path: root/ironic/drivers/modules/irmc
diff options
authorNaohiro Tamura <>2015-01-17 00:13:24 +0900
committerNaohiro Tamura <>2015-07-06 01:22:25 +0900
commitf55ab34e54cffd10b263db6d74e2669e75de6e4b (patch)
treeb2feab34df2a53fcf6bac14df50008fae12f9ccf /ironic/drivers/modules/irmc
parent29248df4432150e420d0d22a40f2ac47aa8870f8 (diff)
Add iRMC Virtual Media Deploy module for iRMC Driver
This module enables PXE/TFTP less deployment capability to provision PRIMERGY bare metal nodes (having iRMC S4 and beyond) by booting the bare metal node with virtual media using NFS or CIFS from conductor node to deploy the image. Implements: blueprint irmc-virtualmedia-deploy-driver Change-Id: I747b3245c7ba5e991abb07c894c8cd2b2d3c45e8
Diffstat (limited to 'ironic/drivers/modules/irmc')
2 files changed, 825 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ironic/drivers/modules/irmc/ b/ironic/drivers/modules/irmc/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5370d32d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ironic/drivers/modules/irmc/
@@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+iRMC Deploy Driver
+import os
+import tempfile
+from oslo_config import cfg
+from oslo_log import log as logging
+from oslo_utils import importutils
+from ironic.common import boot_devices
+from ironic.common import exception
+from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils
+from ironic.common.i18n import _
+from ironic.common.i18n import _LE
+from ironic.common.i18n import _LI
+from ironic.common import images
+from ironic.common import states
+from ironic.common import utils
+from ironic.conductor import task_manager
+from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
+from ironic.drivers import base
+from ironic.drivers.modules import agent
+from ironic.drivers.modules import deploy_utils
+from ironic.drivers.modules.irmc import common as irmc_common
+from ironic.drivers.modules import iscsi_deploy
+scci = importutils.try_import('scciclient.irmc.scci')
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+ if CONF.debug:
+ scci.DEBUG = True
+except Exception:
+ pass
+opts = [
+ cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_share_root',
+ default='/remote_image_share_root',
+ help='Ironic conductor node\'s "NFS" or "CIFS" root path'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_server',
+ help='IP of remote image server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_share_type',
+ default='CIFS',
+ help='Share type of virtual media, either "NFS" or "CIFS"'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_share_name',
+ default='share',
+ help='share name of remote_image_server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_user_name',
+ help='User name of remote_image_server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_user_password',
+ help='Password of remote_image_user_name'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_user_domain',
+ default='',
+ help='Domain name of remote_image_user_name'),
+CONF.register_opts(opts, group='irmc')
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ 'irmc_deploy_iso': _("Deployment ISO image file name. "
+ "Required."),
+CONF.import_opt('pxe_append_params', 'ironic.drivers.modules.iscsi_deploy',
+ group='pxe')
+def _parse_config_option():
+ """Parse config file options.
+ This method checks config file options validity.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if config option has invalid value.
+ """
+ error_msgs = []
+ if not os.path.isdir(CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root):
+ error_msgs.append(
+ _("Value '%s' for remote_image_share_root isn't a directory "
+ "or doesn't exist.") %
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root)
+ if CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_type.lower() not in ('nfs', 'cifs'):
+ error_msgs.append(
+ _("Value '%s' for remote_image_share_type is not supported "
+ "value either 'NFS' or 'CIFS'.") %
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_type)
+ if error_msgs:
+ msg = (_("The following errors were encountered while parsing "
+ "config file:%s") % error_msgs)
+ raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
+def _parse_driver_info(node):
+ """Gets the driver specific Node deployment info.
+ This method validates whether the 'driver_info' property of the
+ supplied node contains the required or optional information properly
+ for this driver to deploy images to the node.
+ :param node: a target node of the deployment
+ :returns: the driver_info values of the node.
+ :raises: MissingParameterValue, if any of the required parameters are
+ missing.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if any of the parameters have invalid
+ value.
