path: root/keystone/common/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'keystone/common/')
1 files changed, 321 insertions, 97 deletions
diff --git a/keystone/common/ b/keystone/common/
index eb6fe4d73..285beefbd 100644
--- a/keystone/common/
+++ b/keystone/common/
@@ -20,32 +20,78 @@ _DEFAULT_AUTH_METHODS = ['external', 'password', 'token']
None: [
- cfg.StrOpt('admin_token', secret=True, default='ADMIN'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('admin_token', secret=True, default='ADMIN',
+ help=('A "shared secret" that can be used to bootstrap '
+ 'Keystone. This "token" does not represent a user, '
+ 'and carries no explicit authorization. To disable '
+ 'in production (highly recommended), remove '
+ 'AdminTokenAuthMiddleware from your paste '
+ 'application pipelines (for example, in '
+ 'keystone-paste.ini).')),
- group='DEFAULT')]),
+ group='DEFAULT')],
+ help=('The IP Address of the network interface to for the '
+ 'public service to listen on.')),
- group='DEFAULT')]),
- cfg.IntOpt('compute_port', default=8774),
- cfg.IntOpt('admin_port', default=35357),
- cfg.IntOpt('public_port', default=5000),
+ group='DEFAULT')],
+ help=('The IP Address of the network interface to for the '
+ 'admin service to listen on.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('compute_port', default=8774,
+ help=('The port which the OpenStack Compute service '
+ 'listens on.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('admin_port', default=35357,
+ help=('The port number which the admin service listens '
+ 'on.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('public_port', default=5000,
+ help=('The port number which the public service listens '
+ 'on.')),
- default='http://localhost:%(public_port)s/'),
+ default='http://localhost:%(public_port)s/',
+ help=('The base public endpoint URL for keystone that are '
+ 'advertised to clients (NOTE: this does NOT affect '
+ 'how keystone listens for connections)')),
- default='http://localhost:%(admin_port)s/'),
- cfg.StrOpt('onready'),
+ default='http://localhost:%(admin_port)s/',
+ help=('The base admin endpoint URL for keystone that are '
+ 'advertised to clients (NOTE: this does NOT affect '
+ 'how keystone listens for connections)')),
+ cfg.StrOpt('onready',
+ help=('onready allows you to send a notification when the '
+ 'process is ready to serve For example, to have it '
+ 'notify using systemd, one could set shell command: '
+ '"onready = systemd-notify --ready" or a module '
+ 'with notify() method: '
+ '"onready = keystone.common.systemd"')),
# default max request size is 112k
- cfg.IntOpt('max_request_body_size', default=114688),
- cfg.IntOpt('max_param_size', default=64),
+ cfg.IntOpt('max_request_body_size', default=114688,
+ help=('enforced by optional sizelimit middleware '
+ '(keystone.middleware:RequestBodySizeLimiter)')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('max_param_size', default=64,
+ help='limit the sizes of user & tenant ID/names'),
# we allow tokens to be a bit larger to accommodate PKI
- cfg.IntOpt('max_token_size', default=8192),
+ cfg.IntOpt('max_token_size', default=8192,
+ help=('similar to max_param_size, but provides an '
+ 'exception for token values')),
- default='9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab'),
- cfg.StrOpt('member_role_name', default='_member_'),
- cfg.IntOpt('crypt_strength', default=40000),
+ default='9fe2ff9ee4384b1894a90878d3e92bab',
+ help=('During a SQL upgrade member_role_id will be used '
+ 'to create a new role that will replace records in '
+ 'the user_tenant_membership table with explicit '
+ 'role grants. After migration, the member_role_id '
+ 'will be used in the API add_user_to_project.')),
+ cfg.StrOpt('member_role_name', default='_member_',
+ help=('During a SQL upgrade member_role_id will be used '
+ 'to create a new role that will replace records in '
+ 'the user_tenant_membership table with explicit '
+ 'role grants. After migration, member_role_name will '
+ 'be ignored.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('crypt_strength', default=40000,
+ help=('The value passed as the keyword "rounds" to passlib '
+ 'encrypt method.')),
cfg.BoolOpt('tcp_keepalive', default=False,
help=("Set this to True if you want to enable "
"TCP_KEEPALIVE on server sockets i.e. sockets used "
@@ -56,37 +102,102 @@ FILE_OPTIONS = {
help=("Sets the value of TCP_KEEPIDLE in seconds for each "
"server socket. Only applies if tcp_keepalive is "
"True. Not supported on OS X.")),
- cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None)],
+ cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None,
+ help=('The maximum number of entities that will be '
+ 'returned in a collection can be set with '
+ 'list_limit, with no limit set by default. This '
+ 'global limit may be then overridden for a specific '
+ 'driver, by specifying a list_limit in the '
