diff options
authorKanagaraj Manickam <>2015-04-01 15:28:33 +0530
committerKanagaraj Manickam <>2015-04-01 15:28:33 +0530
commit3d86095b766158b5effe1bf7547857b876958517 (patch)
parent3c78c0303eef59bb00f08c799494eac8f037af74 (diff)
Fixes migrate_data utils to avoid created_at filed
migrate_data utils does not migrate table data if table does not have column created_at field. It fixes this issue. Change-Id: Id179b295d8f0e0644420fb589baa5341d3020c7f Closes-bug: #1439094
2 files changed, 55 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/heat/db/sqlalchemy/ b/heat/db/sqlalchemy/
index 128e5a96d..049af6101 100644
--- a/heat/db/sqlalchemy/
+++ b/heat/db/sqlalchemy/
@@ -66,9 +66,7 @@ def migrate_data(migrate_engine,
table_name =
- list_of_rows = list(
- sqlalchemy.sql.expression.asc(table.c.created_at))
- .execute())
+ list_of_rows = list(
colnames = [ for c in table.columns]
diff --git a/heat/tests/db/ b/heat/tests/db/
index f46f883f8..b7dd5c880 100644
--- a/heat/tests/db/
+++ b/heat/tests/db/
@@ -156,3 +156,57 @@ class DBMigrationUtilsTest(common.HeatTestCase):
meta, ignorecons=ignorecons)
UniqueConstraint, 'uix_1'))
+ def test_migrate_data(self):
+ meta = MetaData(bind=self.engine)
+ # create TableA
+ table_a = Table('TableA',
+ meta,
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column('first', String(8), nullable=False),
+ Column('second', Integer))
+ table_a.create()
+ # update it with sample data
+ values = [
+ {'id': 1, 'first': 'a'},
+ {'id': 2, 'first': 'b'},
+ {'id': 3, 'first': 'c'}
+ ]
+ for value in values:
+ self.engine.execute(table_a.insert(values=value))
+ # create TableB similar to TableA, except column 'second'
+ table_b = Table('TableB',
+ meta,
+ Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True),
+ Column('first', String(8), nullable=False))
+ table_b.create()
+ # migrate data
+ migrate_utils.migrate_data(self.engine,
+ table_a,
+ table_b,
+ ['second'])
+ # validate table_a is dropped
+ self.assertTrue(self.engine.dialect.has_table(
+ self.engine.connect(),
+ 'TableA'),
+ 'Data migration failed to drop source table')
+ # validate table_b is updated with data from table_a
+ table_b_rows = list(
+ self.assertEqual(3,
+ len(table_b_rows),
+ "Data migration is failed")
+ table_b_values = []
+ for row in table_b_rows:
+ table_b_values.append({'id':,
+ 'first': row.first})
+ self.assertEqual(values,
+ table_b_values,
+ "Data migration failed with invalid data copy")