--- features: - | Adds a new ``ansible`` deploy interface. It targets mostly undercloud use-case by allowing greater customization of provisioning process. This new deploy interface is usable only with hardware types. It is set as supported for a ``generic`` hardware type and all its subclasses, but must be explicitly enabled in the ``[DEFAULT]enabled_deploy_interfaces`` configuration file option to actually allow setting nodes to use it. For migration from the ``staging-ansible`` interface from the ``ironic-staging-drivers`` project to this ``ansible`` interface, operators have to consider the following differences: - Callback-less operation is not supported. - Node's ``driver_info`` fields ``ansible_deploy_username`` and ``ansible_deploy_key_file`` are deprecated and will be removed in the Rocky release. Instead, please use ``ansible_username`` and ``ansible_key_file`` respectively. - Base path for playbooks can be defined in the node's ``driver_info['ansible_playbooks_path']`` field. The default is the value of the ``[ansible]/playbooks_path`` option from the ironic configuration file. - Default playbooks for actions and cleaning steps file can be set in ironic configuration file as various ``[ansible]/default_*`` options.