# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import sys from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import versionutils from keystone.conf import utils expiration = cfg.IntOpt( 'expiration', default=3600, min=0, max=sys.maxsize, help=utils.fmt(""" The amount of time that a token should remain valid (in seconds). Drastically reducing this value may break "long-running" operations that involve multiple services to coordinate together, and will force users to authenticate with keystone more frequently. Drastically increasing this value will increase the number of tokens that will be simultaneously valid. Keystone tokens are also bearer tokens, so a shorter duration will also reduce the potential security impact of a compromised token. """)) provider = cfg.StrOpt( 'provider', default='fernet', help=utils.fmt(""" Entry point for the token provider in the `keystone.token.provider` namespace. The token provider controls the token construction, validation, and revocation operations. Supported upstream providers are `fernet` and `jws`. Neither `fernet` or `jws` tokens require persistence and both require additional setup. If using `fernet`, you're required to run `keystone-manage fernet_setup`, which creates symmetric keys used to encrypt tokens. If using `jws`, you're required to generate an ECDSA keypair using a SHA-256 hash algorithm for signing and validating token, which can be done with `keystone-manage create_jws_keypair`. Note that `fernet` tokens are encrypted and `jws` tokens are only signed. Please be sure to consider this if your deployment has security requirements regarding payload contents used to generate token IDs. """)) caching = cfg.BoolOpt( 'caching', default=True, help=utils.fmt(""" Toggle for caching token creation and validation data. This has no effect unless global caching is enabled. """)) cache_time = cfg.IntOpt( 'cache_time', min=0, max=sys.maxsize, help=utils.fmt(""" The number of seconds to cache token creation and validation data. This has no effect unless both global and `[token] caching` are enabled. """)) revoke_by_id = cfg.BoolOpt( 'revoke_by_id', default=True, help=utils.fmt(""" This toggles support for revoking individual tokens by the token identifier and thus various token enumeration operations (such as listing all tokens issued to a specific user). These operations are used to determine the list of tokens to consider revoked. Do not disable this option if you're using the `kvs` `[revoke] driver`. """)) allow_rescope_scoped_token = cfg.BoolOpt( 'allow_rescope_scoped_token', default=True, help=utils.fmt(""" This toggles whether scoped tokens may be re-scoped to a new project or domain, thereby preventing users from exchanging a scoped token (including those with a default project scope) for any other token. This forces users to either authenticate for unscoped tokens (and later exchange that unscoped token for tokens with a more specific scope) or to provide their credentials in every request for a scoped token to avoid re-scoping altogether. """)) cache_on_issue = cfg.BoolOpt( 'cache_on_issue', default=True, deprecated_since=versionutils.deprecated.STEIN, deprecated_reason=utils.fmt(""" Keystone already exposes a configuration option for caching tokens. Having a separate configuration option to cache tokens when they are issued is redundant, unnecessarily complicated, and is misleading if token caching is disabled because tokens will still be pre-cached by default when they are issued. The ability to pre-cache tokens when they are issued is going to rely exclusively on the ``keystone.conf [token] caching`` option in the future. """), deprecated_for_removal=True, help=utils.fmt(""" Enable storing issued token data to token validation cache so that first token validation doesn't actually cause full validation cycle. This option has no effect unless global caching is enabled and will still cache tokens even if `[token] caching = False`. """)) allow_expired_window = cfg.IntOpt( 'allow_expired_window', default=48 * 60 * 60, help=utils.fmt(""" This controls the number of seconds that a token can be retrieved for beyond the built-in expiry time. This allows long running operations to succeed. Defaults to two days. """)) GROUP_NAME = __name__.split('.')[-1] ALL_OPTS = [ expiration, provider, caching, cache_time, revoke_by_id, allow_rescope_scoped_token, cache_on_issue, allow_expired_window, ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_opts(ALL_OPTS, group=GROUP_NAME) def list_opts(): return {GROUP_NAME: ALL_OPTS}