## Makefile for OpenSSL
## {- join("\n## ", @autowarntext) -}
 our $objext = $target{obj_extension} || ".obj";
 our $resext = $target{res_extension} || ".res";
 our $depext = $target{dep_extension} || ".d";
 our $exeext = $target{exe_extension} || ".exe";
 our $libext = $target{lib_extension} || ".lib";
 our $shlibext = $target{shared_extension} || ".dll";
 our $shlibextimport = $target{shared_import_extension} || ".lib";
 our $dsoext = $target{dso_extension} || ".dll";

 (our $sover_dirname = $config{shlib_version_number}) =~ s|\.|_|g;

 my $win_installenv =
     $target{build_scheme}->[2] eq "VC-W32" ?
     "ProgramFiles(x86)" : "ProgramW6432";
 my $win_commonenv =
     $target{build_scheme}->[2] eq "VC-W32"
     ? "CommonProgramFiles(x86)" : "CommonProgramW6432";
 our $win_installroot =
     ? $win_installenv : 'ProgramFiles';
 our $win_commonroot =
     ? $win_commonenv : 'CommonProgramFiles';

 # expand variables early
 $win_installroot = $ENV{$win_installroot};
 $win_commonroot = $ENV{$win_commonroot};

 sub shlib {
     my $lib = shift;
     return () if $disabled{shared} || $lib =~ /\.a$/;
     return () unless defined $unified_info{sharednames}->{$lib};
     return $unified_info{sharednames}->{$lib} . $shlibext;

 sub lib {
     (my $lib = shift) =~ s/\.a$//;
     return $lib . $libext;

 sub shlib_import {
     my $lib = shift;
     return () if $disabled{shared} || $lib =~ /\.a$/;
     return $lib . $shlibextimport;

 sub dso {
     my $dso = shift;

     return $dso . $dsoext;
 # This makes sure things get built in the order they need
 # to. You're welcome.
 sub dependmagic {
     my $target = shift;

     return "$target: build_generated\n\t\$(MAKE) /\$(MAKEFLAGS) depend && \$(MAKE) /\$(MAKEFLAGS) _$target\n_$target";

PLATFORM={- $config{target} -}
SRCDIR={- $config{sourcedir} -}
BLDDIR={- $config{builddir} -}

VERSION={- $config{version} -}
MAJOR={- $config{major} -}
MINOR={- $config{minor} -}

SHLIB_VERSION_NUMBER={- $config{shlib_version_number} -}

LIBS={- join(" ", map { lib($_) } @{$unified_info{libraries}}) -}
SHLIBS={- join(" ", map { shlib($_) } @{$unified_info{libraries}}) -}
SHLIBPDBS={- join(" ", map { local $shlibext = ".pdb"; shlib($_) } @{$unified_info{libraries}}) -}
ENGINES={- join(" ", map { dso($_) } @{$unified_info{engines}}) -}
ENGINEPDBS={- join(" ", map { local $dsoext = ".pdb"; dso($_) } @{$unified_info{engines}}) -}
PROGRAMS={- our @PROGRAMS = map { $_.$exeext } @{$unified_info{programs}}; join(" ", @PROGRAMS) -}
PROGRAMPDBS={- join(" ", map { $_.".pdb" } @{$unified_info{programs}}) -}
SCRIPTS={- join(" ", @{$unified_info{scripts}}) -}
{- output_off() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
DEPS={- join(" ", map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$depext|; $x; }
                  grep { $unified_info{sources}->{$_}->[0] =~ /\.c$/ }
                  keys %{$unified_info{sources}}); -}
{- output_on() if $disabled{makedepend}; "" -}
GENERATED_MANDATORY={- join(" ", @{$unified_info{depends}->{""}} ) -}
GENERATED={- join(" ",
                  ( map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.[sS]$|\.asm|; $x }
                    grep { defined $unified_info{generate}->{$_} }
                    map { @{$unified_info{sources}->{$_}} }
                    grep { /\.o$/ } keys %{$unified_info{sources}} ),
                  ( grep { /\.h$/ } keys %{$unified_info{generate}} )) -}

