path: root/install-guide/source/include
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+The Bare Metal service is configured via its configuration file. This file
+is typically located at ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf``.
+Although some configuration options are mentioned here, it is recommended that
+you review all the `available options <>`_
+so that the Bare Metal service is configured for your needs.
+It is possible to set up an ironic-api and an ironic-conductor services on the
+same host or different hosts. Users also can add new ironic-conductor hosts
+to deal with an increasing number of bare metal nodes. But the additional
+ironic-conductor services should be at the same version as that of existing
+ironic-conductor services.
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/common-prerequisites.rst b/install-guide/source/include/common-prerequisites.rst
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+Install and configure prerequisites
+The Bare Metal service is a collection of components that provides support to
+manage and provision physical machines. You can configure these components to
+run on separate nodes or the same node. In this guide, the components run on
+one node, typically the Compute Service's compute node.
+It assumes that the Identity, Image, Compute, and Networking services
+have already been set up.
+Set up the database for Bare Metal
+The Bare Metal service stores information in a database. This guide uses the
+MySQL database that is used by other OpenStack services.
+#. In MySQL, create an ``ironic`` database that is accessible by the
+ ``ironic`` user. Replace ``IRONIC_DBPASSWORD`` with a suitable password:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ # mysql -u root -p
+ mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ironic.* TO 'ironic'@'localhost' \
+ mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON ironic.* TO 'ironic'@'%' \
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/configure-glance-images.rst b/install-guide/source/include/configure-glance-images.rst
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+.. _image-requirements:
+Create and add images to the Image service
+Bare Metal provisioning requires two sets of images: the deploy images
+and the user images. The deploy images are used by the Bare Metal service
+to prepare the bare metal server for actual OS deployment. Whereas the
+user images are installed on the bare metal server to be used by the
+end user. Below are the steps to create the required images and add
+them to the Image service:
+#. The `disk-image-builder`_ can be used to create images required for
+ deployment and the actual OS which the user is going to run.
+ .. _disk-image-builder:
+ - Install diskimage-builder package (use virtualenv, if you don't
+ want to install anything globally):
+ .. code-block:: console
+ # pip install diskimage-builder
+ - Build the image your users will run (Ubuntu image has been taken as
+ an example):
+ - Partition images
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ disk-image-create ubuntu baremetal dhcp-all-interfaces grub2 -o my-image
+ - Whole disk images
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ disk-image-create ubuntu vm dhcp-all-interfaces -o my-image
+ The partition image command creates ``my-image.qcow2``,
+ ``my-image.vmlinuz`` and ``my-image.initrd`` files. The ``grub2`` element
+ in the partition image creation command is only needed if local boot will
+ be used to deploy ``my-image.qcow2``, otherwise the images
+ ``my-image.vmlinuz`` and ``my-image.initrd`` will be used for PXE booting
+ after deploying the bare metal with ``my-image.qcow2``.
+ If you want to use Fedora image, replace ``ubuntu`` with ``fedora`` in the
+ chosen command.
+ .. note:: To build the deploy image take a look at the :ref:`deploy-ramdisk`
+ section.
+#. Add the user images to the Image service
+ Load all the images created in the below steps into the Image service,
+ and note the image UUIDs in the Image service for each one as it is
+ generated.
+ - Add the kernel and ramdisk images to the Image service:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ glance image-create --name my-kernel --visibility public \
+ --disk-format aki --container-format aki < my-image.vmlinuz
+ Store the image uuid obtained from the above step as ``MY_VMLINUZ_UUID``.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ glance image-create --name my-image.initrd --visibility public \
+ --disk-format ari --container-format ari < my-image.initrd
+ Store the image UUID obtained from the above step as ``MY_INITRD_UUID``.
+ - Add the *my-image* to the Image service which is going to be the OS
+ that the user is going to run. Also associate the above created
+ images with this OS image. These two operations can be done by
+ executing the following command:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ glance image-create --name my-image --visibility public \
+ --disk-format qcow2 --container-format bare --property \
+ kernel_id=$MY_VMLINUZ_UUID --property \
+ ramdisk_id=$MY_INITRD_UUID < my-image.qcow2
+ .. note:: To deploy a whole disk image, a kernel_id and a ramdisk_id
+ shouldn't be associated with the image. For example,
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ glance image-create --name my-whole-disk-image --visibility public \
+ --disk-format qcow2 \
+ --container-format bare < my-whole-disk-image.qcow2
+#. Add the deploy images to the Image service
+ Add the *my-deploy-ramdisk.kernel* and *my-deploy-ramdisk.initramfs* images
+ to the Image service:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ glance image-create --name deploy-vmlinuz --visibility public \
+ --disk-format aki --container-format aki < my-deploy-ramdisk.kernel
+ Store the image UUID obtained from the above step as ``DEPLOY_VMLINUZ_UUID``.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ glance image-create --name deploy-initrd --visibility public \
+ --disk-format ari --container-format ari < my-deploy-ramdisk.initramfs
+ Store the image UUID obtained from the above step as ``DEPLOY_INITRD_UUID``.
