# Introduction Moniker is an OpenStack inspired DNSaaS. Docs: http://moniker.rtfd.org and some below for now. Bugs / Blueprints: http://launchpad.net/moniker IRC: #openstack-dns Installation: http://moniker.readthedocs.org/en/latest/install.html # TODOs: * Documentation! * Fixup Bind9 agent implementation so it could be considered even remotely reliable * Re-Add PowerDNS agent implementation. * Unit Tests!! * Integration with other OS servers eg Nova and Quantum * Listen for floating IP allocation/deallocation events - giving user access to the necessary PTR record. * Listen for server create/destroy events - creating DNS records as needed. * Listen for server add/remove from security group events - creating "load balancing" DNS RR records as needed. * Introduce Server Pools * Server pools will allow a provider to 'schedule' a end users domain to one of many available DNS server pools