--- features: - | Adds the ability for Ironic to send conductor process metrics for monitoring. This requires the use of a new ``[metrics]backend`` option value of ``collector``. This data was previously only available through the use of statsd. This requires ``ironic-lib`` version ``5.4.0`` or newer. This capability can be disabled using the ``[sensor_data]enable_for_conductor`` option if set to False. - | Adds a ``[sensor_data]enable_for_nodes`` configuration option to allow operators to disable sending node metric data via the message bus notifier. - | Adds a new gauge metric ``ConductorManager.PowerSyncNodesCount`` which tracks the nodes considered for power state synchrnozation. - Adds a new gauge metric ``ConductorManager.PowerSyncRecoveryNodeCount`` which represents the number of nodes which are being evaluated for power state recovery checking. - Adds a new gauge metric ``ConductorManager.SyncLocalStateNodeCount`` which represents the number of nodes being tracked locally by the conductor. issues: - Sensor data notifications to the message bus, such as using the ``[metrics]backend`` configuration option of ``collector`` on a dedicated API service process or instance, is not presently supported. This functionality requires a periodic task to trigger the transmission of metrics messages to the message bus notifier. deprecations: - The setting values starting with ``send_sensor`` in the ``[conductor]`` configuration group have been deprecated and moved to a ``[sensor_data]`` configuration group. The names have been updated to shorter, operator friendly names.. upgrades: - Settings starting with ``sensor_data`` in the ``[conductor]`` configuration group have been moved to a ``[sensor_data]`` configuration group amd have been renamed to have shorter value names. If configuration values are not updated, the ``oslo.config`` library will emit a warning in the logs.