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/configure-identity.rst b/install-guide/source/include/configure-identity.rst
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+Configure the Identity service for the Bare Metal service
+#. Create the Bare Metal service user (for example, ``ironic``).
+ The service uses this to authenticate with the Identity service.
+ Use the ``service`` tenant and give the user the ``admin`` role:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ openstack user create --password IRONIC_PASSWORD \
+ --email ironic
+ $ openstack role add --project service --user ironic admin
+#. You must register the Bare Metal service with the Identity service so that
+ other OpenStack services can locate it. To register the service:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ openstack service create --name ironic --description \
+ "Ironic baremetal provisioning service" baremetal
+#. Use the ``id`` property that is returned from the Identity service when
+ registering the service (above), to create the endpoint,
+ and replace ``IRONIC_NODE`` with your Bare Metal service's API node:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
+ baremetal admin http://$IRONIC_NODE:6385
+ $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
+ baremetal public http://$IRONIC_NODE:6385
+ $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
+ baremetal internal http://$IRONIC_NODE:6385
+ If only keystone v2 API is available, use this command instead:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne \
+ --publicurl http://$IRONIC_NODE:6385 \
+ --internalurl http://$IRONIC_NODE:6385 \
+ --adminurl http://$IRONIC_NODE:6385 \
+ baremetal
+#. You may delegate limited privileges related to the Bare Metal service
+ to your Users by creating Roles with the OpenStack Identity service. By
+ default, the Bare Metal service expects the "baremetal_admin" and
+ "baremetal_observer" Roles to exist, in addition to the default "admin"
+ Role. There is no negative consequence if you choose not to create these
+ Roles. They can be created with the following commands:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ openstack role create baremetal_admin
+ $ openstack role create baremetal_observer
+ If you choose to customize the names of Roles used with the Bare Metal
+ service, do so by changing the "is_member", "is_observer", and "is_admin"
+ policy settings in ``/etc/ironic/policy.json``.
+ More complete documentation on managing Users and Roles within your
+ OpenStack deployment are outside the scope of this document, but may be
+ found here_.
+#. You can further restrict access to the Bare Metal service by creating a
+ separate "baremetal" Project, so that Bare Metal resources (Nodes, Ports,
+ etc) are only accessible to members of this Project:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ openstack project create baremetal
+ At this point, you may grant read-only access to the Bare Metal service API
+ without granting any other access by issuing the following commands:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ openstack user create \
+ --domain default --project-domain default --project baremetal \
+ $ openstack role add \
+ --user-domain default --project-domain default --project baremetal \
+ --user USERNAME baremetal_observer
+#. Further documentation is available elsewhere for the ``openstack``
+ `command-line client`_ and the Identity_ service. A policy.json.sample_
+ file, which enumerates the service's default policies, is provided for
+ your convenience with the Bare Metal Service.
+.. _Identity:
+.. _`command-line client`:
+.. _here:
+.. _policy.json.sample:
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/configure-ironic-api-mod_wsgi.rst b/install-guide/source/include/configure-ironic-api-mod_wsgi.rst
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+Configuring ironic-api behind mod_wsgi
+Bare Metal service comes with an example file for configuring the
+``ironic-api`` service to run behind Apache with mod_wsgi.
+#. Install the apache service:
+ .. TODO(mmitchell): Split this based on operating system
+ .. code-block:: console
+ Fedora 21/RHEL7/CentOS7:
+ sudo yum install httpd
+ Fedora 22 (or higher):
+ sudo dnf install httpd
+ Debian/Ubuntu:
+ apt-get install apache2
+#. Copy the ``etc/apache2/ironic`` file under the apache sites:
+ .. TODO(mmitchell): Split this based on operating system
+ .. code-block:: console
+ Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7:
+ sudo cp etc/apache2/ironic /etc/httpd/conf.d/ironic.conf
+ Debian/Ubuntu:
+ sudo cp etc/apache2/ironic /etc/apache2/sites-available/ironic.conf
+#. Edit the recently copied ``<apache-configuration-dir>/ironic.conf``:
+ #. Modify the ``WSGIDaemonProcess``, ``APACHE_RUN_USER`` and
+ ``APACHE_RUN_GROUP`` directives to set the user and group values to
+ an appropriate user on your server.
