# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import copy import ipaddress import openstack from openstack.connection import exceptions as openstack_exc from oslo_log import log import tenacity from tenacity import retry from ironic.api.controllers.v1 import utils as api_utils from ironic.common import context as ironic_context from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.common import keystone from ironic.common.pxe_utils import DHCP_CLIENT_ID from ironic.conf import CONF from ironic import objects LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) # TODO(pas-ha) remove in Rocky, until then it is a default # for CONF.neutron.url in noauth case when endpoint_override is not set DEFAULT_NEUTRON_URL = 'http://%s:9696' % CONF.my_ip _NEUTRON_SESSION = None VNIC_BAREMETAL = 'baremetal' VNIC_SMARTNIC = 'smart-nic' PHYSNET_PARAM_NAME = 'provider:physical_network' """Name of the neutron network API physical network parameter.""" def _get_neutron_session(): global _NEUTRON_SESSION if not _NEUTRON_SESSION: _NEUTRON_SESSION = keystone.get_session( 'neutron', timeout=CONF.neutron.timeout) return _NEUTRON_SESSION def get_client(token=None, context=None, auth_from_config=False): """Retrieve a neutron client connection. :param context: request context, instance of ironic.common.context.RequestContext :param auth_from_config: (boolean) When True, use auth values from conf parameters :returns: A neutron client. """ if not context: context = ironic_context.RequestContext(auth_token=token) session = _get_neutron_session() service_auth = keystone.get_auth('neutron') endpoint = keystone.get_endpoint('neutron', session=session, auth=service_auth) user_auth = None if (not auth_from_config and CONF.neutron.auth_type != 'none' and context.auth_token): user_auth = keystone.get_service_auth(context, endpoint, service_auth) sess = keystone.get_session('neutron', timeout=CONF.neutron.timeout, auth=user_auth or service_auth) conn = openstack.connection.Connection(session=sess, oslo_conf=CONF) return conn.global_request(context.global_id).network def update_neutron_port(context, port_id, attrs, client=None): """Undate a neutron port Uses neutron client from conf client to update a neutron client an unbound state. :param context: request context, instance of ironic.common.context.RequestContext :param port_id: Neutron port ID. :param attrs: The attributes to update on the port :param client: Optional Neutron client """ if not client: # verify that user can see the port before updating it get_client(context=context).get_port(port_id) # Set user_auth=False to ensure auth values from ironic.conf is used # prevents issues where a non-admin user is not allowed to manage # Neutron ports. client = get_client(context=context, auth_from_config=True) attrs = attrs.get('port', attrs) return client.update_port(port_id, **attrs) def unbind_neutron_port(port_id, client=None, context=None, reset_mac=True): """Unbind a neutron port Remove a neutron port's binding profile and host ID so that it returns to an unbound state. :param port_id: Neutron port ID. :param client: Optional a Neutron client object. :param context: request context :param reset_mac: reset mac address :type context: ironic.common.context.RequestContext :raises: NetworkError """ attrs_unbind = {'binding:host_id': '', 'binding:profile': {}} attrs_reset_mac = {'mac_address': None} try: update_neutron_port(context, port_id, attrs_unbind, client) # NOTE(hjensas): We need to reset the mac address in a separate step. # Exception PortBound will be raised by neutron as it refuses to # update the mac address of a bound port if we attempt to unbind and # reset the mac in the same call. if reset_mac: update_neutron_port(context, port_id, attrs_reset_mac, client) # NOTE(vsaienko): Ignore if port was deleted before calling vif detach. except openstack_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.info('Port %s was not found while unbinding.', port_id) except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as e: msg = (_('Unable to clear binding profile for ' 'neutron port %(port_id)s. Error: ' '%(err)s') % {'port_id': port_id, 'err': e}) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.NetworkError(msg) def update_port_address(port_id, address, context=None): """Update a port's mac address. :param port_id: Neutron port id. :param address: new MAC address. :param context: request context :type context: ironic.common.context.RequestContext :raises: FailedToUpdateMacOnPort """ client = get_client(context=context) port_attrs = {'mac_address': address} try: msg = (_("Failed to get the current binding on Neutron " "port %s.") % port_id) port = client.get_port(port_id) binding_host_id = port.get('binding:host_id') binding_profile = port.get('binding:profile') if binding_host_id: # Unbind port before we update it's mac address, because you can't # change a bound port's mac address. msg = (_("Failed to remove the current binding from " "Neutron port %s, while updating its MAC " "address.") % port_id) unbind_neutron_port(port_id, context=context) msg = (_("Failed to update MAC address on Neutron port %s.") % port_id) update_neutron_port(context, port_id, port_attrs) # Restore original binding:profile and host_id if binding_host_id: msg = (_("Failed to update binding:host_id and profile on Neutron " "port %s.") % port_id) port_attrs = {'binding:host_id': binding_host_id, 'binding:profile': binding_profile} update_neutron_port(context, port_id, port_attrs) except (openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException, exception.NetworkError): LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.FailedToUpdateMacOnPort(port_id=port_id) def _verify_security_groups(security_groups, client): """Verify that the security groups exist. :param security_groups: a list of security group UUIDs; may be None or empty :param client: Neutron client :raises: NetworkError """ if not security_groups: return try: neutron_sec_groups = set( x.id for x in client.security_groups(id=security_groups)) except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as e: msg = (_("Could not retrieve security groups from neutron: %(exc)s") % {'exc': e}) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.NetworkError(msg) if set(security_groups).issubset(neutron_sec_groups): return missing_sec_groups = set(security_groups).difference(neutron_sec_groups) msg = (_('Could not find these security groups (specified via ironic ' 'config) in neutron: %(ir-sg)s') % {'ir-sg': list(missing_sec_groups)}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.NetworkError(msg) def _add_ip_addresses_for_ipv6_stateful(context, port, client): """Add additional IP addresses to the ipv6 stateful neutron port When network booting with DHCPv6-stateful we cannot control the CLID/IAID used by the different clients, UEFI, iPXE, Ironic IPA etc. Multiple IP address reservation is required in the DHCPv6 server to avoid NoAddrsAvail issues. :param port: A neutron port :param client: Neutron client """ fixed_ips = port.fixed_ips if (not fixed_ips or ipaddress.ip_address(fixed_ips[0]['ip_address']).version != 6): return subnet = client.get_subnet(fixed_ips[0]['subnet_id']) if subnet and subnet.ipv6_address_mode == 'dhcpv6-stateful': for i in range(1, CONF.neutron.dhcpv6_stateful_address_count): fixed_ips.append({'subnet_id': subnet['id']}) attrs = {'fixed_ips': fixed_ips} update_neutron_port(context, port.id, attrs, client=client) def add_ports_to_network(task, network_uuid, security_groups=None): """Create neutron ports to boot the ramdisk. Create neutron ports for each pxe_enabled port on task.node to boot the ramdisk. If the config option 'neutron.add_all_ports' is set, neutron ports for non-pxe-enabled ports are also created -- these neutron ports will not have any assigned IP addresses. :param task: a TaskManager instance. :param network_uuid: UUID of a neutron network where ports will be created. :param security_groups: List of Security Groups UUIDs to be used for network. :raises: NetworkError :returns: a dictionary in the form {port.uuid: neutron_port['id']} """ client = get_client(context=task.context) node = task.node add_all_ports = CONF.neutron.add_all_ports # If Security Groups are specified, verify that they exist _verify_security_groups(security_groups, client) LOG.debug('For node %(node)s, creating neutron ports on network ' '%(network_uuid)s using %(net_iface)s network interface.', {'net_iface': task.driver.network.__class__.