path: root/doc
diff options
authorPavlo Shchelokovskyy <>2017-12-05 10:24:38 +0200
committerJulia Kreger <>2018-02-19 22:47:55 +0000
commitf8f8f857be2dca0c4111bfa20216db4a980a383f (patch)
treeb302d601a9a011519f04e9d108739a4381f5d929 /doc
parent0970e3d0313e2d71958be97f690d65306103d016 (diff)
Add docs for ansible deploy interface
mostly copied from docs present in ironic-staging-drivers, with some modifications due to some features dropped. Change-Id: If9e82c42a03c71fd0ff0319c7a43fe80e53f9672
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
3 files changed, 505 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/drivers/ansible.rst b/doc/source/admin/drivers/ansible.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20fb5905a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/admin/drivers/ansible.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
+Ansible deploy interface
+`Ansible`_ is a mature and popular automation tool, written in Python
+and requiring no agents running on the node being configured.
+All communications with the node are by default performed over secure SSH
+The ``ansible`` deploy interface uses Ansible playbooks to define the
+deployment logic. It is not based on `Ironic Python Agent`_ (IPA)
+and does not generally need IPA to be running in the deploy ramdisk.
+The main advantage of this deploy interface is extended flexibility in
+regards to changing and adapting node deployment logic for specific
+use cases, via Ansible tooling that is already familiar to operators.
+It can be used to shorten the usual feature development cycle of
+* implementing logic in ironic,
+* implementing logic in IPA,
+* rebuilding deploy ramdisk,
+* uploading deploy ramdisk to Glance/HTTP storage,
+* reassigning deploy ramdisk to nodes,
+* restarting ironic-conductor service(s) and
+* running a test deployment
+by using a "stable" deploy ramdisk and not requiring
+ironic-conductor restarts (see `Extending playbooks`_).
+The main disadvantage of this deploy interface is the synchronous manner
+of performing deployment/cleaning tasks.
+A separate ``ansible-playbook`` process is spawned for each node being
+provisioned or cleaned, which consumes one thread from the thread pool
+available to the ``ironic-conductor`` process and blocks this thread until
+the node provisioning or cleaning step is finished or fails.
+This has to be taken into account when planning an ironic deployment
+that enables this deploy interface.
+Each action (deploy, clean) is described by a single playbook with roles,
+which is run whole during deployment, or tag-wise during cleaning.
+Control of cleaning steps is through tags and auxiliary clean steps file.
+The playbooks for actions can be set per-node, as can the clean steps
+Similar to deploy interfaces relying on `Ironic Python Agent`_, this deploy
+interface also depends on the deploy ramdisk calling back to ironic API's
+``heartbeat`` endpoint.
+However, the driver is currently synchronous, so only the first heartbeat is
+processed and is used as a signal to start ``ansible-playbook`` process.
+User images
+Supports whole-disk images and partition images:
+- compressed images are downloaded to RAM and converted to disk device;
+- raw images are streamed to disk directly.
+For partition images the driver will create root partition, and,
+if requested, ephemeral and swap partitions as set in node's
+``instance_info`` by the Compute service or operator.
+The create partition table will be of ``msdos`` type by default,
+the node's ``disk_label`` capability is honored if set in node's
+``instance_info`` (see also :ref:`choosing_the_disk_label`).
+Configdrive partition
+Creating a configdrive partition is supported for both whole disk
+and partition images, on both ``msdos`` and ``GPT`` labeled disks.
+Root device hints
+Root device hints are currently supported in their basic form only,
+with exact matches (see :ref:`root-device-hints` for more details).
+If no root device hint is provided for the node, the first device returned as
+part of ``ansible_devices`` fact is used as root device to create partitions
+on or write the whole disk image to.
+Node cleaning
+Cleaning is supported, both automated and manual.
+The driver has two default clean steps:
+- wiping device metadata
+- disk shredding
+Their priority can be overridden via
+``[deploy]\erase_devices_metadata_priority`` and
+``[deploy]\erase_devices_priority`` options, respectively, in the ironic
+configuration file.
+As in the case of this driver all cleaning steps are known to the
+ironic-conductor service, booting the deploy ramdisk is completely skipped
+when there are no cleaning steps to perform.
+.. note::
+ Aborting cleaning steps is not supported.
+Logging is implemented as custom Ansible callback module,
+that makes use of ``oslo.log`` and ``oslo.config`` libraries
+and can re-use logging configuration defined in the main ironic configuration
+file to set logging for Ansible events, or use a separate file for this purpose.
+It works best when ``journald`` support for logging is enabled.
