--- prelude: | Note that Heat is compatible with OpenStack Identity federation, even when using Keystone trusts. It should work after you enable Federation and build the `auto-provisioning map`_ with the heat service user in Keystone. Auto-provisioning has been available in Keystone since the Ocata release. .. _auto-provisioning map: https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/latest/advanced-topics/federation/federated_identity.html#auto-provisioning other: - | The Heat plugin in Horizon has been replaced with a new stand-alone Horizon plugin, heat-dashboard. You can see more detail in the heat-dashboard repository (https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/heat-dashboard). - | The old Heat Tempest plugin ``heat_tests`` has been removed and replaced by a separate Tempest plugin named ``heat``, in the heat-tempest-plugin repository (https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/heat-tempest-plugin). Functional tests that are appropriate for the Tempest environment have been migrated to the new plugin. Other functional tests remain behind in the heat repository.