--- features: - | Adds the capability into the agent to read and act upon bootloader CSV files which serve as authoritative indicators of what bootloader to load instead of leaning towards utilizing the default. fixes: - | Fixes nodes failing after deployment completes due to issues in the Grub2 EFI loader entry addition where a ``BOOT.CSV`` file provides the authoritative pointer to the bootloader to be used for booting the OS. The base issue with Grub2 is that it would update the UEFI bootloader NVRAM entries with whatever is present in a vendor specific ``BOOT.CSV`` or ``BOOTX64.CSV`` file. In some cases, a baremetal machine *can* crash when this occurs. More information can be found at `story 2008962 `_. issues: - | If multiple bootloader CSV files are present on the EFI filesystem, the first CSV file discovered will be utilized. The Ironic team considers multiple files to be a defect in the image being deployed. This may be changed in the future.