__name__, 'node': node.uuid, 'network_uuid': network_uuid}) attrs = {'network_id': network_uuid, 'admin_state_up': True, 'binding:vnic_type': VNIC_BAREMETAL, } # separate out fields that can only be updated by admins update_attrs = {'binding:host_id': node.uuid, 'device_owner': 'baremetal:none', } if security_groups: attrs['security_groups'] = security_groups # Since instance_uuid will not be available during cleaning # operations, we need to check that and populate them only when # available attrs['device_id'] = node.instance_uuid or node.uuid ports = {} failures = [] portmap = get_node_portmap(task) if not add_all_ports: ports_to_create = [p for p in task.ports if p.pxe_enabled] else: ports_to_create = task.ports if not ports_to_create: pxe_enabled = 'PXE-enabled ' if not add_all_ports else '' raise exception.NetworkError(_( "No available %(enabled)sports on node %(node)s.") % {'enabled': pxe_enabled, 'node': node.uuid}) for ironic_port in ports_to_create: # Start with a clean state for each port port_attrs = copy.deepcopy(attrs) update_port_attrs = copy.deepcopy(update_attrs) # Skip ports that are missing required information for deploy. if not validate_port_info(node, ironic_port): failures.append(ironic_port.uuid) continue update_port_attrs['mac_address'] = ironic_port.address binding_profile = {'local_link_information': [portmap[ironic_port.uuid]]} update_port_attrs['binding:profile'] = binding_profile if not ironic_port.pxe_enabled: LOG.debug("Adding port %(port)s to network %(net)s for " "provisioning without an IP allocation.", {'port': ironic_port.uuid, 'net': network_uuid}) port_attrs['fixed_ips'] = [] is_smart_nic = is_smartnic_port(ironic_port) if is_smart_nic: link_info = binding_profile['local_link_information'][0] LOG.debug('Setting hostname as host_id in case of Smart NIC, ' 'port %(port_id)s, hostname %(hostname)s', {'port_id': ironic_port.uuid, 'hostname': link_info['hostname']}) update_port_attrs['binding:host_id'] = link_info['hostname'] # TODO(hamdyk): use portbindings.VNIC_SMARTNIC from neutron-lib port_attrs['binding:vnic_type'] = VNIC_SMARTNIC client_id = ironic_port.extra.get('client-id') if client_id: extra_dhcp_opts = port_attrs.get('extra_dhcp_opts', []) extra_dhcp_opts.append( {'opt_name': DHCP_CLIENT_ID, 'opt_value': client_id}) port_attrs['extra_dhcp_opts'] = extra_dhcp_opts try: if is_smart_nic: wait_for_host_agent( client, update_port_attrs['binding:host_id']) port = client.create_port(**port_attrs) port = update_neutron_port(task.context, port.id, update_port_attrs) if CONF.neutron.dhcpv6_stateful_address_count > 1: _add_ip_addresses_for_ipv6_stateful(task.context, port, client) if is_smart_nic: wait_for_port_status(client, port.id, 'ACTIVE') except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as e: failures.append(ironic_port.uuid) LOG.warning("Could not create neutron port for node's " "%(node)s port %(ir-port)s on the neutron " "network %(net)s. %(exc)s", {'net': network_uuid, 'node': node.uuid, 'ir-port': ironic_port.uuid, 'exc': e}) else: ports[ironic_port.uuid] = port.id if failures: if len(failures) == len(ports_to_create): rollback_ports(task, network_uuid) raise exception.NetworkError(_( "Failed to create neutron ports for node's %(node)s ports " "%(ports)s.") % {'node': node.uuid, 'ports': ports_to_create}) else: LOG.warning("Some errors were encountered when updating " "vif_port_id for node %(node)s on " "the following ports: %(ports)s.", {'node': node.uuid, 'ports': failures}) else: LOG.info('For node %(node_uuid)s in network %(net)s, successfully ' 'created ports (ironic ID: neutron ID): %(ports)s.', {'node_uuid': node.uuid, 'net': network_uuid, 'ports': ports}) return ports def remove_ports_from_network(task, network_uuid): """Deletes the neutron ports created for booting the ramdisk. :param task: a TaskManager instance. :param network_uuid: UUID of a neutron network ports will be deleted from. :raises: NetworkError """ add_all_ports = CONF.neutron.add_all_ports if not add_all_ports: macs = [p.address for p in task.ports if p.pxe_enabled] else: macs = [p.address for p in task.ports] if macs: params = { 'network_id': network_uuid, 'mac_address': macs, } LOG.debug("Removing ports on network %(net)s on node %(node)s.", {'net': network_uuid, 'node': task.node.uuid}) remove_neutron_ports(task, params) def remove_neutron_ports(task, params): """Deletes the neutron ports matched by params. :param task: a TaskManager instance. :param params: Dict of params to filter ports. :raises: NetworkError """ client = get_client(context=task.context) node_uuid = task.node.uuid try: ports = client.ports(**params) except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as e: msg = (_('Could