# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import collections from http import client as http_client from ironic_lib import metrics_utils from oslo_log import log from oslo_utils import strutils from oslo_utils import uuidutils import pecan from pecan import rest from webob import exc as webob_exc from ironic import api from ironic.api.controllers import link from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import collection from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import notification_utils as notify from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import utils as api_utils from ironic.api import method from ironic.common import args from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.i18n import _ import ironic.conf from ironic import objects CONF = ironic.conf.CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__) DEFAULT_RETURN_FIELDS = ['uuid', 'name'] TEMPLATE_SCHEMA = { 'type': 'object', 'properties': { 'description': {'type': ['string', 'null'], 'maxLength': 255}, 'extra': {'type': ['object', 'null']}, 'name': api_utils.TRAITS_SCHEMA, 'steps': {'type': 'array', 'items': api_utils.DEPLOY_STEP_SCHEMA, 'minItems': 1}, 'uuid': {'type': ['string', 'null']}, }, 'required': ['steps', 'name'], 'additionalProperties': False, } PATCH_ALLOWED_FIELDS = ['extra', 'name', 'steps', 'description'] STEP_PATCH_ALLOWED_FIELDS = ['args', 'interface', 'priority', 'step'] def duplicate_steps(name, value): """Argument validator to check template for duplicate steps""" # TODO(mgoddard): Determine the consequences of allowing duplicate # steps. # * What if one step has zero priority and another non-zero? # * What if a step that is enabled by default is included in a # template? Do we override the default or add a second invocation? # Check for duplicate steps. Each interface/step combination can be # specified at most once. counter = collections.Counter((step['interface'], step['step']) for step in value['steps']) duplicates = {key for key, count in counter.items() if count > 1} if duplicates: duplicates = {"interface: %s, step: %s" % (interface, step) for interface, step in duplicates} err = _("Duplicate deploy steps. A deploy template cannot have " "multiple deploy steps with the same interface and step. " "Duplicates: %s") % "; ".join(duplicates) raise exception.InvalidDeployTemplate(err=err) return value TEMPLATE_VALIDATOR = args.and_valid( args.schema(TEMPLATE_SCHEMA), duplicate_steps, args.dict_valid(uuid=args.uuid) ) def convert_steps(rpc_steps): for step in rpc_steps: yield { 'interface': step['interface'], 'step': step['step'], 'args': step['args'], 'priority': step['priority'], } def convert_with_links(rpc_template, fields=None, sanitize=True): """Add links to the deploy template.""" template = api_utils.object_to_dict( rpc_template, fields=('name', 'extra'), link_resource='deploy_templates', ) template['steps'] = list(convert_steps(rpc_template.steps)) if fields is not None: api_utils.check_for_invalid_fields(fields, template) if sanitize: template_sanitize(template, fields) return template def template_sanitize(template, fields): """Removes sensitive and unrequested data. Will only keep the fields specified in the ``fields`` parameter. :param fields: list of fields to preserve, or ``None`` to preserve them all :type fields: list of str """ api_utils.sanitize_dict(template, fields) if template.get('steps'): for step in template['steps']: step_sanitize(step) def step_sanitize(step): if step.get('args'): step['args'] = strutils.mask_dict_password(step['args'], "******") def list_convert_with_links(rpc_templates, limit, fields=None, **kwargs): return collection.list_convert_with_links( items=[convert_with_links(t, fields=fields, sanitize=False) for t in rpc_templates], item_name='deploy_templates', url='deploy_templates', limit=limit, fields=fields, sanitize_func=template_sanitize, **kwargs ) class DeployTemplatesController(rest.RestController): """REST controller for deploy templates.""" invalid_sort_key_list = ['extra', 'steps'] @pecan.expose() def _route(self, args, request=None): if not api_utils.allow_deploy_templates(): msg = _("The API version does not allow deploy templates") if api.request.method == "GET": raise webob_exc.HTTPNotFound(msg) else: raise webob_exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed(msg) return super(DeployTemplatesController, self)._route(args, request) @METRICS.timer('DeployTemplatesController.get_all') @method.expose() @args.validate(marker=args.name, limit=args.integer, sort_key=args.string, sort_dir=args.string, fields=args.string_list, detail=args.boolean) def get_all(self, marker=None, limit=None, sort_key='id', sort_dir='asc', fields=None, detail=None): """Retrieve a list of deploy templates. :param marker: pagination marker for large data sets. :param limit: maximum number of resources to return in a single result. This value cannot be larger than the value of max_limit in the [api] section of the ironic configuration, or only max_limit resources will be returned. :param sort_key: column to sort results by. Default: id. :param sort_dir: direction to sort. "asc" or "desc". Default: asc. :param fields: Optional, a list with a specified set of fields of the resource to be returned. :param detail: Optional, boolean to indicate whether retrieve a list of deploy templates with detail. """ api_utils.check_policy('baremetal:deploy_template:get') api_utils.check_allowed_fields(fields) api_utils.check_allowed_fields([sort_key]) fields = api_utils.get_request_return_fields(fields, detail, DEFAULT_RETURN_FIELDS) limit = api_utils.validate_limit(limit) sort_dir = api_utils.validate_sort_dir(sort_dir) if sort_key in self.invalid_sort_key_list: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( _("The sort_key value %(key)s is an invalid field for " "sorting") % {'key': sort_key}) marker_obj = None if marker: marker_obj = objects.DeployTemplate.get_by_uuid( api.request.context, marker) templates = objects.DeployTemplate.list( api.request.context, limit=limit, marker=marker_obj, sort_key=sort_key, sort_dir=sort_dir) parameters = {'sort_key': sort_key, 'sort_dir': sort_dir} if detail is not None: parameters['detail'] = detail return list_convert_with_links( templates, limit, fields=fields, **parameters) @METRICS.timer('DeployTemplatesController.get_one') @method.expose() @args.validate(template_ident=args.uuid_or_name, fields=args.string_list) def get_one(self, template_ident, fields=None): """Retrieve information about the given deploy template. :param template_ident: UUID or logical name of a deploy template. :param fields: Optional, a list with a specified set of fields of the resource to be returned. """ api_utils.check_policy('baremetal:deploy_template:get') api_utils.check_allowed_fields(fields) rpc_template = api_utils.get_rpc_deploy_template_with_suffix( template_ident) return convert_with_links(rpc_template, fields=fields) @METRICS.timer('DeployTemplatesController.post') @method.expose(status_code=http_client.CREATED) @method.body('template') @args.validate(template=TEMPLATE_VALIDATOR) def post(self, template): """Create a new deploy template. :param template: a deploy template within the request body. """ api_utils.check_policy('baremetal:deploy_template:create') context = api.request.context # NOTE(mgoddard): UUID is mandatory for notifications payload if not template.get('uuid'): template['uuid'] = uuidutils.generate_uuid() new_template = objects.DeployTemplate(context, **template) notify.emit_start_notification(context, new_template, 'create') with notify.handle_error_notification(context, new_template, 'create'): new_template.create() # Set the HTTP Location Header api.response.location = link.build_url('deploy_templates', new_template.uuid) api_template = convert_with_links(new_template) notify.emit_end_notification(context, new_template, 'create') return api_template @METRICS.timer('DeployTemplatesController.patch') @method.expose() @method.body('patch') @args.validate(template_ident=args.uuid_or_name, patch=args.patch) def patch(self, template_ident, patch=None): """Update an existing deploy template. :param template_ident: UUID or logical name of a deploy template. :param patch: a json PATCH document to apply to this deploy template. """ api_utils.check_policy('baremetal:deploy_template:update') api_utils.patch_validate_allowed_fields(patch, PATCH_ALLOWED_FIELDS) context = api.request.context rpc_template = api_utils.get_rpc_deploy_template_with_suffix( template_ident) template = rpc_template.as_dict() # apply the patch template = api_utils.apply_jsonpatch(template, patch) # validate the result with the patch schema for step in template.get('steps', []): api_utils.patched_validate_with_schema( step, api_utils.DEPLOY_STEP_SCHEMA) api_utils.patched_validate_with_schema( template, TEMPLATE_SCHEMA, TEMPLATE_VALIDATOR) api_utils.patch_update_changed_fields( template, rpc_template, fields=objects.DeployTemplate.fields, schema=TEMPLATE_SCHEMA ) # NOTE(mgoddard): There could be issues with concurrent updates of a # template. This is particularly true for the complex 'steps' field, # where operations such as modifying a single step could result in # changes being lost, e.g. two requests concurrently appending a step # to the same template could result in only one of the steps being # added, due to the read/modify/write nature of this patch operation. # This issue should not be present for 'simple' string fields, or # complete replacement of the steps (the only operation supported by # the openstack baremetal CLI). It's likely that this is an issue for # other resources, even those modified in the conductor under a lock. # This is due to the fact that the patch operation is always applied in # the API. Ways to avoid this include passing the patch to the # conductor to apply while holding a lock, or a collision detection # & retry mechansim using e.g. the updated_at field. notify.emit_start_notification(context, rpc_template, 'update') with notify.handle_error_notification(context, rpc_template, 'update'): rpc_template.save() api_template = convert_with_links(rpc_template) notify.emit_end_notification(context, rpc_template, 'update') return api_template @METRICS.timer('DeployTemplatesController.delete') @method.expose(status_code=http_client.NO_CONTENT) @args.validate(template_ident=args.uuid_or_name) def delete(self, template_ident): """Delete a deploy template. :param template_ident: UUID or logical name of a deploy template. """ api_utils.check_policy('baremetal:deploy_template:delete') context = api.request.context rpc_template = api_utils.get_rpc_deploy_template_with_suffix( template_ident) notify.emit_start_notification(context, rpc_template, 'delete') with notify.handle_error_notification(context, rpc_template, 'delete'): rpc_template.destroy() notify.emit_end_notification(context, rpc_template, 'delete')