# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import sys import time from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade from sqlalchemy import sql from ironic.common import service from ironic.conf import CONF # noqa To Load Configuration from ironic.objects import node def _create_test_nodes(): print("Starting creation of fake nodes.") start = time.time() node_count = 10000 checkin = time.time() for i in range(0, node_count): new_node = node.Node({ 'power_state': 'power off', 'driver': 'ipmi', 'driver_internal_info': {'test-meow': i}, 'name': 'BenchmarkTestNode-%s' % i, 'driver_info': { 'ipmi_username': 'admin', 'ipmi_password': 'admin', 'ipmi_address': 'testhost%s.env.top.level.domain' % i}, 'resource_class': 'CUSTOM_BAREMETAL', 'properties': { 'cpu': 4, 'memory': 32, 'cats': i, 'meowing': True}}) new_node.create() delta = time.time() - checkin if delta > 10: checkin = time.time() print('* At %s nodes, %0.02f seconds. Total elapsed: %s' % (i, delta, time.time() - start)) created = time.time() elapse = created - start print('Created %s nodes in %s seconds.\n' % (node_count, elapse)) def _mix_up_nodes_data(): engine = enginefacade.writer.get_engine() conn = engine.connect() # A list of commands to mix up indexed field data a bit to emulate what # a production database may somewhat look like. commands = [ "UPDATE nodes set maintenance = True where RAND() < 0.1", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set driver = 'redfish' where RAND() < 0.5", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set reservation = 'fake_conductor01' where RAND() < 0.02", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set reservation = 'fake_conductor02' where RAND() < 0.02", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set reservation = 'fake_conductor03' where RAND() < 0.02", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set reservation = 'fake_conductor04' where RAND() < 0.02", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set reservation = 'fake_conductor05' where RAND() < 0.02", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set reservation = 'fake_conductor06' where RAND() < 0.02", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set provision_state = 'active' where RAND() < 0.8", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set power_state = 'power on' where provision_state = 'active' and RAND() < 0.95", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set provision_state = 'available' where RAND() < 0.1", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set provision_state = 'manageable' where RAND() < 0.1", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set provision_state = 'clean wait' where RAND() < 0.05", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set provision_state = 'error' where RAND() < 0.05", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set owner = (select UUID()) where RAND() < 0.2", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set lessee = (select UUID()) where RAND() < 0.2", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set instance_uuid = (select UUID()) where RAND() < 0.95 and provision_state = 'active'", # noqa Easier to read this way "UPDATE nodes set last_error = (select UUID()) where RAND() <0.05", # noqa Easier to read this way ] start = time.time() for command in commands: print("Executing SQL command: \\" + command + ";\n") conn.execute(sql.text(command)) print("* Completed command. %0.04f elapsed since start of commands." % (time.time() - start)) def main(): service.prepare_service() CONF.set_override('debug', False) _create_test_nodes() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(main())