not get given network VIF for %(node)s ' 'from neutron, possible network issue. %(exc)s') % {'node': node_uuid, 'exc': e}) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.NetworkError(msg) if not ports: LOG.debug('No ports to remove for node %s', node_uuid) return for port in ports: LOG.debug('Deleting neutron port %(vif_port_id)s of node ' '%(node_id)s.', {'vif_port_id': port['id'], 'node_id': node_uuid}) if is_smartnic_port(port): wait_for_host_agent(client, port['binding:host_id']) try: client.delete_port(port) # NOTE(mgoddard): Ignore if the port was deleted by nova. except openstack_exc.ResourceNotFound: LOG.info('Port %s was not found while deleting.', port.id) except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as e: msg = (_('Could not remove VIF %(vif)s of node %(node)s, possibly ' 'a network issue: %(exc)s') % {'vif': port.id, 'node': node_uuid, 'exc': e}) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.NetworkError(msg) LOG.info('Successfully removed node %(node_uuid)s neutron ports.', {'node_uuid': node_uuid}) def _uncidr(cidr, ipv6=False): """Convert CIDR network representation into network/netmask form :param cidr: network in CIDR form :param ipv6: if `True`, consider `cidr` being IPv6 :returns: a tuple of network/host number in dotted decimal notation, netmask in dotted decimal notation """ net = ipaddress.ip_interface(cidr).network return str(net.network_address), str(net.netmask) def get_neutron_port_data(port_id, vif_id, client=None, context=None): """Gather Neutron port and network configuration Query Neutron for port and network configuration, return whatever is available. :param port_id: ironic port/portgroup ID. :param vif_id: Neutron port ID. :param client: Optional a Neutron client object. :param context: request context :type context: ironic.common.context.RequestContext :raises: NetworkError :returns: a dict holding network configuration information associated with this ironic or Neutron port. """ if not client: client = get_client(context=context) try: port_config = client.get_port(vif_id) except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as e: msg = (_('Unable to get port info for %(port_id)s. Error: ' '%(err)s') % {'port_id': vif_id, 'err': e}) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.NetworkError(msg) LOG.debug('Received port %(port)s data: %(info)s', {'port': vif_id, 'info': port_config}) port_id = port_config['name'] or port_id network_id = port_config.network_id try: network_config = client.get_network(network_id) except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as e: msg = (_('Unable to get network info for %(network_id)s. Error: ' '%(err)s') % {'network_id': network_id, 'err': e}) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.NetworkError(msg) LOG.debug('Received network %(network)s data: %(info)s', {'network': network_id, 'info': network_config}) subnets_config = {} network_data = { 'links': [ { 'id': port_id, 'type': 'vif', 'ethernet_mac_address': port_config['mac_address'], 'vif_id': port_config['id'], 'mtu': network_config['mtu'] } ], 'networks': [ ] } for fixed_ip in port_config.get('fixed_ips', []): subnet_id = fixed_ip['subnet_id'] try: subnet_config = client.get_subnet(subnet_id) LOG.debug('Received subnet %(subnet)s data: %(info)s', {'subnet': subnet_id, 'info': subnet_config}) subnets_config[subnet_id] = subnet_config except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as e: msg = (_('Unable to get subnet info for %(subnet_id)s. Error: ' '%(err)s') % {'subnet_id': subnet_id, 'err': e}) LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.NetworkError(msg) subnet_config = subnets_config[subnet_id] subnet_network, netmask = _uncidr( subnet_config.cidr, subnet_config.ip_version == 6) network = { 'id': fixed_ip['subnet_id'], 'network_id': port_config['network_id'], 'type': 'ipv%s' % subnet_config['ip_version'], 'link': port_id, 'ip_address': fixed_ip['ip_address'], 'netmask': netmask, 'routes': [ ] } # TODO(etingof): Adding default route if gateway is present. # This is a hack, Neutron should have given us a route. if subnet_config['gateway_ip']: zero_addr = ('::0' if subnet_config['ip_version'] == 6 else '') route = { 'network': zero_addr, 'netmask': zero_addr, 'gateway': subnet_config['gateway_ip'] } network['routes'].append(route) for host_config in subnet_config['host_routes']: subnet_network, netmask = _uncidr( host_config['destination'], subnet_config['ip_version'] == 6) route = { 'network': subnet_network, 'netmask': netmask, 'gateway': host_config['nexthop'] } network['routes'].append(route) network_data['networks'].append(network) return network_data def get_node_portmap(task): """Extract the switch port information for the node. The information is returned in the form of:: { port.uuid: { 'switch_id': 'abc', 'port_id': 'Po0/1', 'other_llc_key': 'val' } } :param task: a task containing the Node object. :returns: port information as a dict """ portmap = {} for port in task.ports: portmap[port.uuid] = port.local_link_connection return portmap # TODO(jroll) raise InvalidParameterValue if a port doesn't have the # necessary info? (probably) def get_local_group_information(task, portgroup): """Extract the portgroup information. The information is returned in the form of:: { 'id': portgroup.uuid, 'name': portgroup.name, 'bond_mode': portgroup.mode, 'bond_properties': { 'bond_propertyA': 'valueA', 'bond_propertyB': 'valueB', } } :param task: a task containing the Node object. :param portgroup: Ironic portgroup object to extract data for. :returns: port group information as a dict """ portgroup_properties = {} for prop, value in portgroup.properties.items(): # These properties are the bonding driver options described # at https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt . # cloud-init checks the same way, parameter name has to start with # 'bond'. Keep this structure when passing properties to neutron ML2 # drivers. key = prop if prop.startswith('bond') else 'bond_%s' % prop portgroup_properties[key] = value return { 'id': portgroup.uuid, 'name': portgroup.name, 'bond_mode': portgroup.mode, 'bond_properties': portgroup_properties } def rollback_ports(task, network_uuid): """Attempts to delete any ports created by cleaning/provisioning Purposefully will not raise any exceptions so error handling can continue. :param task: a TaskManager instance. :param network_uuid: UUID of a neutron network. """ try: remove_ports_from_network(task, network_uuid) except exception.NetworkError: # Only log the error LOG.exception('Failed to rollback port changes for ' 'node %(node)s on network %(network)s', {'node': task.node.uuid, 'network': network_uuid}) def validate_network(uuid_or_name, net_type=_('network'), context=None): """Check that the given network is present. :param uuid_or_name: network UUID or name :param net_type: human-readable network type for error messages :param context: request context :type context: ironic.common.context.RequestContext :return: network UUID :raises: MissingParameterValue if uuid_or_name is empty :raises: NetworkError on failure to contact Neutron :raises: InvalidParameterValue for missing or duplicated network """ if not uuid_or_name: raise exception.MissingParameterValue( _('UUID or name of %s is not set in configuration') % net_type) client = get_client(context=context) network = _get_network_by_uuid_or_name(client, uuid_or_name, net_type=net_type) return network.id def validate_port_info(node, port): """Check that port contains enough information for deploy. Neutron network interface requires that local_link_information field is filled before we can use this port. :param node: Ironic node object. :param port: Ironic port object. :returns: True if port info is valid, False otherwise. """ # Note(moshele): client-id in the port extra field indicates an InfiniBand # port. In this case we don't require local_link_connection to be # populated because the network topology is discoverable by the Infiniband # Subnet Manager. if port.extra.get('client-id'): return True if (node.get_interface('network') == 'neutron' and not port.local_link_connection): LOG.warning("The local_link_connection is required for " "'neutron' network interface and is not present " "in the nodes %(node)s port %(port)s", {'node': node.uuid, 'port': port.uuid}) return False try: api_utils.LOCAL_LINK_SMART_NIC_VALIDATOR( 'local_link_connection', port.local_link_connection) except exception.Invalid: valid_smart_nic = False else: valid_smart_nic = True if port.is_smartnic and not valid_smart_nic: LOG.error("Smart NIC port must have port_id and hostname in " "local_link_connection, port: %s", port['id']) return False if not port.is_smartnic and valid_smart_nic: LOG.error("Only Smart NIC ports can have port_id and hostname " "in