+ """
+ d_info = node.driver_info
+ deploy_info = {}
+ deploy_info['irmc_deploy_iso'] = d_info.get('irmc_deploy_iso')
+ error_msg = _("Error validating iRMC virtual media deploy. Some parameters"
+ " were missing in node's driver_info")
+ deploy_utils.check_for_missing_params(deploy_info, error_msg)
+ if service_utils.is_image_href_ordinary_file_name(
+ deploy_info['irmc_deploy_iso']):
+ deploy_iso = os.path.join(CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root,
+ deploy_info['irmc_deploy_iso'])
+ if not os.path.isfile(deploy_iso):
+ msg = (_("Deploy ISO file, %(deploy_iso)s, "
+ "not found for node: %(node)s.") %
+ {'deploy_iso': deploy_iso, 'node': node.uuid})
+ raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
+ return deploy_info
+def _parse_instance_info(node):
+ """Gets the instance specific Node deployment info.
+ This method validates whether the 'instance_info' property of the
+ supplied node contains the required or optional information properly
+ for this driver to deploy images to the node.
+ :param node: a target node of the deployment
+ :returns: the instance_info values of the node.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if any of the parameters have invalid
+ value.
+ """
+ i_info = node.instance_info
+ deploy_info = {}
+ if i_info.get('irmc_boot_iso'):
+ deploy_info['irmc_boot_iso'] = i_info['irmc_boot_iso']
+ if service_utils.is_image_href_ordinary_file_name(
+ deploy_info['irmc_boot_iso']):
+ boot_iso = os.path.join(CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root,
+ deploy_info['irmc_boot_iso'])
+ if not os.path.isfile(boot_iso):
+ msg = (_("Boot ISO file, %(boot_iso)s, "
+ "not found for node: %(node)s.") %
+ {'boot_iso': boot_iso, 'node': node.uuid})
+ raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(msg)
+ return deploy_info
+def _parse_deploy_info(node):
+ """Gets the instance and driver specific Node deployment info.
+ This method validates whether the 'instance_info' and 'driver_info'
+ property of the supplied node contains the required information for
+ this driver to deploy images to the node.
+ :param node: a target node of the deployment
+ :returns: a dict with the instance_info and driver_info values.
+ :raises: MissingParameterValue, if any of the required parameters are
+ missing.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if any of the parameters have invalid
+ value.
+ """
+ deploy_info = {}
+ deploy_info.update(iscsi_deploy.parse_instance_info(node))
+ deploy_info.update(_parse_driver_info(node))
+ deploy_info.update(_parse_instance_info(node))
+ return deploy_info
+def _reboot_into_deploy_iso(task, ramdisk_options):
+ """Reboots the node into a given deploy ISO.
+ This method attaches the given deploy ISO as virtual media, prepares the
+ arguments for ramdisk in virtual media floppy, and then reboots the node.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :param ramdisk_options: the options to be passed to the ramdisk in virtual
+ media floppy.
+ :raises: ImageRefValidationFailed if no image service can handle specified
+ href.
+ :raises: ImageCreationFailed, if it failed while creating the floppy image.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError, if some operation on iRMC failed.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue if the validation of the
+ PowerInterface or ManagementInterface fails.
+ """
+ d_info = task.node.driver_info
+ deploy_iso_href = d_info['irmc_deploy_iso']
+ if service_utils.is_image_href_ordinary_file_name(deploy_iso_href):
+ deploy_iso_file = deploy_iso_href
+ else:
+ deploy_iso_file = _get_deploy_iso_name(task.node)
+ deploy_iso_fullpathname = os.path.join(
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root, deploy_iso_file)
+ images.fetch(task.context, deploy_iso_href, deploy_iso_fullpathname)
+ setup_vmedia_for_boot(task, deploy_iso_file, ramdisk_options)
+ manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, boot_devices.CDROM)
+ manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.REBOOT)
+def _get_deploy_iso_name(node):
+ """Returns the deploy ISO file name for a given node.
+ :param node: the node for which ISO file name is to be provided.