+ #. Modify the ``WSGIScriptAlias`` directive to point to the
+ ``ironic/api/app.wsgi`` script.
+ #. Modify the ``Directory`` directive to set the path to the Ironic API code.
+ #. Modify the ``ErrorLog`` and ``CustomLog`` to redirect the logs
+ to the right directory (on Red Hat systems this is usually under
+ /var/log/httpd).
+#. Enable the apache ``ironic`` in site and reload:
+ .. TODO(mmitchell): Split this based on operating system
+ .. code-block:: console
+ Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7:
+ sudo systemctl reload httpd
+ Debian/Ubuntu:
+ sudo a2ensite ironic
+ sudo service apache2 reload
+.. note::
+ The file ``ironic/api/app.wsgi`` is installed with the rest of the Bare Metal
+ service application code, and should not need to be modified.
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/configure-ironic-api.rst b/install-guide/source/include/configure-ironic-api.rst
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+Configuring ironic-api service
+#. The Bare Metal service stores information in a database. This guide uses the
+ MySQL database that is used by other OpenStack services.
+ Configure the location of the database via the ``connection`` option. In the
+ following, replace ``IRONIC_DBPASSWORD`` with the password of your
+ ``ironic`` user, and replace ``DB_IP`` with the IP address where the DB
+ server is located:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [database]
+ # The SQLAlchemy connection string used to connect to the
+ # database (string value)
+ connection=mysql+pymysql://ironic:IRONIC_DBPASSWORD@DB_IP/ironic?charset=utf8
+#. Configure the ironic-api service to use the RabbitMQ message broker by
+ setting one or more of these options. Replace ``RABBIT_HOST`` with the
+ address of the RabbitMQ server:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ # The messaging driver to use, defaults to rabbit. Other
+ # drivers include qpid and zmq. (string value)
+ #rpc_backend=rabbit
+ [oslo_messaging_rabbit]
+ # The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is used
+ # (string value)
+ rabbit_host=RABBIT_HOST
+ # The RabbitMQ userid (string value)
+ #rabbit_userid=guest
+ # The RabbitMQ password (string value)
+ #rabbit_password=guest
+#. Configure the ironic-api service to use these credentials with the Identity
+ service. Replace ``PUBLIC_IDENTITY_IP`` with the public IP of the Identity
+ server, ``PRIVATE_IDENTITY_IP`` with the private IP of the Identity server
+ and replace ``IRONIC_PASSWORD`` with the password you chose for the
+ ``ironic`` user in the Identity service:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ # Authentication strategy used by ironic-api: one of
+ # "keystone" or "noauth". "noauth" should not be used in a
+ # production environment because all authentication will be
+ # disabled. (string value)
+ auth_strategy=keystone
+ [keystone_authtoken]
+ # Authentication type to load (string value)
+ auth_type=v3password
+ # Complete public Identity API endpoint (string value)
+ auth_uri=http://PUBLIC_IDENTITY_IP:5000/v3/
+ # Complete admin Identity API endpoint. (string value)
+ auth_url=http://PRIVATE_IDENTITY_IP:35357/v3/
+ # Service username. (string value)
+ admin_user=ironic
+ # Service account password. (string value)
+ admin_password=IRONIC_PASSWORD
+ # Service tenant name. (string value)
+ admin_tenant_name=service
+#. Create the Bare Metal service database tables:
+ .. code-block:: bash
+ $ ironic-dbsync --config-file /etc/ironic/ironic.conf create_schema
+#. Restart the ironic-api service:
+ .. TODO(mmitchell): Split this based on operating system
+ .. code-block:: console
+ Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7:
+ sudo systemctl restart openstack-ironic-api
+ Ubuntu:
+ sudo service ironic-api restart
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/configure-ironic-conductor.rst b/install-guide/source/include/configure-ironic-conductor.rst
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+++ b/install-guide/source/include/configure-ironic-conductor.rst
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+Configuring ironic-conductor service
+#. Replace ``HOST_IP`` with IP of the conductor host, and replace ``DRIVERS``
+ with a comma-separated list of drivers you chose for the conductor service
+ as follows:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ # IP address of this host. If unset, will determine the IP
+ # programmatically. If unable to do so, will use "".