INSTALL_LIBS={- join(" ", map { lib($_) } @{$unified_info{install}->{libraries}}) -}
INSTALL_SHLIBS={- join(" ", map { shlib($_) } @{$unified_info{install}->{libraries}}) -}
INSTALL_SHLIBPDBS={- join(" ", map { local $shlibext = ".pdb"; shlib($_) } @{$unified_info{install}->{libraries}}) -}
INSTALL_ENGINES={- join(" ", map { dso($_) } @{$unified_info{install}->{engines}}) -}
INSTALL_ENGINEPDBS={- join(" ", map { local $dsoext = ".pdb"; dso($_) } @{$unified_info{install}->{engines}}) -}
INSTALL_PROGRAMS={- join(" ", map { $_.$exeext } grep { !m|^test\\| } @{$unified_info{install}->{programs}}) -}
INSTALL_PROGRAMPDBS={- join(" ", map { $_.".pdb" } grep { !m|^test\\| } @{$unified_info{install}->{programs}}) -}
{- output_off() if $disabled{apps}; "" -}
MISC_SCRIPTS=$(BLDDIR)\apps\CA.pl $(BLDDIR)\apps\tsget.pl
{- output_on() if $disabled{apps}; "" -}

APPS_OPENSSL={- use File::Spec::Functions;
                catfile("apps","openssl") -}

# Do not edit these manually. Use Configure with --prefix or --openssldir
# to change this!  Short explanation in the top comment in Configure
INSTALLTOP_dev={- # $prefix is used in the OPENSSLDIR perl snippet
                  use File::Spec::Functions qw(:DEFAULT splitpath);
                  our $prefix = canonpath($config{prefix}
                                          || "$win_installroot\\OpenSSL");
                  our ($prefix_dev, $prefix_dir, $prefix_file) =
                      splitpath($prefix, 1);
                  $prefix_dev -}
INSTALLTOP_dir={- canonpath($prefix_dir) -}
                  # The logic here is that if no --openssldir was given,
                  # OPENSSLDIR will get the value "$win_commonroot\\SSL".
                  # If --openssldir was given and the value is an absolute
                  # path, OPENSSLDIR will get its value without change.
                  # If the value from --openssldir is a relative path,
                  # OPENSSLDIR will get $prefix with the --openssldir
                  # value appended as a subdirectory.
                  use File::Spec::Functions qw(:DEFAULT splitpath);
                  our $openssldir =
                      $config{openssldir} ?
                          (file_name_is_absolute($config{openssldir}) ?
                               : catdir($prefix, $config{openssldir}))
                          : canonpath("$win_commonroot\\SSL");
                  our ($openssldir_dev, $openssldir_dir, $openssldir_file) =
                      splitpath($openssldir, 1);
                  $openssldir_dev -}
OPENSSLDIR_dir={- canonpath($openssldir_dir) -}
LIBDIR={- our $libdir = $config{libdir} || "lib";
          file_name_is_absolute($libdir) ? "" : $libdir -}
ENGINESDIR_dev={- use File::Spec::Functions qw(:DEFAULT splitpath);
                  our $enginesdir = catdir($prefix,$libdir,"engines-$sover_dirname");
                  our ($enginesdir_dev, $enginesdir_dir, $enginesdir_file) =
                      splitpath($enginesdir, 1);
                  $enginesdir_dev -}
ENGINESDIR_dir={- canonpath($enginesdir_dir) -}
!IF "$(DESTDIR)" != ""

# $(libdir) is chosen to be compatible with the GNU coding standards
libdir={- file_name_is_absolute($libdir)
          ? $libdir : '$(INSTALLTOP)\$(LIBDIR)' -}

##### User defined commands and flags ################################

CC={- $config{CC} -}
CPP={- $config{CPP} -}
CPPFLAGS={- our $cppflags1 = join(" ",
                                  (map { "-D".$_} @{$config{CPPDEFINES}}),
                                  (map { " /I ".$_} @{$config{CPPINCLUDES}}),
                                  @{$config{CPPFLAGS}}) -}
CFLAGS={- join(' ', @{$config{CFLAGS}}) -}
LD={- $config{LD} -}
LDFLAGS={- join(' ', @{$config{LDFLAGS}}) -}
EX_LIBS={- join(' ', @{$config{LDLIBS}}) -}

