--- features: - | Adds SNMPv3 message authentication and encryption features to iRMC driver. To enable these features, the following parameters should be used in the node's ``driver_info``: * ``irmc_snmp_user`` * ``irmc_snmp_auth_password`` * ``irmc_snmp_priv_password`` * ``irmc_snmp_auth_proto`` (Optional, defaults to ``sha``) * ``irmc_snmp_priv_proto`` (Optional, defaults to ``aes``) ``irmc_snmp_auth_proto`` and ``irmc_snmp_priv_proto`` can also be set through the following options in the ``[irmc]`` section of ``/etc/ironic/ironic.conf``: * ``snmp_auth_proto`` * ``snmp_priv_proto`` deprecations: - | Deprecates the ``irmc_snmp_security`` field in ``driver_info`` for iRMC driver, it will be removed in the future. Please use ``irmc_snmp_user`` field instead. other: - | Updates the minimum version of ``python-scciclient`` library to ``0.12.1``.