local_link_connection, port: %s", port['id']) return False return True def _validate_agent(client, **kwargs): """Check that the given neutron agent is alive :param client: Neutron client :param kwargs: Additional parameters to pass to the neutron client list_agents method. :returns: A boolean to describe the agent status, if more than one agent returns by the client then return True if at least one of them is alive. :raises: NetworkError in case of failure contacting Neutron. """ try: agents = client.agents(**kwargs) for agent in agents: if agent.is_alive: return True return False except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException: raise exception.NetworkError('Failed to contact Neutron server') def is_smartnic_port(port_data): """Check that the port is Smart NIC port :param port_data: an instance of ironic.objects.port.Port or port data as dict. :returns: A boolean to indicate port as Smart NIC port. """ if isinstance(port_data, objects.Port): return port_data.supports_is_smartnic() and port_data.is_smartnic if isinstance(port_data, dict): return port_data.get('is_smartnic', False) LOG.warning('Unknown port data type: %(type)s', {'type': type(port_data)}) return False def _get_network_by_uuid_or_name(client, uuid_or_name, net_type=_('network')): """Return a neutron network by UUID or name. :param client: A Neutron client object. :param uuid_or_name: network UUID or name :param net_type: human-readable network type for error messages :returns: A dict describing the neutron network. :raises: NetworkError on failure to contact Neutron :raises: InvalidParameterValue for missing or duplicated network """ try: network = client.find_network(uuid_or_name, ignore_missing=False) except openstack_exc.DuplicateResource: network_ids = [net.id for net in client.networks(name=uuid_or_name)] raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( _('More than one %(type)s was found for name %(name)s: %(nets)s') % {'name': uuid_or_name, 'nets': ', '.join(network_ids), 'type': net_type}) except openstack_exc.ResourceNotFound: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( _('%(type)s with name or UUID %(uuid_or_name)s was not found') % {'type': net_type, 'uuid_or_name': uuid_or_name}) except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as exc: raise exception.NetworkError(_('Could not retrieve network: %s') % exc) LOG.debug('Got network matching %(uuid_or_name)s: %(result)s', {'uuid_or_name': uuid_or_name, 'result': network}) return network def _get_port_by_uuid(client, port_uuid): """Return a neutron port by UUID. :param client: A Neutron client object. :param port_uuid: UUID of a Neutron port to query. :returns: A dict describing the neutron port. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if the port does not exist. :raises: NetworkError on failure to contact Neutron. """ try: port = client.get_port(port_uuid) except openstack_exc.ResourceNotFound: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( _('Neutron port %(port_uuid)s was not found') % {'port_uuid': port_uuid}) except openstack_exc.OpenStackCloudException as exc: raise exception.NetworkError(_('Could not retrieve neutron port: %s') % exc) return port def get_physnets_by_port_uuid(client, port_uuid): """Return the set of physical networks associated with a neutron port. Query the network to which the port is attached and return the set of physical networks associated with the segments in that network. :param client: A Neutron client object. :param port_uuid: UUID of a Neutron port to query. :returns: A set of physical networks. :raises: NetworkError if the network query fails. :raises: InvalidParameterValue for missing network. """ port = _get_port_by_uuid(client, port_uuid) network_uuid = port.network_id network = _get_network_by_uuid_or_name(client, network_uuid) if network.segments is not None: # A network with multiple segments will have a 'segments' parameter # which will contain a list of segments. Each segment should have a # 'provider:physical_network' parameter which contains the physical # network of the segment. return set(segment[PHYSNET_PARAM_NAME] for segment in network.segments if segment[PHYSNET_PARAM_NAME]) else: # A network with a single segment will have a # 'provider:physical_network' parameter which contains the network's # physical network. return (set([network.provider_physical_network]) if network.provider_physical_network