path: root/nova/tests/unit/api/openstack/compute/plugins/v3/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nova/tests/unit/api/openstack/compute/plugins/v3/')
1 files changed, 547 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nova/tests/unit/api/openstack/compute/plugins/v3/ b/nova/tests/unit/api/openstack/compute/plugins/v3/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..35a559c668
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nova/tests/unit/api/openstack/compute/plugins/v3/
@@ -0,0 +1,547 @@
+# Copyright 2013 IBM Corp.
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import datetime
+import uuid
+from oslo.config import cfg
+from oslo.serialization import jsonutils
+import webob
+from nova.api.openstack.compute import plugins
+from nova.api.openstack.compute.plugins.v3 import block_device_mapping
+from nova.api.openstack.compute.plugins.v3 import multiple_create
+from nova.api.openstack.compute.plugins.v3 import servers
+from nova.compute import api as compute_api
+from nova.compute import flavors
+from nova import db
+from nova import exception
+from import manager
+from nova import test
+from nova.tests.unit.api.openstack import fakes
+from nova.tests.unit import fake_instance
+from nova.tests.unit.image import fake
+CONF = cfg.CONF
+def fake_gen_uuid():
+ return FAKE_UUID
+def return_security_group(context, instance_id, security_group_id):
+ pass
+class ServersControllerCreateTest(test.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ """Shared implementation for tests below that create instance."""
+ super(ServersControllerCreateTest, self).setUp()
+ self.flags(verbose=True,
+ enable_instance_password=True)
+ self.instance_cache_num = 0
+ self.instance_cache_by_id = {}
+ self.instance_cache_by_uuid = {}
+ ext_info = plugins.LoadedExtensionInfo()
+ self.controller = servers.ServersController(extension_info=ext_info)
+ CONF.set_override('extensions_blacklist', 'os-multiple-create',
+ 'osapi_v3')
+ self.no_mult_create_controller = servers.ServersController(
+ extension_info=ext_info)
+ def instance_create(context, inst):
+ inst_type = flavors.get_flavor_by_flavor_id(3)
+ image_uuid = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ def_image_ref = 'http://localhost/images/%s' % image_uuid
+ self.instance_cache_num += 1
+ instance = fake_instance.fake_db_instance(**{
+ 'id': self.instance_cache_num,
+ 'display_name': inst['display_name'] or 'test',
+ 'uuid': FAKE_UUID,
+ 'instance_type': inst_type,
+ 'access_ip_v4': '',
+ 'access_ip_v6': 'fead::1234',
+ 'image_ref': inst.get('image_ref', def_image_ref),
+ 'user_id': 'fake',
+ 'project_id': 'fake',
+ 'reservation_id': inst['reservation_id'],
+ "created_at": datetime.datetime(2010, 10, 10, 12, 0, 0),
+ "updated_at": datetime.datetime(2010, 11, 11, 11, 0, 0),
+ "progress": 0,
+ "fixed_ips": [],
+ "task_state": "",
+ "vm_state": "",
+ "security_groups": inst['security_groups'],
+ })
+ self.instance_cache_by_id[instance['id']] = instance
+ self.instance_cache_by_uuid[instance['uuid']] = instance
+ return instance
+ def instance_get(context, instance_id):
+ """Stub for compute/api create() pulling in instance after
+ scheduling
+ """
+ return self.instance_cache_by_id[instance_id]
+ def instance_update(context, uuid, values):
+ instance = self.instance_cache_by_uuid[uuid]
+ instance.update(values)
+ return instance
+ def server_update(context, instance_uuid, params, update_cells=True,
+ columns_to_join=None):
+ inst = self.instance_cache_by_uuid[instance_uuid]
+ inst.update(params)
+ return (inst, inst)
+ def fake_method(*args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+ def project_get_networks(context, user_id):
+ return dict(id='1', host='localhost')
+ def queue_get_for(context, *args):
+ return 'network_topic'
+ fakes.stub_out_rate_limiting(self.stubs)
+ fakes.stub_out_key_pair_funcs(self.stubs)
+ fake.stub_out_image_service(self.stubs)
+ fakes.stub_out_nw_api(self.stubs)
+ self.stubs.Set(uuid, 'uuid4', fake_gen_uuid)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'instance_add_security_group',
+ return_security_group)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'project_get_networks',
+ project_get_networks)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'instance_create', instance_create)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'instance_system_metadata_update',
+ fake_method)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'instance_get', instance_get)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'instance_update', instance_update)
+ self.stubs.Set(db, 'instance_update_and_get_original',
+ server_update)
+ self.stubs.Set(manager.VlanManager, 'allocate_fixed_ip',
+ fake_method)
+ def _test_create_extra(self, params, no_image=False,
+ override_controller=None):
+ image_uuid = 'c905cedb-7281-47e4-8a62-f26bc5fc4c77'
+ server = dict(name='server_test', imageRef=image_uuid, flavorRef=2)
+ if no_image:
+ server.pop('imageRef', None)
+ server.update(params)