+ Tested with, and targets, Ansible 2.4.x
+Bootstrap image requirements
+- password-less sudo permissions for the user used by Ansible
+- python 2.7.x
+- openssh-server
+- GNU coreutils
+- utils-linux
+- parted
+- gdisk
+- qemu-utils
+- python-requests (for ironic callback and streaming image download)
+- python-netifaces (for ironic callback)
+A set of scripts to build a suitable deploy ramdisk based on TinyCore Linux
+and ``tinyipa`` ramdisk, and an element for ``diskimage-builder`` can be found
+in ironic-staging-drivers_ project but will be eventually migrated to the new
+ironic-python-agent-builder_ project.
+Setting up your environment
+#. Install ironic (either as part of OpenStack or standalone)
+ - If using ironic as part of OpenStack, ensure that the Image service is
+ configured to use the Object Storage service as backend,
+ and the Bare Metal service is configured accordingly, see
+ :doc:`Configure the Image service for temporary URLs <../../install/configure-glance-swift>`.
+#. Install Ansible version as specified in ``ironic/driver-requirements.txt``
+ file
+#. Edit ironic configuration file
+ A. Add ``ansible`` to the list of deploy interfaces defined in
+ ``[DEFAULT]\enabled_deploy_interfaces`` option.
+ B. Ensure that a hardware type supporting ``ansible`` deploy interface
+ is enabled in ``[DEFAULT]\enabled_hardware_types`` option.
+ C. Modify options in the ``[ansible]`` section of ironic's configuration
+ file if needed (see `Configuration file`_).
+#. (Re)start ironic-conductor service
+#. Build suitable deploy kernel and ramdisk images
+#. Upload them to Glance or put in your HTTP storage
+#. Create new or update existing nodes to use the enabled driver
+ of your choice and populate `Driver properties for the Node`_ when
+ different from defaults.
+#. Deploy the node as usual.
+Ansible-deploy options
+Configuration file
+Driver options are configured in ``[ansible]`` section of ironic
+configuration file, for their descriptions and default values please see
+`configuration file sample <../../configuration/config.html#ansible>`_.
+Driver properties for the Node
+Set them per-node via ``openstack baremetal node set`` command,
+for example:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ openstack baremetal node set <node> \
+ --deploy-interface ansible \
+ --driver-info ansible_username=stack \
+ --driver-info ansible_key_file=/etc/ironic/id_rsa
+ User name to use for Ansible to access the node.
+ Default is taken from ``[ansible]/default_username`` option of the
+ ironic configuration file (defaults to ``ansible``).
+ Private SSH key used to access the node.
+ Default is taken from ``[ansible]/default_key_file`` option of the
+ ironic configuration file.
+ If neither is set, the default private SSH keys of the user running
+ the ``ironic-conductor`` process will be used.
+ Playbook to use when deploying this node.
+ Default is taken from ``[ansible]/default_deploy_playbook`` option of the
+ ironic configuration file (defaults to ``deploy.yaml``).
+ Playbook to use to gracefully shutdown the node in-band.
+ Default is taken from ``[ansible]/default_shutdown_playbook`` option of the
+ ironic configuration file (defaults to ``shutdown.yaml``).
+ Playbook to use when cleaning the node.
+ Default is taken from ``[ansible]/default_clean_playbook`` option of the
+ ironic configuration file (defaults to ``clean.yaml``).
+ Auxiliary YAML file that holds description of cleaning steps
+ used by this node, and defines playbook tags in
+ ``ansible_clean_playbook`` file corresponding to each cleaning step.
+ Default is taken from ``[ansible]/default_clean_steps_config`` option of the
+ ironic configuration file (defaults to ``clean_steps.yaml``).
+Customizing the deployment logic
+Expected playbooks directory layout
+The ``[ansible]\playbooks_path`` option in the ironic configuration file
+is expected to have a standard layout for an Ansible project with
+some additions::
+ <playbooks_path>
+ |
+ \_ inventory
+ \_ add-ironic-nodes.yaml
+ \_ roles
+ \_ role1
+ \_ role2
+ \_ ...
+ |
+ \_callback_plugins
+ \_ ...
+ |
+ \_ library
+ \_ ...
+The extra files relied by this driver are:
+ Ansible inventory file containing a single entry of
+ ``conductor ansible_connection=local``.
+ This basically defines an alias to ``localhost``.
+ Its purpose is to make logging for tasks performed by Ansible locally and
+ referencing the localhost in playbooks more intuitive.
+ This also suppresses warnings produced by Ansible about ``hosts`` file
+ being empty.