PERL={- $config{perl} -}

AR={- $config{AR} -}
ARFLAGS= {- join(' ', @{$config{ARFLAGS}}) -}

MT={- $config{MT} -}
MTFLAGS= {- join(' ', @{$config{MTFLAGS}}) -}

AS={- $config{AS} -}
ASFLAGS={- join(' ', @{$config{ASFLAGS}}) -}

RC={- $config{RC} -}

##### Special command flags ##########################################

COUTFLAG={- $target{coutflag} -}$(OSSL_EMPTY)
LDOUTFLAG={- $target{ldoutflag} -}$(OSSL_EMPTY)
AROUTFLAG={- $target{aroutflag} -}$(OSSL_EMPTY)
MTINFLAG={- $target{mtinflag} -}$(OSSL_EMPTY)
MTOUTFLAG={- $target{mtoutflag} -}$(OSSL_EMPTY)
ASOUTFLAG={- $target{asoutflag} -}$(OSSL_EMPTY)
RCOUTFLAG={- $target{rcoutflag} -}$(OSSL_EMPTY)

##### Project flags ##################################################

# Variables starting with CNF_ are common variables for all product types

CNF_ASFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{asflags} || (),
                         @{$config{asflags}}) -}
CNF_CPPFLAGS={- our $cppfags2 =
                    join(' ', $target{cppflags} || (),
                              (map { quotify_l("-D".$_) } @{$target{defines}},
                              (map { quotify_l("-I".$_) } @{$target{includes}},
                              @{$config{cppflags}}) -}
CNF_CFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{cflags} || (),
                        @{$config{cflags}}) -}
CNF_CXXFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{cxxflags} || (),
                          @{$config{cxxflags}}) -}
CNF_LDFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{lflags} || (),
                         @{$config{lflags}}) -}
CNF_EX_LIBS={- join(' ', $target{ex_libs} || (),
                         @{$config{ex_libs}}) -}

# Variables starting with LIB_ are used to build library object files
# and shared libraries.
# Variables starting with DSO_ are used to build DSOs and their object files.
# Variables starting with BIN_ are used to build programs and their object
# files.

LIB_ASFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{lib_asflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_ASFLAGS)', '$(ASFLAGS)') -}
LIB_CPPFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{lib_cppflags} || (),
                          $target{shared_cppflag} || (),
                          (map { quotify_l("-D".$_) }
                          (map { quotify_l("-I".$_) }
                          '$(CNF_CPPFLAGS)', '$(CPPFLAGS)') -}
LIB_CFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{lib_cflags} || (),
                        $target{shared_cflag} || (),
                        '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}
LIB_LDFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{shared_ldflag} || (),
                         $config{shared_ldflag} || (),
                         '$(CNF_LDFLAGS)', '$(LDFLAGS)') -}
DSO_ASFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{dso_asflags} || (),
                         $target{module_asflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_ASFLAGS)', '$(ASFLAGS)') -}
DSO_CPPFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{dso_cppflags} || (),
                          $target{module_cppflags} || (),
                          '$(CNF_CPPFLAGS)', '$(CPPFLAGS)') -}
DSO_CFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{dso_cflags} || (),
                        $target{module_cflags} || (),
                        '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}
DSO_LDFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{dso_lflags} || (),
                         $target{module_ldflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_LDFLAGS)', '$(LDFLAGS)') -}
BIN_ASFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{bin_asflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_ASFLAGS)', '$(ASFLAGS)') -}
BIN_CPPFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{bin_cppflags} || (),
                          '$(CNF_CPPFLAGS)', '$(CPPFLAGS)') -}
BIN_CFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{bin_cflags} || (),
                        '$(CNF_CFLAGS)', '$(CFLAGS)') -}
BIN_LDFLAGS={- join(' ', $target{bin_lflags} || (),
                         '$(CNF_LDFLAGS)', '$(LDFLAGS)') -}

# CPPFLAGS_Q is used for one thing only: to build up buildinf.h
CPPFLAGS_Q={- $cppflags1 =~ s|([\\"])|\\$1|g;
              $cppflags2 =~ s|([\\"])|\\$1|g;
              join(' ', $cppflags1 || (), $cppflags2 || ()) -}

PERLASM_SCHEME= {- $target{perlasm_scheme} -}

PROCESSOR= {- $config{processor} -}

# The main targets ###################################################

{- dependmagic('all'); -}: build_libs_nodep build_engines_nodep build_programs_nodep
{- dependmagic('build_libs'); -}: build_libs_nodep
{- dependmagic('build_engines'); -}: build_engines_nodep
{- dependmagic('build_programs'); -}: build_programs_nodep

build_generated: $(GENERATED_MANDATORY)
build_libs_nodep: $(LIBS) {- join(" ",map { shlib_import($_) } @{$unified_info{libraries}}) -}
build_engines_nodep: $(ENGINES)
build_programs_nodep: $(PROGRAMS) $(SCRIPTS)