+ # (string value)
+ my_ip=HOST_IP
+ # Specify the list of drivers to load during service
+ # initialization. Missing drivers, or drivers which fail to
+ # initialize, will prevent the conductor service from
+ # starting. The option default is a recommended set of
+ # production-oriented drivers. A complete list of drivers
+ # present on your system may be found by enumerating the
+ # "ironic.drivers" entrypoint. An example may be found in the
+ # developer documentation online. (list value)
+ enabled_drivers=DRIVERS
+ .. note::
+ If a conductor host has multiple IPs, ``my_ip`` should
+ be set to the IP which is on the same network as the bare metal nodes.
+#. Configure the ironic-api service URL. Replace ``IRONIC_API_IP`` with IP of
+ ironic-api service as follows:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [conductor]
+ # URL of Ironic API service. If not set ironic can get the
+ # current value from the keystone service catalog. (string
+ # value)
+ api_url=http://IRONIC_API_IP:6385
+#. Configure the location of the database. Ironic-conductor should use the same
+ configuration as ironic-api. Replace ``IRONIC_DBPASSWORD`` with the password
+ of your ``ironic`` user, and replace DB_IP with the IP address where the DB
+ server is located:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [database]
+ # The SQLAlchemy connection string to use to connect to the
+ # database. (string value)
+ connection=mysql+pymysql://ironic:IRONIC_DBPASSWORD@DB_IP/ironic?charset=utf8
+#. Configure the ironic-conductor service to use the RabbitMQ message broker by
+ setting one or more of these options. Ironic-conductor should use the same
+ configuration as ironic-api. Replace ``RABBIT_HOST`` with the address of the
+ RabbitMQ server:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ # The messaging driver to use, defaults to rabbit. Other
+ # drivers include qpid and zmq. (string value)
+ #rpc_backend=rabbit
+ [oslo_messaging_rabbit]
+ # The RabbitMQ broker address where a single node is used.
+ # (string value)
+ rabbit_host=RABBIT_HOST
+ # The RabbitMQ userid. (string value)
+ #rabbit_userid=guest
+ # The RabbitMQ password. (string value)
+ #rabbit_password=guest
+#. Configure the ironic-conductor service so that it can communicate with the
+ Image service. Replace ``GLANCE_IP`` with the hostname or IP address of
+ the Image service:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [glance]
+ # Default glance hostname or IP address. (string value)
+ glance_host=GLANCE_IP
+ .. note::
+ Swift backend for the Image service should be installed and configured
+ for ``agent_*`` drivers. Starting with Mitaka the Bare Metal service also
+ supports Ceph Object Gateway (RADOS Gateway) as the Image service's backend
+ (`radosgw support <>`_).
+#. Set the URL (replace ``NEUTRON_IP``) for connecting to the Networking
+ service, to be the Networking service endpoint:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [neutron]
+ # URL for connecting to neutron. (string value)
+ url=http://NEUTRON_IP:9696
+ To configure the network for ironic-conductor service to perform node
+ cleaning, see `CleaningNetworkSetup <>`_
+ from the Ironic deploy guide.
+#. Configure the ironic-conductor service to use these credentials with the
+ Identity service. Ironic-conductor should use the same configuration as
+ ironic-api. Replace ``IDENTITY_IP`` with the IP of the Identity server,
+ and replace ``IRONIC_PASSWORD`` with the password you chose for the
+ ``ironic`` user in the Identity service:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [keystone_authtoken]
+ # Complete public Identity API endpoint (string value)
+ auth_uri=http://IDENTITY_IP:5000/
+ # Complete admin Identity API endpoint. This should specify
+ # the unversioned root endpoint e.g. https://localhost:35357/
+ # (string value)
+ identity_uri=http://IDENTITY_IP:35357/
+ # Service username. (string value)
+ admin_user=ironic
+ # Service account password. (string value)
+ admin_password=IRONIC_PASSWORD
+ # Service tenant name. (string value)
+ admin_tenant_name=service
+#. Make sure that ``qemu-img`` and ``iscsiadm`` (in the case of using iscsi-deploy driver)
+ binaries are installed and prepare the host system as described at
+ `Setup the drivers for the Bare Metal service <>`_
+#. Restart the ironic-conductor service:
+ .. TODO(mmitchell): Split this based on operating system
+ .. code-block:: console
+ Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7:
+ sudo systemctl restart openstack-ironic-conductor
+ Ubuntu:
+ sudo service ironic-conductor restart
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/configure-neutron-networks.rst b/install-guide/source/include/configure-neutron-networks.rst
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+++ b/install-guide/source/include/configure-neutron-networks.rst
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+.. _configure-networking:
+Configure Networking to communicate with the bare metal server
+You need to configure Networking so that the bare metal server can communicate
+with the Networking service for DHCP, PXE boot and other requirements.
