# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- # # Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Utility for caching master images. """ import os import tempfile import time import uuid from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import fileutils from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.glance_service import service_utils from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.common import image_service from ironic.common import images from ironic.common import utils from ironic.conf import CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) # This would contain a sorted list of instances of ImageCache to be # considered for cleanup. This list will be kept sorted in non-increasing # order of priority. _cache_cleanup_list = [] class ImageCache(object): """Class handling access to cache for master images.""" def __init__(self, master_dir, cache_size, cache_ttl): """Constructor. :param master_dir: cache directory to work on Value of None disables image caching. :param cache_size: desired maximum cache size in bytes :param cache_ttl: cache entity TTL in seconds """ self.master_dir = master_dir self._cache_size = cache_size self._cache_ttl = cache_ttl if master_dir is not None: fileutils.ensure_tree(master_dir) def fetch_image(self, href, dest_path, ctx=None, force_raw=True): """Fetch image by given href to the destination path. Does nothing if destination path exists and is up to date with cache and href contents. Only creates a hard link (dest_path) to cached image if requested image is already in cache and up to date with href contents. Otherwise downloads an image, stores it in cache and creates a hard link (dest_path) to it. :param href: image UUID or href to fetch :param dest_path: destination file path :param ctx: context :param force_raw: boolean value, whether to convert the image to raw format """ img_download_lock_name = 'download-image' if self.master_dir is None: # NOTE(ghe): We don't share images between instances/hosts if not CONF.parallel_image_downloads: with lockutils.lock(img_download_lock_name): _fetch(ctx, href, dest_path, force_raw) else: _fetch(ctx, href, dest_path, force_raw) return # TODO(ghe): have hard links and counts the same behaviour in all fs # NOTE(vdrok): File name is converted to UUID if it's not UUID already, # so that two images with same file names do not collide if service_utils.is_glance_image(href): master_file_name = service_utils.parse_image_id(href) else: master_file_name = str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, href)) # NOTE(kaifeng) The ".converted" suffix acts as an indicator that the # image cached has gone through the conversion logic. if force_raw: master_file_name = master_file_name + '.converted' master_path = os.path.join(self.master_dir, master_file_name) if CONF.parallel_image_downloads: img_download_lock_name = 'download-image:%s' % master_file_name # TODO(dtantsur): lock expiration time with lockutils.lock(img_download_lock_name): # NOTE(vdrok): After rebuild requested image can change, so we # should ensure that dest_path and master_path (if exists) are # pointing to the same file and their content is up to date cache_up_to_date = _delete_master_path_if_stale(master_path, href, ctx) dest_up_to_date = _delete_dest_path_if_stale(master_path, dest_path) if cache_up_to_date and dest_up_to_date: LOG.debug("Destination %(dest)s already exists " "for image %(href)s", {'href': href, 'dest': dest_path}) return if cache_up_to_date: # NOTE(dtantsur): ensure we're not in the middle of clean up with lockutils.lock('master_image'): os.link(master_path, dest_path) LOG.debug("Master cache hit for image %(href)s", {'href': href}) return LOG.info("Master cache miss for image %(href)s, " "starting download", {'href': href}) self._download_image( href, master_path, dest_path, ctx=ctx, force_raw=force_raw) # NOTE(dtantsur): we increased cache size - time to clean up self.clean_up() def _download_image(self, href, master_path, dest_path, ctx=None, force_raw=True): """Download image by href and store at a given path. This method should be called with uuid-specific lock taken. :param href: image UUID or href to fetch :param master_path: destination master path :param dest_path: destination file path :param ctx: context :param force_raw: boolean value, whether to convert the image to raw format :raise ImageDownloadFailed: when the image cache and the image HTTP or TFTP location are on different file system, causing hard link to fail. """ # TODO(ghe): timeout and retry for downloads # TODO(ghe): logging when image cannot be created tmp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.master_dir) tmp_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, href.split('/')[-1]) try: _fetch(ctx, href, tmp_path, force_raw) # NOTE(dtantsur): no need for global lock here - master_path # will have link count >1 at any moment, so won't be cleaned up os.link(tmp_path, master_path) os.link(master_path, dest_path) except OSError as exc: msg = (_("Could not link image %(img_href)s from %(src_path)s " "to %(dst_path)s, error: %(exc)s") % {'img_href': href, 'src_path': master_path, 'dst_path': dest_path, 'exc': exc}) LOG.error(msg) raise exception.ImageDownloadFailed(msg) finally: utils.rmtree_without_raise(tmp_dir) @lockutils.synchronized('master_image') def clean_up(self, amount=None): """Clean up directory with images, keeping cache of the latest images. Files with link count >1 are never deleted. Protected by global lock, so that no one messes with master images after we get listing and before we actually delete files. :param amount: if present, amount of space to reclaim in bytes, cleaning will stop, if this goal was reached, even if it is possible to clean up more files """ if self.master_dir is None: return LOG.debug("Starting clean up for master image cache %(dir)s", {'dir': self.master_dir}) amount_copy = amount listing = _find_candidates_for_deletion(self.master_dir) survived, amount = self._clean_up_too_old(listing, amount) if amount is not None and amount <= 0: return amount = self._clean_up_ensure_cache_size(survived, amount) if amount is not None and amount > 0: LOG.warning("Cache clean up was unable to reclaim %(required)d " "MiB of disk space, still %(left)d MiB required", {'required': amount_copy / 1024 / 1024, 'left': amount / 1024 / 1024}) def _clean_up_too_old(self, listing, amount): """Clean up stage 1: drop images that are older than TTL. This method removes files all files older than TTL seconds unless 'amount' is non-None. If 'amount' is non-None, it starts removing files older than TTL seconds, oldest first, until the required 'amount' of space is reclaimed. :param listing: list of tuples (file name, last used time) :param amount: if not None, amount of space to reclaim in bytes, cleaning will stop, if this goal was reached, even if it is possible to clean up more files :returns: tuple (list of files left after clean up, amount still to reclaim) """ threshold = time.time() - self._cache_ttl survived = [] for file_name, last_used, stat in listing: if last_used < threshold: try: os.unlink(file_name) except EnvironmentError as exc: LOG.warning("Unable to delete file %(name)s from " "master image cache: %(exc)s", {'name': file_name, 'exc': exc}) else: if amount is not None: amount -= stat.st_size if amount <= 0: amount = 0 break else: survived.append((file_name, last_used, stat)) return survived, amount def _clean_up_ensure_cache_size(self, listing, amount): """Clean up stage 2: try to ensure cache size < threshold. Try to delete the oldest files until conditions is satisfied or no more files are eligible for deletion. :param listing: list of tuples (file name, last used time) :param amount: amount of space to reclaim, if possible. if amount is not None, it has higher priority than cache size in settings :returns: amount of space still required after clean up """ # NOTE(dtantsur): Sort listing to delete the oldest files first listing = sorted(listing, key=lambda entry: entry[1], reverse=True) total_listing = (os.path.join(self.master_dir, f) for f in os.listdir(self.master_dir)) total_size = sum(os.path.getsize(f) for f in total_listing) while listing and (total_size > self._cache_size or (amount is not None and amount > 0)): file_name, last_used, stat = listing.pop() try: os.unlink(file_name) except EnvironmentError as exc: LOG.warning("Unable to delete file %(name)s from " "master image cache: %(exc)s", {'name': file_name, 'exc': exc}) else: total_size -= stat.st_size if amount is not None: amount -= stat.st_size if total_size > self._cache_size: LOG.info("After cleaning up cache dir %(dir)s " "cache size %(actual)d is still larger than " "threshold %(expected)d", {'dir': self.master_dir, 'actual': total_size, 'expected': self._cache_size}) return max(amount, 0) if amount is not None else 0 def _find_candidates_for_deletion(master_dir): """Find files eligible for deletion i.e. with link count ==1. :param master_dir: directory to operate on :returns: iterator yielding tuples (file name, last used time, stat) """ for filename in os.listdir(master_dir): filename = os.path.join(master_dir, filename) stat = os.stat(filename) if not os.path.isfile(filename) or stat.st_nlink > 1: continue # NOTE(dtantsur): Detect most recently accessed files, # seeing atime can be disabled by the mount option # Also include ctime as it changes when image is linked to last_used_time = max(stat.st_mtime, stat.st_atime, stat.st_ctime) yield filename, last_used_time, stat def _free_disk_space_for(path): """Get free disk space on a drive where path is located.""" stat = os.statvfs(path) return stat.f_frsize * stat.f_bavail def _fetch(context, image_href, path, force_raw=False): """Fetch image and convert to raw format if needed.""" path_tmp = "%s.part" % path images.fetch(context, image_href, path_tmp, force_raw=False) # Notes(yjiang5): If glance can provide the virtual size information, # then we can firstly clean cache and then invoke images.fetch(). if force_raw: if images.force_raw_will_convert(image_href, path_tmp): required_space = images.converted_size(path_tmp) directory = os.path.dirname(path_tmp) _clean_up_caches(directory, required_space) images.image_to_raw(image_href, path, path_tmp) else: os.rename(path_tmp, path) def _clean_up_caches(directory, amount): """Explicitly cleanup caches based on their priority (if required). :param directory: the directory (of the cache) to be freed up. :param amount: amount of space to reclaim. :raises: InsufficientDiskSpace exception, if we cannot free up enough space after trying all the caches. """ free = _free_disk_space_for(directory) if amount < free: return # NOTE(dtantsur): filter caches, whose directory is on the same device st_dev = os.stat(directory).st_dev caches_to_clean = [x[1]() for x in _cache_cleanup_list] caches = (c for c in caches_to_clean if os.stat(c.master_dir).st_dev == st_dev) for cache_to_clean in caches: cache_to_clean.clean_up(amount=(amount - free)) free = _free_disk_space_for(directory) if amount < free: break else: raise exception.InsufficientDiskSpace(path=directory, required=amount / 1024 / 1024, actual=free / 1024 / 1024, ) def clean_up_caches(ctx, directory, images_info): """Explicitly cleanup caches based on their priority (if required). This cleans up the caches to free up the amount of space required for the images in images_info. The caches are cleaned up one after the other in the order of their priority. If we still cannot free up enough space after trying all the caches, this method throws exception. :param ctx: context :param directory: the directory (of the cache) to be freed up. :param images_info: a list of tuples of the form (image_uuid,path) for which space is to be created in cache. :raises: InsufficientDiskSpace exception, if we cannot free up enough space after trying all the caches. """ total_size = sum(images.download_size(ctx, uuid) for (uuid, path) in images_info) _clean_up_caches(directory, total_size) def cleanup(priority): """Decorator method for adding cleanup priority to a class.""" def _add_property_to_class_func(cls): _cache_cleanup_list.append((priority, cls)) _cache_cleanup_list.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda tuple_: tuple_[0]) return cls return _add_property_to_class_func def _delete_master_path_if_stale(master_path, href, ctx): """Delete image from cache if it is not up to date with href contents. :param master_path: path to an image in master cache :param href: image href :param ctx: context to use :returns: True if master_path is up to date with href contents, False if master_path was stale and was deleted or it didn't exist """ if service_utils.is_glance_image(href): # Glance image contents cannot be updated without changing image's UUID return os.path.exists(master_path) if os.path.exists(master_path): img_service = image_service.get_image_service(href, context=ctx) img_mtime = img_service.show(href).get('updated_at') if not img_mtime: # This means that href is not a glance image and doesn't have an # updated_at attribute LOG.warning("Image service couldn't determine last " "modification time of %(href)s, considering " "cached image up to date.", {'href': href}) return True master_mtime = utils.unix_file_modification_datetime(master_path) if img_mtime <= master_mtime: return True # Delete image from cache as it is outdated LOG.info('Image %(href)s was last modified at %(remote_time)s. ' 'Deleting the cached copy "%(cached_file)s since it was ' 'last modified at %(local_time)s and may be outdated.', {'href': href, 'remote_time': img_mtime, 'local_time': master_mtime, 'cached_file': master_path}) os.unlink(master_path) return False def _delete_dest_path_if_stale(master_path, dest_path): """Delete dest_path if it does not point to cached image. :param master_path: path to an image in master cache :param dest_path: hard link to an image :returns: True if dest_path points to master_path, False if dest_path was stale and was deleted or it didn't exist """ dest_path_exists = os.path.exists(dest_path) if not dest_path_exists: # Image not cached, re-download return False master_path_exists = os.path.exists(master_path) if (not master_path_exists or os.stat(master_path).st_ino != os.stat(dest_path).st_ino): # Image exists in cache, but dest_path out of date os.unlink(dest_path) return False return True