=============================== glance_store functional testing =============================== Writing functional tests for glance_store ----------------------------------------- The functional tests verify glance_store against a "live" backend. The tests are isolated so that a development environment doesn't have to all the backends available, just the particular backend whose driver the developer is working on. To add tests for a driver: 1. Create a new module in ``glance_store/tests/functional`` with the driver name. 2. Create a submodule ``test_functional_{driver-name}`` containing a class that inherits from ``glance_store.tests.functional.BaseFunctionalTests``. The actual tests are in the ``BaseFunctionalTests`` class. The test classes for each driver do any extra setup/teardown necessary for that particular driver. (The idea is that all the backends should be able to pass the same tests.) 3. Add a testenv to ``tox.ini`` named ``functional-{driver-name}`` so that tox can run the tests for your driver. (Use the other functional testenvs as examples.) 4. If your driver is well-supported by devstack, it shouldn't be too hard to set up a gate job for the functional tests in ``.zuul.yaml``. (Use the other jobs defined in that file as examples.) Configuration ------------- The functional tests have been designed to work well with devstack so that we can run them in the gate. Thus the tests expect to find a yaml file containing valid credentials just like the ``clouds.yaml`` file created by devstack in the ``/etc/openstack`` directory. The test code knows where to find it, so if you're using devstack, you should be all set. If you are not using devstack you should create a yaml file with the following format:: clouds: devstack-admin: auth: auth_url: password: example project_domain_id: default project_name: admin user_domain_id: default username: admin identity_api_version: '3' region_name: RegionOne volume_api_version: '3' The clouds.yaml format allows for a set of credentials to be defined for each named cloud. By default, the tests will use the credentials for the cloud named **devstack-admin** (that's the cloud shown in the example above). You can change which cloud is read from ``clouds.yaml`` by exporting the environment variable ``OS_TEST_GLANCE_STORE_FUNC_TEST_CLOUD`` set to the name of the cloud you want used. Where to put clouds.yaml ------------------------ The tests will look for a file named ``clouds.yaml`` in the following locations (in this order, first found wins): * current directory * ~/.config/openstack * /etc/openstack You may also set the environment variable ``OS_CLIENT_CONFIG_FILE`` to the absolute pathname of a file and that location will be inserted at the front of the search list.