# Copyright 2016 Intel Corporation # Copyright 2015 FUJITSU LIMITED # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from ironic.common.i18n import _ opts = [ cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_share_root', default='/remote_image_share_root', help=_('Ironic conductor node\'s "NFS" or "CIFS" root path')), cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_server', help=_('IP of remote image server')), cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_share_type', default='CIFS', choices=['CIFS', 'NFS'], ignore_case=True, help=_('Share type of virtual media')), cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_share_name', default='share', help=_('share name of remote_image_server')), cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_user_name', help=_('User name of remote_image_server')), cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_user_password', secret=True, help=_('Password of remote_image_user_name')), cfg.StrOpt('remote_image_user_domain', default='', help=_('Domain name of remote_image_user_name')), cfg.PortOpt('port', default=443, choices=[443, 80], help=_('Port to be used for iRMC operations')), cfg.StrOpt('auth_method', default='basic', choices=['basic', 'digest'], help=_('Authentication method to be used for iRMC ' 'operations')), cfg.IntOpt('client_timeout', default=60, help=_('Timeout (in seconds) for iRMC operations')), cfg.StrOpt('sensor_method', default='ipmitool', choices=['ipmitool', 'scci'], help=_('Sensor data retrieval method.')), cfg.StrOpt('snmp_version', default='v2c', choices=['v1', 'v2c', 'v3'], help=_('SNMP protocol version')), cfg.PortOpt('snmp_port', default=161, help=_('SNMP port')), cfg.StrOpt('snmp_community', default='public', help=_('SNMP community. Required for versions "v1" and "v2c"')), cfg.StrOpt('snmp_security', help=_('SNMP security name. Required for version "v3"')), cfg.IntOpt('snmp_polling_interval', default=10, help='SNMP polling interval in seconds'), cfg.IntOpt('clean_priority_restore_irmc_bios_config', default=0, help=_('Priority for restore_irmc_bios_config clean step.')), cfg.ListOpt('gpu_ids', default=[], help=_('List of vendor IDs and device IDs for GPU device to ' 'inspect. List items are in format vendorID/deviceID ' 'and separated by commas. GPU inspection will use this ' 'value to count the number of GPU device in a node. If ' 'this option is not defined, then leave out ' 'pci_gpu_devices in capabilities property. ' 'Sample gpu_ids value: 0x1000/0x0079,0x2100/0x0080')), ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_opts(opts, group='irmc')