+ body = dict(server=server)
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ if override_controller:
+ server = override_controller.create(req, body=body).obj['server']
+ else:
+ server = self.controller.create(req, body=body).obj['server']
+ def test_create_instance_with_multiple_create_disabled(self):
+ min_count = 2
+ max_count = 3
+ params = {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: min_count,
+ multiple_create.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: max_count,
+ }
+ old_create = compute_api.API.create
+ def create(*args, **kwargs):
+ self.assertNotIn('min_count', kwargs)
+ self.assertNotIn('max_count', kwargs)
+ return old_create(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.stubs.Set(compute_api.API, 'create', create)
+ self._test_create_extra(
+ params,
+ override_controller=self.no_mult_create_controller)
+ def test_multiple_create_with_string_type_min_and_max(self):
+ min_count = '2'
+ max_count = '3'
+ params = {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: min_count,
+ multiple_create.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: max_count,
+ }
+ old_create = compute_api.API.create
+ def create(*args, **kwargs):
+ self.assertIsInstance(kwargs['min_count'], int)
+ self.assertIsInstance(kwargs['max_count'], int)
+ self.assertEqual(kwargs['min_count'], 2)
+ self.assertEqual(kwargs['max_count'], 3)
+ return old_create(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.stubs.Set(compute_api.API, 'create', create)
+ self._test_create_extra(params)
+ def test_create_instance_with_multiple_create_enabled(self):
+ min_count = 2
+ max_count = 3
+ params = {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: min_count,
+ multiple_create.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: max_count,
+ }
+ old_create = compute_api.API.create
+ def create(*args, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(kwargs['min_count'], 2)
+ self.assertEqual(kwargs['max_count'], 3)
+ return old_create(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.stubs.Set(compute_api.API, 'create', create)
+ self._test_create_extra(params)
+ def test_create_instance_invalid_negative_min(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: -1,
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.controller.create,
+ req,
+ body=body)
+ def test_create_instance_invalid_negative_max(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: -1,
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.controller.create,
+ req,
+ body=body)
+ def test_create_instance_with_blank_min(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: '',
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'image_ref': image_href,
+ 'flavor_ref': flavor_ref,
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.controller.create,
+ req,
+ body=body)
+ def test_create_instance_with_blank_max(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: '',
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'image_ref': image_href,
+ 'flavor_ref': flavor_ref,
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.controller.create,
+ req,
+ body=body)
+ def test_create_instance_invalid_min_greater_than_max(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 4,
+ multiple_create.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 2,
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest,
+ self.controller.create,
+ req,
+ body=body)
+ def test_create_instance_invalid_alpha_min(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 'abcd',
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.controller.create,
+ req,
+ body=body)
+ def test_create_instance_invalid_alpha_max(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 'abcd',
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.controller.create,
+ req,
+ body=body)
+ def test_create_multiple_instances(self):
+ """Test creating multiple instances but not asking for
+ reservation_id
+ """
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 2,
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ 'metadata': {'hello': 'world',
+ 'open': 'stack'},
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ res = self.controller.create(req, body=body).obj
+ self.assertEqual(FAKE_UUID, res["server"]["id"])
+ self._check_admin_password_len(res["server"])
+ def test_create_multiple_instances_pass_disabled(self):
+ """Test creating multiple instances but not asking for
+ reservation_id
+ """
+ self.flags(enable_instance_password=False)
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 2,
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ 'metadata': {'hello': 'world',
+ 'open': 'stack'},
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ res = self.controller.create(req, body=body).obj
+ self.assertEqual(FAKE_UUID, res["server"]["id"])
+ self._check_admin_password_missing(res["server"])
+ def _check_admin_password_len(self, server_dict):
+ """utility function - check server_dict for admin_password length."""
