.. _console: ================================= Configuring Web or Serial Console ================================= Overview -------- There are two types of console which are available in Bare Metal service, one is web console (`Node web console`_) which is available directly from web browser, another is serial console (`Node serial console`_). Node web console ---------------- The web console can be configured in Bare Metal service in the following way: * Install shellinabox in ironic conductor node. For RHEL/CentOS, shellinabox package is not present in base repositories, user must enable EPEL repository, you can find more from `FedoraProject page`_. .. note:: shellinabox is no longer maintained by the authorized author. `This `_ is a fork of the project on GitHub that aims to continue with maintenance of the shellinabox project. Installation example: Ubuntu:: sudo apt-get install shellinabox RHEL8/CentOS8/Fedora:: sudo dnf install shellinabox You can find more about shellinabox on the `shellinabox page`_. You can optionally use the SSL certificate in shellinabox. If you want to use the SSL certificate in shellinabox, you should install openssl and generate the SSL certificate. 1. Install openssl, for example: Ubuntu:: sudo apt-get install openssl RHEL8/CentOS8/Fedora:: sudo dnf install openssl 2. Generate the SSL certificate, here is an example, you can find more about openssl on the `openssl page`_:: cd /tmp/ca openssl genrsa -des3 -out my.key 1024 openssl req -new -key my.key -out my.csr cp my.key my.key.org openssl rsa -in my.key.org -out my.key openssl x509 -req -days 3650 -in my.csr -signkey my.key -out my.crt cat my.crt my.key > certificate.pem * Customize the console section in the Bare Metal service configuration file (/etc/ironic/ironic.conf), if you want to use SSL certificate in shellinabox, you should specify ``terminal_cert_dir``. for example:: [console] # # Options defined in ironic.drivers.modules.console_utils # # Path to serial console terminal program. Used only by Shell # In A Box console. (string value) #terminal=shellinaboxd # Directory containing the terminal SSL cert (PEM) for serial # console access. Used only by Shell In A Box console. (string # value) terminal_cert_dir=/tmp/ca # Directory for holding terminal pid files. If not specified, # the temporary directory will be used. (string value) #terminal_pid_dir= # Time interval (in seconds) for checking the status of # console subprocess. (integer value) #subprocess_checking_interval=1 # Time (in seconds) to wait for the console subprocess to # start. (integer value) #subprocess_timeout=10 * Append console parameters for bare metal PXE boot in the Bare Metal service configuration file (/etc/ironic/ironic.conf). See the reference for configuration in :ref:`kernel-boot-parameters`. * Enable the ``ipmitool-shellinabox`` console interface, for example: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_console_interfaces = ipmitool-shellinabox,no-console * Configure node web console. If the node uses a hardware type, for example ``ipmi``, set the node's console interface to ``ipmitool-shellinabox``:: baremetal node set --console-interface ipmitool-shellinabox Enable the web console, for example:: baremetal node set \ --driver-info = baremetal node console enable Check whether the console is enabled, for example:: baremetal node validate Disable the web console, for example:: baremetal node console disable baremetal node unset --driver-info The ```` is driver dependent. The actual name of this field can be checked in driver properties, for example:: baremetal driver property list For the ``ipmi`` hardware type, this option is ``ipmi_terminal_port``. Give a customized port number to ````, for example ``8023``, this customized port is used in web console url. Get web console information for a node as follows:: baremetal node console show +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | console_enabled | True | | console_info | {u'url': u'http://:', u'type': u'shellinabox'} | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ You can open web console using above ``url`` through web browser. If ``console_enabled`` is ``false``, ``console_info`` is ``None``, web console is disabled. If you want to launch web console, see the ``Configure node web console`` part. .. note:: An error message you may encounter when enabling the console can read ``Console subprocess failed to start. Timeout or error while waiting for console subprocess to start for node`` along with ``[server] Failed to find any available port!``. This error is coming from shellinabox itself, not from the communication with the BMC. One potential cause for this issue is that there are already shellinabox daemons running which block the configured port (remove them if appropriate and retry to enable the console). .. _`shellinabox page`: https://code.google.com/archive/p/shellinabox/ .. _`openssl page`: https://www.openssl.org/ .. _`FedoraProject page`: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Mirroring Node serial console ------------------- Serial consoles for nodes are implemented using `socat`_. It is supported by the ``ipmi`` and ``irmc`` hardware types. Serial consoles can be configured in the Bare Metal service as follows: * Install socat on the ironic conductor node. Also, ``socat`` needs to be in the $PATH environment variable that the ironic-conductor service uses. Installation example: Ubuntu:: sudo apt-get install socat RHEL8/CentOS8/Fedora:: sudo dnf install socat * Append console parameters for bare metal PXE boot in the Bare Metal service configuration file. See the reference on how to configure them in :ref:`kernel-boot-parameters`. * Enable the ``ipmitool-socat`` console interface, for example: .. code-block:: ini [DEFAULT] enabled_console_interfaces = ipmitool-socat,no-console * Configure node console. If the node uses a hardware type, for example ``ipmi``, set the node's console interface to ``ipmitool-socat``:: baremetal node set --console-interface ipmitool-socat Enable the serial console, for example:: baremetal node set --driver-info ipmi_terminal_port= baremetal node console enable Check whether the serial console is enabled, for example:: baremetal node validate Disable the serial console, for example:: baremetal node console disable baremetal node unset --driver-info Serial console information is available from the Bare Metal service. Get serial console information for a node from the Bare Metal service as follows:: baremetal node console show +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | console_enabled | True | | console_info | {u'url': u'tcp://:', u'type': u'socat'} | +-----------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------+ If ``console_enabled`` is ``false`` or ``console_info`` is ``None`` then the serial console is disabled. If you want to launch serial console, see the ``Configure node console``. Node serial console of the Bare Metal service is compatible with the serial console of the Compute service. Hence, serial consoles to Bare Metal nodes can be seen and interacted with via the Dashboard service. In order to achieve that, you need to follow the documentation for :nova-doc:`Serial Console ` from the Compute service. Configuring HA ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When using Bare Metal serial console under High Availability (HA) configuration, you may consider some settings below. * If you use HAProxy, you may need to set the timeout for both client and server sides with appropriate values. Here is an example of the configuration for the timeout parameter. :: frontend nova_serial_console bind timeout client 10m # This parameter is necessary use_backend nova_serial_console if <...> backend nova_serial_console balance source timeout server 10m # This parameter is necessary option tcpka option tcplog server controller01 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 server controller02 check inter 2000 rise 2 fall 5 * The Compute service's caching feature may need to be enabled in order to make the Bare Metal serial console work under a HA configuration. Here is an example of caching configuration in ``nova.conf``. .. code-block:: ini [cache] enabled = true backend = dogpile.cache.memcached memcache_servers = memcache01:11211,memcache02:11211,memcache03:11211 .. _`socat`: http://www.dest-unreach.org/socat