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authorGabriel Hurley <>2013-03-19 11:59:00 -0700
committerGabriel Hurley <>2013-03-19 11:59:00 -0700
commit1ae75986e4baa80ab4a01acd9b108ff32f65016d (patch)
parent8a6c81ad277756cfce5b7bf088a603874f425a57 (diff)
Adds Grizzly release notes.
Fixes bug 1157348. Change-Id: Ic3a7725d4ef489033d98d48d21671b2d982def8e
1 files changed, 276 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/releases/2013_1.rst b/doc/source/releases/2013_1.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad62f3ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/releases/2013_1.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+Horizon 2013.1 "Grizzly"
+Release Overview
+The Grizzly release cycle saw sweeping improvements to overall user experience,
+huge stability improvements, lots of new networking, instance management and
+image management features, a long-needed architectural clarification, and big
+increases in community engagement! Read on to get the specifics.
+New Features
+Quantum added a huge number of new features in Grizzly, including L3 support
+(routers), load balancers, network topology infographics, better compatibility
+with Nova networking APIs (VNIC ordering when launching an instance; security
+groups and floating IP integration) and vastly improved informational displays.
+Direct Image Upload To Glance
+It is now possible (though there are numerous deployment/security implications)
+to upload an image file directly from a user's hard disk to Glance through
+Horizon. For multi-GB images it is still strongly recommended that the upload
+be done using the Glance CLI. Further improvements to this feature will come in
+future releases.
+Flavor Extra Specs Support
+In Folsom, Nova added support for "extra specs" on flavors--additional metadata
+which custom schedulers could use for appropriately scheduling instances. As of
+the Grizzly release, Horizon now supports reading and writing that data on any
+Migrate Instance
+Administrators now have the ability to migrate an instance off of its current
+host via the Admin dashboard's Instances panel.
+User Experience Improvements
+"Not Authorized" & Being Logged Out
+A shocking number of the problems first-time deployers of OpenStack have can be
+summarized as "I thought I set everything up, then I tried to log into the
+dashboard and I was immediately logged back out." The root cause of this was
+that in an effort to be as secure as possible any 401 or 403 response from
+any service API was being treated the same as if it was an attempt to access
+an unauthorized portion of Horizon, and the user was summarily logged out with
+little to no information as to why.
+In Grizzly we have instead chosen to improve this by treating service API
+401 and 403 errors as slightly less severe than unauthorized access attempts
+to resitricted areas of Horizon. The reason for this is threefold:
+#. For a non-malicious user these errors are almost 100% the result of
+ misconfiguration and this makes debugging possible.
+#. A malicious user can make the exact same "unauthorized" requests via the
+ CLI as they can via the dashboard; no special privileges are granted.
+#. API errors are generated by external systems not under the purview of our
+ project and while we should attempt to respect and take appropriate action
+ on those errors, we should not do anything drastic or even potentially
+ destructive because of them.
+Going forward the user will not be logged out, but no information will be
+populated on the page and they will be presented with error messages informing
+them that they are unauthorized for the data they attempted to access.
+A couple of long-standing user confusions were fixed in Grizzly.
+First off, the API Access panel (containing a user's API endpoints, rc files,
+and EC2 credentials) was moved from Settings to the Access & Security section
+of the Project dashboard.
+Second, the Default Quotas and Services panels (which were both strictly
+informational) were combined into tabs in a single System Info panel to make
+it clear that these panels are thematically related, and to create a home for
+informational-only displays like these.
+One-click Floating IP Management
+A common complaint from users was that associating a floating IP to an
+instance involved numerous clicks and form selections for something that
+the majority of users had no knowledge of and didn't care about. As such, a
+one-click "simple" floating IP association option has been created. For
+deployments which only have a single floating IP pool, this allows users to
+ignore explicit floating IP management and just click a button to associate
+or disassociate a floating IP with an instance.
+Organized Images
+The Images table now has a new feature: predefined filters for seeing your own
+images, images that have been shared with you, or public images. This makes
+finding the image you're looking for a great deal easier and more pleasant.
+Security Group Rule Editing Improvements
+The security group rule editing experience has always been inherently very
+complicated simply given the number of options and the very technical terms
+involved. Moreover, the combined table-plus-form approach the OpenStack
+Dashboard had taken only made the UX more frustrating for an already difficult
+In Grizzly this has all been reworked to be signficantly simpler, and to
+provide as much contextual help and streamlining as possible.
+In an effort to make the dashboard more at-a-glance usable, we've added icons
+to most of the common action buttons throughout the dashboard.
