# Copyright 2015 OpenStack Foundation # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from oslo_config import cfg from nova.virt import arch scheduler_group = cfg.OptGroup( name="scheduler", title="Scheduler configuration") scheduler_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt("max_attempts", default=3, min=1, help=""" The maximum number of schedule attempts. This is the maximum number of attempts that will be made for a given instance build/move operation. It limits the number of alternate hosts returned by the scheduler. When that list of hosts is exhausted, a ``MaxRetriesExceeded`` exception is raised and the instance is set to an error state. Possible values: * A positive integer, where the integer corresponds to the max number of attempts that can be made when building or moving an instance. """), cfg.IntOpt("discover_hosts_in_cells_interval", default=-1, min=-1, help=""" Periodic task interval. This value controls how often (in seconds) the scheduler should attempt to discover new hosts that have been added to cells. If negative (the default), no automatic discovery will occur. Deployments where compute nodes come and go frequently may want this enabled, where others may prefer to manually discover hosts when one is added to avoid any overhead from constantly checking. If enabled, every time this runs, we will select any unmapped hosts out of each cell database on every run. Possible values: * An integer, where the integer corresponds to periodic task interval in seconds. 0 uses the default interval (60 seconds). A negative value disables periodic tasks. """), cfg.IntOpt("max_placement_results", default=1000, min=1, help=""" The maximum number of placement results to request. This setting determines the maximum limit on results received from the placement service during a scheduling operation. It effectively limits the number of hosts that may be considered for scheduling requests that match a large number of candidates. A value of 1 (the minimum) will effectively defer scheduling to the placement service strictly on "will it fit" grounds. A higher value will put an upper cap on the number of results the scheduler will consider during the filtering and weighing process. Large deployments may need to set this lower than the total number of hosts available to limit memory consumption, network traffic, etc. of the scheduler. Possible values: * An integer, where the integer corresponds to the number of placement results to return. """), cfg.IntOpt("workers", min=0, help=""" Number of workers for the nova-scheduler service. Defaults to the number of CPUs available. Possible values: * An integer, where the integer corresponds to the number of worker processes. """), cfg.BoolOpt("query_placement_for_routed_network_aggregates", default=False, help=""" Enable the scheduler to filter compute hosts affined to routed network segment aggregates. See https://docs.openstack.org/neutron/latest/admin/config-routed-networks.html for details. """), cfg.BoolOpt("limit_tenants_to_placement_aggregate", default=False, help=""" Restrict tenants to specific placement aggregates. This setting causes the scheduler to look up a host aggregate with the metadata key of ``filter_tenant_id`` set to the project of an incoming request, and request results from placement be limited to that aggregate. Multiple tenants may be added to a single aggregate by appending a serial number to the key, such as ``filter_tenant_id:123``. The matching aggregate UUID must be mirrored in placement for proper operation. If no host aggregate with the tenant id is found, or that aggregate does not match one in placement, the result will be the same as not finding any suitable hosts for the request. Possible values: - A boolean value. Related options: - ``[scheduler] placement_aggregate_required_for_tenants`` """), cfg.BoolOpt("placement_aggregate_required_for_tenants", default=False, help=""" Require a placement aggregate association for all tenants. This setting, when limit_tenants_to_placement_aggregate=True, will control whether or not a tenant with no aggregate affinity will be allowed to schedule to any available node. If aggregates are used to limit some tenants but not all, then this should be False. If all tenants should be confined via aggregate, then this should be True to prevent them from receiving unrestricted scheduling to any available node. Possible values: - A boolean value. Related options: - ``[scheduler] placement_aggregate_required_for_tenants`` """), cfg.BoolOpt("query_placement_for_availability_zone", default=True, deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_since='24.0.0', deprecated_reason=""" Since the introduction of placement pre-filters in 18.0.0 (Rocky), we have supported tracking Availability Zones either natively in placement or using the legacy ``AvailabilityZoneFilter`` scheduler filter. In 24.0.0 (Xena), the filter-based approach has been deprecated for removal in favor of the placement-based approach. As a result, this config option has also been deprecated and will be removed when the ``AvailabilityZoneFilter`` filter is removed. """, help=""" Use placement to determine availability zones. This setting causes the scheduler to look up a host aggregate with the metadata key of `availability_zone` set to the value provided by an incoming request, and request results from placement be limited to that aggregate. The matching aggregate UUID must be mirrored in placement