# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """An object describing a tree of resource providers and their inventories. This object is not stored in the Nova API or cell databases; rather, this object is constructed and used by the scheduler report client to track state changes for resources on the hypervisor or baremetal node. As such, there are no remoteable methods nor is there any interaction with the nova.db modules. """ import collections import copy import os_traits from oslo_concurrency import lockutils from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import uuidutils from nova.i18n import _ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) _LOCK_NAME = 'provider-tree-lock' # Point-in-time representation of a resource provider in the tree. # Note that, whereas namedtuple enforces read-only-ness of instances as a # whole, nothing prevents modification of the internals of attributes of # complex types (children/inventory/traits/aggregates). However, any such # modifications still have no effect on the ProviderTree the instance came # from. Like, you can Sharpie a moustache on a Polaroid of my face, but that # doesn't make a moustache appear on my actual face. ProviderData = collections.namedtuple( 'ProviderData', ['uuid', 'name', 'generation', 'parent_uuid', 'inventory', 'traits', 'aggregates', 'resources']) class _Provider(object): """Represents a resource provider in the tree. All operations against the tree should be done using the ProviderTree interface, since it controls thread-safety. """ def __init__(self, name, uuid=None, generation=None, parent_uuid=None): if uuid is None: uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() self.uuid = uuid self.name = name self.generation = generation self.parent_uuid = parent_uuid # Contains a dict, keyed by uuid of child resource providers having # this provider as a parent self.children = {} # dict of inventory records, keyed by resource class self.inventory = {} # Set of trait names self.traits = set() # Set of aggregate UUIDs self.aggregates = set() # dict of resource records, keyed by resource class # the value is the set of objects.Resource self.resources = {} @classmethod def from_dict(cls, pdict): """Factory method producing a _Provider based on a dict with appropriate keys. :param pdict: Dictionary representing a provider, with keys 'name', 'uuid', 'generation', 'parent_provider_uuid'. Of these, only 'name' is mandatory. """ return cls(pdict['name'], uuid=pdict.get('uuid'), generation=pdict.get('generation'), parent_uuid=pdict.get('parent_provider_uuid')) def data(self): inventory = copy.deepcopy(self.inventory) traits = copy.copy(self.traits) aggregates = copy.copy(self.aggregates) resources = copy.deepcopy(self.resources) return ProviderData( self.uuid, self.name, self.generation, self.parent_uuid, inventory, traits, aggregates, resources) def get_provider_uuids(self): """Returns a list, in top-down traversal order, of UUIDs of this provider and all its descendants. """ ret = [self.uuid] for child in self.children.values(): ret.extend(child.get_provider_uuids()) return ret def find(self, search): if self.name == search or self.uuid == search: return self if search in self.children: return self.children[search] if self.children: for child in self.children.values(): # We already searched for the child by UUID above, so here we # just check for a child name match if child.name == search: return child subchild = child.find(search) if subchild: return subchild return None def add_child(self, provider): self.children[provider.uuid] = provider def remove_child(self, provider): if provider.uuid in self.children: del self.children[provider.uuid] def has_inventory(self): """Returns whether the provider has any inventory records at all. """ return self.inventory != {} def has_inventory_changed(self, new): """Returns whether the inventory has changed for the provider.""" cur = self.inventory if set(cur) != set(new): return True for key, cur_rec in cur.items(): new_rec = new[key] # If the new record contains new fields (e.g. we're adding on # `reserved` or `allocation_ratio`) we want to make sure to pick # them up if set(new_rec) - set(cur_rec): return True for rec_key, cur_val in cur_rec.items(): if rec_key not in new_rec: # Deliberately don't want to compare missing keys in the # *new* inventory record. For instance, we will be passing # in fields like allocation_ratio in the current dict but # the resource tracker may only pass in the total field. We # want to return that inventory didn't change when the # total field values are the same even if the # allocation_ratio field is missing from the new record. continue if new_rec[rec_key] != cur_val: return True return False def _update_generation(self, generation, operation): if generation is not None and generation != self.generation: msg_args = { 'rp_uuid': self.uuid, 'old': self.generation, 'new': generation, 'op': operation } LOG.debug("Updating resource provider %(rp_uuid)s generation " "from %(old)s to %(new)s during operation: %(op)s", msg_args) self.generation = generation def update_inventory(self, inventory, generation): """Update the stored inventory for the provider along with a resource provider generation to set the provider to. The method returns whether the inventory has changed. """ self._update_generation(generation, 'update_inventory') if self.has_inventory_changed(inventory): LOG.debug('Updating inventory in ProviderTree for provider %s ' 'with inventory: %s', self.uuid, inventory) self.inventory = copy.deepcopy(inventory) return True LOG.debug('Inventory has not changed in ProviderTree for provider: %s', self.uuid) return False def have_traits_changed(self, new): """Returns whether the provider's traits have changed.""" return set(new) != self.traits def