+ 'appropriate section (e.g. [assignment]'))],
'identity': [
- cfg.StrOpt('default_domain_id', default='default'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('default_domain_id', default='default',
+ help=('This references the domain to use for all '
+ 'Identity API v2 requests (which are not aware of '
+ 'domains). A domain with this ID will be created '
+ 'for you by keystone-manage db_sync in migration '
+ '008. The domain referenced by this ID cannot be '
+ 'deleted on the v3 API, to prevent accidentally '
+ 'breaking the v2 API. There is nothing special about '
+ 'this domain, other than the fact that it must '
+ 'exist to order to maintain support for your v2 '
+ 'clients.')),
- default=False),
+ default=False,
+ help=('A subset (or all) of domains can have their own '
+ 'identity driver, each with their own partial '
+ 'configuration file in a domain configuration '
+ 'directory. Only values specific to the domain '
+ 'need to be placed in the domain specific '
+ 'configuration file. This feature is disabled by '
+ 'default; set to True to enable.')),
- default='/etc/keystone/domains'),
+ default='/etc/keystone/domains',
+ help=('Path for Keystone to locate the domain specific'
+ 'identity configuration files if '
+ 'domain_specific_drivers_enabled is set to true.')),
- '.sql.Identity')),
- cfg.IntOpt('max_password_length', default=4096),
- cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None)],
+ '.sql.Identity'),
+ help='Keystone Identity backend driver'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('max_password_length', default=4096,
+ help=('Maximum supported length for user passwords; '
+ 'decrease to improve performance.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None,
+ help=('Maximum number of entities that will be returned in '
+ 'an identity collection'))],
'trust': [
- cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', default=True),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', default=True,
+ help=('delegation and impersonation features can be '
+ 'optionally disabled')),
- default='')],
+ default='',
+ help='Keystone Trust backend driver')],
'os_inherit': [
- cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', default=False)],
+ cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', default=False,
+ help=('role-assignment inheritance to projects from '
+ 'owning domain can be optionally enabled'))],
'token': [
- cfg.ListOpt('bind', default=[]),
- cfg.StrOpt('enforce_token_bind', default='permissive'),
- cfg.IntOpt('expiration', default=3600),
- cfg.StrOpt('provider', default=None),
+ cfg.ListOpt('bind', default=[],
+ help=('External auth mechanisms that should add bind '
+ 'information to token e.g. kerberos, x509')),
+ cfg.StrOpt('enforce_token_bind', default='permissive',
+ help=('Enforcement policy on tokens presented to keystone '
+ 'with bind information. One of disabled, permissive, '
+ 'strict, required or a specifically required bind '
+ 'mode e.g. kerberos or x509 to require binding to '
+ 'that authentication.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('expiration', default=3600,
+ help=('Amount of time a token should remain valid '
+ '(in seconds)')),
+ cfg.StrOpt('provider', default=None,
+ help=('Controls the token construction, validation, and '
+ 'revocation operations. Core providers are '
+ 'keystone.token.providers.[pki|uuid].Provider')),
- default='keystone.token.backends.sql.Token'),
- cfg.BoolOpt('caching', default=True),
- cfg.IntOpt('revocation_cache_time', default=3600),
- cfg.IntOpt('cache_time', default=None)],
+ default='keystone.token.backends.sql.Token',
+ help='Keystone Token persistence backend driver'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('caching', default=True,
+ help=('Toggle for token system cacheing. This has no '
+ 'effect unless global caching is enabled.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('revocation_cache_time', default=3600,
+ help=('Time to cache the revocation list (in seconds). '
+ 'This has no effect unless global and token '
+ 'caching are enabled.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('cache_time', default=None,
+ help=('Time to cache tokens (in seconds). This has no '
+ 'effect unless global and token caching are '
+ 'enabled.'))],
'cache': [
- cfg.StrOpt('config_prefix', default='cache.keystone'),
- cfg.IntOpt('expiration_time', default=600),
+ cfg.StrOpt('config_prefix', default='cache.keystone',
+ help=('Prefix for building the configuration dictionary '
+ 'for the cache region. This should not need to be '
+ 'changed unless there is another dogpile.cache '
+ 'region with the same configuration name')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('expiration_time', default=600,
+ help=('Default TTL, in seconds, for any cached item in '
+ 'the dogpile.cache region. This applies to any '
+ 'cached method that doesn\'t have an explicit '
