.. -*- rst -*- ======================== OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY API ======================== Creates, verifies, and deletes associations between service endpoints and policies. Such associations enable an endpoint to request its policy. To create, check, or delete an association, you reference a policy by its ID in the Identity server. The extension supports these associations: - A policy and endpoint association. - A policy and service-type endpoint in a region association. - A policy and service-type endpoint association. This order reflects policies in their most to least-specific order. When an endpoint requests the appropriate policy for itself, the extension finds the policy by traversing the ordered sequence of methods of association. The extension shows the policy for the first association that it finds. If the region of the endpoint has a parent, the extension examines the region associations up the region tree in ascending order. For region associations, the extension examines any parent regions in ascending order. The extension does not combine polices. Associate policy and endpoint ============================= .. rest_method:: PUT /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/endpoints/{endpoint_id} Associates a policy and an endpoint. If an association already exists between the endpoint and another policy, this call replaces that association. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - endpoint_id: endpoint_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 Verify a policy and endpoint association ======================================== .. rest_method:: GET /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/endpoints/{endpoint_id} Verifies an association between a policy and an endpoint. A HEAD version of this API is also supported. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - endpoint_id: endpoint_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 Delete a policy and endpoint association ======================================== .. rest_method:: DELETE /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/endpoints/{endpoint_id} Deletes an association between a policy and an endpoint. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - endpoint_id: endpoint_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 Associate policy and service-type endpoint ========================================== .. rest_method:: PUT /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id} Associates a policy and any endpoint of a service type. If an association already exists between the endpoint of a service type and another policy, this call replaces that association. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - service_id: service_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 Verify a policy and service-type endpoint association ===================================================== .. rest_method:: GET /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id} Verifies an association between a policy and an endpoint of a service type. A HEAD version of this API is also supported. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - service_id: service_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 Delete a policy and service-type endpoint association ===================================================== .. rest_method:: DELETE /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id} Deletes an association between a policy and an endpoint of a service type. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - service_id: service_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 Show policy for endpoint ======================== .. rest_method:: GET /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policy Shows a policy for an endpoint. The extension finds the policy by traversing the ordered sequence of methods of association. The extension shows the policy for the first association that it finds. If the region of the endpoint has a parent, the extension examines the region associations up the region tree in ascending order. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path Response -------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy: policy - type: policy_type - blob: policy_blob - links: policy_links - id: policy_id Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 200 Example ~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: samples/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policy-show-response.json :language: javascript Check policy and service endpoint association ============================================= .. rest_method:: HEAD /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policy Checks whether a policy is associated with an endpoint. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 200 Associate policy and service-type endpoint in a region ====================================================== .. rest_method:: PUT /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}/regions/{region_id} Associates a policy and an endpoint of a service type in a region. If an association already exists between the service in a region and another policy, this call replaces that association. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - service_id: service_id_path - region_id: region_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 Verify a policy and service-type endpoint in a region association ================================================================= .. rest_method:: GET /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}/regions/{region_id} Verifies an association between a policy and service-type endpoint in a region. A HEAD version of this API is also supported. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - service_id: service_id_path - region_id: region_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 Delete a policy and service-type endpoint in a region association ================================================================= .. rest_method:: DELETE /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/services/{service_id}/regions/{region_id} Deletes an association between a policy and service-type endpoint in a region. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path - service_id: service_id_path - region_id: region_id_path Response -------- Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 204 List policy and service endpoint associations ============================================= .. rest_method:: GET /v3/policies/{policy_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/endpoints Lists all the endpoints that are currently associated with a policy through any of the association methods. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy_id: policy_id_path Response -------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - links: policy_links - url: url - region: region - next: next - self: self - interface: interface - service_id: service_id - endpoints: endpoints - id: endpoint_id - previous: previous Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 200 Example ~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: samples/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policy-endpoint-associations-list-response.json :language: javascript Show the effective policy associated with an endpoint ===================================================== .. rest_method:: GET /v3/endpoints/{endpoint_id}/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policy Returns the policy that is currently associated with the given endpoint, by working through the ordered sequence of methods of association. The first association that is found will be returned. If the region of the endpoint has a parent, then region associations will be examined up the region tree in ascending order. A HEAD version of this API is also supported. Request ------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - endpoint_id: endpoint_id_path Response -------- Parameters ~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_parameters:: parameters.yaml - policy: policy - type: policy_type - blob: policy_blob - links: policy_links - id: policy_id Status Codes ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. rest_status_code:: success ../v3/status.yaml - 200 Example ~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: samples/OS-ENDPOINT-POLICY/policy-show-response.json :language: javascript