for proper operation. If no host aggregate with the `availability_zone` key is found, or that aggregate does not match one in placement, the result will be the same as not finding any suitable hosts. Note that if you disable this flag, you **must** enable the (less efficient) ``AvailabilityZoneFilter`` in the scheduler in order to availability zones to work correctly. Possible values: - A boolean value. Related options: - ``[filter_scheduler] enabled_filters`` """), cfg.BoolOpt("query_placement_for_image_type_support", default=False, help=""" Use placement to determine host support for the instance's image type. This setting causes the scheduler to ask placement only for compute hosts that support the ``disk_format`` of the image used in the request. Possible values: - A boolean value. """), cfg.BoolOpt("enable_isolated_aggregate_filtering", default=False, help=""" Restrict use of aggregates to instances with matching metadata. This setting allows the scheduler to restrict hosts in aggregates based on matching required traits in the aggregate metadata and the instance flavor/image. If an aggregate is configured with a property with key ``trait:$TRAIT_NAME`` and value ``required``, the instance flavor extra_specs and/or image metadata must also contain ``trait:$TRAIT_NAME=required`` to be eligible to be scheduled to hosts in that aggregate. More technical details at https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/reference/isolate-aggregates.html Possible values: - A boolean value. """), cfg.BoolOpt("image_metadata_prefilter", default=False, help=""" Use placement to filter hosts based on image metadata. This setting causes the scheduler to transform well known image metadata properties into placement required traits to filter host based on image metadata. This feature requires host support and is currently supported by the following compute drivers: - ``libvirt.LibvirtDriver`` (since Ussuri (21.0.0)) Possible values: - A boolean value. Related options: - ``[compute] compute_driver`` """), ] filter_scheduler_group = cfg.OptGroup( name="filter_scheduler", title="Filter scheduler options") filter_scheduler_opts = [ cfg.IntOpt("host_subset_size", default=1, min=1, help=""" Size of subset of best hosts selected by scheduler. New instances will be scheduled on a host chosen randomly from a subset of the N best hosts, where N is the value set by this option. Setting this to a value greater than 1 will reduce the chance that multiple scheduler processes handling similar requests will select the same host, creating a potential race condition. By selecting a host randomly from the N hosts that best fit the request, the chance of a conflict is reduced. However, the higher you set this value, the less optimal the chosen host may be for a given request. Possible values: * An integer, where the integer corresponds to the size of a host subset. """), cfg.IntOpt("max_io_ops_per_host", default=8, min=0, help=""" The number of instances that can be actively performing IO on a host. Instances performing IO includes those in the following states: build, resize, snapshot, migrate, rescue, unshelve. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``IoOpsFilter`` filter is enabled. Possible values: * An integer, where the integer corresponds to the max number of instances that can be actively performing IO on any given host. Related options: - ``[filter_scheduler] enabled_filters`` """), cfg.IntOpt("max_instances_per_host", default=50, min=1, help=""" Maximum number of instances that can exist on a host. If you need to limit the number of instances on any given host, set this option to the maximum number of instances you want to allow. The NumInstancesFilter and AggregateNumInstancesFilter will reject any host that has at least as many instances as this option's value. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``NumInstancesFilter`` or ``AggregateNumInstancesFilter`` filter is enabled. Possible values: * An integer, where the integer corresponds to the max instances that can be scheduled on a host. Related options: - ``[filter_scheduler] enabled_filters`` """), cfg.BoolOpt("track_instance_changes", default=True, help=""" Enable querying of individual hosts for instance information. The scheduler may need information about the instances on a host in order to evaluate its filters and weighers. The most common need for this information is for the (anti-)affinity filters, which need to choose a host based on the instances already running on a host. If the configured filters and weighers do not need this information, disabling this option will improve performance. It may also be disabled when the tracking overhead proves too heavy, although this will cause classes requiring host usage data to query the database on each request instead. .. note:: In a multi-cell (v2) setup where the cell MQ is separated from the top-level, computes cannot directly communicate with the scheduler. Thus, this option cannot be enabled in that scenario. See also the ``[workarounds] disable_group_policy_check_upcall`` option. Related options: - ``[filter_scheduler] enabled_filters`` - ``[workarounds] disable_group_policy_check_upcall`` """), cfg.MultiStrOpt("available_filters", default=["nova.scheduler.filters.all_filters"], help=""" Filters that the scheduler can use. An unordered list of the filter classes the nova scheduler may apply. Only the filters specified in the ``[filter_scheduler] enabled_filters`` option