+ 'cache expiration time defined for it.')),
# NOTE(morganfainberg): the dogpile.cache.memory acceptable in devstack
# and other such single-process/thread deployments. Running
# dogpile.cache.memory in any other configuration has the same pitfalls
@@ -95,94 +206,179 @@ FILE_OPTIONS = {
# prevent issues with the memory cache ending up in "production"
# unintentionally, we register a no-op as the keystone default caching
# backend.
- cfg.StrOpt('backend', default='keystone.common.cache.noop'),
- cfg.BoolOpt('use_key_mangler', default=True),
- cfg.MultiStrOpt('backend_argument', default=[]),
- cfg.ListOpt('proxies', default=[]),
- # Global toggle for all caching using the should_cache_fn mechanism.
- cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', default=False),
- # caching backend specific debugging.
- cfg.BoolOpt('debug_cache_backend', default=False)],
+ cfg.StrOpt('backend', default='keystone.common.cache.noop',
+ help=('Dogpile.cache backend module. It is recommended '
+ 'that Memcache (dogpile.cache.memcache) or Redis '
+ '(dogpile.cache.redis) be used in production '
+ 'deployments. Small workloads (single process) '
+ 'like devstack can use the dogpile.cache.memory '
+ 'backend.')),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('use_key_mangler', default=True,
+ help=('Use a key-mangling function (sha1) to ensure '
+ 'fixed length cache-keys. This is toggle-able for '
+ 'debugging purposes, it is highly recommended to '
+ 'always leave this set to True.')),
+ cfg.MultiStrOpt('backend_argument', default=[],
+ help=('Arguments supplied to the backend module. '
+ 'Specify this option once per argument to be '
+ 'passed to the dogpile.cache backend. Example '
+ 'format: <argname>:<value>')),
+ cfg.ListOpt('proxies', default=[],
+ help=('Proxy Classes to import that will affect the way '
+ 'the dogpile.cache backend functions. See the '
+ 'dogpile.cache documentation on '
+ 'changing-backend-behavior. Comma delimited '
+ 'list e.g. '
+ 'my.dogpile.proxy.Class, my.dogpile.proxyClass2')),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('enabled', default=False,
+ help=('Global toggle for all caching using the '
+ 'should_cache_fn mechanism')),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('debug_cache_backend', default=False,
+ help=('Extra debugging from the cache backend (cache '
+ 'keys, get/set/delete/etc calls) This is only '
+ 'really useful if you need to see the specific '
+ 'cache-backend get/set/delete calls with the '
+ 'keys/values. Typically this should be left set '
+ 'to False.'))],
'ssl': [
- cfg.BoolOpt('enable', default=False),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('enable', default=False,
+ help=('Toggle for SSL support on the keystone '
+ 'eventlet servers.')),
- default="/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/keystone.pem"),
+ default="/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/keystone.pem",
+ help='Path of the certfile for SSL.'),
- default="/etc/keystone/ssl/private/keystonekey.pem"),
+ default='/etc/keystone/ssl/private/keystonekey.pem',
+ help='Path of the keyfile for SSL.'),
- default="/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem"),
+ default='/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem',
+ help='Path of the ca cert file for SSL.'),
- default="/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem"),
+ default='/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem',
+ help='Path of the CA key file for SSL'),
cfg.BoolOpt('cert_required', default=False),
- cfg.IntOpt('key_size', default=1024),
- cfg.IntOpt('valid_days', default=3650),
+ cfg.IntOpt('key_size', default=1024,
+ help='SSL Key Length (in bits) (auto generated '
+ 'certificate)'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('valid_days', default=3650,
+ help='Days the certificate is valid for once signed '
+ '(auto generated certificate)'),
- default='/C=US/ST=Unset/L=Unset/O=Unset/CN=localhost')],
+ default='/C=US/ST=Unset/L=Unset/O=Unset/CN=localhost',
+ help='SSL Certificate Subject (auto generated '
+ 'certificate)')],
'signing': [
- cfg.StrOpt('token_format', default=None),
+ cfg.StrOpt('token_format', default=None,
+ help=('Deprecated in favor of provider in the '
+ '[token] section')),
- default="/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem"),
+ default='/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/signing_cert.pem',
+ help='Path of the certfile for token signing.'),
- default="/etc/keystone/ssl/private/signing_key.pem"),
+ default='/etc/keystone/ssl/private/signing_key.pem',
+ help='Path of the keyfile for token signing.'),
- default="/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem"),
+ default='/etc/keystone/ssl/certs/ca.pem',
+ help='Path of the CA for token signing.'),
- default="/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem"),
- cfg.IntOpt('key_size', default=2048),
- cfg.IntOpt('valid_days', default=3650),
+ default='/etc/keystone/ssl/private/cakey.pem',
+ help='Path of the CA Key for token signing'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('key_size', default=2048,
+ help='Key Size (in bits) for token signing cert '
+ '(auto generated certificate)'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('valid_days', default=3650,
+ help='Day the token signing cert is valid for '
+ '(auto generated certificate)'),
- ''))],
+ ''),
+ help='Certificate Subject (auto generated certificate) for '
