# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from magnumclient import exceptions as mc_exc from magnumclient.v1 import client as magnum_client from oslo_config import cfg from heat.common import exception from heat.engine.clients import client_plugin from heat.engine import constraints CLIENT_NAME = 'magnum' class MagnumClientPlugin(client_plugin.ClientPlugin): service_types = [CONTAINER] = ['container-infra'] def _create(self): interface = self._get_client_option(CLIENT_NAME, 'endpoint_type') args = { 'interface': interface, 'service_type': self.CONTAINER, 'session': self.context.keystone_session, 'connect_retries': cfg.CONF.client_retry_limit, 'region_name': self._get_region_name() } client = magnum_client.Client(**args) return client def is_not_found(self, ex): return isinstance(ex, mc_exc.NotFound) def is_over_limit(self, ex): return isinstance(ex, mc_exc.RequestEntityTooLarge) def is_conflict(self, ex): return isinstance(ex, mc_exc.Conflict) def _get_rsrc_name_or_id(self, value, entity, entity_msg): entity_client = getattr(self.client(), entity) try: return entity_client.get(value).uuid except mc_exc.NotFound: # Magnum cli will find the value either is name or id, # so no need to call list() here. raise exception.EntityNotFound(entity=entity_msg, name=value) def get_baymodel(self, value): return self._get_rsrc_name_or_id(value, entity='baymodels', entity_msg='BayModel') def get_cluster_template(self, value): return self._get_rsrc_name_or_id(value, entity='cluster_templates', entity_msg='ClusterTemplate') class ClusterTemplateConstraint(constraints.BaseCustomConstraint): resource_client_name = CLIENT_NAME resource_getter_name = 'get_cluster_template' class BaymodelConstraint(constraints.BaseCustomConstraint): resource_client_name = CLIENT_NAME resource_getter_name = 'get_baymodel'