# Copyright 2020 Datera # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import functools import random import re import string import time import types import uuid from glanceclient import exc as glance_exc from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import importutils from cinder import context from cinder import exception from cinder.i18n import _ from cinder.image import glance from cinder.volume import qos_specs from cinder.volume import volume_types LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) dfs_sdk = importutils.try_import('dfs_sdk') OS_PREFIX = "OS" UNMANAGE_PREFIX = "UNMANAGED" # Taken from this SO post : # http://stackoverflow.com/a/18516125 # Using old-style string formatting because of the nature of the regex # conflicting with new-style curly braces UUID4_STR_RE = ("%s.*([a-f0-9]{8}-?[a-f0-9]{4}-?4[a-f0-9]{3}-?[89ab]" "[a-f0-9]{3}-?[a-f0-9]{12})") UUID4_RE = re.compile(UUID4_STR_RE % OS_PREFIX) SNAP_RE = re.compile(r"\d{10,}\.\d+") # Recursive dict to assemble basic url structure for the most common # API URL endpoints. Most others are constructed from these DEFAULT_SI_SLEEP = 1 DEFAULT_SI_SLEEP_API_2 = 5 DEFAULT_SNAP_SLEEP = 1 API_VERSIONS = ["2.1", "2.2"] API_TIMEOUT = 20 VALID_CHARS = set(string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-_.") class DateraAPIException(exception.VolumeBackendAPIException): message = _("Bad response from Datera API") def get_name(resource): dn = resource.get('display_name') cid = resource.get('id') if dn: dn = filter_chars(dn) # Check to ensure the name is short enough to fit. Prioritize # the prefix and Cinder ID, strip all invalid characters nl = len(OS_PREFIX) + len(dn) + len(cid) + 2 if nl >= 64: dn = dn[:-(nl - 63)] return "-".join((OS_PREFIX, dn, cid)) return "-".join((OS_PREFIX, cid)) def get_unmanaged(name): return "-".join((UNMANAGE_PREFIX, name)) def filter_chars(s): if s: return ''.join([c for c in s if c in VALID_CHARS]) return s def lookup(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): obj = args[0] name = "_" + func.__name__ + "_" + obj.apiv.replace(".", "_") LOG.debug("Trying method: %s", name) call_id = uuid.uuid4() if obj.do_profile: LOG.debug("Profiling method: %s, id %s", name, call_id) t1 = time.time() obj.thread_local.trace_id = call_id result = getattr(obj, name)(*args[1:], **kwargs) if obj.do_profile: t2 = time.time() timedelta = round(t2 - t1, 3) LOG.debug("Profile for method %s, id %s: %ss", name, call_id, timedelta) return result return wrapper def _parse_vol_ref(ref): if ref.count(":") not in (2, 3): raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( _("existing_ref argument must be of this format: " "tenant:app_inst_name:storage_inst_name:vol_name or " "app_inst_name:storage_inst_name:vol_name")) try: (tenant, app_inst_name, storage_inst_name, vol_name) = ref.split(":") if tenant == "root": tenant = None except (TypeError, ValueError): app_inst_name, storage_inst_name, vol_name = ref.split( ":") tenant = None return app_inst_name, storage_inst_name, vol_name, tenant def _check_snap_ref(ref): if not SNAP_RE.match(ref): raise exception.ManageExistingInvalidReference( _("existing_ref argument must be of this format: " "1234567890.12345678")) return True def _get_size(app_inst): """Helper method for getting the size of a backend object If app_inst is provided, we'll just parse the dict to get the size instead of making a separate http request """ if 'data' in app_inst: app_inst = app_inst['data'] sis = app_inst['storage_instances'] found_si = sis[0] found_vol = found_si['volumes'][0] return found_vol['size'] def _get_volume_type_obj(driver, resource): type_id = resource.get('volume_type_id', None) # Handle case of volume with no type. We still want the # specified defaults from above if type_id: ctxt = context.get_admin_context() volume_type = volume_types.get_volume_type(ctxt, type_id) else: volume_type = None return volume_type def _get_policies_for_resource(driver, resource): volume_type = driver._get_volume_type_obj(resource) return driver._get_policies_for_volume_type(volume_type) def _get_policies_for_volume_type(driver, volume_type): """Get extra_specs and qos_specs of a volume_type. This fetches the scoped keys from the volume type. Anything set from qos_specs will override key/values set from extra_specs. """ # Handle case of volume with no type. We still want the # specified defaults from above if volume_type: specs = volume_type.get('extra_specs', {}) else: specs = {} # Set defaults: policies = {k.lstrip('DF:'): str(v['default']) for (k, v) in driver._init_vendor_properties()[0].items()} if volume_type: qos_specs_id = volume_type.get('qos_specs_id') if qos_specs_id