path: root/doc
diff options
authorZuul <>2022-03-17 15:35:42 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2022-03-17 15:35:42 +0000
commite5a1997df840080d53e3bc2a12ac9169c3f96990 (patch)
treec3c1bbe5ffa92e3c5a6b815ac8d362006e4aa759 /doc
parent687694c83ccd61371cf89816ef7602ae9fed0dd0 (diff)
parent3e631a5931c9a3d53d78438339adfeeae5fa5a70 (diff)
Merge "Create API documentation from docstrings"
Diffstat (limited to 'doc')
2 files changed, 348 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/doc/source/_exts/ b/doc/source/_exts/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e560a9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/source/_exts/
@@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from http import HTTPStatus
+import os
+import re # Stdlib
+from docutils import nodes
+from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive # 3rd Party
+from sphinx.util.docfields import GroupedField # 3rd Party
+import yaml # 3rd party
+from ironic.common import exception # Application
+def read_from_file(fpath):
+ """Read the data in file given by fpath."""
+ with open(fpath, 'r') as stream:
+ yaml_data = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader)
+ return yaml_data
+def split_str_to_field(input_str):
+ """Split the input_str into 2 parts, the field name and field body.
+ The split is based on this regex format: :field_name: field_body.
+ """
+ regex_pattern = "((^:{1}.*:{1})(.*))"
+ field_name = None
+ field_body = None
+ if input_str is None:
+ return field_name, field_body
+ regex_output = re.match(regex_pattern, input_str)
+ if regex_output is None and len(input_str) > 0:
+ field_body = input_str.lstrip(' ')
+ if regex_output is not None:
+ field = regex_output.groups()
+ field_name = field[1].strip(':')
+ field_body = field[2].strip()
+ return field_name, field_body
+def parse_field_list(content):
+ """Convert list of fields as strings, to a dictionary.
+ This function takes a list of strings as input, each item being
+ a :field_name: field_body combination, and converts it into a dictionary
+ with the field names as keys, and field bodies as values.
+ """
+ field_list = {} # dictionary to hold parsed input field list
+ for c in content:
+ if c is None:
+ continue
+ field_name, field_body = split_str_to_field(c)
+ field_list[field_name] = field_body
+ return field_list
+def create_bullet_list(input_dict, input_build_env):
+ """Convert input_dict into a sphinx representaion of a bullet list."""
+ grp_field = GroupedField('grp_field', label='title')
+ bullet_list = nodes.paragraph()
+ for field_name in input_dict:
+ fbody_txt_node = nodes.Text(data=input_dict[field_name])
+ tmp_field_node = grp_field.make_field(domain='py',
+ types=nodes.field,
+ items=[(field_name,
+ fbody_txt_node)],
+ env=input_build_env)
+ for c in tmp_field_node.children:
+ if c.tagname == 'field_body':
+ for ch in c.children:
+ bullet_list += ch
+ return bullet_list
+def create_table(table_title, table_contents):
+ """Construct a docutils-based table (single row and column)."""
+ table = nodes.table()
+ tgroup = nodes.tgroup(cols=1)
+ colspec = nodes.colspec(colwidth=1)
+ tgroup.append(colspec)
+ table += tgroup
+ thead = nodes.thead()
+ tgroup += thead
+ row = nodes.row()
+ entry = nodes.entry()
+ entry += nodes.paragraph(text=table_title)
+ row += entry
+ thead.append(row)
+ rows = []
+ row = nodes.row()
+ rows.append(row)
+ entry = nodes.entry()
+ entry += table_contents
+ row += entry
+ tbody = nodes.tbody()
+ tbody.extend(rows)
+ tgroup += tbody
+ return table
+def split_list(input_list):
+ """Split input_list into three sub-lists.
+ This function splits the input_list into three, one list containing the
+ inital non-empty items, one list containing items appearing after the
+ string 'Success' in input_list; and the other list containing items
+ appearing after the string 'Failure' in input_list.
+ """
+ initial_flag = 1
+ success_flag = 0
+ failure_flag = 0
+ initial_list = []
+ success_list = []
+ failure_list = []
+ for c in input_list:
+ if c == 'Success:':
+ success_flag = 1
+ failure_flag = 0
+ elif c == 'Failure:':
+ failure_flag = 1
+ success_flag = 0
+ elif c != '' and success_flag:
+ success_list.append(c)
+ elif c != '' and failure_flag:
+ failure_list.append(c)
+ elif c != '' and initial_flag:
+ initial_list.append(c)
+ return initial_list, success_list, failure_list
+def process_list(input_list):
+ """Combine fields split over multiple list items into one.
+ This function expects to receive a field list as input,
+ with each item in the list representing a line
+ read from the document, as-is.
+ It combines the field bodies split over multiple lines into
+ one list item, making each field (name and body) one list item.
+ It also removes extra whitespace which was used for indentation
+ in input.