+ 'token signing.')],
'assignment': [
# assignment has no default for backward compatibility reasons.
# If assignment driver is not specified, the identity driver chooses
# the backend
- cfg.StrOpt('driver', default=None),
- cfg.BoolOpt('caching', default=True),
- cfg.IntOpt('cache_time', default=None),
- cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None)],
+ cfg.StrOpt('driver', default=None,
+ help='Keystone Assignment backend driver'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('caching', default=True,
+ help=('Toggle for assignment caching. This has no effect '
+ 'unless global caching is enabled.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('cache_time', default=None,
+ help='TTL (in seconds) to cache assignment data. This has '
+ 'no effect unless global caching is enabled.'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None,
+ help=('Maximum number of entities that will be returned '
+ 'in an assignment collection'))],
'credential': [
- '.sql.Credential'))],
+ '.sql.Credential'),
+ help='Keystone Credential backend driver')],
'oauth1': [
- default='keystone.contrib.oauth1.backends.sql.OAuth1'),
- cfg.IntOpt('request_token_duration', default=28800),
- cfg.IntOpt('access_token_duration', default=86400)],
+ default='keystone.contrib.oauth1.backends.sql.OAuth1',
+ help='Keystone Credential backend driver'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('request_token_duration', default=28800,
+ help='Duration (in seconds) for the OAuth Request Token'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('access_token_duration', default=86400,
+ help='Duration (in seconds) for the OAuth Access Token')],
'federation': [
- 'backends.sql.Federation')],
+ 'backends.sql.Federation',
+ help='Keystone Federation backend driver')],
'policy': [
- default='keystone.policy.backends.sql.Policy'),
- cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None)],
+ default='keystone.policy.backends.sql.Policy',
+ help='Keystone Policy backend driver'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None,
+ help=('Maximum number of entities that will be returned '
+ 'in a policy collection'))],
'ec2': [
- default='keystone.contrib.ec2.backends.kvs.Ec2')],
+ default='keystone.contrib.ec2.backends.kvs.Ec2',
+ help='Keystone EC2Credential backend driver')],
'endpoint_filter': [
- '.sql.EndpointFilter'),
- cfg.BoolOpt('return_all_endpoints_if_no_filter', default=True)],
+ '.sql.EndpointFilter',
+ help='Keystone Endpoint Filter backend driver'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('return_all_endpoints_if_no_filter', default=True,
+ help='Toggle to return all active endpoints if no filter '
+ 'exists.')],
'stats': [
- '.kvs.Stats'))],
+ '.kvs.Stats'),
+ help='Keystone stats backend driver')],
'ldap': [
- cfg.StrOpt('url', default='ldap://localhost'),
- cfg.StrOpt('user', default=None),
- cfg.StrOpt('password', secret=True, default=None),
- cfg.StrOpt('suffix', default='cn=example,cn=com'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('url', default='ldap://localhost',
+ help='URL for connecting to the LDAP server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('user', default=None,
+ help='User BindDN to query the LDAP server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('password', secret=True, default=None,
+ help='Password for the BindDN to query the LDAP server'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('suffix', default='cn=example,cn=com',
+ help='LDAP server suffix'),
cfg.BoolOpt('use_dumb_member', default=False),
cfg.StrOpt('dumb_member', default='cn=dumb,dc=nonexistent'),
- cfg.BoolOpt('allow_subtree_delete', default=False),
- cfg.StrOpt('query_scope', default='one'),
- cfg.IntOpt('page_size', default=0),
- cfg.StrOpt('alias_dereferencing', default='default'),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('allow_subtree_delete', default=False,
+ help='allow deleting subtrees'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('query_scope', default='one',