+"More Actions", More Better
+Lots of feedback came in that the "more actions" dropdown menu (for tables with
+numerous actions available on each row) was confusing to new users and/or
+difficult to click.
+We've now improved it so that the button to open the menu is clearly labeled
+and the hitbox for clicking it is significantly larger.
+Docs, docs, and more docs!
+Large amounts of new documentation was added during the Grizzly cycle, most
+notably are sections documenting: all of the available settings for Horizon and
+the OpenStack Dashboard; security and deployment considerations; and deeper
+guides on customizing the OpenStack Dashboard.
+IRC Meeting
+During the Grizzly cycle we started holding a weekly project meeting on IRC.
+This has been extremely beneficial for the growth and progress of the project.
+Check out the `OpenStack Meetings wiki page`_ for specifics.
+.. _Openstack Meetings wiki page:
+Under The Hood
+Legacy Dashboard Names & Code Separation
+Very early in the Grizzly cycle we took the opportunity to do some longstanding
+cleanup and refactoring work. The "nova" dashboard was renamed to "project" and
+the "syspanel" dashboard was renamed to "admin" to better reflect their
+respective purposes.
+Moreover, a better separation was created between code related to the core
+Horizon framework code (which is not related to OpenStack specifically) and
+the OpenStack Dashboard code. At this point *all* code related to OpenStack
+lives in the OpenStack Dashboard directory, while the Horizon framework is
+completely agnostic and is a reusable Django app.
+Object Storage Delimiters and Pseudo-folder Objects
+When Horizon's object storage interface was first added, Swift's documentation
+recommended adding 0-byte objects with a special content type to denote
+pseudo-folders within a container. They have since decided that this is not the
+recommended practice, and that pseudo-folders should only be demarcated by
+a delimiting character (usually "/") in the object name.
+Horizon has been updated under the hood to use this method, which should bring
+it better into line with how most deployments are using their object storage.
+Easier Theming For Distros
+Many distros have policies of not modifying the source code for a package, and
+that made providing a custom theme or stylesheet for Horizon quite difficult.
+As such, new mechanisms for defining a custom theme path have been added so that
+it can be added to your local_settings file instead of having to alter any of
+the core OpenStack Dashboard files.
+Other Improvements and Fixes
+* Support for Keystone's PKI tokens.
+* Flavor editing was made significantly more stable.
+* Security groups can be added to a running instance.
+* Volume quotas are handled by the appopriate service depending on whether
+ or not Cinder is enabled.
+* Password confirmation boxes are now validated for matching passwords on
+ the client side for more immediate feedback.
+* Numerous fixes to display more and better information for instances and
+ volumes in their overview pages.
+* Improved unicode support for the Object Storage panels.
+* Logout now attempts to delete the token(s) associated with the current
+ session to avoid replay attacks, etc.
+* Various fixes for browser compatibility and rendering.
+* Many, many other bugfixes and improvements. Check out Launchpad for the full
+ list of what went on in Grizzly.
+Known Issues and Limitations
+Editing a Flavor Which Results In An API Error Will Delete The Flavor
+Due to the way that Nova handles flavor editing/replacement it is necessary
+to delete the old flavor before creating the replacement flavor. As such,
+if an API error occurs while creating the replacement it is possible to
+lose the old flavor without the new one being created.
+Creating Rich Network Topologies
+Due to several Quantum features landing very late in the Grizzly cycle, it
+is not possible to create particularly complex networking configurations
+through the OpenStack Dashboard. These features will continue to grow
+throughout future releases.
+Loadbalancer Feature
+The Loadbalancer feature landed in the 11th hour for both Quantum and Horizon
+and, though we did our best to test it, may still contain undiscovered bugs. It
+is best considered a "beta" or "experimental" feature for the Grizzly release.
+Deleting large numbers of resources simultaneously
+Using the "select all" checkbox to delete large numbers of resources via the
+API can cause network timeouts (depending on configuration). This is
+due to the APIs not supporting bulk-deletion natively, and consequently Horizon
+has to send requests to delete each resource individually behind the scenes.
+Backwards Compatibility
+The Grizzly Horizon release should be fully compatible with both Grizzly and
+Folsom versions of the rest of the OpenStack core projects (Nova, Swift, etc.).
+While some features work significantly better with an all-Grizzly stack due
+to bugfixes, etc. in underlying services, there should not be limitations
+on what will or will not function.
+Overall, great effort has been made to maintain compatibility for
+third-party developers who may have built on Horizon so far.