BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
feature/metadata-cachingSwitch to opensuse-15 nodesetAndreas Jaeger5 years
feature/policy-refactorOpenDev Migration PatchOpenDev Sysadmins5 years
masterMerge "Deploy healthcheck middleware as app instead of filter"Zuul12 months
proposed/junoMerge "Fix options and their groups - etc/glance-api.conf" into proposed/junoJenkins10 years
proposed/kiloMerge "Fixes glance-manage exporting meta definitions issue"Jenkins9 years
stable/2023.1Update TOX_CONSTRAINTS_FILE for stable/2023.1OpenStack Release Bot14 months
stable/havanaUpdated from global requirementsOpenStack Proposal Bot10 years
stable/icehouseUpdated from global requirementsOpenStack Proposal Bot9 years
stable/junoMerge "Updated from global requirements" into stable/junoJenkins9 years
stable/kiloUpdated from global requirementsOpenStack Proposal Bot8 years
stable/libertyAllow for oslo.concurrency 2.3.0Ian Cordasco7 years
stable/mitakaPrepare for using standard python testsAndreas Jaeger7 years
stable/newtonMerge "Complete and update Newton release notes"Jenkins8 years
stable/ocataAdd a local bindep.txt overrideDirk Mueller5 years
stable/pikeRemove experimental openSUSE 42.3 jobAndreas Jaeger5 years
stable/queensMerge "Mitigate OSSN-0075" into stable/queensZuul5 years
stable/rockyMerge "Fix manpage building and remove glance-cache-manage" into stable/rockyZuul5 years
stable/steinStaging area not cleared if image is deleted while importingAbhishek Kekane4 years
stable/trainMerge "Enforce image safety during image_conversion" into stable/trainZuul14 months
stable/ussuriMerge "Enforce image safety during image_conversion" into stable/ussuriZuul14 months
stable/victoriaMerge "Enforce image safety during image_conversion" into stable/victoriaZuul15 months
stable/wallabyMerge "Enforce image safety during image_conversion" into stable/wallabyZuul14 months
stable/xenaMerge "Enforce image safety during image_conversion" into stable/xenaZuul15 months
stable/yogaMerge "Fix unintentional exception inspecting VMDK" into stable/yogaZuul12 months
stable/zedLimit CaptureRegion sizes in format_inspector for VMDK and VHDXGuillaume Espanel15 months