+ """
+ return "deploy-%s.iso" % node.uuid
+def _get_boot_iso_name(node):
+ """Returns the boot ISO file name for a given node.
+ :param node: the node for which ISO file name is to be provided.
+ """
+ return "boot-%s.iso" % node.uuid
+def _prepare_boot_iso(task, root_uuid):
+ """Prepare a boot ISO to boot the node.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :param root_uuid: the uuid of the root partition.
+ :raises: MissingParameterValue, if any of the required parameters are
+ missing.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if any of the parameters have invalid
+ value.
+ :raises: ImageCreationFailed, if creating boot ISO
+ for BIOS boot_mode failed.
+ """
+ deploy_info = _parse_deploy_info(task.node)
+ driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
+ # fetch boot iso
+ if deploy_info.get('irmc_boot_iso'):
+ boot_iso_href = deploy_info['irmc_boot_iso']
+ if service_utils.is_image_href_ordinary_file_name(boot_iso_href):
+ driver_internal_info['irmc_boot_iso'] = boot_iso_href
+ else:
+ boot_iso_filename = _get_boot_iso_name(task.node)
+ boot_iso_fullpathname = os.path.join(
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root, boot_iso_filename)
+ images.fetch(task.context, boot_iso_href, boot_iso_fullpathname)
+ driver_internal_info['irmc_boot_iso'] = boot_iso_filename
+ # create boot iso
+ else:
+ image_href = deploy_info['image_source']
+ image_props = ['kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']
+ image_properties = images.get_image_properties(
+ task.context, image_href, image_props)
+ kernel_href = (task.node.instance_info.get('kernel') or
+ image_properties['kernel_id'])
+ ramdisk_href = (task.node.instance_info.get('ramdisk') or
+ image_properties['ramdisk_id'])
+ deploy_iso_filename = _get_deploy_iso_name(task.node)
+ deploy_iso = ('file://' + os.path.join(
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root, deploy_iso_filename))
+ boot_mode = deploy_utils.get_boot_mode_for_deploy(task.node)
+ kernel_params = CONF.pxe.pxe_append_params
+ boot_iso_filename = _get_boot_iso_name(task.node)
+ boot_iso_fullpathname = os.path.join(
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root, boot_iso_filename)
+ images.create_boot_iso(task.context, boot_iso_fullpathname,
+ kernel_href, ramdisk_href,
+ deploy_iso, root_uuid,
+ kernel_params, boot_mode)
+ driver_internal_info['irmc_boot_iso'] = boot_iso_filename
+ # save driver_internal_info['irmc_boot_iso']
+ task.node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
+def _get_floppy_image_name(node):
+ """Returns the floppy image name for a given node.
+ :param node: the node for which image name is to be provided.
+ """
+ return "image-%s.img" % node.uuid
+def _prepare_floppy_image(task, params):
+ """Prepares the floppy image for passing the parameters.
+ This method prepares a temporary vfat filesystem image, which
+ contains the parameters to be passed to the ramdisk.
+ Then it uploads the file NFS or CIFS server.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :param params: a dictionary containing 'parameter name'->'value' mapping
+ to be passed to the deploy ramdisk via the floppy image.
+ :returns: floppy image filename
+ :raises: ImageCreationFailed, if it failed while creating the floppy image.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError, if copying floppy image file failed.
+ """
+ floppy_filename = _get_floppy_image_name(task.node)
+ floppy_fullpathname = os.path.join(
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root, floppy_filename)
+ with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as vfat_image_tmpfile_obj:
+ images.create_vfat_image(,
+ parameters=params)
+ try:
+ utils.execute('cp',,
+ floppy_fullpathname, check_exit_code=[0])
+ except Exception as e:
+ operation = _("Copying floppy image file")
+ raise exception.IRMCOperationError(
+ operation=operation, error=e)
+ return floppy_filename
+def setup_vmedia_for_boot(task, bootable_iso_filename, parameters=None):
+ """Sets up the node to boot from the boot ISO image.