update_traits(self, new, generation=None): """Update the stored traits for the provider along with a resource provider generation to set the provider to. The method returns whether the traits have changed. """ self._update_generation(generation, 'update_traits') if self.have_traits_changed(new): self.traits = set(new) # create a copy of the new traits return True return False def has_traits(self, traits): """Query whether the provider has certain traits. :param traits: Iterable of string trait names to look for. :return: True if this provider has *all* of the specified traits; False if any of the specified traits are absent. Returns True if the traits parameter is empty. """ return not bool(set(traits) - self.traits) def have_aggregates_changed(self, new): """Returns whether the provider's aggregates have changed.""" return set(new) != self.aggregates def update_aggregates(self, new, generation=None): """Update the stored aggregates for the provider along with a resource provider generation to set the provider to. The method returns whether the aggregates have changed. """ self._update_generation(generation, 'update_aggregates') if self.have_aggregates_changed(new): self.aggregates = set(new) # create a copy of the new aggregates return True return False def in_aggregates(self, aggregates): """Query whether the provider is a member of certain aggregates. :param aggregates: Iterable of string aggregate UUIDs to look for. :return: True if this provider is a member of *all* of the specified aggregates; False if any of the specified aggregates are absent. Returns True if the aggregates parameter is empty. """ return not bool(set(aggregates) - self.aggregates) def have_resources_changed(self, new): """Returns whether the resources have changed for the provider.""" return self.resources != new def update_resources(self, resources): """Update the stored resources for the provider. The method returns whether the resources have changed. """ if self.have_resources_changed(resources): self.resources = copy.deepcopy(resources) return True return False class ProviderTree(object): def __init__(self): """Create an empty provider tree.""" self.lock = lockutils.internal_lock(_LOCK_NAME) self.roots_by_uuid = {} self.roots_by_name = {} @property def roots(self): return self.roots_by_uuid.values() def get_provider_uuids(self, name_or_uuid=None): """Return a list, in top-down traversable order, of the UUIDs of all providers (in a (sub)tree). :param name_or_uuid: Provider name or UUID representing the root of a (sub)tree for which to return UUIDs. If not specified, the method returns all UUIDs in the ProviderTree. """ if name_or_uuid is not None: with self.lock: return self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid).get_provider_uuids() # If no name_or_uuid, get UUIDs for all providers recursively. ret = [] with self.lock: for root in self.roots: ret.extend(root.get_provider_uuids()) return ret def get_provider_uuids_in_tree(self, name_or_uuid): """Returns a list, in top-down traversable order, of the UUIDs of all providers in the whole tree of which the provider identified by ``name_or_uuid`` is a member. :param name_or_uuid: Provider name or UUID representing any member of whole tree for which to return UUIDs. """ with self.lock: return self._find_with_lock( name_or_uuid, return_root=True).get_provider_uuids() def populate_from_iterable(self, provider_dicts): """Populates this ProviderTree from an iterable of provider dicts. This method will ADD providers to the tree if provider_dicts contains providers that do not exist in the tree already and will REPLACE providers in the tree if provider_dicts contains providers that are already in the tree. This method will NOT remove providers from the tree that are not in provider_dicts. But if a parent provider is in provider_dicts and the descendents are not, this method will remove the descendents from the tree. :param provider_dicts: An iterable of dicts of resource provider information. If a provider is present in provider_dicts, all its descendants must also be present. :raises: ValueError if any provider in provider_dicts has a parent that is not in this ProviderTree or elsewhere in provider_dicts. """ if not provider_dicts: return # Map of provider UUID to provider dict for the providers we're # *adding* via this method. to_add_by_uuid = {pd['uuid']: pd for pd in provider_dicts} with self.lock: # Sanity check for orphans. Every parent UUID must either be None # (the provider is a root), or be in the tree already, or exist as # a key in to_add_by_uuid (we're adding it). all_parents = set([None]) | set(to_add_by_uuid) # NOTE(efried): Can't use get_provider_uuids directly because we're # already under lock. for root in self.roots: all_parents |= set(root.get_provider_uuids()) missing_parents = set() for pd in to_add_by_uuid.values(): parent_uuid = pd.get('parent_provider_uuid') if parent_uuid not in all_parents: missing_parents.add(parent_uuid) if missing_parents: raise ValueError( _("The following parents were not found: %s") % ', '.join(missing_parents)) # Ready to do the work. # Use to_add_by_uuid to keep track of which providers are left to # be added. while to_add_by_uuid: # Find a provider that's suitable to inject. for uuid, pd in to_add_by_uuid.items(): # Roots are always okay to inject (None won't be a key in # to_add_by_uuid). Otherwise, we have to make sure we # already added the parent (and, by recursion, all # ancestors) if present in the input. parent_uuid = pd.get('parent_provider_uuid') if parent_uuid not in to_add_by_uuid: break else: # This should never happen - we already ensured all parents # exist in the tree, which means we can't have any branches # that don't wind up at the root, which means we can't have # cycles. But to quell the