+This section covers configuring Networking for a single flat network for bare
+metal provisioning.
+You will also need to provide Bare Metal service with the MAC address(es) of
+each node that it is provisioning; Bare Metal service in turn will pass this
+information to Networking service for DHCP and PXE boot configuration.
+An example of this is shown in the :ref:`enrollment` section.
+#. Edit ``/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini`` and modify these:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [ml2]
+ type_drivers = flat
+ tenant_network_types = flat
+ mechanism_drivers = openvswitch
+ [ml2_type_flat]
+ flat_networks = physnet1
+ [securitygroup]
+ firewall_driver = neutron.agent.linux.iptables_firewall.OVSHybridIptablesFirewallDriver
+ enable_security_group = True
+ [ovs]
+ bridge_mappings = physnet1:br-eth2
+ # Replace eth2 with the interface on the neutron node which you
+ # are using to connect to the bare metal server
+#. If neutron-openvswitch-agent runs with ``ovs_neutron_plugin.ini`` as the input
+ config-file, edit ``ovs_neutron_plugin.ini`` to configure the bridge mappings
+ by adding the [ovs] section described in the previous step, and restart the
+ neutron-openvswitch-agent.
+#. Add the integration bridge to Open vSwitch:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ ovs-vsctl add-br br-int
+#. Create the br-eth2 network bridge to handle communication between the
+ OpenStack services (and the Bare Metal services) and the bare metal nodes
+ using eth2.
+ Replace eth2 with the interface on the network node which you are using to
+ connect to the Bare Metal service:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ ovs-vsctl add-br br-eth2
+ $ ovs-vsctl add-port br-eth2 eth2
+#. Restart the Open vSwitch agent:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ # service neutron-plugin-openvswitch-agent restart
+#. On restarting the Networking service Open vSwitch agent, the veth pair
+ between the bridges br-int and br-eth2 is automatically created.
+ Your Open vSwitch bridges should look something like this after
+ following the above steps:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ ovs-vsctl show
+ Bridge br-int
+ fail_mode: secure
+ Port "int-br-eth2"
+ Interface "int-br-eth2"
+ type: patch
+ options: {peer="phy-br-eth2"}
+ Port br-int
+ Interface br-int
+ type: internal
+ Bridge "br-eth2"
+ Port "phy-br-eth2"
+ Interface "phy-br-eth2"
+ type: patch
+ options: {peer="int-br-eth2"}
+ Port "eth2"
+ Interface "eth2"
+ Port "br-eth2"
+ Interface "br-eth2"
+ type: internal
+ ovs_version: "2.3.0"
+#. Create the flat network on which you are going to launch the
+ instances:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ neutron net-create --tenant-id $TENANT_ID sharednet1 --shared \
+ --provider:network_type flat --provider:physical_network physnet1
+#. Create the subnet on the newly created network:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ neutron subnet-create sharednet1 $NETWORK_CIDR --name $SUBNET_NAME \
+ --ip-version=4 --gateway=$GATEWAY_IP --allocation-pool \
+ start=$START_IP,end=$END_IP --enable-dhcp
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/configure-nova-compute.rst b/install-guide/source/include/configure-nova-compute.rst
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+Configure Compute to use the Bare Metal service
+The Compute service needs to be configured to use the Bare Metal service's
+driver. The configuration file for the Compute service is typically located at
+.. note::
+ This configuration file must be modified on the Compute service's
+ controller nodes and compute nodes.
