# # Things to do for testing # * ensure user is root? -- easy to do * have tests create their own target using targetcli and a file? -- this would be much better, but would pull in a requirement for targetcli-fb and friends, plus we would still need a place for a decent-sized (1G?) file. * have tests do discovery themselves, instead of requiring that to be done already. Either way, we may still need to know the IQN of our target and the host where it lives. * Have tests figure out the device path, so it doesn't have to be passed in. Passing it in requires the called to login to the remote iscsi target and look at the path in /dev/disk/by-id (for example). If we created the disk, we might have a better chance of guessing its name? * Augment tests Right now, the test is a long-ass regression test. Very repetitive and time-consuming. But we also have need of regular unit tests, e.g. for functionality, where a new test could be added each time we find a bug? New tests could include things like: - multipathing - using interface files or not - discovery, with and without authentication - session creation, w/ & w/o auth * Gather actual regression data! - Since we are testing all of these combinations, why not keep historical data to see if there are any negative trends (i.e. regressions)? Need to understand fio and bonnie++ output better to find a way to gather one or two datapoints (max) per test, out of all the info dumped by these programs. * Add in test cases for Discovery and/or Connection validation, which would require either a separate target set up for that, or control of our own target * Only allow /dev/disk/by-* paths, as /dev/sd? paths are inherently problematic, since they can change names. * Add back in the "big warning" from regression.sh? * Find a faster way to zero the disc than using sgdisk and dd. Running both of these on a 10G disc can take minutes. * Come up with some common subsets of tests that can be run when needed, since running all the tests takes forever. Maybe a "short", "medium", and "long" option, so the caller doesn't have to remember the arcane command-line options?