+ This method attaches a boot_iso on the node and passes
+ the required parameters to it via a virtual floppy image.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :param bootable_iso_filename: a bootable ISO image to attach to.
+ The iso file should be present in NFS/CIFS server.
+ :param parameters: the parameters to pass in a virtual floppy image
+ in a dictionary. This is optional.
+ :raises: ImageCreationFailed, if it failed while creating a floppy image.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError, if attaching a virtual media failed.
+ """
+"Setting up node %s to boot from virtual media"),
+ task.node.uuid)
+ if parameters:
+ floppy_image_filename = _prepare_floppy_image(task, parameters)
+ _attach_virtual_fd(task.node, floppy_image_filename)
+ _attach_virtual_cd(task.node, bootable_iso_filename)
+def _cleanup_vmedia_boot(task):
+ """Cleans a node after a virtual media boot.
+ This method cleans up a node after a virtual media boot.
+ It deletes a floppy image if it exists in NFS/CIFS server.
+ It also ejects both the virtual media cdrom and the virtual media floppy.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError if ejecting virtual media failed.
+ """
+ LOG.debug("Cleaning up node %s after virtual media boot", task.node.uuid)
+ node = task.node
+ _detach_virtual_cd(node)
+ _detach_virtual_fd(node)
+ _remove_share_file(_get_floppy_image_name(node))
+ _remove_share_file(_get_deploy_iso_name(node))
+def _remove_share_file(share_filename):
+ """remove a file in the share file system.
+ :param share_filename: a file name to be removed.
+ """
+ share_fullpathname = os.path.join(
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_name, share_filename)
+ utils.unlink_without_raise(share_fullpathname)
+def _attach_virtual_cd(node, bootable_iso_filename):
+ """Attaches the given url as virtual media on the node.
+ :param node: an ironic node object.
+ :param bootable_iso_filename: a bootable ISO image to attach to.
+ The iso file should be present in NFS/CIFS server.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError if attaching virtual media failed.
+ """
+ try:
+ irmc_client = irmc_common.get_irmc_client(node)
+ cd_set_params = scci.get_virtual_cd_set_params_cmd(
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_server,
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_user_domain,
+ scci.get_share_type(CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_type),
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_name,
+ bootable_iso_filename,
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_user_name,
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_user_password)
+ irmc_client(cd_set_params, async=False)
+ irmc_client(scci.MOUNT_CD, async=False)
+ except scci.SCCIClientError as irmc_exception:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Error while inserting virtual cdrom "
+ "from node %(uuid)s. Error: %(error)s"),
+ {'uuid': node.uuid, 'error': irmc_exception})
+ operation = _("Inserting virtual cdrom")
+ raise exception.IRMCOperationError(operation=operation,
+ error=irmc_exception)
+"Attached virtual cdrom successfully"
+ " for node %s"), node.uuid)
+def _detach_virtual_cd(node):
+ """Detaches virtual cdrom on the node.
+ :param node: an ironic node object.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError if eject virtual cdrom failed.
+ """
+ try:
+ irmc_client = irmc_common.get_irmc_client(node)
+ irmc_client(scci.UNMOUNT_CD)
+ except scci.SCCIClientError as irmc_exception:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Error while ejecting virtual cdrom "
+ "from node %(uuid)s. Error: %(error)s"),
+ {'uuid': node.uuid, 'error': irmc_exception})
+ operation = _("Ejecting virtual cdrom")
+ raise exception.IRMCOperationError(operation=operation,
+ error=irmc_exception)
+"Detached virtual cdrom successfully"
+ " for node %s"), node.uuid)
+def _attach_virtual_fd(node, floppy_image_filename):
+ """Attaches virtual floppy on the node.
+ :param node: an ironic node object.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError if insert virtual floppy failed.
