# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. LB_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-04-08 description: Create a loadbalancer resources: lb: type: OS::Octavia::LoadBalancer properties: name: my_lb description: my loadbalancer vip_address: vip_subnet: sub123 provider: octavia tenant_id: 1234 admin_state_up: True flavor: f123 ''' LISTENER_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-04-08 description: Create a listener resources: listener: type: OS::Octavia::Listener properties: protocol_port: 80 protocol: TCP loadbalancer: 123 default_pool: my_pool name: my_listener description: my listener admin_state_up: True default_tls_container_ref: ref sni_container_refs: - ref1 - ref2 connection_limit: -1 tenant_id: 1234 allowed_cidrs: - - ''' POOL_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-04-08 description: Create a pool resources: pool: type: OS::Octavia::Pool properties: name: my_pool description: my pool session_persistence: type: HTTP_COOKIE lb_algorithm: ROUND_ROBIN loadbalancer: my_lb listener: 123 protocol: HTTP admin_state_up: True ''' MEMBER_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-04-08 description: Create a pool member resources: member: type: OS::Octavia::PoolMember properties: pool: 123 address: protocol_port: 80 weight: 1 subnet: sub123 admin_state_up: True tags: ['tag1', 'tag2'] ''' MONITOR_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-04-08 description: Create a health monitor resources: monitor: type: OS::Octavia::HealthMonitor properties: admin_state_up: True delay: 3 expected_codes: 200-202 http_method: HEAD max_retries: 5 pool: 123 timeout: 10 type: HTTP url_path: /health ''' L7POLICY_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-04-08 description: Template to test L7Policy Neutron resource resources: l7policy: type: OS::Octavia::L7Policy properties: admin_state_up: True name: test_l7policy description: test l7policy resource action: REDIRECT_TO_URL redirect_url: http://www.mirantis.com listener: 123 position: 1 ''' L7RULE_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-04-08 description: Template to test L7Rule Neutron resource resources: l7rule: type: OS::Octavia::L7Rule properties: admin_state_up: True l7policy: 123 type: HEADER compare_type: ENDS_WITH key: test_key value: test_value invert: False ''' FLAVORPROFILE_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-10-14 description: Template to test FlavorProfile Octavia resource resources: flavor_profile: type: OS::Octavia::FlavorProfile properties: name: test_flavor_profile provider_name: test_provider flavor_data: | {"flavor_data_key": "flavor_data_value"} ''' FLAVOR_TEMPLATE = ''' heat_template_version: 2016-10-14 description: Template to test Flavor Octavia resource resources: flavor: type: OS::Octavia::Flavor properties: flavor_profile: test_flavor_profile_id name: test_name description: test_description enabled: True '''