# Copyright 2013,2014 Cray Inc # # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """ Ironic SNMP power manager. Provides basic power control using an SNMP-enabled smart power controller. Uses a pluggable driver model to support devices with different SNMP object models. """ import abc import time from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_service import loopingcall from oslo_utils import importutils from ironic.common import exception from ironic.common.i18n import _ from ironic.common import states from ironic.common import utils from ironic.conductor import task_manager from ironic.conf import CONF from ironic.drivers import base pysnmp = importutils.try_import('pysnmp') if pysnmp: from pysnmp import error as snmp_error from pysnmp import hlapi as snmp snmp_auth_protocols = { 'md5': snmp.usmHMACMD5AuthProtocol, 'sha': snmp.usmHMACSHAAuthProtocol, 'none': snmp.usmNoAuthProtocol, } # available since pysnmp 4.4.1 try: snmp_auth_protocols.update( { 'sha224': snmp.usmHMAC128SHA224AuthProtocol, 'sha256': snmp.usmHMAC192SHA256AuthProtocol, 'sha384': snmp.usmHMAC256SHA384AuthProtocol, 'sha512': snmp.usmHMAC384SHA512AuthProtocol, } ) except AttributeError: pass snmp_priv_protocols = { 'des': snmp.usmDESPrivProtocol, '3des': snmp.usm3DESEDEPrivProtocol, 'aes': snmp.usmAesCfb128Protocol, 'aes192': snmp.usmAesCfb192Protocol, 'aes256': snmp.usmAesCfb256Protocol, 'none': snmp.usmNoPrivProtocol, } # available since pysnmp 4.4.3 try: snmp_priv_protocols.update( { 'aes192blmt': snmp.usmAesBlumenthalCfb192Protocol, 'aes256blmt': snmp.usmAesBlumenthalCfb256Protocol, } ) except AttributeError: pass else: snmp = None snmp_error = None snmp_auth_protocols = { 'none': None } snmp_priv_protocols = { 'none': None } LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) SNMP_V1 = '1' SNMP_V2C = '2c' SNMP_V3 = '3' SNMP_PORT = 161 REQUIRED_PROPERTIES = { 'snmp_driver': _("PDU manufacturer driver. Required."), 'snmp_address': _("PDU IPv4 address or hostname. Required."), 'snmp_outlet': _("PDU power outlet index (1-based). Required."), } OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES = { 'snmp_version': _("SNMP protocol version: %(v1)s, %(v2c)s or %(v3)s " "(optional, default %(v1)s).") % {"v1": SNMP_V1, "v2c": SNMP_V2C, "v3": SNMP_V3}, 'snmp_port': _("SNMP port, default %(port)d.") % {"port": SNMP_PORT}, 'snmp_community': _("SNMP community name to use for read and/or write class SNMP " "commands unless `snmp_community_read` and/or " "`snmp_community_write` properties are present in which case the " "latter takes over. Applicable only to versions %(v1)s and %(v2c)s.") % {"v1": SNMP_V1, "v2c": SNMP_V2C}, 'snmp_community_read': _("SNMP community name to use for read class SNMP commands. " "Takes precedence over the `snmp_community` property. " "Applicable only to versions %(v1)s and %(v2c)s.") % {"v1": SNMP_V1, "v2c": SNMP_V2C}, 'snmp_community_write': _("SNMP community name to use for write class SNMP commands. " "Takes precedence over the `snmp_community` property. " "Applicable only to versions %(v1)s and %(v2c)s.") % {"v1": SNMP_V1, "v2c": SNMP_V2C}, 'snmp_user': _("SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) username. " "Required for version %(v3)s.") % {"v3": SNMP_V3}, 'snmp_auth_protocol': _("SNMPv3 message authentication protocol ID. " "Known values are: %(auth)s. " "Default is 'none' unless 'snmp_auth_key' is provided. " "In the latter case 'md5' is the default.") % {'auth': sorted(snmp_auth_protocols)}, 'snmp_auth_key': _("SNMPv3 message authentication key. " "Must be 8+ characters long. " "Required when message authentication is used. " "This key is used by the 'snmp_auth_protocol' algorithm."), 'snmp_priv_protocol': _("SNMPv3 message privacy (encryption) protocol ID. " "Known values are: %(priv)s. " "Using message privacy requires using message authentication. " "Default is 'none' unless 'snmp_priv_key' is provided. " "In the latter case 'des' is the default.") % {'priv': sorted(snmp_priv_protocols)}, 'snmp_priv_key': _("SNMPv3 message authentication key. " "Must be 8+ characters long. " "Required when message authentication is used. " "This key is used by the 'snmp_priv_protocol' algorithm."), 