else set()) @retry( retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(exception.NetworkError), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(CONF.agent.neutron_agent_max_attempts), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(CONF.agent.neutron_agent_status_retry_interval), reraise=True) def wait_for_host_agent(client, host_id, target_state='up'): """Wait for neutron agent to become target state :param client: A Neutron client object. :param host_id: Agent host_id :param target_state: up: wait for up status, down: wait for down status :returns: boolean indicates the agent state matches param value target_state_up. :raises: exception.Invalid if 'target_state' is not valid. :raises: exception.NetworkError if host status didn't match the required status after max retry attempts. """ if target_state not in ['up', 'down']: raise exception.Invalid( 'Invalid requested agent state to validate, accepted values: ' 'up, down. Requested state: %(target_state)s' % { 'target_state': target_state}) LOG.debug('Validating host %(host_id)s agent is %(status)s', {'host_id': host_id, 'status': target_state}) is_alive = _validate_agent(client, host=host_id) LOG.debug('Agent on host %(host_id)s is %(status)s', {'host_id': host_id, 'status': 'up' if is_alive else 'down'}) if ((target_state == 'up' and is_alive) or (target_state == 'down' and not is_alive)): return True raise exception.NetworkError( 'Agent on host %(host)s failed to reach state %(state)s' % { 'host': host_id, 'state': target_state}) @retry( retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type(exception.NetworkError), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(CONF.agent.neutron_agent_max_attempts), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(CONF.agent.neutron_agent_status_retry_interval), reraise=True) def wait_for_port_status(client, port_id, status): """Wait for port status to be the desired status :param client: A Neutron client object. :param port_id: Neutron port_id :param status: Port's target status, can be ACTIVE, DOWN ... etc. :returns: boolean indicates that the port status matches the required value passed by param status. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if the port does not exist. :raises: exception.NetworkError if port status didn't match the required status after max retry attempts. """ LOG.debug('Validating Port %(port_id)s status is %(status)s', {'port_id': port_id, 'status': status}) port = _get_port_by_uuid(client, port_id) LOG.debug('Port %(port_id)s status is: %(status)s', {'port_id': port_id, 'status': port.status}) if port.status == status: return True raise exception.NetworkError( 'Port %(port_id)s failed to reach status %(status)s' % { 'port_id': port_id, 'status': status}) class NeutronNetworkInterfaceMixin(object): def get_cleaning_network_uuid(self, task): cleaning_network = ( task.node.driver_info.get('cleaning_network') or CONF.neutron.cleaning_network ) return validate_network( cleaning_network, _('cleaning network'), context=task.context) def get_provisioning_network_uuid(self, task): provisioning_network = ( task.node.driver_info.get('provisioning_network') or CONF.neutron.provisioning_network ) return validate_network( provisioning_network, _('provisioning network'), context=task.context) # TODO(stendulker): FlatNetwork should not use this method. # FlatNetwork uses tenant network for rescue operation. def get_rescuing_network_uuid(self, task): rescuing_network = ( task.node.driver_info.get('rescuing_network') or CONF.neutron.rescuing_network ) return validate_network( rescuing_network, _('rescuing network'), context=task.context) def get_inspection_network_uuid(self, task): inspection_network = ( task.node.driver_info.get('inspection_network') or CONF.neutron.inspection_network ) return validate_network( inspection_network, _('inspection network'), context=task.context) def validate_inspection(self, task): """Validate that the node has required properties for inspection. :param task: A TaskManager instance with the node being checked :raises: MissingParameterValue if node is missing one or more required parameters :raises: UnsupportedDriverExtension """ try: self.get_inspection_network_uuid(task) except exception.MissingParameterValue: # Fall back to non-managed in-band inspection raise exception.UnsupportedDriverExtension( driver=task.node.driver, extension='inspection')