# Kept around for backward compatibility
build_apps build_tests: build_programs

# Convenience target to prebuild all generated files, not just the mandatory
# ones
build_all_generated: $(GENERATED_MANDATORY) $(GENERATED)

test: tests
{- dependmagic('tests'); -}: build_programs_nodep build_engines_nodep
	@rem {- output_off() if $disabled{tests}; "" -}
	-mkdir $(BLDDIR)\test\test-runs
	set RESULT_D=$(BLDDIR)\test\test-runs
	set PERL=$(PERL)
	"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\test\run_tests.pl" $(TESTS)
	@rem {- if ($disabled{tests}) { output_on(); } else { output_off(); } "" -}
	@echo "Tests are not supported with your chosen Configure options"
	@rem {- output_on() if !$disabled{tests}; "" -}

	@rem {- output_off() if $disabled{tests}; "" -}
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\test\run_tests.pl" list
	@rem {- if ($disabled{tests}) { output_on(); } else { output_off(); } "" -}
	@echo "Tests are not supported with your chosen Configure options"
	@rem {- output_on() if !$disabled{tests}; "" -}

install: install_sw install_ssldirs install_docs

uninstall: uninstall_docs uninstall_sw

	"$(PERL)" -e "map { m/(.*)\.dll$$/; unlink glob """$$1.*"""; } @ARGV" $(SHLIBS)
	"$(PERL)" -e "map { m/(.*)\.dll$$/; unlink glob """apps/$$1.*"""; } @ARGV" $(SHLIBS)
	"$(PERL)" -e "map { m/(.*)\.dll$$/; unlink glob """test/$$1.*"""; } @ARGV" $(SHLIBS)
	"$(PERL)" -e "map { m/(.*)\.dll$$/; unlink glob """fuzz/$$1.*"""; } @ARGV" $(SHLIBS)
	-del /Q /F $(LIBS)
	-del /Q ossl_static.pdb

clean: libclean
	{- join("\n\t", map { "-del /Q /F $_" } @PROGRAMS) -}
	-del /Q /F $(ENGINES)
	-del /Q /F $(SCRIPTS)
	-del /Q /F $(GENERATED)
	-del /Q /S /F *.d
	-del /Q /S /F *.obj
	-del /Q /S /F *.pdb
	-del /Q /F *.exp
	-del /Q /F apps\*.exp
	-del /Q /F engines\*.exp
	-del /Q /S /F engines\*.ilk
	-del /Q /S /F engines\*.lib
	-del /Q /S /F apps\*.lib
	-del /Q /S /F engines\*.manifest
	-del /Q /S /F apps\*.manifest
	-del /Q /S /F test\*.manifest

distclean: clean
	-del /Q /F configdata.pm
	-del /Q /F makefile


# Install helper targets #############################################

install_sw: all install_dev install_engines install_runtime

uninstall_sw: uninstall_runtime uninstall_engines uninstall_dev

install_docs: install_html_docs

uninstall_docs: uninstall_html_docs

	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(OPENSSLDIR)\certs"
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(OPENSSLDIR)\private"
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(OPENSSLDIR)\misc"
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" "$(SRCDIR)\apps\openssl.cnf" \
	@IF NOT EXIST "$(OPENSSLDIR)\openssl.cnf" \
         "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" "$(SRCDIR)\apps\openssl.cnf" \
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(MISC_SCRIPTS) \
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" "$(SRCDIR)\apps\ct_log_list.cnf" \
	@IF NOT EXIST "$(OPENSSLDIR)\ct_log_list.cnf" \
         "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" "$(SRCDIR)\apps\ct_log_list.cnf" \

	@if "$(INSTALLTOP)"=="" ( echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty & exit 1 )
	@echo *** Installing development files
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(INSTALLTOP)\include\openssl"
	@rem {- output_off() unless grep { $_ eq "OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK" } @{$config{defines}}; "" -}
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" "$(SRCDIR)\ms\applink.c" \
	@rem {- output_on() unless grep { $_ eq "OPENSSL_USE_APPLINK" } @{$config{defines}}; "" -}
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" "$(SRCDIR)\include\openssl\*.h" \
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(BLDDIR)\include\openssl\*.h \
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(libdir)"
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(INSTALL_LIBS) "$(libdir)"
	@if "$(SHLIBS)"=="" \
	 "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" ossl_static.pdb "$(libdir)"