+ This file contains an Ansible play that populates in-memory Ansible
+ inventory with access information received from the ansible-deploy
+ interface, as well as some per-node variables.
+ Include it in all your custom playbooks as the first play.
+The default ``deploy.yaml`` playbook is using several smaller roles that
+correspond to particular stages of deployment process:
+- ``discover`` - e.g. set root device and image target
+- ``prepare`` - if needed, prepare system, for example create partitions
+- ``deploy`` - download/convert/write user image and configdrive
+- ``configure`` - post-deployment steps, e.g. installing the bootloader
+Some more included roles are:
+- ``shutdown`` - used to gracefully power the node off in-band
+- ``clean`` - defines cleaning procedure, with each clean step defined
+ as separate playbook tag.
+Extending playbooks
+Most probably you'd start experimenting like this:
+#. Create a copy of ``deploy.yaml`` playbook *in the same folder*,
+ name it distinctively.
+#. Create Ansible roles with your customized logic in ``roles`` folder.
+ A. In your custom deploy playbook, replace the ``prepare`` role
+ with your own one that defines steps to be run
+ *before* image download/writing.
+ This is a good place to set facts overriding those provided/omitted
+ by the driver, like ``ironic_partitions`` or ``ironic_root_device``,
+ and create custom partitions or (software) RAIDs.
+ B. In your custom deploy playbook, replace the ``configure`` role
+ with your own one that defines steps to be run
+ *after* image is written to disk.
+ This is a good place for example to configure the bootloader and
+ add kernel options to avoid additional reboots.
+ C. Use those new roles in your new playbook.
+#. Assign the custom deploy playbook you've created to the node's
+ ``driver_info/ansible_deploy_playbook`` field.
+#. Run deployment.
+ A. No ironic-conductor restart is necessary.
+ B. A new deploy ramdisk must be built and assigned to nodes only when
+ you want to use a command/script/package not present in the current
+ deploy ramdisk and you can not or do not want to install those
+ at runtime.
+Variables you have access to
+This driver will pass the single JSON-ified extra var argument to
+Ansible (as in ``ansible-playbook -e ..``).
+Those values are then accessible in your plays as well
+(some of them are optional and might not be defined):
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ ironic:
+ nodes:
+ - ip: "<IPADDRESS>"
+ name: "<NODE_UUID>"
+ image:
+ disk_format: "<qcow2|raw|...>"
+ container_format: "<bare|...>"
+ checksum: "<hash-algo:hashstring>"
+ configdrive:
+ type: "<url|file>"
+ location: "<URL OR PATH ON CONDUCTOR>"
+ partition_info:
+ label: "<msdos|gpt>"
+ preserve_ephemeral: "<bool>"
+ List of dictionaries (currently of only one element) that will be used by
+ ``add-ironic-nodes.yaml`` play to populate in-memory inventory.
+ It also contains a copy of node's ``extra`` field so you can access it in
+ the playbooks. The Ansible's host is set to node's UUID.
+ All fields of node's ``instance_info`` that start with ``image_`` are
+ passed inside this variable. Some extra notes and fields:
+ - ``mem_req`` is calculated from image size (if available) and config
+ option ``[ansible]extra_memory``.
+ - if ``checksum`` is not in the form ``<hash-algo>:<hash-sum>``, hashing
+ algorithm is assumed to be ``md5`` (default in Glance).
+ - ``validate_certs`` - boolean (``yes/no``) flag that turns validating
+ image store SSL certificate on or off (default is 'yes').
+ Governed by ``[ansible]image_store_insecure`` option
+ in ironic configuration file.
+ - ``cafile`` - custom CA bundle to use for validating image store
+ SSL certificate.
+ Takes value of ``[ansible]image_store_cafile`` if that is defined.
+ Currently is not used by default playbooks, as Ansible has no way to
+ specify the custom CA bundle to use for single HTTPS actions,
+ however you can use this value in your custom playbooks to for example
+ upload and register this CA in the ramdisk at deploy time.
+ - ``client_cert`` - cert file for client-side SSL authentication.
+ Takes value of ``[ansible]image_store_certfile`` option if defined.
+ Currently is not used by default playbooks,
+ however you can use this value in your custom playbooks.
+ - ``client_key`` - private key file for client-side SSL authentication.
+ Takes value of ``[ansible]image_store_keyfile`` option if defined.
+ Currently is not used by default playbooks,
+ however you can use this value in your custom playbooks.