'snmp_context_engine_id': _("SNMPv3 context engine ID. " "Default is the value of authoritative engine ID."), 'snmp_context_name': _("SNMPv3 context name. " "Default is an empty string ('')."), } DEPRECATED_PROPERTIES = { # synonym for `snmp_user` 'snmp_security': _("SNMPv3 User-based Security Model (USM) username. " "Required for version %(v3)s. " "This property is deprecated, please use `snmp_user` instead.") % {"v3": SNMP_V3}, } COMMON_PROPERTIES = REQUIRED_PROPERTIES.copy() COMMON_PROPERTIES.update(OPTIONAL_PROPERTIES) COMMON_PROPERTIES.update(DEPRECATED_PROPERTIES) class SNMPClient(object): """SNMP client object. Performs low level SNMP get and set operations. Encapsulates all interaction with PySNMP to simplify dynamic importing and unit testing. """ def __init__(self, address, port, version, read_community=None, write_community=None, user=None, auth_proto=None, auth_key=None, priv_proto=None, priv_key=None, context_engine_id=None, context_name=None): if not snmp: raise exception.DriverLoadError( driver=self.__class__.__name__, reason=_("Unable to import python-pysnmp library") ) self.address = address self.port = port self.version = version if self.version == SNMP_V3: self.user = user self.auth_proto = auth_proto self.auth_key = auth_key self.priv_proto = priv_proto self.priv_key = priv_key else: self.read_community = read_community self.write_community = write_community self.context_engine_id = context_engine_id self.context_name = context_name or '' self.snmp_engine = snmp.SnmpEngine() def _get_auth(self, write_mode=False): """Return the authorization data for an SNMP request. :param write_mode: `True` if write class SNMP command is executed. Default is `False`. :returns: Either :class:`pysnmp.hlapi.CommunityData` or :class:`pysnmp.hlapi.UsmUserData` object depending on SNMP version being used. """ if self.version == SNMP_V3: # NOTE(TheJulia): Ignore Bandit error B509 argument parsing as # the check is for a count of <3 arguments, however our line # wrapping causes the check to trigger. return snmp.UsmUserData( # nosec B509 self.user, authKey=self.auth_key, authProtocol=self.auth_proto, privKey=self.priv_key, privProtocol=self.priv_proto ) else: mp_model = 1 if self.version == SNMP_V2C else 0 return snmp.CommunityData( self.write_community if write_mode else self.read_community, mpModel=mp_model ) def _get_transport(self): """Return the transport target for an SNMP request. :returns: A :class: `pysnmp.hlapi.UdpTransportTarget` object. :raises: :class:`pysnmp.error.PySnmpError` if the transport address is bad. """ # The transport target accepts timeout and retries parameters, which # default to 1 (second) and 5 respectively. These are deemed sensible # enough to allow for an unreliable network or slow device. return snmp.UdpTransportTarget( (self.address, self.port), timeout=CONF.snmp.udp_transport_timeout, retries=CONF.snmp.udp_transport_retries) def _get_context(self): """Return the SNMP context for an SNMP request. :returns: A :class: `pysnmp.hlapi.ContextData` object. :raises: :class:`pysnmp.error.PySnmpError` if SNMP context data is bad. """ return snmp.ContextData( contextEngineId=self.context_engine_id, contextName=self.context_name ) def get(self, oid): """Use PySNMP to perform an SNMP GET operation on a single object. :param oid: The OID of the object to get. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: The value of the requested object. """ try: snmp_gen = snmp.getCmd(self.snmp_engine, self._get_auth(), self._get_transport(), self._get_context(), snmp.ObjectType(snmp.ObjectIdentity(oid))) except snmp_error.PySnmpError as e: raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET", error=e) error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds = next(snmp_gen) if error_indication: # SNMP engine-level error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET", error=error_indication) if error_status: # SNMP PDU error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET", error=error_status.prettyPrint()) # We only expect a single value back name, val = var_binds[0] return val def get_next(self, oid): """Use PySNMP to perform an SNMP GET NEXT operation on a table object. :param oid: The OID of the object to get. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: A list of values of the requested table object. """ try: snmp_gen = snmp.nextCmd(self.snmp_engine, self._get_auth(), self._get_transport(), self._get_context(), snmp.ObjectType(snmp.ObjectIdentity(oid)), lexicographicMode=False) except snmp_error.PySnmpError as e: raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET_NEXT", error=e) vals = [] for (error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds) in snmp_gen: if error_indication: # SNMP engine-level error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET_NEXT", error=error_indication) if error_status: # SNMP PDU error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="GET_NEXT", error=error_status.prettyPrint()) # this is not a table, but a table row # e.g. 1-D array of tuples _name, value = var_binds[0] vals.append(value) return vals def set(self, oid, value): """Use PySNMP to perform an SNMP SET operation on a single object. :param oid: The OID of the object to set. :param value: The value of the object to set. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ try: snmp_gen = snmp.setCmd(self.snmp_engine, self._get_auth(write_mode=True), self._get_transport(), self._get_context(), snmp.ObjectType( snmp.ObjectIdentity(oid), value)) except snmp_error.PySnmpError as e: raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="SET", error=e) error_indication, error_status, error_index, var_binds = next(snmp_gen) if error_indication: # SNMP engine-level error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="SET", error=error_indication) if error_status: # SNMP PDU error. raise exception.SNMPFailure(operation="SET", error=error_status.prettyPrint()) def _get_client(snmp_info): """Create and return an SNMP client object. :param snmp_info: SNMP driver info. :returns: A :class:`SNMPClient` object. """ return SNMPClient(snmp_info["address"], snmp_info["port"], snmp_info["version"], snmp_info.get("read_community"), snmp_info.get("write_community"), snmp_info.get("user"), snmp_info.get("auth_proto"), snmp_info.get("auth_key"), snmp_info.get("priv_proto"), snmp_info.get("priv_key"), snmp_info.get("context_engine_id"), snmp_info.get("context_name")) _memoized = {} def memoize(f): def memoized(self, node_info): hashable_node_info = frozenset((key, val) for key, val in node_info.items() if key != 'outlet') if hashable_node_info not in _memoized: _memoized[hashable_node_info] = f(self) return _memoized[hashable_node_info] return memoized def retry_on_outdated_cache(f): def wrapper(self): try: return f(self) except exception.SNMPFailure: hashable_node_info = ( frozenset((key, val) for key, val in self.snmp_info.items() if key != 'outlet') ) del _memoized[hashable_node_info] self.driver = self._get_pdu_driver(self.snmp_info) return f(self) return wrapper class SNMPDriverBase(object, metaclass=abc.ABCMeta): """SNMP power driver base class. The SNMPDriver class hierarchy implements manufacturer-specific MIB actions over SNMP to interface with different smart power controller products. """ oid_enterprise = (1, 3, 6, 1, 4, 1) retry_interval = 1 def __init__(self, snmp_info): self.snmp_info = snmp_info self.client = _get_client(snmp_info) @abc.abstractmethod def _snmp_power_state(self): """Perform the SNMP request required to get the current power state. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _snmp_power_on(self): """Perform the SNMP request required to set the power on. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _snmp_power_off(self): """Perform the SNMP request required to set the power off. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ def _snmp_wait_for_state(self, goal_state): """Wait for the power state of the PDU outlet to change. :param goal_state: The power state to wait for, one of :class:`ironic.common.states`. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ def _poll_for_state(mutable): """Called at an interval until the node's power is consistent. :param mutable: dict object containing "state" and "next_time" :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ mutable["state"] = self._snmp_power_state() if mutable["state"] == goal_state: raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() mutable["next_time"] += self.retry_interval if mutable["next_time"] >= CONF.snmp.power_timeout: mutable["state"] = states.ERROR raise loopingcall.LoopingCallDone() # Pass state to the looped function call in a mutable form. state = {"state": None, "next_time": 0} timer = loopingcall.FixedIntervalLoopingCall(_poll_for_state, state) timer.start(interval=self.retry_interval).wait() LOG.debug("power state '%s'", state["state"]) return state["state"] def power_state(self): """Returns a node's current power state. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ return self._snmp_power_state() def power_on(self): """Set the power state to this node to ON. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ self._snmp_power_on() return self._snmp_wait_for_state(states.POWER_ON) def power_off(self): """Set the power state to this node to OFF. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ self._snmp_power_off() return self._snmp_wait_for_state(states.POWER_OFF) def power_reset(self): """Reset the power to this node. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ power_result = self.power_off() if power_result != states.POWER_OFF: return states.ERROR time.sleep(CONF.snmp.reboot_delay) power_result = self.power_on() if power_result != states.POWER_ON: return states.ERROR return power_result class SNMPDriverSimple(SNMPDriverBase): """SNMP driver base class for simple PDU devices. Here, simple refers to devices which provide a single SNMP object for controlling the power state of an outlet. The default OID of the power state object is of the form ... A different OID may be specified by overriding the _snmp_oid method in a subclass. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SNMPDriverSimple, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.oid = self._snmp_oid() @property @abc.abstractmethod def oid_device(self): """Device dependent portion of the power state object OID.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def value_power_on(self): """Value representing power on state.""" @property @abc.abstractmethod def value_power_off(self): """Value representing power off state.""" def _snmp_oid(self): """Return the OID of the power state object. :returns: Power state object OID as a tuple of integers. """ outlet = self.snmp_info['outlet'] return self.oid_enterprise + self.oid_device + (outlet,) def _snmp_power_state(self): state = self.client.get(self.oid) # Translate the state to an Ironic power state. if state == self.value_power_on: power_state = states.POWER_ON elif state == self.value_power_off: power_state = states.POWER_OFF else: LOG.warning("SNMP PDU %(addr)s outlet %(outlet)s: " "unrecognised power state %(state)s.", {'addr': self.snmp_info['address'], 'outlet': self.snmp_info['outlet'], 'state': state}) power_state = states.ERROR return power_state def _snmp_power_on(self): value = snmp.Integer(self.value_power_on) self.client.set(self.oid, value) def _snmp_power_off(self): value = snmp.Integer(self.value_power_off) self.client.set(self.oid, value) class SNMPDriverAten(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for Aten PDU devices. SNMP objects for Aten PDU: Outlet Power Values: 1=Off, 2=On, 3=Pending, 4=Reset """ system_id = (21317,) oid_device = (21317, 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2) value_power_on = 2 value_power_off = 1 def _snmp_oid(self): """Return the OID of the power state object. :returns: Power state object OID as a tuple of integers. """ outlet = self.snmp_info['outlet'] return self.oid_enterprise + self.oid_device + (outlet, 0,) class SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitch(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for APC MasterSwitch PDU devices. SNMP objects for APC SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitch PDU: sPDUOutletCtl Values: 1=On, 2=Off, 3=PowerCycle, [...more options follow] """ system_id = (318, 1, 1, 4) oid_device = (318, 1, 1, 4, 4, 2, 1, 3) value_power_on = 1 value_power_off = 2 class SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitchPlus(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for