	@if "$(INSTALLTOP)"=="" ( echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty & exit 1 )
	@echo *** Installing engines
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(ENGINESDIR)"
	@if not "$(ENGINES)"=="" \
	 "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(INSTALL_ENGINES) "$(ENGINESDIR)"
	@if not "$(ENGINES)"=="" \
	 "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(INSTALL_ENGINEPDBS) "$(ENGINESDIR)"


	@if "$(INSTALLTOP)"=="" ( echo INSTALLTOP should not be empty & exit 1 )
	@echo *** Installing runtime files
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\mkdir-p.pl" "$(INSTALLTOP)\bin"
	@if not "$(SHLIBS)"=="" \
	 "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(INSTALL_SHLIBS) "$(INSTALLTOP)\bin"
	@if not "$(SHLIBS)"=="" \
	 "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(INSTALL_SHLIBPDBS) \
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(INSTALL_PROGRAMS) \
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(INSTALL_PROGRAMPDBS) \
	@"$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\copy.pl" $(BIN_SCRIPTS) \


        "$(PERL)" "$(SRCDIR)\util\process_docs.pl" \
                "--destdir=$(INSTALLTOP)\html" --type=html


# Building targets ###################################################

configdata.pm: "$(SRCDIR)\Configure" {- join(" ", map { '"'.$_.'"' } @{$config{build_file_templates}}, @{$config{build_infos}}, @{$config{conf_files}}) -}
	@echo "Detected changed: $?"
	"$(PERL)" configdata.pm -r
	@echo "**************************************************"
	@echo "***                                            ***"
	@echo "***   Please run the same make command again   ***"
	@echo "***                                            ***"
	@echo "**************************************************"
	@exit 1

reconfigure reconf:
	"$(PERL)" configdata.pm -r

 use File::Basename;
 use File::Spec::Functions qw/:DEFAULT abs2rel rel2abs/;

 # Helper function to figure out dependencies on libraries
 # It takes a list of library names and outputs a list of dependencies
 sub compute_lib_depends {
     if ($disabled{shared}) {
	 return map { lib($_) } @_;
     foreach (@_) {
         (my $l = $_) =~ s/\.a$//;
         die "Linking with static variants of shared libraries is not supported in this configuration\n"
             if $l ne $_ && shlib($l);
     return map { shlib_import($_) or lib($_) } @_;

  sub generatesrc {
      my %args = @_;
      (my $target = $args{src}) =~ s/\.[sS]$/.asm/;
      my ($gen0, @gens) = @{$args{generator}};
      my $generator = '"'.$gen0.'"'.join('', map { " $_" } @gens);
      my $generator_incs = join("", map { " -I \"$_\"" } @{$args{generator_incs}});
      my $incs = join("", map { " /I \"$_\"" } @{$args{incs}});
      my $deps = @{$args{deps}} ?
          '"'.join('" "', @{$args{generator_deps}}, @{$args{deps}}).'"' : '';

      if ($target !~ /\.asm$/) {
          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ m|^.*\.in$|) {
              my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
                                                   "util", "dofile.pl")),
              return <<"EOF";
$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
	"\$(PERL)" "-I\$(BLDDIR)" -Mconfigdata "$dofile" \\
	    "-o$target{build_file}" $generator > \$@
	  } else {
              return <<"EOF";
$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
	"\$(PERL)"$generator_incs $generator > \$@
      } else {
          if ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.pl$/) {
              $generator = '"$(PERL)"'.$generator_incs.' '.$generator;
          } elsif ($args{generator}->[0] =~ /\.S$/) {
              $generator = undef;
          } else {
              die "Generator type for $src unknown: $generator\n";

          my $cppflags = $incs;
          $cppflags .= {
              lib => ' $(LIB_CFLAGS) $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
              dso => ' $(DSO_CFLAGS) $(DSO_CPPFLAGS)',
              bin => ' $(BIN_CFLAGS) $(BIN_CPPFLAGS)'
          } -> {$args{intent}};
          if (defined($generator)) {
              # If the target is named foo.S in build.info, we want to
              # end up generating foo.s in two steps.
              if ($args{src} =~ /\.S$/) {
                   return <<"EOF";
$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
	set ASM=\$(AS)
	$generator \$@.S
	\$(CPP) $cppflags \$@.S > \$@.i && move /Y \$@.i \$@
        del /Q \$@.S
              # Otherwise....
              return <<"EOF";
$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
	set ASM=\$(AS)
	$generator \$@
          return <<"EOF";
$target: "$args{generator}->[0]" $deps
	\$(CPP) $incs $cppflags "$args{generator}->[0]" > \$@.i && move /Y \$@.i \$@