+ Optional. List of dictionaries defining partitions to create on the node
+ in the form:
+ .. code-block:: yaml
+ partitions:
+ - name: "<NAME OF PARTITION>"
+ unit: "<UNITS FOR SIZE>"
+ type: "<primary|extended|logical>"
+ flags:
+ flag_name: "<bool>"
+ The driver will populate this list from ``root_gb``, ``swap_mb`` and
+ ``ephemeral_gb`` fields of ``instance_info``.
+ The driver will also prepend the ``bios_grub``-labeled partition
+ when deploying on GPT-labeled disk,
+ and pre-create a 64 MiB partition for configdrive if it is set in
+ ``instance_info``.
+ Please read the documentation included in the ``ironic_parted`` module's
+ source for more info on the module and its arguments.
+ Optional. Taken from ``instance_info``, it defines file system to be
+ created on the ephemeral partition.
+ Defaults to the value of ``[pxe]\default_ephemeral_format`` option
+ in ironic configuration file.
+ Optional. Taken from the ``instance_info``, it specifies if the ephemeral
+ partition must be preserved or rebuilt. Defaults to ``no``.
+As usual for Ansible playbooks, you also have access to standard
+Ansible facts discovered by ``setup`` module.
+Included custom Ansible modules
+The provided ``playbooks_path/library`` folder includes several custom
+Ansible modules used by default implementation of ``deploy`` and
+``prepare`` roles.
+You can use these modules in your playbooks as well.
+ Streaming download from HTTP(S) source to the disk device directly,
+ tries to be compatible with Ansible's ``get_url`` module in terms of
+ module arguments.
+ Due to the low level of such operation it is not idempotent.
+ creates partition tables and partitions with ``parted`` utility.
+ Due to the low level of such operation it is not idempotent.
+ Please read the documentation included in the module's source
+ for more information about this module and its arguments.
+ The name is chosen so that the ``parted`` module included in Ansible
+ is not shadowed.
+.. _Ansible:
+.. _Ironic Python Agent:
+.. _ironic-staging-drivers:
+.. _ironic-python-agent-builder:
diff --git a/doc/source/admin/interfaces/deploy.rst b/doc/source/admin/interfaces/deploy.rst
index a76cc0102..a450b33bb 100644
--- a/doc/source/admin/interfaces/deploy.rst
+++ b/doc/source/admin/interfaces/deploy.rst
@@ -55,3 +55,47 @@ whose names include ``agent``.
``agent``, and some *classic drivers* using it are called ``agent_*``.
This is because before the Kilo release **ironic-python-agent** used to
only support this deploy interface.
+.. _ansible-deploy:
+Ansible deploy
+This interface is similar to ``direct`` in the sense that the image
+is downloaded by the ramdisk directly from the image store
+(not from ironic-conductor host), but the logic of provisioning the node
+is held in a set of Ansible playbooks that are applied by the
+``ironic-conductor`` service handling the node.
+While somewhat more complex to set up, this deploy interface provides greater
+flexibility in terms of advanced node preparation during provisioning.
+This interface is supported by most but not all hardware types declared
+in ironic (for example, ``oneview`` hardware type does not support it).
+However this deploy interface is not enabled by default.
+To enable it, add ``ansible`` to the list of enabled deploy
+interfaces in ``enabled_deploy_interfaces`` option in the ``[DEFAULT]``
+section of ironic's configuration file:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ ...
+ enabled_deploy_interfaces = iscsi,direct,ansible
+ ...
+Once enabled, you can specify this deploy interface when creating or updating
+a node:
+.. code-block:: shell
+ openstack baremetal node create --driver ipmi --deploy-interface ansible
+ openstack baremetal node set <NODE> --deploy-interface ansible
+For more information about this deploy interface, its features and how to use
+it, see :doc:`Ansible deploy interface <../drivers/ansible>`.
+.. toctree::
+ :hidden:
+ ../drivers/ansible
diff --git a/doc/source/install/configure-glance-swift.rst b/doc/source/install/configure-glance-swift.rst
index 1a18441d3..54230adb0 100644
--- a/doc/source/install/configure-glance-swift.rst
+++ b/doc/source/install/configure-glance-swift.rst
@@ -4,8 +4,9 @@ Configure the Image service for temporary URLs
Some drivers of the Baremetal service (in particular, any drivers using
-:ref:`direct-deploy` and some virtual media drivers) require target user images
-to be available over clean HTTP(S) URL with no authentication involved
+:ref:`direct-deploy` or :ref:`ansible-deploy` interfaces,
+and some virtual media drivers) require target user images to be available
+over clean HTTP(S) URL with no authentication involved
(neither username/password-based, nor token-based).
When using the Baremetal service integrated in OpenStack,