+ help=('The LDAP scope for queries, this can be either '
+ '"one" (onelevel/singleLevel) or "sub" '
+ '(subtree/wholeSubtree)')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('page_size', default=0,
+ help=('Maximum results per page; a value of zero ("0") '
+ 'disables paging')),
+ cfg.StrOpt('alias_dereferencing', default='default',
+ help=('The LDAP dereferencing option for queries. This '
+ 'can be either "never", "searching", "always", '
+ '"finding" or "default". The "default" option falls '
+ 'back to using default dereferencing configured by '
+ 'your ldap.conf.')),
cfg.StrOpt('user_tree_dn', default=None),
cfg.StrOpt('user_filter', default=None),
@@ -254,35 +450,63 @@ FILE_OPTIONS = {
cfg.StrOpt('tls_cacertfile', default=None),
cfg.StrOpt('tls_cacertdir', default=None),
cfg.BoolOpt('use_tls', default=False),
- cfg.StrOpt('tls_req_cert', default='demand')],
+ cfg.StrOpt('tls_req_cert', default='demand',
+ help=('valid options for tls_req_cert are demand, never, '
+ 'and allow'))],
'pam': [
cfg.StrOpt('userid', default=None),
cfg.StrOpt('password', default=None)],
'auth': [
- cfg.ListOpt('methods', default=_DEFAULT_AUTH_METHODS),
+ cfg.ListOpt('methods', default=_DEFAULT_AUTH_METHODS,
+ help='Default auth methods.'),
- default='keystone.auth.plugins.password.Password'),
+ default='keystone.auth.plugins.password.Password',
+ help='The password auth plugin module'),
- default='keystone.auth.plugins.token.Token'),
+ default='keystone.auth.plugins.token.Token',
+ help='The token auth plugin module'),
#deals with REMOTE_USER authentication
- default='keystone.auth.plugins.external.DefaultDomain')],
+ default='keystone.auth.plugins.external.DefaultDomain',
+ help='The external (REMOTE_USER) auth plugin module.')],
'paste_deploy': [
- cfg.StrOpt('config_file', default='keystone-paste.ini')],
+ cfg.StrOpt('config_file', default='keystone-paste.ini',
+ help=('Name of the paste configuration file that defines '
+ 'the available pipelines'))],
'memcache': [
- cfg.ListOpt('servers', default=['localhost:11211']),
- cfg.IntOpt('max_compare_and_set_retry', default=16)],
+ cfg.ListOpt('servers', default=['localhost:11211'],
+ help='Memcache servers in the format of "host:port"'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('max_compare_and_set_retry', default=16,
+ help=('Number of compare-and-set attempts to make when '
+ 'using compare-and-set in the token memcache back '
+ 'end'))],
'catalog': [
- default='default_catalog.templates'),
+ default='default_catalog.templates',
+ help='Catalog template file name for use with the '
+ 'template catalog backend.'),
- default='keystone.catalog.backends.sql.Catalog'),
- cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None)],
+ default='keystone.catalog.backends.sql.Catalog',
+ help='Keystone catalog backend driver'),
+ cfg.IntOpt('list_limit', default=None,
+ help=('Maximum number of entities that will be returned '
+ 'in a catalog collection'))],
'kvs': [
- cfg.ListOpt('backends', default=[]),
- cfg.StrOpt('config_prefix', default='keystone.kvs'),
- cfg.BoolOpt('enable_key_mangler', default=True),
- cfg.IntOpt('default_lock_timeout', default=5)]}
+ cfg.ListOpt('backends', default=[],
+ help='Extra dogpile.cache backend modules to register '
+ 'with the dogpile.cache library'),
+ cfg.StrOpt('config_prefix', default='keystone.kvs',
+ help=('Prefix for building the configuration dictionary '
+ 'for the KVS region. This should not need to be '
+ 'changed unless there is another dogpile.cache '
+ 'region with the same configuration name')),
+ cfg.BoolOpt('enable_key_mangler', default=True,
+ help=('Toggle to disable using a key-mangling function '
+ 'to ensure fixed length keys. This is toggle-able '
+ 'for debugging purposes, it is highly recommended '
+ 'to always leave this set to True.')),
+ cfg.IntOpt('default_lock_timeout', default=5,
+ help='Default lock timeout for distributed locking.')]}