Configuring ironic-api behind mod_wsgi -------------------------------------- Bare Metal service comes with an example file for configuring the ``ironic-api`` service to run behind Apache with mod_wsgi. #. Install the apache service: RHEL7/CentOS7:: sudo yum install httpd Fedora:: sudo dnf install httpd Debian/Ubuntu:: apt-get install apache2 SUSE:: zypper install apache2 #. Download the ``etc/apache2/ironic`` file from the `Ironic project tree `_ and copy it to the apache sites: Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7:: sudo cp etc/apache2/ironic /etc/httpd/conf.d/ironic.conf Debian/Ubuntu:: sudo cp etc/apache2/ironic /etc/apache2/sites-available/ironic.conf SUSE:: sudo cp etc/apache2/ironic /etc/apache2/vhosts.d/ironic.conf #. Edit the recently copied ``/ironic.conf``: #. Modify the ``WSGIDaemonProcess``, ``APACHE_RUN_USER`` and ``APACHE_RUN_GROUP`` directives to set the user and group values to an appropriate user on your server. #. Modify the ``WSGIScriptAlias`` directive to point to the automatically generated ``ironic-api-wsgi`` script that is located in `IRONIC_BIN` directory. #. Modify the ``Directory`` directive to set the path to the Ironic API code. #. Modify the ``ErrorLog`` and ``CustomLog`` to redirect the logs to the right directory (on Red Hat systems this is usually under /var/log/httpd). #. Enable the apache ``ironic`` in site and reload: Fedora/RHEL7/CentOS7:: sudo systemctl reload httpd Debian/Ubuntu:: sudo a2ensite ironic sudo service apache2 reload SUSE:: sudo systemctl reload apache2 .. note:: The file ``ironic-api-wsgi`` is automatically generated by pbr and is available in `IRONIC_BIN` directory. It should not be modified.