is not None: ctxt = context.get_admin_context() qos_kvs = qos_specs.get_qos_specs(ctxt, qos_specs_id)['specs'] if qos_kvs: specs.update(qos_kvs) # Populate updated value for key, value in specs.items(): if ':' in key: fields = key.split(':') key = fields[1] policies[key] = value # Cast everything except booleans int that can be cast for k, v in policies.items(): # Handle String Boolean case if v == 'True' or v == 'False': policies[k] = policies[k] == 'True' continue # Int cast try: policies[k] = int(v) except ValueError: pass return policies def _image_accessible(driver, context, volume, image_meta): # Determine if image is accessible by current project pid = volume.get('project_id', '') public = False visibility = image_meta.get('visibility', None) LOG.debug("Image %(image)s visibility: %(vis)s", {"image": image_meta['id'], "vis": visibility}) if visibility and visibility in ['public', 'community']: public = True elif visibility and visibility in ['shared', 'private']: # Do membership check. Newton and before didn't have a 'shared' # visibility option, so we have to do this check for 'private' # as well gclient = glance.get_default_image_service() members = [] # list_members is only available in Rocky+ try: members = gclient.list_members(context, image_meta['id']) except AttributeError: # This is the fallback method for the same query try: members = gclient._client.call(context, 'list', controller='image_members', image_id=image_meta['id']) except glance_exc.HTTPForbidden as e: LOG.warning(e) except glance_exc.HTTPForbidden as e: LOG.warning(e) members = list(members) LOG.debug("Shared image %(image)s members: %(members)s", {"image": image_meta['id'], "members": members}) for member in members: if (member['member_id'] == pid and member['status'] == 'accepted'): public = True break if image_meta.get('is_public', False): public = True else: if image_meta.get('owner', '') == pid: public = True if not public: LOG.warning("Requested image is not " "accessible by current Project.") return public def _format_tenant(tenant): if tenant == "all" or (tenant and ('/root' in tenant or 'root' in tenant)): return '/root' elif tenant and ('/root' not in tenant and 'root' not in tenant): return "/" + "/".join(('root', tenant)).strip('/') return tenant def get_ip_pool(policies): ip_pool = policies['ip_pool'] if ',' in ip_pool: ip_pools = ip_pool.split(',') ip_pool = random.choice(ip_pools) return ip_pool def create_tenant(driver, project_id): if driver.tenant_id.lower() == 'map': name = get_name({'id': project_id}) elif driver.tenant_id: name = driver.tenant_id.replace('root', '').strip('/') else: name = 'root' if name: try: driver.api.tenants.create(name=name) except dfs_sdk.exceptions.ApiConflictError: LOG.debug("Tenant {} already exists".format(name)) return _format_tenant(name) def get_tenant(driver, project_id): if driver.tenant_id.lower() == 'map': return _format_tenant(get_name({'id': project_id})) elif not driver.tenant_id: return _format_tenant('root') return _format_tenant(driver.tenant_id) def cvol_to_ai(driver, resource, tenant=None): if not tenant: tenant = get_tenant(driver, resource['project_id']) try: # api.tenants.get needs a non '/'-prefixed tenant id driver.api.tenants.get(tenant.strip('/')) except dfs_sdk.exceptions.ApiNotFoundError: create_tenant(driver, resource['project_id']) cid = resource.get('id', None) if not cid: raise ValueError('Unsure what id key to use for object', resource) ais = driver.api.app_instances.list( filter='match(name,.*{}.*)'.format(cid), tenant=tenant) if not ais: raise exception.VolumeNotFound(volume_id=cid) return ais[0] def cvol_to_dvol(driver, resource, tenant=None): if not tenant: tenant = get_tenant(driver, resource['project_id']) ai = cvol_to_ai(driver, resource, tenant=tenant) si = ai.storage_instances.list(tenant=tenant)[0] vol = si.volumes.list(tenant=tenant)[0] return vol def _version_to_int(ver): # Using a factor of 100 per digit so up to 100 versions are supported # per major/minor/patch/subpatch digit in this calculation # Example: # In [2]: _version_to_int("") # Out[2]: 303000000 # In [3]: _version_to_int("") # Out[3]: 202070100 VERSION_DIGITS = 4 factor = pow(10, VERSION_DIGITS * 2) div = pow(10, 2) val = 0 for c in ver.split("."): val += int(int(c) * factor) factor /= div return val def dat_version_gte(version_a, version_b): return _version_to_int(version_a) >= _version_to_int(version_b) def register_driver(driver): for func in [_get_volume_type_obj, _get_policies_for_resource, _get_policies_for_volume_type, _image_accessible, get_tenant, create_tenant, cvol_to_ai, cvol_to_dvol]: f = types.MethodType(func, driver) setattr(driver, func.__name__, f)