 sub src2obj {
     my %args = @_;
     my @srcs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s/\.s$/.asm/; $x
                    } ( @{$args{srcs}} );
     my $srcs = '"'.join('" "',  @srcs).'"';
     my $deps = '"'.join('" "', @srcs, @{$args{deps}}).'"';
     my $incs = join("", map { ' /I "'.$_.'"' } @{$args{incs}});
     my $cflags = { lib => ' $(LIB_CFLAGS)',
		    dso => ' $(DSO_CFLAGS)',
		    bin => ' $(BIN_CFLAGS)' } -> {$args{intent}};
     $cflags .= $incs;
     $cflags .= { lib => ' $(LIB_CPPFLAGS)',
		  dso => ' $(DSO_CPPFLAGS)',
		  bin => ' $(BIN_CPPFLAGS)' } -> {$args{intent}};
     my $asflags = { lib => ' $(LIB_ASFLAGS)',
		     dso => ' $(DSO_ASFLAGS)',
		     bin => ' $(BIN_ASFLAGS)' } -> {$args{intent}};
     my $makedepprog = $config{makedepprog};
     if ($srcs[0] =~ /\.rc$/) {
         return <<"EOF";
$args{obj}: $deps
	\$(RC) \$(RCOUTFLAG)\$\@ $srcs
     (my $obj = $args{obj}) =~ s|\.o$||;
     if ($srcs[0] =~ /\.asm$/) {
         return <<"EOF";
$obj$objext: $deps
	\$(AS) $asflags \$(ASOUTFLAG)\$\@ $srcs
     return <<"EOF"	if (!$disabled{makedepend});
$obj$depext: $deps
	\$(CC) $cflags /Zs /showIncludes $srcs 2>&1 | \\
	    "\$(PERL)" -n << > $obj$depext
s/^Note: including file: *//;
\$\$collect{\$\$_} = 1;
END { print '$obj$objext: ',join(" ", sort keys \%collect),"\\n" }
$obj$objext: $obj$depext
	\$(CC) $cflags -c \$(COUTFLAG)\$\@ @<<
    return <<"EOF"	if ($disabled{makedepend});
$obj$objext: $deps
	\$(CC) $cflags -c \$(COUTFLAG)\$\@ $srcs

 # On Unix, we build shlibs from static libs, so we're ignoring the
 # object file array.  We *know* this routine is only called when we've
 # configure 'shared'.
 sub libobj2shlib {
     my %args = @_;
     my $lib = $args{lib};
     my $shlib = $args{shlib};
     my @objs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$objext|; $x }
                grep { $_ =~ m/\.(?:o|res)$/ }
     my @defs = grep { $_ =~ /\.def$/ } @{$args{objs}};
     my @deps = compute_lib_depends(@{$args{deps}});
     die "More than one exported symbols list" if scalar @defs > 1;
     my $linklibs = join("", map { "$_\n" } @deps);
     my $objs = join("\n", @objs);
     my $deps = join(" ", @objs, @defs, @deps);
     my $target = shlib_import($lib);
     my $shared_def = join("", map { " /def:$_" } @defs);
     return <<"EOF"
$target: $deps
	IF EXIST $shlib$shlibext.manifest DEL /F /Q $shlib$shlibext.manifest
	\$(LD) \$(LDFLAGS) \$(LIB_LDFLAGS) \\
		/implib:\$@ \$(LDOUTFLAG)$shlib$shlibext$shared_def @<< || (DEL /Q \$(\@B).* $shlib.* && EXIT 1)
	IF EXIST $shlib$shlibext.manifest \\
	   \$(MT) \$(MTFLAGS) \$(MTINFLAG)$shlib$shlibext.manifest \$(MTOUTFLAG)$shlib$shlibext
	IF EXIST apps\\$shlib$shlibext DEL /Q /F apps\\$shlib$shlibext
	IF EXIST test\\$shlib$shlibext DEL /Q /F test\\$shlib$shlibext
	IF EXIST fuzz\\$shlib$shlibext DEL /Q /F fuzz\\$shlib$shlibext
	COPY $shlib$shlibext apps
	COPY $shlib$shlibext test
	COPY $shlib$shlibext fuzz
 sub obj2dso {
     my %args = @_;
     my $dso = $args{lib};
     my $dso_n = basename($dso);
     my @objs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$objext|; $x } @{$args{objs}};
     my @deps = compute_lib_depends(@{$args{deps}});
     my $objs = join("\n", @objs);
     my $linklibs = join("", map { "$_\n" } @deps);
     my $deps = join(" ", @objs, @deps);
     return <<"EOF";
$dso$dsoext: $deps
	IF EXIST $dso$dsoext.manifest DEL /F /Q $dso$dsoext.manifest
	\$(LD) \$(LDFLAGS) \$(DSO_LDFLAGS) \$(LDOUTFLAG)$dso$dsoext /def:<< @<<
LIBRARY         $dso_n
    bind_engine		@1
    v_check		@2
$linklibs \$(DSO_EX_LIBS)
	IF EXIST $dso$dsoext.manifest \\
	   \$(MT) \$(MTFLAGS) \$(MTINFLAG)$dso$dsoext.manifest \$(MTOUTFLAG)$dso$dsoext
 sub obj2lib {
     my %args = @_;
     my $lib = $args{lib};