+#. Change these configuration options in the ``default`` section, as follows:
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [default]
+ # Driver to use for controlling virtualization. Options
+ # include: libvirt.LibvirtDriver, xenapi.XenAPIDriver,
+ # fake.FakeDriver, baremetal.BareMetalDriver,
+ # vmwareapi.VMwareESXDriver, vmwareapi.VMwareVCDriver (string
+ # value)
+ #compute_driver=<None>
+ compute_driver=ironic.IronicDriver
+ # Firewall driver (defaults to hypervisor specific iptables
+ # driver) (string value)
+ #firewall_driver=<None>
+ firewall_driver=nova.virt.firewall.NoopFirewallDriver
+ # The scheduler host manager class to use (string value)
+ #scheduler_host_manager=host_manager
+ scheduler_host_manager=ironic_host_manager
+ # Virtual ram to physical ram allocation ratio which affects
+ # all ram filters. This configuration specifies a global ratio
+ # for RamFilter. For AggregateRamFilter, it will fall back to
+ # this configuration value if no per-aggregate setting found.
+ # (floating point value)
+ #ram_allocation_ratio=1.5
+ ram_allocation_ratio=1.0
+ # Amount of disk in MB to reserve for the host (integer value)
+ #reserved_host_disk_mb=0
+ reserved_host_memory_mb=0
+ # Flag to decide whether to use baremetal_scheduler_default_filters or not.
+ # (boolean value)
+ #scheduler_use_baremetal_filters=False
+ scheduler_use_baremetal_filters=True
+ # Determines if the Scheduler tracks changes to instances to help with
+ # its filtering decisions (boolean value)
+ #scheduler_tracks_instance_changes=True
+ scheduler_tracks_instance_changes=False
+ # New instances will be scheduled on a host chosen randomly from a subset
+ # of the N best hosts, where N is the value set by this option. Valid
+ # values are 1 or greater. Any value less than one will be treated as 1.
+ # For ironic, this should be set to a number >= the number of ironic nodes
+ # to more evenly distribute instances across the nodes.
+ #scheduler_host_subset_size=1
+ scheduler_host_subset_size=9999999
+#. Change these configuration options in the ``ironic`` section.
+ Replace:
+ - ``IRONIC_PASSWORD`` with the password you chose for the ``ironic``
+ user in the Identity Service
+ - ``IRONIC_NODE`` with the hostname or IP address of the ironic-api node
+ - ``IDENTITY_IP`` with the IP of the Identity server
+ .. code-block:: ini
+ [ironic]
+ # Ironic keystone admin name
+ admin_username=ironic
+ #Ironic keystone admin password.
+ admin_password=IRONIC_PASSWORD
+ # keystone API endpoint
+ admin_url=http://IDENTITY_IP:35357/v2.0
+ # Ironic keystone tenant name.
+ admin_tenant_name=service
+ # URL for Ironic API endpoint.
+ api_endpoint=http://IRONIC_NODE:6385/v1
+#. On the Compute service's controller nodes, restart the ``nova-scheduler``
+ process:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7:
+ sudo systemctl restart openstack-nova-scheduler
+ Ubuntu:
+ sudo service nova-scheduler restart
+#. On the Compute service's compute nodes, restart the ``nova-compute``
+ process:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7:
+ sudo systemctl restart openstack-nova-compute
+ Ubuntu:
+ sudo service nova-compute restart
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/configure-nova-flavors.rst b/install-guide/source/include/configure-nova-flavors.rst
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+.. _flavor-creation:
+Create Compute flavors for use with the Bare Metal service
+You'll need to create a special bare metal flavor in the Compute service.
+The flavor is mapped to the bare metal node through the hardware specifications.
+#. Change these to match your hardware:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ RAM_MB=1024
+ $ CPU=2
+ $ DISK_GB=100
+ $ ARCH={i686|x86_64}
+#. Create the bare metal flavor by executing the following command:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ nova flavor-create my-baremetal-flavor auto $RAM_MB $DISK_GB $CPU
+ .. note:: You can replace ``auto`` with your own flavor id.
+#. Set the architecture as extra_specs information of the flavor. This
+ will be used to match against the properties of bare metal nodes:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ nova flavor-key my-baremetal-flavor set cpu_arch=$ARCH
+#. Associate the deploy ramdisk and kernel images with the ironic node:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ $ ironic node-update $NODE_UUID add \
+ driver_info/deploy_kernel=$DEPLOY_VMLINUZ_UUID \
+ driver_info/deploy_ramdisk=$DEPLOY_INITRD_UUID
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/kernel-boot-parameters.rst b/install-guide/source/include/kernel-boot-parameters.rst
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+.. _kernel-boot-parameters:
+Appending kernel parameters to boot instances
+The Bare Metal service supports passing custom kernel parameters to boot instances to fit
+users' requirements. The way to append the kernel parameters is depending on how to boot instances.
