--- fixes: - | Fixes an missing MySQL/MariaDB character set configuration and default table type encoding for the ``allocations`` database table. Previously, If Ironic's database was attempted to be populated on a machine which was using 4 byte character encoding, such as MySQL/MariaDB on Debian based systems, then the database schema creation would fail. upgrade: - This upgrade updates the default character set to utilized in the database tables when using MySQL/MariaDB. Previously, the default for Ironic was ``UTF8``, however we now explicitly set ``UTF8MB3`` which is short for "3 byte UTF8" encoding. The exception to this is the ``allocations`` table, which would just rely upon the database default. This was done as Ironic's database schema is incompatible with MySQL/MariaDB's ``UTF8MB4``, or "4 byte UTF8" character encoding and storage constraints. - Upgrading will change the default chracter encoding of all tables. For most tables, this should be an effective noop, but may result in transitory table locks. For the ``allocations`` table, it will need to be re-written, during which the database engine will have locked the table from being used. Operators are advised to perform test upgrades and set expectation and upgrade plans accordingly.