+ """
+ try:
+ irmc_client = irmc_common.get_irmc_client(node)
+ fd_set_params = scci.get_virtual_fd_set_params_cmd(
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_server,
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_user_domain,
+ scci.get_share_type(CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_type),
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_name,
+ floppy_image_filename,
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_user_name,
+ CONF.irmc.remote_image_user_password)
+ irmc_client(fd_set_params, async=False)
+ irmc_client(scci.MOUNT_FD, async=False)
+ except scci.SCCIClientError as irmc_exception:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Error while inserting virtual floppy "
+ "from node %(uuid)s. Error: %(error)s"),
+ {'uuid': node.uuid, 'error': irmc_exception})
+ operation = _("Inserting virtual floppy")
+ raise exception.IRMCOperationError(operation=operation,
+ error=irmc_exception)
+"Attached virtual floppy successfully"
+ " for node %s"), node.uuid)
+def _detach_virtual_fd(node):
+ """Detaches virtual media on the node.
+ :param node: an ironic node object.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError if eject virtual media failed.
+ """
+ try:
+ irmc_client = irmc_common.get_irmc_client(node)
+ irmc_client(scci.UNMOUNT_FD)
+ except scci.SCCIClientError as irmc_exception:
+ LOG.exception(_LE("Error while ejecting virtual floppy "
+ "from node %(uuid)s. Error: %(error)s"),
+ {'uuid': node.uuid, 'error': irmc_exception})
+ operation = _("Ejecting virtual floppy")
+ raise exception.IRMCOperationError(operation=operation,
+ error=irmc_exception)
+"Detached virtual floppy successfully"
+ " for node %s"), node.uuid)
+def _check_share_fs_mounted():
+ """Check if Share File System (NFS or CIFS) is mounted.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if config option has invalid value.
+ :raises: IRMCSharedFileSystemNotMounted, if shared file system is
+ not mounted.
+ """
+ _parse_config_option()
+ if not os.path.ismount(CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root):
+ raise exception.IRMCSharedFileSystemNotMounted(
+ share=CONF.irmc.remote_image_share_root)
+class IRMCVirtualMediaIscsiDeploy(base.DeployInterface):
+ """Interface for iSCSI deploy-related actions."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Constructor of IRMCVirtualMediaIscsiDeploy.
+ :raises: IRMCSharedFileSystemNotMounted, if shared file system is
+ not mounted.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if config option has invalid value.
+ """
+ _check_share_fs_mounted()
+ super(IRMCVirtualMediaIscsiDeploy, self).__init__()
+ def get_properties(self):
+ def validate(self, task):
+ """Validate the deployment information for the task's node.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if config option has invalid value.
+ :raises: IRMCSharedFileSystemNotMounted, if shared file system is
+ not mounted.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if some information is invalid.
+ :raises: MissingParameterValue if 'kernel_id' and 'ramdisk_id' are
+ missing in the Glance image, or if 'kernel' and 'ramdisk' are
+ missing in the Non Glance image.
+ """
+ _check_share_fs_mounted()
+ iscsi_deploy.validate(task)
+ d_info = _parse_deploy_info(task.node)
+ if service_utils.is_glance_image(d_info['image_source']):
+ props = ['kernel_id', 'ramdisk_id']
+ else:
+ props = ['kernel', 'ramdisk']
+ iscsi_deploy.validate_image_properties(task.context, d_info,
+ props)
+ deploy_utils.validate_capabilities(task.node)
+ @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock
+ def deploy(self, task):
+ """Start deployment of the task's node.
+ Fetches the instance image, prepares the options for the deployment
+ ramdisk, sets the node to boot from virtual media cdrom, and reboots
+ the given node.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :returns: deploy state DEPLOYWAIT.
+ :raises: InstanceDeployFailure, if image size if greater than root
+ partition.
+ :raises: ImageCreationFailed, if it failed while creating the floppy
+ image.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError, if some operation on iRMC fails.
+ """
+ node = task.node
+ manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF)
+ iscsi_deploy.cache_instance_image(task.context, node)
+ iscsi_deploy.check_image_size(task)
+ deploy_ramdisk_opts = iscsi_deploy.build_deploy_ramdisk_options(node)
+ deploy_nic_mac = deploy_utils.get_single_nic_with_vif_port_id(task)
+ deploy_ramdisk_opts['BOOTIF'] = deploy_nic_mac
+ _reboot_into_deploy_iso(task, deploy_ramdisk_opts)
+ return states.DEPLOYWAIT
+ @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock
+ def tear_down(self, task):
+ """Tear down a previous deployment on the task's node.