+Network boot
+Currently, the Bare Metal service supports assigning unified kernel parameters to PXE
+booted instances by:
+* Modifying the ``[pxe]/pxe_append_params`` configuration option, for example::
+ [pxe]
+ pxe_append_params = quiet splash
+* Copying a template from shipped templates to another place, for example::
+ Making the modifications and pointing to the custom template via the configuration
+ options: ``[pxe]/pxe_config_template`` and ``[pxe]/uefi_pxe_config_template``.
+Local boot
+For local boot instances, users can make use of configuration drive
+(see :ref:`configdrive`) to pass a custom
+script to append kernel parameters when creating an instance. This is more
+flexible and can vary per instance.
+Here is an example for grub2 with ubuntu, users can customize it
+to fit their use case:
+ .. code:: python
+ #!/usr/bin/env python
+ import os
+ # Default grub2 config file in Ubuntu
+ grub_file = '/etc/default/grub'
+ # Add parameters here to pass to instance.
+ kernel_parameters = ['quiet', 'splash']
+ grub_cmd = 'GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX'
+ old_grub_file = grub_file+'~'
+ os.rename(grub_file, old_grub_file)
+ cmdline_existed = False
+ with open(grub_file, 'w') as writer, \
+ open(old_grub_file, 'r') as reader:
+ for line in reader:
+ key = line.split('=')[0]
+ if key == grub_cmd:
+ #If there is already some value:
+ if line.strip()[-1] == '"':
+ line = line.strip()[:-1] + ' ' + ' '.join(kernel_parameters) + '"'
+ cmdline_existed = True
+ writer.write(line)
+ if not cmdline_existed:
+ line = grub_cmd + '=' + '"' + ' '.join(kernel_parameters) + '"'
+ writer.write(line)
+ os.remove(old_grub_file)
+ os.system('update-grub')
+ os.system('reboot')
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/local-boot-partition-images.rst b/install-guide/source/include/local-boot-partition-images.rst
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+++ b/install-guide/source/include/local-boot-partition-images.rst
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+.. _local-boot-partition-images:
+Local boot with partition images
+Starting with the Kilo release, Bare Metal service supports local boot with
+partition images, meaning that after the deployment the node's subsequent
+reboots won't happen via PXE or Virtual Media. Instead, it will boot from a
+local boot loader installed on the disk.
+It's important to note that in order for this to work the image being
+deployed with Bare Metal service **must** contain ``grub2`` installed within it.
+Enabling the local boot is different when Bare Metal service is used with
+Compute service and without it.
+The following sections will describe both methods.
+.. note::
+ The local boot feature is dependent upon a updated deploy ramdisk built
+ with diskimage-builder_ **version >= 0.1.42** or ironic-python-agent_
+ in the kilo-era.
+.. _diskimage-builder:
+.. _ironic-python-agent:
+Enabling local boot with Compute service
+To enable local boot we need to set a capability on the bare metal node,
+for example::
+ ironic node-update <node-uuid> add properties/capabilities="boot_option:local"
+Nodes having ``boot_option`` set to ``local`` may be requested by adding
+an ``extra_spec`` to the Compute service flavor, for example::
+ nova flavor-key baremetal set capabilities:boot_option="local"
+.. note::
+ If the node is configured to use ``UEFI``, Bare Metal service will create
+ an ``EFI partition`` on the disk and switch the partition table format to
+ ``gpt``. The ``EFI partition`` will be used later by the boot loader
+ (which is installed from the deploy ramdisk).
+.. _local-boot-without-compute:
+Enabling local boot without Compute
+Since adding ``capabilities`` to the node's properties is only used by
+the nova scheduler to perform more advanced scheduling of instances,
+we need a way to enable local boot when Compute is not present. To do that
+we can simply specify the capability via the ``instance_info`` attribute
+of the node, for example::
+ ironic node-update <node-uuid> add instance_info/capabilities='{"boot_option": "local"}'
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/root-device-hints.rst b/install-guide/source/include/root-device-hints.rst
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+.. _root-device-hints:
+Specifying the disk for deployment (root device hints)
+Starting with the Kilo release, Bare Metal service supports passing
+hints to the deploy ramdisk about which disk it should pick for the
+deployment. The list of support hints is:
+* model (STRING): device identifier
+* vendor (STRING): device vendor
+* serial (STRING): disk serial number
+* size (INT): size of the device in GiB
+ .. note::
+ A node's 'local_gb' property is often set to a value 1 GiB less than the
+ actual disk size to account for partitioning (this is how DevStack, TripleO
+ and Ironic Inspector work, to name a few). However, in this case ``size``
+ should be the actual size. For example, for a 128 GiB disk ``local_gb``
+ will be 127, but size hint will be 128.