APC MasterSwitchPlus PDU devices. SNMP objects for APC SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitchPlus PDU: sPDUOutletControlMSPOutletCommand Values: 1=On, 3=Off, [...more options follow] """ system_id = (318, 1, 1, 6) oid_device = (318, 1, 1, 6, 5, 1, 1, 5) value_power_on = 1 value_power_off = 3 class SNMPDriverAPCRackPDU(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for APC RackPDU devices. SNMP objects for APC SNMPDriverAPCRackPDU PDU: # rPDUOutletControlOutletCommand Values: 1=On, 2=Off, 3=PowerCycle, [...more options follow] """ system_id = (318, 1, 1, 12) oid_device = (318, 1, 1, 12, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4) value_power_on = 1 value_power_off = 2 class SNMPDriverCyberPower(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for CyberPower PDU devices. SNMP objects for CyberPower PDU: ePDUOutletControlOutletCommand Values: 1=On, 2=Off, 3=PowerCycle, [...more options follow] """ # NOTE(mgoddard): This device driver is currently untested, this driver has # been implemented based upon its published MIB # documentation. system_id = (3808,) oid_device = (3808, 1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 4) value_power_on = 1 value_power_off = 2 class SNMPDriverTeltronix(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for Teltronix PDU devices. SNMP objects for Teltronix PDU: Outlet Power Values: 1=Off, 2=On """ system_id = (23620,) oid_device = (23620, 1, 2, 2, 1, 4) value_power_on = 2 value_power_off = 1 class SNMPDriverEatonPower(SNMPDriverBase): """SNMP driver class for Eaton Power PDU. The Eaton power PDU does not follow the model of SNMPDriverSimple as it uses multiple SNMP objects. SNMP objects for Eaton Power PDU outletControlStatus Read 0=off, 1=on, 2=pending off, 3=pending on outletControlOffCmd Write 0 for immediate power off outletControlOnCmd Write 0 for immediate power on """ # NOTE(mgoddard): This device driver is currently untested, this driver has # been implemented based upon its published MIB # documentation. system_id = (534,) oid_device = (534, 6, 6, 7, 6, 6, 1) oid_status = (2,) oid_poweron = (3,) oid_poweroff = (4,) status_off = 0 status_on = 1 status_pending_off = 2 status_pending_on = 3 value_power_on = 0 value_power_off = 0 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SNMPDriverEatonPower, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Due to its use of different OIDs for different actions, we only form # an OID that holds the common substring of the OIDs for power # operations. self.oid_base = self.oid_enterprise + self.oid_device def _snmp_oid(self, oid): """Return the OID for one of the outlet control objects. :param oid: The action-dependent portion of the OID, as a tuple of integers. :returns: The full OID as a tuple of integers. """ outlet = self.snmp_info['outlet'] return self.oid_base + oid + (outlet,) def _snmp_power_state(self): oid = self._snmp_oid(self.oid_status) state = self.client.get(oid) # Translate the state to an Ironic power state. if state in (self.status_on, self.status_pending_off): power_state = states.POWER_ON elif state in (self.status_off, self.status_pending_on): power_state = states.POWER_OFF else: LOG.warning("Eaton Power SNMP PDU %(addr)s outlet %(outlet)s: " "unrecognised power state %(state)s.", {'addr': self.snmp_info['address'], 'outlet': self.snmp_info['outlet'], 'state': state}) power_state = states.ERROR return power_state def _snmp_power_on(self): oid = self._snmp_oid(self.oid_poweron) value = snmp.Integer(self.value_power_on) self.client.set(oid, value) def _snmp_power_off(self): oid = self._snmp_oid(self.oid_poweroff) value = snmp.Integer(self.value_power_off) self.client.set(oid, value) class SNMPDriverBaytechMRP27(SNMPDriverSimple): """SNMP driver class for Baytech MRP27 PDU devices. SNMP objects for Baytech MRP27 PDU: 4779, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 3, {unit_id} Outlet Power Values: 0=Off, 1=On, 2=Reboot """ # TODO(srobert): Add support for dynamically allocated unit_id when needed unit_id = 1 oid_device = (4779, 1, 3, 5, 3, 1, 3) + (unit_id,) value_power_off = 0 value_power_on = 1 class SNMPDriverAuto(SNMPDriverBase): SYS_OBJ_OID = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SNMPDriverAuto, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.driver = self._get_pdu_driver(*args, **kwargs) def _get_pdu_driver(self, *args, **kwargs): drivers_map = {} for name, obj in DRIVER_CLASSES.items(): if not getattr(obj, 'system_id', False): continue system_id = self.oid_enterprise + getattr(obj, 'system_id') if (system_id in drivers_map and drivers_map[system_id] is not obj): raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPDriverAuto: duplicate driver system ID prefix " "%(system_id)s") % {'system_id': system_id}) drivers_map[system_id] = obj LOG.debug("SNMP driver mapping %(system_id)s -> %(name)s", {'system_id': system_id, 'name': obj.__name__}) system_id = self._fetch_driver(*args, **kwargs) LOG.debug("SNMP device reports sysObjectID %(system_id)s", {'system_id': system_id}) system_id_prefix = tuple(system_id) # pick driver by the longest matching sysObjectID prefix while len(system_id_prefix) > len(self.oid_enterprise): try: Driver = drivers_map[system_id_prefix] LOG.debug("Chosen SNMP driver %(name)s based on sysObjectID " "prefix %(system_id_prefix)s", {Driver.__name__, system_id_prefix}) return Driver(*args, **kwargs) except KeyError: system_id_prefix = system_id_prefix[:-1] raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPDriverAuto: no driver matching %(system_id)s") % {'system_id': system_id}) @retry_on_outdated_cache def _snmp_power_state(self): current_power_state = self.driver._snmp_power_state() return current_power_state @retry_on_outdated_cache def _snmp_power_on(self): return self.driver._snmp_power_on() @retry_on_outdated_cache def _snmp_power_off(self): return self.driver._snmp_power_off() @memoize def _fetch_driver(self): return self.client.get(self.SYS_OBJ_OID) # A dictionary of supported drivers keyed by snmp_driver attribute DRIVER_CLASSES = { 'apc': SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitch, 'apc_masterswitch': SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitch, 'apc_masterswitchplus': SNMPDriverAPCMasterSwitchPlus, 'apc_rackpdu': SNMPDriverAPCRackPDU, 'aten': SNMPDriverAten, 'cyberpower': SNMPDriverCyberPower, 'eatonpower': SNMPDriverEatonPower, 'teltronix': SNMPDriverTeltronix, 'baytech_mrp27': SNMPDriverBaytechMRP27, 'auto': SNMPDriverAuto, } def _parse_driver_info_snmpv3_user(node, info): snmp_info = {} if 'snmp_user' not in info and 'snmp_security' not in info: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMP driver requires `driver_info/snmp_user` to be set in " "node %(node)s configuration for SNMP version %(ver)s.") % {'node': node.uuid, 'ver': SNMP_V3}) snmp_info['user'] = info.get('snmp_user', info.get('snmp_security')) if 'snmp_security' in info: LOG.warning("The `driver_info/snmp_security` parameter is deprecated " "in favor of `driver_info/snmp_user` parameter. Please " "remove the `driver_info/snmp_security` parameter from " "node %(node)s configuration.", {'node': node.uuid}) if 'snmp_user' in info: LOG.warning("The `driver_info/snmp_security` parameter is ignored " "in favor of `driver_info/snmp_user` parameter in " "node %(node)s configuration.", {'node': node.uuid}) return snmp_info def _parse_driver_info_snmpv3_crypto(node, info): snmp_info = {} if 'snmp_auth_protocol' in info: auth_p = info['snmp_auth_protocol'] try: snmp_info['auth_protocol'] = snmp_auth_protocols[auth_p] except KeyError: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: unknown SNMPv3 authentication protocol " "`driver_info/snmp_auth_protocol` %(proto)s in node %(node)s " "configuration, known protocols are: %(protos)s") % {'node': node.uuid, 'proto': auth_p, 'protos': ', '.join(snmp_auth_protocols)} ) if 'snmp_priv_protocol' in info: priv_p = info['snmp_priv_protocol'] try: snmp_info['priv_protocol'] = snmp_priv_protocols[priv_p] except KeyError: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: unknown SNMPv3 privacy protocol " "`driver_info/snmp_priv_protocol` %(proto)s in node " "%(node)s configuration, known protocols are: %(protos)s") % {'node': node.uuid, 'proto': priv_p, 'protos': ', '.join(snmp_priv_protocols)} ) if 'snmp_auth_key' in info: auth_k = info['snmp_auth_key'] if len(auth_k) < 8: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: short SNMPv3 authentication key " "`driver_info/snmp_auth_key` in node %(node)s configuration " "(8+ chars required)") % {'node': node.uuid}) snmp_info['auth_key'] = auth_k if 'auth_protocol' not in snmp_info: snmp_info['auth_protocol'] = snmp_auth_protocols['md5'] if 'snmp_priv_key' in info: priv_k = info['snmp_priv_key'] if len(priv_k) < 8: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: short SNMPv3 privacy key " "`driver_info/snmp_priv_key` node %(node)s configuration " "(8+ chars required)") % {'node': node.uuid}) snmp_info['priv_key'] = priv_k if 'priv_protocol' not in snmp_info: snmp_info['priv_protocol'] = snmp_priv_protocols['des'] if ('priv_protocol' in snmp_info and 'auth_protocol' not in snmp_info): raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: SNMPv3 privacy requires authentication. " "Please add `driver_info/auth_protocol` property to node " "%(node)s configuration.") % {'node': node.uuid}) if ('auth_protocol' in snmp_info and 'auth_key' not in snmp_info): raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: missing SNMPv3 authentication key while " "`driver_info/snmp_auth_protocol` is present. Please " "add `driver_info/snmp_auth_key` to node %(node)s " "configuration.") % {'node': node.uuid}) if ('priv_protocol' in snmp_info and 'priv_key' not in snmp_info): raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: missing SNMPv3 privacy key while " "`driver_info/snmp_priv_protocol` is present. Please " "add `driver_info/snmp_priv_key` to node %(node)s " "configuration.") % {'node': node.uuid}) return snmp_info def _parse_driver_info_snmpv3_context(node, info): snmp_info = {} if 'snmp_context_engine_id' in info: snmp_info['context_engine_id'] = info['snmp_context_engine_id'] if 'snmp_context_name' in info: snmp_info['context_name'] = info['snmp_context_name'] return snmp_info def _parse_driver_info(node): """Parse a node's driver_info values. Return a dictionary of validated driver information, usable for SNMPDriver object creation. :param node: An Ironic node object. :returns: SNMP driver info. :raises: MissingParameterValue if any required parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if any parameters are invalid. """ info = node.driver_info or {} missing_info = [key for key in REQUIRED_PROPERTIES if not info.get(key)] if missing_info: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMP driver requires the following parameters to be set in " "node's driver_info: %s.") % missing_info) snmp_info = {} # Validate PDU driver type snmp_info['driver'] = info['snmp_driver'] if snmp_info['driver'] not in DRIVER_CLASSES: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: unknown driver: '%s'") % snmp_info['driver']) # In absence of a version, default to SNMPv1 snmp_info['version'] = info.get('snmp_version', SNMP_V1) if snmp_info['version'] not in (SNMP_V1, SNMP_V2C, SNMP_V3): raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: unknown SNMP version: '%s'") % snmp_info['version']) # In absence of a configured UDP port, default to the standard port port_str = info.get('snmp_port', SNMP_PORT) snmp_info['port'] = utils.validate_network_port(port_str, 'snmp_port') if snmp_info['port'] < 1 or snmp_info['port'] > 65535: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: SNMP UDP port out of range: %d") % snmp_info['port']) # Extract version-dependent required parameters if snmp_info['version'] in (SNMP_V1, SNMP_V2C): read_community = info.get('snmp_community_read') if read_community is None: read_community = info.get('snmp_community') write_community = info.get('snmp_community_write') if write_community is None: write_community = info.get('snmp_community') if not read_community or not write_community: raise exception.MissingParameterValue(_( "SNMP driver requires `snmp_community` or " "`snmp_community_read`/`snmp_community_write` properties " "to be set for version %s.") % snmp_info['version']) snmp_info['read_community'] = read_community snmp_info['write_community'] = write_community elif snmp_info['version'] == SNMP_V3: snmp_info.update(_parse_driver_info_snmpv3_user(node, info)) snmp_info.update(_parse_driver_info_snmpv3_crypto(node, info)) snmp_info.update(_parse_driver_info_snmpv3_context(node, info)) # Target PDU IP address and power outlet identification snmp_info['address'] = info['snmp_address'] outlet = info['snmp_outlet'] try: snmp_info['outlet'] = int(outlet) except ValueError: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_( "SNMPPowerDriver: PDU power outlet index is not an integer: %s") % outlet) return snmp_info def _get_driver(node): """Return a new SNMP driver object of the correct type for `node`. :param node: Single node object. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if node power config is incomplete or invalid. :returns: SNMP driver object. """ snmp_info = _parse_driver_info(node) cls = DRIVER_CLASSES[snmp_info['driver']] return cls(snmp_info) class SNMPPower(base.PowerInterface): """SNMP Power Interface. This PowerInterface class provides a mechanism for controlling the power state of a physical device using an SNMP-enabled smart power controller. """ def get_properties(self): """Return the properties of the interface. :returns: dictionary of : entries. """ return COMMON_PROPERTIES def validate(self, task): """Check that node.driver_info contains the requisite fields. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required SNMP parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if SNMP parameters are invalid. """ _parse_driver_info(task.node) def get_power_state(self, task): """Get the current power state. Poll the SNMP device for the current power state of the node. :param task: An instance of `ironic.manager.task_manager.TaskManager`. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required SNMP parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if SNMP parameters are invalid. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. :returns: power state. One of :class:`ironic.common.states`. """ driver = _get_driver(task.node) power_state = driver.power_state() return power_state @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock def set_power_state(self, task, pstate, timeout=None): """Turn the power on or off. Set the power state of a node. :param task: An instance of `ironic.manager.task_manager.TaskManager`. :param pstate: Either POWER_ON or POWER_OFF from :class: `ironic.common.states`. :param timeout: timeout (in seconds). Unsupported by this interface. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required SNMP parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if SNMP parameters are invalid or `pstate` is invalid. :raises: PowerStateFailure if the final power state of the node is not as requested after the timeout. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ # TODO(rloo): Support timeouts! if timeout is not None: LOG.warning( "The 'snmp' Power Interface's 'set_power_state' method " "doesn't support the 'timeout' parameter. Ignoring " "timeout=%(timeout)s", {'timeout': timeout}) driver = _get_driver(task.node) if pstate == states.POWER_ON: state = driver.power_on() elif pstate == states.POWER_OFF: state = driver.power_off() else: raise exception.InvalidParameterValue(_("set_power_state called " "with invalid power " "state %s.") % str(pstate)) if state != pstate: raise exception.PowerStateFailure(pstate=pstate) @task_manager.require_exclusive_lock def reboot(self, task, timeout=None): """Cycles the power to a node. :param task: An instance of `ironic.manager.task_manager.TaskManager`. :param timeout: timeout (in seconds). Unsupported by this interface. :raises: MissingParameterValue if required SNMP parameters are missing. :raises: InvalidParameterValue if SNMP parameters are invalid. :raises: PowerStateFailure if the final power state of the node is not POWER_ON after the timeout. :raises: SNMPFailure if an SNMP request fails. """ # TODO(rloo): Support timeouts! if timeout is not None: LOG.warning("The 'snmp' Power Interface's 'reboot' method " "doesn't support the 'timeout' parameter. Ignoring " "timeout=%(timeout)s", {'timeout': timeout}) driver = _get_driver(task.node) state = driver.power_reset() if state != states.POWER_ON: raise exception.PowerStateFailure(pstate=states.POWER_ON)