+ """
+ out_list = []
+ # Convert list to string
+ str1 = "".join(input_list)
+ # Replace multiple spaces with one space
+ str2 = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', str1)
+ regex_pattern = r'(:\S*.:)'
+ # Split the string, based on field names
+ list3 = re.split(regex_pattern, str2)
+ # Remove empty items from the list
+ list4 = list(filter(None, list3))
+ # Append the field name and field body strings together
+ for i in range(0, len(list4), 2):
+ out_list.append(list4[i] + list4[i + 1])
+ return out_list
+def add_exception_info(failure_list):
+ """Add exception information to fields.
+ This function takes a list of fields (field name and field body)
+ as an argument. If the field name is the name of an exception, it adds
+ the exception code into the field name, and exception message into
+ the field body.
+ """
+ failure_dict = {}
+ # Add the exception code and message string
+ for f in failure_list:
+ field_name, field_body = split_str_to_field(f)
+ exc_code = ""
+ exc_msg = ""
+ if (field_name is not None) and hasattr(exception, field_name):
+ # Get the exception code and message string
+ exc_class = getattr(exception, field_name)
+ try:
+ exc_code = exc_class.code
+ exc_msg = exc_class._msg_fmt
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ # Add the exception's HTTP code and HTTP phrase
+ # to the field name
+ if isinstance(exc_code, HTTPStatus):
+ field_name = (field_name
+ + " (HTTP "
+ + str(exc_code.value)
+ + " "
+ + exc_code.phrase
+ + ")")
+ else:
+ field_name = field_name + " (HTTP " + str(exc_code) + ")"
+ # Add the exception's HTTP description to the field body
+ field_body = exc_msg + " \n" + field_body
+ # Add to dictionary if field name and field body exist
+ if field_name is not None and field_body is not None:
+ failure_dict[field_name] = field_body
+ return failure_dict
+class Parameters(Directive):
+ """This class implements the Parameters Directive."""
+ required_arguments = 1
+ has_content = True
+ def run(self):
+ # Parse the input field list from the docstring, as a dictionary
+ input_dict = {}
+ input_dict = parse_field_list(self.content)
+ # Read from yaml file
+ param_file = self.arguments[0]
+ cur_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)))
+ param_file_path = cur_path + '/' + param_file
+ yaml_data = read_from_file(param_file_path)
+ # Substitute the parameter descriptions with the yaml file descriptions
+ for field_name in input_dict:
+ old_field_body = input_dict[field_name]
+ if old_field_body in yaml_data.keys():
+ input_dict[field_name] = yaml_data[old_field_body]["description"]
+ # Convert dictionary to bullet list format
+ params_build_env = self.state.document.settings.env
+ params_bullet_list = create_bullet_list(input_dict, params_build_env)
+ # Create a table to display the final Parameters directive output
+ params_table = create_table('Parameters', params_bullet_list)
+ return [params_table]
+class Return(Directive):
+ """This class implements the Return Directive."""
+ has_content = True
+ def run(self):
+ initial_list, success_list, failure_list = split_list(self.content)
+ # Concatenate the field bodies split over multiple lines
+ proc_fail_list = process_list(failure_list)
+ # Add the exception code(s) and corresponding message string(s)
+ failure_dict = {}
+ failure_dict = add_exception_info(proc_fail_list)
+ ret_table_contents = nodes.paragraph()
+ if len(initial_list) > 0:
+ for i in initial_list:
+ initial_cont = nodes.Text(data=i)
+ ret_table_contents += initial_cont
+ if len(success_list) > 0:
+ # Add heading 'Success:' to output
+ success_heading = nodes.strong()
+ success_heading += nodes.Text(data='Success:')
+ ret_table_contents += success_heading
+ # Add Success details to output
+ success_detail = nodes.paragraph()
+ for s in success_list:
+ success_detail += nodes.Text(data=s)
+ ret_table_contents += success_detail
+ if len(proc_fail_list) > 0:
+ # Add heading 'Failure:' to output
+ failure_heading = nodes.strong()
+ failure_heading += nodes.Text(data='Failure:')
+ ret_table_contents += failure_heading
+ # Add failure details to output
+ ret_build_env = self.state.document.settings.env
+ failure_detail = create_bullet_list(failure_dict, ret_build_env)
+ ret_table_contents += failure_detail
+ if len(initial_list) > 0 or len(success_list) > 0 or len(proc_fail_list) > 0:
+ # Create a table to display the final Returns directive output
+ ret_table = create_table('Returns', ret_table_contents)
+ return [ret_table]
+ else:
+ return None
+def setup(app):
+ app.add_directive("parameters", Parameters)
+ app.add_directive("return", Return)
+ return {
+ 'version': '0.1',
+ 'parallel_read_safe': True,
+ 'parallel_write_safe': True,
+ }
diff --git a/doc/source/ b/doc/source/
index 1f667a4b4..2746ac934 100644
--- a/doc/source/
+++ b/doc/source/
@@ -42,7 +42,8 @@ extensions = ['sphinx.ext.viewcode',
- 'openstackdocstheme'
+ 'openstackdocstheme',
+ 'web_api_docstring'
# sphinxcontrib.apidoc options