+* wwn (STRING): unique storage identifier
+* wwn_with_extension (STRING): unique storage identifier with the vendor extension appended
+* wwn_vendor_extension (STRING): unique vendor storage identifier
+* rotational (BOOLEAN): whether it's a rotational device or not. This
+ hint makes it easier to distinguish HDDs (rotational) and SSDs (not
+ rotational) when choosing which disk Ironic should deploy the image onto.
+* name (STRING): the device name, e.g /dev/md0
+ .. warning::
+ The root device hint name should only be used for devices with
+ constant names (e.g RAID volumes). For SATA, SCSI and IDE disk
+ controllers this hint is not recommended because the order in which
+ the device nodes are added in Linux is arbitrary, resulting in
+ devices like /dev/sda and /dev/sdb `switching around at boot time
+ <>`_.
+To associate one or more hints with a node, update the node's properties
+with a ``root_device`` key, for example::
+ ironic node-update <node-uuid> add properties/root_device='{"wwn": "0x4000cca77fc4dba1"}'
+That will guarantee that Bare Metal service will pick the disk device that
+has the ``wwn`` equal to the specified wwn value, or fail the deployment if it
+can not be found.
+.. note::
+ If multiple hints are specified, a device must satisfy all the hints.
diff --git a/install-guide/source/include/trusted-boot.rst b/install-guide/source/include/trusted-boot.rst
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+.. _trusted-boot:
+Trusted boot with partition image
+Starting with the Liberty release, Ironic supports trusted boot with partition
+image. This means at the end of the deployment process, when the node is
+rebooted with the new user image, ``trusted boot`` will be performed. It will
+measure the node's BIOS, boot loader, Option ROM and the Kernel/Ramdisk, to
+determine whether a bare metal node deployed by Ironic should be trusted.
+It's important to note that in order for this to work the node being deployed
+**must** have Intel `TXT`_ hardware support. The image being deployed with
+Ironic must have ``oat-client`` installed within it.
+The following will describe how to enable ``trusted boot`` and boot
+with PXE and Nova:
+#. Create a customized user image with ``oat-client`` installed::
+ disk-image-create -u fedora baremetal oat-client -o $TRUST_IMG
+ For more information on creating customized images, see :ref:`image-requirements`.
+#. Enable VT-x, VT-d, TXT and TPM on the node. This can be done manually through
+ the BIOS. Depending on the platform, several reboots may be needed.
+#. Enroll the node and update the node capability value::
+ ironic node-create -d pxe_ipmitool
+ ironic node-update $NODE_UUID add properties/capabilities={'trusted_boot':true}
+#. Create a special flavor::
+ nova flavor-key $TRUST_FLAVOR_UUID set 'capabilities:trusted_boot'=true
+#. Prepare `tboot`_ and mboot.c32 and put them into tftp_root or http_root
+ directory on all nodes with the ironic-conductor processes::
+ Ubuntu:
+ cp /usr/lib/syslinux/mboot.c32 /tftpboot/
+ Fedora:
+ cp /usr/share/syslinux/mboot.c32 /tftpboot/
+ *Note: The actual location of mboot.c32 varies among different distribution versions.*
+ tboot can be downloaded from
+#. Install an OAT Server. An `OAT Server`_ should be running and configured correctly.
+#. Boot an instance with Nova::
+ nova boot --flavor $TRUST_FLAVOR_UUID --image $TRUST_IMG --user-data $TRUST_SCRIPT trusted_instance
+ *Note* that the node will be measured during ``trusted boot`` and the hash values saved
+ into `TPM`_. An example of TRUST_SCRIPT can be found in `trust script example`_.
+#. Verify the result via OAT Server.
+ This is outside the scope of Ironic. At the moment, users can manually verify the result
+ by following the `manual verify steps`_.
+.. _`TXT`:
+.. _`tboot`:
+.. _`TPM`:
+.. _`OAT Server`:
+.. _`trust script example`:
+.. _`manual verify steps`: