/* * iSCSI Root Boot Program based on daemon code * * Copyright (C) 2004 Dmitry Yusupov, Alex Aizman * Copyright (C) 2006 Mike Christie * Copyright (C) 2006 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. * maintained by open-iscsi@googlegroups.com * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * See the file COPYING included with this distribution for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "initiator.h" #include "iscsi_ipc.h" #include "event_poll.h" #include "transport.h" #include "log.h" #include "iscsi_util.h" #include "idbm.h" #include "idbm_fields.h" #include "version.h" #include "iscsi_sysfs.h" #include "iscsi_settings.h" #include "fw_context.h" #include "iface.h" #include "sysdeps.h" #include "iscsid_req.h" #include "iscsi_err.h" #include "iface.h" /* global config info */ /* initiator needs initiator name/alias */ struct iscsi_daemon_config daemon_config; struct iscsi_daemon_config *dconfig = &daemon_config; static node_rec_t config_rec; static LIST_HEAD(targets); static LIST_HEAD(user_params); static char program_name[] = "iscsistart"; /* used by initiator */ extern struct iscsi_ipc *ipc; static struct option const long_options[] = { {"initiatorname", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"targetname", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"tgpt", required_argument, NULL, 'g'}, {"address", required_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {"port", required_argument, NULL, 'p'}, {"username", required_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"password", required_argument, NULL, 'w'}, {"username_in", required_argument, NULL, 'U'}, {"password_in", required_argument, NULL, 'W'}, {"debug", required_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"fwparam_connect", no_argument, NULL, 'b'}, {"fwparam_network", no_argument, NULL, 'N'}, {"fwparam_print", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"param", required_argument, NULL, 'P'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0}, }; static void usage(int status) { if (status != 0) fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", program_name); else { printf("Usage: %s [OPTION]\n", program_name); printf("\ Open-iSCSI initiator.\n\ -i, --initiatorname=name set InitiatorName to name (Required)\n\ -t, --targetname=name set TargetName to name (Required)\n\ -g, --tgpt=N set target portal group tag to N (Required)\n\ -a, --address=A.B.C.D set IP address to A.B.C.D (Required)\n\ -p, --port=N set port to N (Default 3260)\n\ -u, --username=N set username to N (optional)\n\ -w, --password=N set password to N (optional\n\ -U, --username_in=N set incoming username to N (optional)\n\ -W, --password_in=N set incoming password to N (optional)\n\ -d, --debug=debuglevel print debugging information \n\ -b, --fwparam_connect create a session to the target using iBFT or OF\n\ -N, --fwparam_network bring up the network as specified by iBFT or OF\n\ -f, --fwparam_print print the iBFT or OF info to STDOUT \n\ -P, --param=NAME=VALUE set parameter with the name NAME to VALUE\n\ -h, --help display this help and exit\n\ -v, --version display version and exit\n\ "); } exit(status); } static int stop_event_loop(void) { iscsiadm_req_t req; iscsiadm_rsp_t rsp; int rc; memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.command = MGMT_IPC_IMMEDIATE_STOP; rc = iscsid_exec_req(&req, &rsp, 0, -1); if (rc) { iscsi_err_print_msg(rc); log_error("Could not stop event_loop"); } return rc; } static int apply_params(struct node_rec *rec) { struct user_param *param; int rc; /* Must init this so we can check if user overrode them */ rec->session.initial_login_retry_max = -1; rec->conn[0].timeo.noop_out_interval = -1; rec->conn[0].timeo.noop_out_timeout = -1; rec->session.scan = -1; list_for_each_entry(param, &user_params, list) { /* * user may not have passed in all params that were set by * ibft/iscsi_boot, so clear out values that might conflict * with user overrides */ if (!strcmp(param->name, IFACE_NETNAME)) { /* overriding netname so MAC will be for old netdev */ memset(rec->iface.hwaddress, 0, sizeof(rec->iface.hwaddress)); } else if (!strcmp(param->name, IFACE_HWADDR)) { /* overriding MAC so netdev will be for old MAC */ memset(rec->iface.netdev, 0, sizeof(rec->iface.netdev)); } else if (!strcmp(param->name, IFACE_TRANSPORTNAME)) { /* * switching drivers so all old binding info is no * longer valid. Old values were either for offload * and we are switching to software or the reverse, * or switching types of cards (bnx2i to cxgb3i). */ memset(&rec->iface, 0, sizeof(rec->iface)); iface_setup_defaults(&rec->iface); } } rc = idbm_node_set_rec_from_param(&user_params, rec, 0); if (rc) return rc; /* * For root boot we could not change this in older versions so * if user did not override then use the defaults. * * Increase to account for boot using static setup. */ if (rec->session.initial_login_retry_max == -1) rec->session.initial_login_retry_max = 30; /* we used to not be able to answer so turn off */ if (rec->conn[0].timeo.noop_out_interval == -1) rec->conn[0].timeo.noop_out_interval = 0; if (rec->conn[0].timeo.noop_out_timeout == -1) rec->conn[0].timeo.noop_out_timeout = 0; if (rec->session.scan == -1) rec->session.scan = DEF_INITIAL_SCAN; return 0; } static int parse_param(char *param_str) { struct user_param *param; char *name, *value; name = param_str; value = strchr(param_str, '='); if (!value) { log_error("Invalid --param %s. Missing value.", param_str); return ISCSI_ERR_INVAL; } *value = '\0'; value++; if (!strlen(value)) { log_error("Invalid --param %s. Missing value.", param_str); return ISCSI_ERR_INVAL; } param = idbm_alloc_user_param(name, value); if (!param) { log_error("Could not allocate memory for param."); return ISCSI_ERR_NOMEM; } list_add(¶m->list, &user_params); return 0; } static int login_session(struct node_rec *rec) { iscsiadm_req_t req; iscsiadm_rsp_t rsp; int rc, retries = 0; rc = apply_params(rec); if (rc) return rc; printf("%s: Logging into %s %s:%d,%d\n", program_name, rec->name, rec->conn[0].address, rec->conn[0].port, rec->tpgt); memset(&req, 0, sizeof(req)); req.command = MGMT_IPC_SESSION_LOGIN; memcpy(&req.u.session.rec, rec, sizeof(*rec)); retry: rc = iscsid_exec_req(&req, &rsp, 0, ISCSID_REQ_TIMEOUT); /* * handle race where iscsid proc is starting up while we are * trying to connect. */ if (rc == ISCSI_ERR_ISCSID_NOTCONN && retries < 30) { retries++; sleep(1); goto retry; } else if (rc) iscsi_err_print_msg(rc); return rc; } static int setup_session(void) { struct boot_context *context; int rc = 0, rc2 = 0; if (list_empty(&targets)) return login_session(&config_rec); list_for_each_entry(context, &targets, list) { struct node_rec *rec; rec = idbm_create_rec_from_boot_context(context); if (!rec) { log_error("Could not allocate memory. Could " "not start boot session to " "%s,%s,%d", context->targetname, context->target_ipaddr, context->target_port); continue; } rc2 = login_session(rec); if (rc2) rc = rc2; free(rec); } fw_free_targets(&targets); return rc; } int session_in_use(int sid) { return 0; } static void catch_signal(int signo) { log_warning("pid %d caught signal -%d", getpid(), signo); } static int check_params(char *initiatorname) { if (!initiatorname) { log_error("InitiatorName not set. Exiting %s", program_name); return EINVAL; } if (config_rec.tpgt == PORTAL_GROUP_TAG_UNKNOWN) { log_error("Portal Group not set. Exiting %s", program_name); return EINVAL; } if (!strlen(config_rec.name)) { log_error("TargetName not set. Exiting %s", program_name); return EINVAL; } if (!strlen(config_rec.conn[0].address)) { log_error("IP Address not set. Exiting %s", program_name); return EINVAL; } return 0; } #define check_str_param_len(str, max_len, param) \ do { \ if (strlen(str) > max_len) { \ printf("%s: invalid %s %s. Max %s length is %d.\n", \ program_name, param, str, param, max_len); \ exit(ISCSI_ERR_INVAL); \ } \ } while (0); int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct utsname host_info; /* will use to compound initiator alias */ struct iscsi_auth_config *auth; char *initiatorname = NULL; int ch, longindex, ret; struct boot_context *context, boot_context; struct sigaction sa_old; struct sigaction sa_new; int control_fd, mgmt_ipc_fd, err; pid_t pid; idbm_node_setup_defaults(&config_rec); config_rec.name[0] = '\0'; config_rec.conn[0].address[0] = '\0'; auth = &config_rec.session.auth; /* do not allow ctrl-c for now... */ sa_new.sa_handler = catch_signal; sigemptyset(&sa_new.sa_mask); sa_new.sa_flags = 0; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa_new, &sa_old ); /* initialize logger */ log_init(program_name, DEFAULT_AREA_SIZE, log_do_log_std, NULL); sysfs_init(); while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "P:i:t:g:a:p:d:u:w:U:W:bNfvh", long_options, &longindex)) >= 0) { switch (ch) { case 'i': initiatorname = optarg; break; case 't': check_str_param_len(optarg, TARGET_NAME_MAXLEN, "targetname"); strlcpy(config_rec.name, optarg, TARGET_NAME_MAXLEN); break; case 'g': config_rec.tpgt = atoi(optarg); break; case 'a': check_str_param_len(optarg, NI_MAXHOST, "address"); strlcpy(config_rec.conn[0].address, optarg, NI_MAXHOST); break; case 'p': config_rec.conn[0].port = atoi(optarg); break; case 'w': check_str_param_len(optarg, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN, "password"); strlcpy((char *)auth->password, optarg, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN); auth->password_length = strlen((char *)auth->password); break; case 'W': check_str_param_len(optarg, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN, "password_in"); strlcpy((char *)auth->password_in, optarg, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN); auth->password_in_length = strlen((char *)auth->password_in); break; case 'u': check_str_param_len(optarg, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN, "username"); strlcpy(auth->username, optarg, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN); break; case 'U': check_str_param_len(optarg, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN, "username_in"); strlcpy(auth->username_in, optarg, AUTH_STR_MAX_LEN); break; case 'd': log_level = atoi(optarg); break; case 'b': memset(&boot_context, 0, sizeof(boot_context)); ret = fw_get_entry(&boot_context); if (ret) { printf("Could not get boot entry.\n"); exit(ret); } initiatorname = boot_context.initiatorname; ret = fw_get_targets(&targets); if (ret || list_empty(&targets)) { printf("Could not setup fw entries.\n"); exit(ret); } break; case 'N': exit(fw_setup_nics()); case 'f': ret = fw_get_targets(&targets); if (ret || list_empty(&targets)) { printf("Could not get list of targets from " "firmware.\n"); exit(ret); } list_for_each_entry(context, &targets, list) fw_print_entry(context); fw_free_targets(&targets); exit(0); case 'P': err = parse_param(optarg); if (err) exit(err); break; case 'v': printf("%s version %s\n", program_name, ISCSI_VERSION_STR); exit(0); case 'h': usage(0); break; default: usage(ISCSI_ERR_INVAL); break; } } if (list_empty(&targets) && check_params(initiatorname)) exit(ISCSI_ERR_INVAL); pid = fork(); if (pid < 0) { log_error("iscsiboot fork failed"); exit(ISCSI_ERR_NOMEM); } else if (pid) { int status, rc, rc2; rc = setup_session(); rc2 = stop_event_loop(); /* * something horrible happened. kill child and get * out of here */ if (rc2) kill(pid, SIGTERM); waitpid(pid, &status, WUNTRACED); if (rc || rc2) exit(ISCSI_ERR); log_debug(1, "iscsi parent done"); exit(0); } mgmt_ipc_fd = mgmt_ipc_listen(); if (mgmt_ipc_fd < 0) { log_error("Could not setup mgmt ipc"); exit(ISCSI_ERR_NOMEM); } control_fd = ipc->ctldev_open(); if (control_fd < 0) exit(ISCSI_ERR_NOMEM); memset(&daemon_config, 0, sizeof (daemon_config)); daemon_config.initiator_name = initiatorname; /* optional InitiatorAlias */ memset(&host_info, 0, sizeof (host_info)); if (uname(&host_info) >= 0) daemon_config.initiator_alias = host_info.nodename; log_debug(1, "InitiatorName=%s", daemon_config.initiator_name); log_debug(1, "InitiatorAlias=%s", daemon_config.initiator_alias); log_debug(1, "TargetName=%s", config_rec.name); log_debug(1, "TPGT=%d", config_rec.tpgt); log_debug(1, "IP Address=%s", config_rec.conn[0].address); /* log the version, so that we can tell if the daemon and kernel module * match based on what shows up in the syslog. Tarballs releases * always install both, but Linux distributors may put the kernel module * in a different RPM from the daemon and utils, and users may try to * mix and match in ways that don't work. */ log_error("version %s", ISCSI_VERSION_STR); /* oom-killer will not kill us at the night... */ if (oom_adjust()) log_debug(1, "can not adjust oom-killer's pardon"); /* * Start Main Event Loop */ iscsi_initiator_init(); event_loop(ipc, control_fd, mgmt_ipc_fd); ipc->ctldev_close(); mgmt_ipc_close(mgmt_ipc_fd); free_initiator(); sysfs_cleanup(); log_debug(1, "iscsi child done"); return 0; }