# Copyright 2014 Rackspace, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. from http import client as http_client import os from ironic_lib import metrics_utils from oslo_log import log from oslo_serialization import jsonutils from oslo_utils import strutils import requests import tenacity from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.conf import CONF LOG = log.getLogger(__name__) METRICS = metrics_utils.get_metrics_logger(__name__) DEFAULT_IPA_PORTAL_PORT = 3260 REBOOT_COMMAND = 'run_image' def get_command_error(command): """Extract an error string from the command result. :param command: Command information from the agent. :return: Error string. """ error = command.get('command_error') if error is None: LOG.error('Agent returned invalid response: missing command_error in ' '%s', command) return _('Invalid agent response') if isinstance(error, dict): return error.get('details') or error.get('message') or str(error) else: return error class AgentClient(object): """Client for interacting with nodes via a REST API.""" @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.__init__') def __init__(self): self.session = requests.Session() self.session.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) def _get_command_url(self, node): """Get URL endpoint for agent command request""" agent_url = node.driver_internal_info.get('agent_url') if not agent_url: raise exception.AgentConnectionFailed(_('Agent driver requires ' 'agent_url in ' 'driver_internal_info')) return ('%(agent_url)s/%(api_version)s/commands/' % {'agent_url': agent_url, 'api_version': CONF.agent.agent_api_version}) def _get_command_body(self, method, params): """Generate command body from method and params""" return jsonutils.dumps({ 'name': method, 'params': params, }) def _get_verify(self, node): value = (node.driver_internal_info.get('agent_verify_ca') or node.driver_info.get('agent_verify_ca') or CONF.agent.verify_ca) if isinstance(value, str): try: value = strutils.bool_from_string(value, strict=True) except ValueError: if not os.path.exists(value): raise exception.InvalidParameterValue( _('Agent CA %s is neither a path nor a boolean') % value) return value def _raise_if_typeerror(self, result, node, method): error = result.get('command_error') if error and error.get('type') == 'TypeError': LOG.error('Agent command %(method)s for node %(node)s failed. ' 'Internal TypeError detected: Error %(error)s', {'method': method, 'node': node.uuid, 'error': error}) raise exception.AgentAPIError(node=node.uuid, status=error.get('code'), error=get_command_error(result)) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient._wait_for_command') @tenacity.retry( retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type( exception.AgentCommandTimeout), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(CONF.agent.command_wait_attempts), wait=tenacity.wait_fixed(CONF.agent.command_wait_interval), reraise=True) def _wait_for_command(self, node, method): """Wait for a command to complete. :param node: A Node object. :param method: A string represents the command executed by agent. :raises: AgentCommandTimeout if timeout is reached. """ # NOTE(dtantsur): this function uses AgentCommandTimeout on every # failure, but unless the timeout is reached, the exception is caught # and retried by the @retry decorator above. result = self.get_last_command_status(node, method) if result is None: raise exception.AgentCommandTimeout(command=method, node=node.uuid) if result.get('command_status') == 'RUNNING': LOG.debug('Command %(cmd)s has not finished yet for node %(node)s', {'cmd': method, 'node': node.uuid}) raise exception.AgentCommandTimeout(command=method, node=node.uuid) else: LOG.debug('Command %(cmd)s has finished for node %(node)s with ' 'result %(result)s', {'cmd': method, 'node': node.uuid, 'result': result}) self._raise_if_typeerror(result, node, method) return result @METRICS.timer('AgentClient._command') @tenacity.retry( retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type( exception.AgentConnectionFailed), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(CONF.agent.max_command_attempts), reraise=True) def _command(self, node, method, params, wait=False, poll=False): """Sends command to agent. :param node: A Node object. :param method: A string represents the command to be executed by agent. :param params: A dictionary containing params used to form the request body. :param wait: True to wait for the command to finish executing, False otherwise. :param poll: Whether to poll the command until completion. Provides a better alternative to `wait` for long-running commands. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command result from agent, see get_commands_status for a sample. """ assert not (wait and poll) url = self._get_command_url(node) body = self._get_command_body(method, params) request_params = { 'wait': str(wait).lower() } agent_token = node.driver_internal_info.get('agent_secret_token') if agent_token: request_params['agent_token'] = agent_token LOG.debug('Executing agent command %(method)s for node %(node)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'method': method}) try: response = self.session.post( url, params=request_params, data=body, verify=self._get_verify(node), timeout=CONF.agent.command_timeout) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.Timeout) as e: msg = (_('Failed to connect to the agent running on node %(node)s ' 'for invoking command %(method)s. Error: %(error)s') % {'node': node.uuid, 'method': method, 'error': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.AgentConnectionFailed(reason=msg) except requests.RequestException as e: msg = (_('Error invoking agent command %(method)s for node ' '%(node)s. Error: %(error)s') % {'method': method, 'node': node.uuid, 'error': e}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.IronicException(msg) # TODO(russellhaering): real error handling try: result = response.json() except ValueError: msg = _( 'Unable to decode response as JSON.\n' 'Request URL: %(url)s\nRequest body: "%(body)s"\n' 'Response status code: %(code)s\n' 'Response: "%(response)s"' ) % ({'response': response.text, 'body': body, 'url': url, 'code': response.status_code}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.IronicException(msg) error = result.get('command_error') LOG.debug('Agent command %(method)s for node %(node)s returned ' 'result %(res)s, error %(error)s, HTTP status code %(code)d', {'node': node.uuid, 'method': method, 'res': result.get('command_result'), 'error': error, 'code': response.status_code}) if response.status_code >= http_client.BAD_REQUEST: faultstring = result.get('faultstring') if 'agent_token' in faultstring: LOG.error('Agent command %(method)s for node %(node)s ' 'failed. Expected 2xx HTTP status code, got ' '%(code)d. Error suggests an older ramdisk ' 'which does not support ``agent_token``. ' 'This is a fatal error.', {'method': method, 'node': node.uuid, 'code': response.status_code}) else: LOG.error('Agent command %(method)s for node %(node)s failed. ' 'Expected 2xx HTTP status code, got %(code)d.', {'method': method, 'node': node.uuid, 'code': response.status_code}) if (response.status_code == http_client.CONFLICT or 'agent is busy' in faultstring.lower()): # HTTP 409 check as an explicit check of if the agent # is already busy. # NOTE(TheJulia): The agent sends upper case A as of # late victoria, but lower case the entire message # for compatability with pre-late victoria agents # which returns HTTP 409. raise exception.AgentInProgress(node=node.uuid, command=method, error=faultstring) raise exception.AgentAPIError(node=node.uuid, status=response.status_code, error=faultstring) self._raise_if_typeerror(result, node, method) if poll: result = self._wait_for_command(node, method) return result @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.get_commands_status') def get_commands_status(self, node, retry_connection=True, expect_errors=False): """Get command status from agent. :param node: A Node object. :param retry_connection: Whether to retry connection problems. :param expect_errors: If True, do not log connection problems as errors. :return: A list of command results, each result is related to a command been issued to agent. A typical result can be: :: { 'command_name': , 'command_params': , 'command_status': , 'command_error': , 'command_result': } """ url = self._get_command_url(node) LOG.debug('Fetching status of agent commands for node %s', node.uuid) def _get(): try: return self.session.get(url, verify=self._get_verify(node), timeout=CONF.agent.command_timeout) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.Timeout) as e: msg = (_('Failed to connect to the agent running on node ' '%(node)s to collect commands status. ' 'Error: %(error)s') % {'node': node.uuid, 'error': e}) logging_call = LOG.debug if expect_errors else LOG.error logging_call(msg) raise exception.AgentConnectionFailed(reason=msg) if retry_connection: _get = tenacity.retry( retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type( exception.AgentConnectionFailed), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt( CONF.agent.max_command_attempts), reraise=True)(_get) result = _get().json()['commands'] status = '; '.join('%(cmd)s: result "%(res)s", error "%(err)s"' % {'cmd': r.get('command_name'), 'res': r.get('command_result'), 'err': r.get('command_error')} for r in result) LOG.debug('Status of agent commands for node %(node)s: %(status)s', {'node': node.uuid, 'status': status}) return result def get_last_command_status(self, node, method): """Get the last status for the given command. :param node: A Node object. :param method: Command name. :returns: A dict containing command status from agent or None if the command was not found. """ try: method = method.split('.', 1)[1] except IndexError: pass commands = self.get_commands_status(node) try: return next(c for c in reversed(commands) if c.get('command_name') == method) except StopIteration: LOG.debug('Command %(cmd)s is not in the executing commands list ' 'for node %(node)s', {'cmd': method, 'node': node.uuid}) return None @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.prepare_image') def prepare_image(self, node, image_info, wait=False): """Call the `prepare_image` method on the node. :param node: A Node object. :param image_info: A dictionary containing various image related information. :param wait: True to wait for the command to finish executing, False otherwise. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command status from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. """ LOG.debug('Preparing image %(image)s on node %(node)s.', {'image': image_info.get('id'), 'node': node.uuid}) params = {'image_info': image_info} # this should be an http(s) URL configdrive = node.instance_info.get('configdrive') if configdrive is not None: params['configdrive'] = configdrive return self._command(node=node, method='standby.prepare_image', params=params, poll=wait) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.start_iscsi_target') def start_iscsi_target(self, node, iqn, portal_port=DEFAULT_IPA_PORTAL_PORT, wipe_disk_metadata=False): """Expose the node's disk as an ISCSI target. :param node: an Ironic node object :param iqn: iSCSI target IQN :param portal_port: iSCSI portal port :param wipe_disk_metadata: True if the agent should wipe first the disk magic strings like the partition table, RAID or filesystem signature. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. """ params = {'iqn': iqn, 'portal_port': portal_port, 'wipe_disk_metadata': wipe_disk_metadata} return self._command(node=node, method='iscsi.start_iscsi_target', params=params, wait=True) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.install_bootloader') def install_bootloader(self, node, root_uuid, target_boot_mode, efi_system_part_uuid=None, prep_boot_part_uuid=None, software_raid=False): """Install a boot loader on the image. :param node: A node object. :param root_uuid: The UUID of the root partition. :param target_boot_mode: The target deployment boot mode. :param efi_system_part_uuid: The UUID of the efi system partition where the bootloader will be installed to, only used for uefi boot mode. :param prep_boot_part_uuid: The UUID of the PReP Boot partition where the bootloader will be installed to when local booting a partition image on a ppc64* system. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. """ params = {'root_uuid': root_uuid, 'efi_system_part_uuid': efi_system_part_uuid, 'prep_boot_part_uuid': prep_boot_part_uuid, 'target_boot_mode': target_boot_mode } # NOTE(TheJulia): This command explicitly sends a larger timeout # factor to the _command call such that the agent ramdisk has enough # time to perform its work. # TODO(TheJulia): We should likely split install_bootloader into many # commands at some point, even though that would not be backwards # compatible. We could at least begin to delineate the commands apart # over the next cycle or two so we don't need a command timeout # extension factor. try: return self._command(node=node, method='image.install_bootloader', params=params, poll=True) except exception.AgentAPIError: # NOTE(arne_wiebalck): If for software RAID and 'uefi' as the boot # mode, we find that the IPA does not yet support the additional # 'target_boot_mode' parameter, we need to fail. For 'bios' boot # mode on the other hand we can retry without the parameter, # since 'bios' is the default value the IPA will use. if target_boot_mode == 'uefi' and software_raid: LOG.error('Unable to pass UEFI boot mode to an out of date ' 'agent ramdisk. Please contact the administrator ' 'to update the ramdisk to contain an ' 'ironic-python-agent version of at least 6.0.0.') raise else: params = {'root_uuid': root_uuid, 'efi_system_part_uuid': efi_system_part_uuid, 'prep_boot_part_uuid': prep_boot_part_uuid } LOG.warning('Failed to install bootloader on first attempt ' 'for node %(node)s. Falling back to older IPA ' 'format.', {'node': node.uuid}) return self._command(node=node, method='image.install_bootloader', params=params, poll=True) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.get_clean_steps') def get_clean_steps(self, node, ports): """Get clean steps from agent. :param node: A node object. :param ports: Ports associated with the node. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. The value of key command_result is in the form of: :: { 'clean_steps': , 'hardware_manager_version': } """ params = { 'node': node.as_dict(secure=True), 'ports': [port.as_dict() for port in ports] } return self._command(node=node, method='clean.get_clean_steps', params=params, wait=True) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.execute_clean_step') def execute_clean_step(self, step, node, ports): """Execute specified clean step. :param step: A clean step dictionary to execute. :param node: A Node object. :param ports: Ports associated with the node. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. The value of key command_result is in the form of: :: { 'clean_result': , 'clean_step': } """ params = { 'step': step, 'node': node.as_dict(secure=True), 'ports': [port.as_dict() for port in ports], 'clean_version': node.driver_internal_info.get( 'hardware_manager_version') } return self._command(node=node, method='clean.execute_clean_step', params=params) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.get_deploy_steps') def get_deploy_steps(self, node, ports): """Get deploy steps from agent. :param node: A node object. :param ports: Ports associated with the node. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. The value of key command_result is in the form of: :: { 'deploy_steps': , 'hardware_manager_version': } """ params = { 'node': node.as_dict(secure=True), 'ports': [port.as_dict() for port in ports] } return self._command(node=node, method='deploy.get_deploy_steps', params=params, wait=True) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.execute_deploy_step') def execute_deploy_step(self, step, node, ports): """Execute specified deploy step. :param step: A deploy step dictionary to execute. :param node: A Node object. :param ports: Ports associated with the node. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. The value of key command_result is in the form of: :: { 'deploy_result': , 'deploy_step': } """ params = { 'step': step, 'node': node.as_dict(secure=True), 'ports': [port.as_dict() for port in ports], 'deploy_version': node.driver_internal_info.get( 'hardware_manager_version') } return self._command(node=node, method='deploy.execute_deploy_step', params=params) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.get_partition_uuids') def get_partition_uuids(self, node): """Get deploy steps from agent. :param node: A node object. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. """ return self._command(node=node, method='standby.get_partition_uuids', params={}, wait=True) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.power_off') def power_off(self, node): """Soft powers off the bare metal node by shutting down ramdisk OS. :param node: A Node object. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. """ return self._command(node=node, method='standby.power_off', params={}) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.reboot') def reboot(self, node): """Soft reboots the bare metal node by shutting down ramdisk OS. :param node: A Node object. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. """ return self._command(node=node, method='standby.%s' % REBOOT_COMMAND, params={}) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.sync') def sync(self, node): """Flush file system buffers forcing changed blocks to disk. :param node: A Node object. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. """ return self._command(node=node, method='standby.sync', params={}, wait=True) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.collect_system_logs') def collect_system_logs(self, node): """Collect and package diagnostic and support data from the ramdisk. :param node: A Node object. :raises: IronicException when failed to issue the request or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. """ return self._command(node=node, method='log.collect_system_logs', params={}, wait=True) @METRICS.timer('AgentClient.finalize_rescue') def finalize_rescue(self, node): """Instruct the ramdisk to finalize entering of rescue mode. :param node: A Node object. :raises: IronicException if rescue_password is missing, or when failed to issue the request, or there was a malformed response from the agent. :raises: AgentAPIError when agent failed to execute specified command. :raises: AgentInProgress when the command fails to execute as the agent is presently executing the prior command. :raises: InstanceRescueFailure when the agent ramdisk is too old to support transmission of the rescue password. :returns: A dict containing command response from agent. See :func:`get_commands_status` for a command result sample. """ rescue_pass = node.instance_info.get('hashed_rescue_password') # TODO(TheJulia): Remove fallback to use the fallback_rescue_password # in the Victoria cycle. fallback_rescue_pass = node.instance_info.get( 'rescue_password') if not rescue_pass: raise exception.IronicException(_('Agent rescue requires ' 'rescue_password in ' 'instance_info')) params = {'rescue_password': rescue_pass, 'hashed': True} try: return self._command(node=node, method='rescue.finalize_rescue', params=params) except exception.AgentAPIError: if CONF.conductor.require_rescue_password_hashed: raise exception.InstanceRescueFailure( _('Unable to rescue node due to an out of date agent ' 'ramdisk. Please contact the administrator to update ' 'the rescue ramdisk to contain an ironic-python-agent ' 'version of at least 6.0.0.')) else: params = {'rescue_password': fallback_rescue_pass} return self._command(node=node, method='rescue.finalize_rescue', params=params)