paranoia... raise ValueError( _("Unexpectedly failed to find parents already in the " "tree for any of the following: %s") % ','.join(set(to_add_by_uuid))) # Add or replace the provider, either as a root or under its # parent try: self._remove_with_lock(uuid) except ValueError: # Wasn't there in the first place - fine. pass provider = _Provider.from_dict(pd) if parent_uuid is None: self.roots_by_uuid[provider.uuid] = provider self.roots_by_name[provider.name] = provider else: parent = self._find_with_lock(parent_uuid) parent.add_child(provider) # Remove this entry to signify we're done with it. to_add_by_uuid.pop(uuid) def _remove_with_lock(self, name_or_uuid): found = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) if found.parent_uuid: parent = self._find_with_lock(found.parent_uuid) parent.remove_child(found) else: del self.roots_by_uuid[found.uuid] del self.roots_by_name[found.name] def remove(self, name_or_uuid): """Safely removes the provider identified by the supplied name_or_uuid parameter and all of its children from the tree. :raises ValueError if name_or_uuid points to a non-existing provider. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to remove from the tree. """ with self.lock: self._remove_with_lock(name_or_uuid) def new_root(self, name, uuid, generation=None): """Adds a new root provider to the tree, returning its UUID. :param name: The name of the new root provider :param uuid: The UUID of the new root provider :param generation: Generation to set for the new root provider :returns: the UUID of the new provider :raises: ValueError if a provider with the specified uuid already exists in the tree. """ with self.lock: exists = True try: self._find_with_lock(uuid) except ValueError: exists = False if exists: err = _("Provider %s already exists.") raise ValueError(err % uuid) p = _Provider(name, uuid=uuid, generation=generation) self.roots_by_uuid[uuid] = p self.roots_by_name[name] = p return p.uuid def _find_with_lock(self, name_or_uuid, return_root=False): # Optimization for large number of roots (e.g. ironic): if name_or_uuid # represents a root, this is O(1). found = self.roots_by_uuid.get(name_or_uuid) if found: return found found = self.roots_by_name.get(name_or_uuid) if found: return found # Okay, it's a child; do it the hard way. for root in self.roots: found = root.find(name_or_uuid) if found: return root if return_root else found raise ValueError(_("No such provider %s") % name_or_uuid) def data(self, name_or_uuid): """Return a point-in-time copy of the specified provider's data. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider whose data is to be returned. :return: ProviderData object representing the specified provider. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. """ with self.lock: return self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid).data() def exists(self, name_or_uuid): """Given either a name or a UUID, return True if the tree contains the provider, False otherwise. """ with self.lock: try: self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return True except ValueError: return False def new_child(self, name, parent, uuid=None, generation=None): """Creates a new child provider with the given name and uuid under the given parent. :param name: The name of the new child provider :param parent: Either name or UUID of the parent provider :param uuid: The UUID of the new child provider :param generation: Generation to set for the new child provider :returns: the UUID of the new provider :raises ValueError if a provider with the specified uuid or name already exists; or if parent_uuid points to a nonexistent provider. """ with self.lock: try: self._find_with_lock(uuid or name) except ValueError: pass else: err = _("Provider %s already exists.") raise ValueError(err % (uuid or name)) parent_node = self._find_with_lock(parent) p = _Provider(name, uuid, generation, parent_node.uuid) parent_node.add_child(p) return p.uuid def has_inventory(self, name_or_uuid): """Returns True if the provider identified by name_or_uuid has any inventory records at all. :raises: ValueError if a provider with uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider """ with self.lock: p = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return p.has_inventory() def has_inventory_changed(self, name_or_uuid, inventory): """Returns True if the supplied inventory is different for the provider with the supplied name or UUID. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to query inventory for. :param inventory: dict, keyed by resource class, of inventory information. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.has_inventory_changed(inventory) def update_inventory(self, name_or_uuid, inventory, generation=None): """Given a name or UUID of a provider and a dict of inventory resource records, update the provider's inventory and set the provider's generation. :returns: True if the inventory has changed. :note: The provider's generation is always set to the supplied generation, even if there were no changes to the inventory. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to update inventory for. :param inventory: dict, keyed by resource class, of inventory information. :param generation: The resource provider generation to set. If not specified, the provider's generation is not changed. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.update_inventory(inventory, generation) def has_sharing_provider(self, resource_class): """Returns whether the specified provider_tree contains any sharing providers of inventory of the specified resource_class. """ for rp_uuid in self.get_provider_uuids(): pdata = self.data(rp_uuid) has_rc = resource_class in pdata.inventory is_sharing = os_traits.MISC_SHARES_VIA_AGGREGATE in pdata.traits if has_rc and is_sharing: return True return False def has_traits(self, name_or_uuid, traits): """Given a name or UUID of a provider, query whether that provider has *all* of the specified traits. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to query for traits. :param traits: Iterable of string trait names to search for. :return: True if this provider has *all* of the specified traits; False if any of the specified traits are absent. Returns True if the traits parameter is empty, even if the provider has no traits. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.has_traits(traits) def have_traits_changed(self, name_or_uuid, traits): """Returns True if the specified traits list is different for the provider with the specified name or UUID. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to query traits for. :param traits: Iterable of string trait names to compare against the provider's traits. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.have_traits_changed(traits) def update_traits(self, name_or_uuid, traits, generation=None): """Given a name or UUID of a provider and an iterable of string trait names, update the provider's traits and set the provider's generation. :returns: True if the traits list has changed. :note: The provider's generation is always set to the supplied generation, even if there were no changes to the traits. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to update traits for. :param traits: Iterable of string trait names to set. :param generation: The resource provider generation to set. If None, the provider's generation is not changed. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.update_traits(traits, generation=generation) def add_traits(self, name_or_uuid, *traits): """Set traits on a provider, without affecting existing traits. :param name_or_uuid: The name or UUID of the provider whose traits are to be affected. :param traits: String names of traits to be added. """ if not traits: return with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) final_traits = provider.traits | set(traits) provider.update_traits(final_traits) def remove_traits(self, name_or_uuid, *traits): """Unset traits on a provider, without affecting other existing traits. :param name_or_uuid: The name or UUID of the provider whose traits are to be affected. :param traits: String names of traits to be removed. """ if not traits: return with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) final_traits = provider.traits - set(traits) provider.update_traits(final_traits) def in_aggregates(self, name_or_uuid, aggregates): """Given a name or UUID of a provider, query whether that provider is a member of *all* the specified aggregates. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to query for aggregates. :param aggregates: Iterable of string aggregate UUIDs to search for. :return: True if this provider is associated with *all* of the specified aggregates; False if any of the specified aggregates are absent. Returns True if the aggregates parameter is empty, even if the provider has no aggregate associations. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.in_aggregates(aggregates) def have_aggregates_changed(self, name_or_uuid, aggregates): """Returns True if the specified aggregates list is different for the provider with the specified name or UUID. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to query aggregates for. :param aggregates: Iterable of string aggregate UUIDs to compare against the provider's aggregates. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.have_aggregates_changed(aggregates) def update_aggregates(self, name_or_uuid, aggregates, generation=None): """Given a name or UUID of a provider and an iterable of string aggregate UUIDs, update the provider's aggregates and set the provider's generation. :returns: True if the aggregates list has changed. :note: The provider's generation is always set to the supplied generation, even if there were no changes to the aggregates. :raises: ValueError if a provider with name_or_uuid was not found in the tree. :param name_or_uuid: Either name or UUID of the resource provider to update aggregates for. :param aggregates: Iterable of string aggregate UUIDs to set. :param generation: The resource provider generation to set. If None, the provider's generation is not changed. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.update_aggregates(aggregates, generation=generation) def add_aggregates(self, name_or_uuid, *aggregates): """Set aggregates on a provider, without affecting existing aggregates. :param name_or_uuid: The name or UUID of the provider whose aggregates are to be affected. :param aggregates: String UUIDs of aggregates to be added. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) final_aggs = provider.aggregates | set(aggregates) provider.update_aggregates(final_aggs) def remove_aggregates(self, name_or_uuid, *aggregates): """Unset aggregates on a provider, without affecting other existing aggregates. :param name_or_uuid: The name or UUID of the provider whose aggregates are to be affected. :param aggregates: String UUIDs of aggregates to be removed. """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) final_aggs = provider.aggregates - set(aggregates) provider.update_aggregates(final_aggs) def update_resources(self, name_or_uuid, resources): """Given a name or UUID of a provider and a dict of resources, update the provider's resources. :param name_or_uuid: The name or UUID of the provider whose resources are to be affected. :param resources: A dict keyed by resource class, and the value is a set of objects.Resource instance. :returns: True if the resources are updated else False """ with self.lock: provider = self._find_with_lock(name_or_uuid) return provider.update_resources(resources)