+ self.assertEqual(CONF.password_length,
+ len(server_dict["adminPass"]))
+ def _check_admin_password_missing(self, server_dict):
+ """utility function - check server_dict for admin_password absence."""
+ self.assertNotIn("admin_password", server_dict)
+ def _create_multiple_instances_resv_id_return(self, resv_id_return):
+ """Test creating multiple instances with asking for
+ reservation_id
+ """
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 2,
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ 'metadata': {'hello': 'world',
+ 'open': 'stack'},
+ multiple_create.RRID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: resv_id_return
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ res = self.controller.create(req, body=body)
+ reservation_id = res.obj['reservation_id']
+ self.assertNotEqual(reservation_id, "")
+ self.assertIsNotNone(reservation_id)
+ self.assertTrue(len(reservation_id) > 1)
+ def test_create_multiple_instances_with_resv_id_return(self):
+ self._create_multiple_instances_resv_id_return(True)
+ def test_create_multiple_instances_with_string_resv_id_return(self):
+ self._create_multiple_instances_resv_id_return("True")
+ def test_create_multiple_instances_with_multiple_volume_bdm(self):
+ """Test that a BadRequest is raised if multiple instances
+ are requested with a list of block device mappings for volumes.
+ """
+ min_count = 2
+ bdm = [{'source_type': 'volume', 'uuid': 'vol-xxxx'},
+ {'source_type': 'volume', 'uuid': 'vol-yyyy'}
+ ]
+ params = {
+ block_device_mapping.ATTRIBUTE_NAME: bdm,
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: min_count
+ }
+ old_create = compute_api.API.create
+ def create(*args, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(kwargs['min_count'], 2)
+ self.assertEqual(len(kwargs['block_device_mapping']), 2)
+ return old_create(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.stubs.Set(compute_api.API, 'create', create)
+ exc = self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest,
+ self._test_create_extra, params, no_image=True)
+ self.assertEqual("Cannot attach one or more volumes to multiple "
+ "instances", exc.explanation)
+ def test_create_multiple_instances_with_single_volume_bdm(self):
+ """Test that a BadRequest is raised if multiple instances
+ are requested to boot from a single volume.
+ """
+ min_count = 2
+ bdm = [{'source_type': 'volume', 'uuid': 'vol-xxxx'}]
+ params = {
+ block_device_mapping.ATTRIBUTE_NAME: bdm,
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: min_count
+ }
+ old_create = compute_api.API.create
+ def create(*args, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(kwargs['min_count'], 2)
+ self.assertEqual(kwargs['block_device_mapping'][0]['volume_id'],
+ 'vol-xxxx')
+ return old_create(*args, **kwargs)
+ self.stubs.Set(compute_api.API, 'create', create)
+ exc = self.assertRaises(webob.exc.HTTPBadRequest,
+ self._test_create_extra, params, no_image=True)
+ self.assertEqual("Cannot attach one or more volumes to multiple "
+ "instances", exc.explanation)
+ def test_create_multiple_instance_with_non_integer_max_count(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MAX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 2.5,
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ 'metadata': {'hello': 'world',
+ 'open': 'stack'},
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.controller.create, req, body=body)
+ def test_create_multiple_instance_with_non_integer_min_count(self):
+ image_href = '76fa36fc-c930-4bf3-8c8a-ea2a2420deb6'
+ flavor_ref = 'http://localhost/123/flavors/3'
+ body = {
+ 'server': {
+ multiple_create.MIN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME: 2.5,
+ 'name': 'server_test',
+ 'imageRef': image_href,
+ 'flavorRef': flavor_ref,
+ 'metadata': {'hello': 'world',
+ 'open': 'stack'},
+ }
+ }
+ req = fakes.HTTPRequestV3.blank('/servers')
+ req.method = 'POST'
+ req.body = jsonutils.dumps(body)
+ req.headers["content-type"] = "application/json"
+ self.assertRaises(exception.ValidationError,
+ self.controller.create, req, body=body)