# Copyright (c) 2014 Rackspace Hosting # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from designate.tests.test_api.test_v2 import ApiV2TestCase LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _attributes_to_api(attributes): result = {} for attribute in attributes: result[attribute['key']] = attribute['value'] return result class ApiV2PoolsTest(ApiV2TestCase): def setUp(self): super(ApiV2PoolsTest, self).setUp() # All Pool operations should be performed as an admin, so.. # Override to policy to make everyone an admin. self.policy({'admin': '@'}) def test_create_pool(self): # Prepare a Pool fixture fixture = self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['attributes'] = _attributes_to_api(fixture['attributes']) response = self.client.post_json( '/pools', fixture) # Check the headers are what we expect self.assertEqual(201, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) # Check the body structure is what we expect self.assertIn('links', response.json) self.assertIn('self', response.json['links']) # Check the values returned are what we expect self.assertIn('id', response.json) self.assertIn('created_at', response.json) self.assertIsNone(response.json['updated_at']) self.assertEqual(response.json['name'], fixture['name']) self.assertEqual( fixture['description'], response.json['description']) self.assertEqual( fixture['attributes'], response.json['attributes']) self.assertEqual( fixture['ns_records'], response.json['ns_records']) def test_create_pool_validation(self): # NOTE: The schemas should be tested separatly to the API. So we # don't need to test every variation via the API itself. # Fetch a fixture fixture = self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0) # Set an invalid scope fixture['attributes'] = { 'scope': 'INVALID' } body = {'pool': fixture} # Ensure it fails with a 400 self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json, '/pools', body) # Reset the correct attributes fixture['attributes'] = self.get_pool_attribute_fixture(fixture=0) # Add a junk field to the body fixture['junk'] = 'Junk Field' body = fixture # Ensure it fails with a 400 self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json, '/pools', body) def test_create_pool_name_missing(self): fixture = self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['attributes'] = self.get_pool_attribute_fixture(fixture=0) del fixture['name'] body = fixture self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json, '/pools', body) def test_create_pool_name_too_long(self): fixture = self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['attributes'] = self.get_pool_attribute_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['name'] = 'x' * 51 body = fixture self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json, '/pools', body) def test_create_pool_description_too_long(self): fixture = self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['attributes'] = self.get_pool_attribute_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['description'] = 'x' * 161 body = fixture self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json, '/pools', body) def test_create_pool_provisioner_too_long(self): fixture = self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['attributes'] = self.get_pool_attribute_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['provisioner'] = 'x' * 161 body = fixture self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json, '/pools', body) def test_create_pool_tenant_id_too_long(self): fixture = self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['attributes'] = self.get_pool_attribute_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['tenant_id'] = 'x' * 37 body = fixture self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.post_json, '/pools', body) def test_create_pool_duplicate(self): # Prepare a Pool fixture fixture = self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0) fixture['attributes'] = _attributes_to_api(fixture['attributes']) body = fixture response = self.client.post_json('/pools', body) # Check that the create went through self.assertEqual(201, response.status_int) self._assert_exception('duplicate_pool', 409, self.client.post_json, '/pools', body) def test_get_pools(self): response = self.client.get('/pools') # Check the headers are what we expect self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) # Check the body structure is what we expect self.assertIn('pools', response.json) self.assertIn('links', response.json) self.assertIn('self', response.json['links']) # We should start with 1 default pool self.assertEqual(1, len(response.json['pools'])) # GET the default pool pool_id = cfg.CONF['service:central'].default_pool_id default_pool = self.central_service.get_pool(self.admin_context, pool_id) # Add the default pool into the list data = [self.create_pool(name='x-%s' % i) for i in range(0, 10)] data.insert(0, default_pool) # Test the paging of the list self._assert_paging(data, '/pools', key='pools') self._assert_invalid_paging(data, '/pools', key='pools') def test_get_pools_filter(self): fixtures = [self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=0), self.get_pool_fixture(fixture=1)] for fixture in fixtures: fixture['attributes'] = _attributes_to_api(fixture['attributes']) response = self.client.post_json('/pools', fixture) get_urls = [ '/pools?name=Pool-One', '/pools?name=Pool-T*', '/pools?name=Pool-Three', ] correct_results = [1, 1, 0] for get_url, correct_result in zip(get_urls, correct_results): response = self.client.get(get_url) # Check the headers are what we expect self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) # Check that the correct number of pools match self.assertEqual(correct_result, len(response.json['pools'])) def test_get_pools_invalid_filter(self): invalid_url = '/pools?description=test' self._assert_exception( 'bad_request', 400, self.client.get, invalid_url) def test_get_pool(self): # Create a pool pool = self.create_pool() url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] response = self.client.get(url) # Check the headers are what we expect self.assertEqual(200, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) # Check the body structure is what we expect self.assertIn('links', response.json) self.assertIn('self', response.json['links']) # Check the values returned are what we expect self.assertIn('id', response.json) self.assertIn('created_at', response.json) self.assertIsNone(response.json['updated_at']) self.assertEqual(pool['name'], response.json['name']) self.assertEqual(pool['description'], response.json['description']) self.assertEqual(len(pool['attributes']), len(response.json['attributes'])) for attribute in pool['attributes']: self.assertEqual( attribute['value'], response.json['attributes'][attribute['key']]) self.assertEqual(len(pool['ns_records']), len(response.json['ns_records'])) self.assertEqual( [n.hostname for n in pool['ns_records']], [n['hostname'] for n in response.json['ns_records']]) def test_update_pool(self): # Create a pool pool = self.create_pool() # Prepare an update body body = {'description': 'Tester'} url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] response = self.client.patch_json(url, body, status=202) # Check the headers are what we expect self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) # Check the body structure is what we expect self.assertIn('links', response.json) self.assertIn('self', response.json['links']) # Check the values returned are what we expect self.assertIn('id', response.json) self.assertIsNotNone(response.json['updated_at']) self.assertEqual('Tester', response.json['description']) # Check the rest of the values are unchanged self.assertEqual(pool['name'], response.json['name']) self.assertEqual(len(pool['attributes']), len(response.json['attributes'])) for attribute in pool['attributes']: self.assertEqual( attribute['value'], response.json['attributes'][attribute['key']]) self.assertEqual(len(pool['ns_records']), len(response.json['ns_records'])) self.assertEqual( [n.hostname for n in pool['ns_records']], [n['hostname'] for n in response.json['ns_records']]) def test_update_pool_ns_records(self): # Create a pool pool = self.create_pool() # Prepare an update body body = {'ns_records': [ {'priority': 1, 'hostname': 'new-ns1.example.org.'}, {'priority': 2, 'hostname': 'new-ns2.example.org.'}, ]} url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] response = self.client.patch_json(url, body, status=202) # Check the headers are what we expect self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) # Check the body structure is what we expect self.assertIn('id', response.json) self.assertIn('links', response.json) # Check the values returned are what we expect self.assertEqual(2, len(response.json['ns_records'])) self.assertEqual(['new-ns1.example.org.', 'new-ns2.example.org.'], [n['hostname'] for n in response.json['ns_records']]) def test_update_pool_ns_records_without_priority(self): pool = self.create_pool() body = {'ns_records': [ {'hostname': 'new-ns1.example.org.'}, {'hostname': 'new-ns2.example.org.'}, ]} url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] # The missing "apriority" field triggers an object validation error response = self.client.patch_json(url, body, status=400) errmsg = response.json['errors']['errors'][0]['message'] self.assertEqual("'priority' is a required property", errmsg) def test_update_pool_attributes(self): # Create a pool pool = self.create_pool() # Prepare an update body body = {"attributes": {"scope": "private"}} url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] response = self.client.patch_json(url, body, status=202) # Check the headers are what we expect self.assertEqual(202, response.status_int) self.assertEqual('application/json', response.content_type) # Check the values returned are what we expect self.assertEqual(1, len(response.json['attributes'])) self.assertEqual('private', response.json['attributes']['scope']) def test_update_pool_name_too_long(self): pool = self.create_pool() body = {"attributes": {"scope": "private"}} body['name'] = 'x' * 51 url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.patch_json, url, body) def test_update_pool_description_too_long(self): pool = self.create_pool() body = {"attributes": {"scope": "private"}} body['description'] = 'x' * 161 url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.patch_json, url, body) def test_update_pool_provisioner_too_long(self): pool = self.create_pool() body = {"attributes": {"scope": "private"}} body['provisioner'] = 'x' * 161 url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] self._assert_exception( 'invalid_object', 400, self.client.patch_json, url, body) def test_delete_pool(self): pool = self.create_pool() url = '/pools/%s' % pool['id'] self.client.delete(url, status=204)