+ Power off the node. All actual clean-up is done in the clean_up()
+ method which should be called separately.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :returns: deploy state DELETED.
+ """
+ _remove_share_file(_get_boot_iso_name(task.node))
+ driver_internal_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
+ driver_internal_info.pop('irmc_boot_iso', None)
+ task.node.driver_internal_info = driver_internal_info
+ manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF)
+ return states.DELETED
+ def prepare(self, task):
+ """Prepare the deployment environment for the task's node.
+ If preparation of the deployment environment ahead of time is possible,
+ this method should be implemented by the driver.
+ If implemented, this method must be idempotent. It may be called
+ multiple times for the same node on the same conductor, and it may be
+ called by multiple conductors in parallel. Therefore, it must not
+ require an exclusive lock.
+ This method is called before `deploy`.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ """
+ pass
+ def clean_up(self, task):
+ """Clean up the deployment environment for the task's node.
+ Unlinks instance image and triggers image cache cleanup.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ """
+ _cleanup_vmedia_boot(task)
+ iscsi_deploy.destroy_images(task.node.uuid)
+ def take_over(self, task):
+ pass
+class IRMCVirtualMediaAgentDeploy(base.DeployInterface):
+ def __init__(self):
+ """Constructor of IRMCVirtualMediaAgentDeploy.
+ :raises: IRMCSharedFileSystemNotMounted, if shared file system is
+ not mounted.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if config option has invalid value.
+ """
+ _check_share_fs_mounted()
+ super(IRMCVirtualMediaAgentDeploy, self).__init__()
+ """Interface for Agent deploy-related actions."""
+ def get_properties(self):
+ """Return the properties of the interface.
+ :returns: dictionary of <property name>:<property description> entries.
+ """
+ def validate(self, task):
+ """Validate the driver-specific Node deployment info.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance
+ :raises: IRMCSharedFileSystemNotMounted, if shared file system is
+ not mounted.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if config option has invalid value.
+ :raises: MissingParameterValue if some parameters are missing.
+ """
+ _check_share_fs_mounted()
+ _parse_driver_info(task.node)
+ deploy_utils.validate_capabilities(task.node)
+ @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock
+ def deploy(self, task):
+ """Perform a deployment to a node.
+ Prepares the options for the agent ramdisk and sets the node to boot
+ from virtual media cdrom.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+ :returns: states.DEPLOYWAIT
+ :raises: ImageCreationFailed, if it failed while creating the floppy
+ image.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError, if some operation on iRMC fails.
+ """
+ deploy_ramdisk_opts = agent.build_agent_options(task.node)
+ _reboot_into_deploy_iso(task, deploy_ramdisk_opts)
+ return states.DEPLOYWAIT
+ @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock
+ def tear_down(self, task):
+ """Tear down a previous deployment on the task's node.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+ :returns: states.DELETED
+ """
+ manager_utils.node_power_action(task, states.POWER_OFF)
+ return states.DELETED
+ def prepare(self, task):
+ """Prepare the deployment environment for this node.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+ """
+ node = task.node
+ node.instance_info = agent.build_instance_info_for_deploy(task)
+ def clean_up(self, task):
+ """Clean up the deployment environment for this node.
+ Ejects the attached virtual media from the iRMC and also removes
+ the floppy image from the share file system, if it exists.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+ """
+ _cleanup_vmedia_boot(task)
+ def take_over(self, task):
+ """Take over management of this node from a dead conductor.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance.
+ """
+ pass
+class VendorPassthru(base.VendorInterface):
+ """Vendor-specific interfaces for iRMC deploy drivers."""
+ def get_properties(self):
+ def validate(self, task, method, **kwargs):
+ """Validate vendor-specific actions.
