != NULL); buff = calloc(1, IDBM_DUMP_SIZE); if (buff == NULL) return NULL; f = fmemopen(buff, IDBM_DUMP_SIZE - 1, "w"); if (f == NULL) { free(buff); return NULL; } _idbm_iface_print(iface, f); fclose(f); return buff; } void iscsi_iface_print_config(struct iscsi_iface *iface) { assert(iface != NULL); _idbm_iface_print(iface, stdout); } int iscsi_iface_get(struct iscsi_context *ctx, const char *iface_name, struct iscsi_iface **iface) { int rc = LIBISCSI_OK; assert(ctx != NULL); assert(iface_name != NULL); assert(strlen(iface_name) != 0); assert(iface != NULL); *iface = NULL; size_t i = 0; for (; i < sizeof(_DEFAULT_IFACES)/sizeof(struct iscsi_iface); ++i) { if (strcmp(iface_name, _DEFAULT_IFACES[i].name) == 0) { *iface = calloc(1, sizeof(struct iscsi_iface)); _alloc_null_check(ctx, *iface, rc, out); memcpy(*iface, &_DEFAULT_IFACES[i], sizeof(struct iscsi_iface)); goto out; } } rc = _idbm_lock(ctx); if (rc != LIBISCSI_OK) return rc; rc = _idbm_iface_get(ctx, iface_name, iface); if (*iface == NULL) rc = LIBISCSI_ERR_IDBM; _idbm_unlock(ctx); out: return rc; } void iscsi_iface_free(struct iscsi_iface *iface) { free(iface); }