     # Because static libs and import libs are both named the same in native
     # Windows, we can't have both.  We skip the static lib in that case,
     # as the shared libs are what we use anyway.
     return "" unless $disabled{"shared"} || $lib =~ /\.a$/;

     $lib =~ s/\.a$//;
     my @objs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$objext|; $x } @{$args{objs}};
     my $objs = join("\n", @objs);
     my $deps = join(" ", @objs);
     return <<"EOF";
$lib$libext: $deps
	\$(AR) \$(ARFLAGS) \$(AROUTFLAG)$lib$libext @<<
 sub obj2bin {
     my %args = @_;
     my $bin = $args{bin};
     my @objs = map { (my $x = $_) =~ s|\.o$|$objext|; $x } @{$args{objs}};
     my @deps = compute_lib_depends(@{$args{deps}});
     my $objs = join("\n", @objs);
     my $linklibs = join("", map { "$_\n" } @deps);
     my $deps = join(" ", @objs, @deps);
     return <<"EOF";
$bin$exeext: $deps
	IF EXIST $bin$exeext.manifest DEL /F /Q $bin$exeext.manifest
	\$(LD) \$(LDFLAGS) \$(BIN_LDFLAGS) \$(LDOUTFLAG)$bin$exeext @<<
	IF EXIST $bin$exeext.manifest \\
	   \$(MT) \$(MTFLAGS) \$(MTINFLAG)$bin$exeext.manifest \$(MTOUTFLAG)$bin$exeext
  sub in2script {
      my %args = @_;
      my $script = $args{script};
      my $sources = '"'.join('" "', @{$args{sources}}).'"';
      my $dofile = abs2rel(rel2abs(catfile($config{sourcedir},
                                           "util", "dofile.pl")),
      return <<"EOF";
$script: $sources
	"\$(PERL)" "-I\$(BLDDIR)" -Mconfigdata "$dofile" \\
	    "-o$target{build_file}" $sources > "$script"
  sub generatedir {
      my %args = @_;
      my $dir = $args{dir};
      my @deps = map { s|\.o$|$objext|; $_ } @{$args{deps}};
      my @actions = ();
      my %extinfo = ( dso => $dsoext,
                      lib => $libext,
                      bin => $exeext );

      foreach my $type (("dso", "lib", "bin", "script")) {
          next unless defined($unified_info{dirinfo}->{$dir}->{products}->{$type});
          # For lib object files, we could update the library.  However,
          # LIB on Windows doesn't work that way, so we won't create any
          # actions for it, and the dependencies are already taken care of.
          if ($type ne "lib") {
              foreach my $prod (@{$unified_info{dirinfo}->{$dir}->{products}->{$type}}) {
                  if (dirname($prod) eq $dir) {
                      push @deps, $prod.$extinfo{$type};
                  } else {
                      push @actions, "\t@rem No support to produce $type ".join(", ", @{$unified_info{dirinfo}->{$dir}->{products}->{$type}});

      my $deps = join(" ", @deps);
      my $actions = join("\n", "", @actions);
      return <<"EOF";
$args{dir} $args{dir}\\ : $deps$actions
  ""    # Important!  This becomes part of the template result.