+ Checks if a valid vendor passthru method was passed and validates
+ the parameters for the vendor passthru method.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :param method: method to be validated.
+ :param kwargs: kwargs containing the vendor passthru method's
+ parameters.
+ :raises: MissingParameterValue, if some required parameters were not
+ passed.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue, if any of the parameters have invalid
+ value.
+ """
+ iscsi_deploy.get_deploy_info(task.node, **kwargs)
+ @base.passthru(['POST'])
+ @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock
+ def pass_deploy_info(self, task, **kwargs):
+ """Continues the iSCSI deployment from where ramdisk left off.
+ Continues the iSCSI deployment from the conductor node, finds the
+ boot ISO to boot the node, and sets the node to boot from boot ISO.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :param kwargs: kwargs containing parameters for iSCSI deployment.
+ :raises: InvalidState
+ """
+ node = task.node
+ task.process_event('resume')
+ root_dict = iscsi_deploy.continue_deploy(task, **kwargs)
+ root_uuid = root_dict.get('root uuid')
+ try:
+ _cleanup_vmedia_boot(task)
+ _prepare_boot_iso(task, root_uuid)
+ setup_vmedia_for_boot(task,
+ node.driver_internal_info['irmc_boot_iso'])
+ manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, boot_devices.CDROM)
+ address = kwargs.get('address')
+ deploy_utils.notify_ramdisk_to_proceed(address)
+'Deployment to node %s done'), node.uuid)
+ task.process_event('done')
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.exception(_LE('Deploy failed for instance %(instance)s. '
+ 'Error: %(error)s'),
+ {'instance': node.instance_uuid, 'error': e})
+ msg = _('Failed to continue iSCSI deployment.')
+ deploy_utils.set_failed_state(task, msg)
diff --git a/ironic/drivers/modules/irmc/ b/ironic/drivers/modules/irmc/
index 4b4ecf90b..de9cd8ae3 100644
--- a/ironic/drivers/modules/irmc/
+++ b/ironic/drivers/modules/irmc/
@@ -18,14 +18,17 @@ from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_log import log as logging
from oslo_utils import importutils
+from ironic.common import boot_devices
from ironic.common import exception
from ironic.common.i18n import _
from ironic.common.i18n import _LE
from ironic.common import states
from ironic.conductor import task_manager
+from ironic.conductor import utils as manager_utils
from ironic.drivers import base
from ironic.drivers.modules import ipmitool
from ironic.drivers.modules.irmc import common as irmc_common
+from ironic.drivers.modules.irmc import deploy as irmc_deploy
scci = importutils.try_import('scciclient.irmc.scci')
@@ -39,6 +42,28 @@ if scci:
states.REBOOT: scci.POWER_RESET}
+def _attach_boot_iso_if_needed(task):
+ """Attaches boot ISO for a deployed node if it exists.
+ This method checks the instance info of the bare metal node for a
+ boot ISO. If the instance info has a value of key 'irmc_boot_iso',
+ it indicates that 'boot_option' is 'netboot'. Threfore it attaches
+ the boot ISO on the bare metal node and then sets the node to boot from
+ virtual media cdrom.
+ :param task: a TaskManager instance containing the node to act on.
+ :raises: IRMCOperationError if attaching virtual media failed.
+ :raises: InvalidParameterValue if the validation of the
+ ManagementInterface fails.
+ """
+ d_info = task.node.driver_internal_info
+ node_state = task.node.provision_state
+ if 'irmc_boot_iso' in d_info and node_state == states.ACTIVE:
+ irmc_deploy.setup_vmedia_for_boot(task, d_info['irmc_boot_iso'])
+ manager_utils.node_set_boot_device(task, boot_devices.CDROM)
def _set_power_state(task, target_state):
"""Turns the server power on/off or do a reboot.
@@ -53,6 +78,9 @@ def _set_power_state(task, target_state):
node = task.node
irmc_client = irmc_common.get_irmc_client(node)
+ if target_state in (states.POWER_ON, states.REBOOT):
+ _attach_boot_iso_if_needed(task)