path: root/tools/benchmark/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/benchmark/')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/benchmark/ b/tools/benchmark/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65e8d664f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/benchmark/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import datetime
+import sys
+import time
+from unittest import mock
+from ironic_lib import metrics_utils
+import oslo_policy
+from oslo_utils import timeutils
+from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import node as node_api
+from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import utils as api_utils
+from ironic.common import context
+from ironic.common import service
+from ironic.conf import CONF # noqa To Load Configuration
+from ironic.db import api as db_api
+from ironic.objects import conductor
+from ironic.objects import node
+def _calculate_delta(start, finish):
+ return finish - start
+def _add_a_line():
+ print('------------------------------------------------------------')
+def _assess_db_performance():
+ start = time.time()
+ dbapi = db_api.get_instance()
+ print('Phase - Assess DB performance')
+ _add_a_line()
+ got_connection = time.time()
+ nodes = dbapi.get_node_list()
+ node_count = len(nodes)
+ query_complete = time.time()
+ delta = _calculate_delta(start, got_connection)
+ print('Obtained DB client in %s seconds.' % delta)
+ delta = _calculate_delta(got_connection, query_complete)
+ print('Returned %s nodes in python %s seconds from the DB.\n' %
+ (node_count, delta))
+ # return node count for future use.
+ return node_count
+def _assess_db_and_object_performance():
+ print('Phase - Assess DB & Object conversion Performance')
+ _add_a_line()
+ start = time.time()
+ node_list = node.Node().list(context.get_admin_context())
+ got_list = time.time()
+ delta = _calculate_delta(start, got_list)
+ print('Obtained list of node objects in %s seconds.' % delta)
+ count = 0
+ tbl_size = 0
+ # In a sense, this helps provide a relative understanding if the
+ # database is the bottleneck, or the objects post conversion.
+ # converting completely to json and then measuring the size helps
+ # ensure that everything is "assessed" while not revealing too
+ # much detail.
+ for node_obj in node_list:
+ # Just looping through the entire set to count should be
+ # enough to ensure that the entry is loaded from the db
+ # and then converted to an object.
+ tbl_size = tbl_size + sys.getsizeof(node_obj.as_dict(secure=True))
+ count = count + 1
+ delta = _calculate_delta(got_list, time.time())
+ print('Took %s seconds to iterate through %s node objects.' %
+ (delta, count))
+ print('Nodes table is roughly %s bytes of JSON.\n' % tbl_size)
+ observed_vendors = []
+ for node_obj in node_list:
+ vendor = node_obj.driver_internal_info.get('vendor')
+ if vendor:
+ observed_vendors.append(vendor)
+@mock.patch('ironic.api.request') # noqa patch needed for the object model
+@mock.patch.object(metrics_utils, 'get_metrics_logger', lambda *_: mock.Mock)
+@mock.patch.object(api_utils, 'check_list_policy', lambda *_: None)
+@mock.patch.object(api_utils, 'check_allow_specify_fields', lambda *_: None)
+@mock.patch.object(api_utils, 'check_allowed_fields', lambda *_: None)
+@mock.patch.object(oslo_policy.policy, 'LOG', autospec=True)
+def _assess_db_object_and_api_performance(mock_log, mock_request):
+ print('Phase - Assess DB & Object conversion Performance')
+ _add_a_line()
+ # Just mock it to silence it since getting the logger to update
+ # config seems like not a thing once started. :\
+ mock_log.debug = mock.Mock()
+ # Internal logic requires major/minor versions and a context to
+ # proceed. This is just to make the NodesController respond properly.
+ mock_request.context = context.get_admin_context()
+ mock_request.version.major = 1
+ mock_request.version.minor = 71
+ start = time.time()
+ node_api_controller = node_api.NodesController()
+ node_api_controller.context = context.get_admin_context()
+ fields = ("uuid,power_state,target_power_state,provision_state,"
+ "target_provision_state,last_error,maintenance,properties,"
+ "instance_uuid,traits,resource_class")
+ total_nodes = 0
+ res = node_api_controller._get_nodes_collection(
+ chassis_uuid=None,
+ instance_uuid=None,
+ associated=None,
+ maintenance=None,
+ retired=None,
+ provision_state=None,
+ marker=None,
+ limit=None,
+ sort_key="id",
+ sort_dir="asc",
+ fields=fields.split(','))
+ total_nodes = len(res['nodes'])
+ while len(res['nodes']) != 1:
+ print(" ** Getting nodes ** %s Elapsed: %s seconds." %
+ (total_nodes, _calculate_delta(start, time.time())))
+ res = node_api_controller._get_nodes_collection(
+ chassis_uuid=None,
+ instance_uuid=None,
+ associated=None,
+ maintenance=None,
+ retired=None,
+ provision_state=None,
+ marker=res['nodes'][-1]['uuid'],
+ limit=None,
+ sort_key="id",
+ sort_dir="asc",
+ fields=fields.split(','))
+ new_nodes = len(res['nodes'])
+ if new_nodes == 0:
+ break
+ total_nodes = total_nodes + new_nodes
+ delta = _calculate_delta(start, time.time())
+ print('Took %s seconds to return all %s nodes via '
+ 'nodes API call pattern.\n' % (delta, total_nodes))
+def _report_conductors():
+ print('Phase - identifying conductors/drivers')
+ _add_a_line()
+ conductors = conductor.Conductor().list(
+ context.get_admin_context(),
+ )
+ drivers = []
+ groups = []
+ online_count = 0
+ online_by = timeutils.utcnow(with_timezone=True) - \
+ datetime.timedelta(seconds=90)
+ for conductor_obj in conductors:
+ if conductor_obj.conductor_group:
+ groups.append(conductor_obj.conductor_group)
+ if conductor_obj.updated_at > online_by:
+ online_count = online_count + 1
+ for driver in conductor_obj.drivers:
+ drivers.append(driver)
+ conductor_count = len(conductors)
+ print('Conductor count: %s' % conductor_count)
+ print('Online conductor count: %s' % online_count)
+ running_with_groups = len(groups)
+ print('Conductors with conductor_groups: %s' % running_with_groups)
+ group_count = len(set(groups))
+ print('Conductor group count: %s' % group_count)
+ driver_list = list(set(drivers))
+ print('Presently supported drivers: %s' % driver_list)
+def main():
+ service.prepare_service()
+ CONF.set_override('debug', False)
+ _assess_db_performance()
+ _assess_db_and_object_performance()
+ _assess_db_object_and_api_performance()
+ _report_conductors()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ sys.exit(main())