will be used, but any filter appearing in that option must also be included in this list. By default, this is set to all filters that are included with nova. Possible values: * A list of zero or more strings, where each string corresponds to the name of a filter that may be used for selecting a host Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] enabled_filters`` """), cfg.ListOpt("enabled_filters", # NOTE(artom) If we change the defaults here, we should also update # Tempest's scheduler_enabled_filters to keep the default values in # sync. default=[ "ComputeFilter", "ComputeCapabilitiesFilter", "ImagePropertiesFilter", "ServerGroupAntiAffinityFilter", "ServerGroupAffinityFilter", ], help=""" Filters that the scheduler will use. An ordered list of filter class names that will be used for filtering hosts. These filters will be applied in the order they are listed so place your most restrictive filters first to make the filtering process more efficient. All of the filters in this option *must* be present in the ``[scheduler_filter] available_filter`` option, or a ``SchedulerHostFilterNotFound`` exception will be raised. Possible values: * A list of zero or more strings, where each string corresponds to the name of a filter to be used for selecting a host Related options: - ``[filter_scheduler] available_filters`` """), cfg.ListOpt("weight_classes", default=["nova.scheduler.weights.all_weighers"], help=""" Weighers that the scheduler will use. Only hosts which pass the filters are weighed. The weight for any host starts at 0, and the weighers order these hosts by adding to or subtracting from the weight assigned by the previous weigher. Weights may become negative. An instance will be scheduled to one of the N most-weighted hosts, where N is ``[filter_scheduler] host_subset_size``. By default, this is set to all weighers that are included with Nova. Possible values: * A list of zero or more strings, where each string corresponds to the name of a weigher that will be used for selecting a host """), cfg.FloatOpt("ram_weight_multiplier", default=1.0, help=""" RAM weight multipler ratio. This option determines how hosts with more or less available RAM are weighed. A positive value will result in the scheduler preferring hosts with more available RAM, and a negative number will result in the scheduler preferring hosts with less available RAM. Another way to look at it is that positive values for this option will tend to spread instances across many hosts, while negative values will tend to fill up (stack) hosts as much as possible before scheduling to a less-used host. The absolute value, whether positive or negative, controls how strong the RAM weigher is relative to other weighers. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``RAMWeigher`` weigher is enabled. Possible values: * An integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multipler ratio for this weigher. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` """), cfg.FloatOpt("cpu_weight_multiplier", default=1.0, help=""" CPU weight multiplier ratio. Multiplier used for weighting free vCPUs. Negative numbers indicate stacking rather than spreading. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``CPUWeigher`` weigher is enabled. Possible values: * An integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multipler ratio for this weigher. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` """), cfg.FloatOpt("disk_weight_multiplier", default=1.0, help=""" Disk weight multipler ratio. Multiplier used for weighing free disk space. Negative numbers mean to stack vs spread. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``DiskWeigher`` weigher is enabled. Possible values: * An integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multipler ratio for this weigher. """), cfg.FloatOpt("io_ops_weight_multiplier", default=-1.0, help=""" IO operations weight multipler ratio. This option determines how hosts with differing workloads are weighed. Negative values, such as the default, will result in the scheduler preferring hosts with lighter workloads whereas positive values will prefer hosts with heavier workloads. Another way to look at it is that positive values for this option will tend to schedule instances onto hosts that are already busy, while negative values will tend to distribute the workload across more hosts. The absolute value, whether positive or negative, controls how strong the io_ops weigher is relative to other weighers. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``IoOpsWeigher`` weigher is enabled. Possible values: * An integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multipler ratio for this weigher. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` """), cfg.FloatOpt("pci_weight_multiplier", default=1.0, min=0.0, help=""" PCI device affinity weight multiplier. The PCI device affinity weighter computes a weighting based on the number of PCI devices on the host and the number of PCI devices requested by the instance. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``PCIWeigher`` weigher and ``NUMATopologyFilter`` filter are enabled. Possible values: * A positive integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multiplier ratio for this weigher. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` """), cfg.FloatOpt("soft_affinity_weight_multiplier", default=1.0, min=0.0, help=""" Multiplier used for weighing hosts for group soft-affinity. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``ServerGroupSoftAffinityWeigher`` weigher is enabled. Possible values: * A non-negative integer or float value, where the value corresponds to weight multiplier for hosts with group soft affinity. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` """), cfg.FloatOpt( "soft_anti_affinity_weight_multiplier", default=1.0, min=0.0, help=""" Multiplier used for weighing hosts for group soft-anti-affinity. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``ServerGroupSoftAntiAffinityWeigher`` weigher is enabled. Possible values: * A non-negative integer or float value, where the value corresponds to weight multiplier for hosts with group soft anti-affinity. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` """), cfg.FloatOpt( "build_failure_weight_multiplier", default=1000000.0, help=""" Multiplier used for weighing hosts that have had recent build failures. This option determines how much weight is placed on a compute node with recent build failures. Build failures may indicate a failing, misconfigured, or otherwise ailing compute node, and avoiding it during scheduling may be beneficial. The weight is inversely proportional to the number of recent build failures the compute node has experienced. This value should be set to some high value to offset weight given by other enabled weighers due to available resources. To disable weighing compute hosts by the number of recent failures, set this to zero. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``BuildFailureWeigher`` weigher is enabled. Possible values: * An integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multiplier ratio for this weigher. Related options: * ``[compute] consecutive_build_service_disable_threshold`` - Must be nonzero for a compute to report data considered by this weigher. * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` """), cfg.FloatOpt( "cross_cell_move_weight_multiplier", default=1000000.0, help=""" Multiplier used for weighing hosts during a cross-cell move. This option determines how much weight is placed on a host which is within the same source cell when moving a server, for example during cross-cell resize. By default, when moving an instance, the scheduler will prefer hosts within the same cell since cross-cell move operations can be slower and riskier due to the complicated nature of cross-cell migrations. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``CrossCellWeigher`` weigher is enabled. If your cloud is not configured to support cross-cell migrations, then this option has no effect. The value of this configuration option can be overridden per host aggregate by setting the aggregate metadata key with the same name (``cross_cell_move_weight_multiplier``). Possible values: * An integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multiplier ratio for this weigher. Positive values mean the weigher will prefer hosts within the same cell in which the instance is currently running. Negative values mean the weigher will prefer hosts in *other* cells from which the instance is currently running. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` """), cfg.BoolOpt( "shuffle_best_same_weighed_hosts", default=False, help=""" Enable spreading the instances between hosts with the same best weight. Enabling it is beneficial for cases when ``[filter_scheduler] host_subset_size`` is 1 (default), but there is a large number of hosts with same maximal weight. This scenario is common in Ironic deployments where there are typically many baremetal nodes with identical weights returned to the scheduler. In such case enabling this option will reduce contention and chances for rescheduling events. At the same time it will make the instance packing (even in unweighed case) less dense. """), cfg.StrOpt( "image_properties_default_architecture", choices=arch.ALL, help=""" The default architecture to be used when using the image properties filter. When using the ``ImagePropertiesFilter``, it is possible that you want to define a default architecture to make the user experience easier and avoid having something like x86_64 images landing on AARCH64 compute nodes because the user did not specify the ``hw_architecture`` property in Glance. Possible values: * CPU Architectures such as x86_64, aarch64, s390x. """), # TODO(mikal): replace this option with something involving host aggregates cfg.ListOpt("isolated_images", default=[], help=""" List of UUIDs for images that can only be run on certain hosts. If there is a need to restrict some images to only run on certain designated hosts, list those image UUIDs here. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``IsolatedHostsFilter`` filter is enabled. Possible values: * A list of UUID strings, where each string corresponds to the UUID of an image Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] isolated_hosts`` * ``[filter_scheduler] restrict_isolated_hosts_to_isolated_images`` """), cfg.ListOpt("isolated_hosts", default=[], help=""" List of hosts that can only run certain images. If there is a need to restrict some images to only run on certain designated hosts, list those host names here. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``IsolatedHostsFilter`` filter is enabled. Possible values: * A list of strings, where each string corresponds to the name of a host Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] isolated_images`` * ``[filter_scheduler] restrict_isolated_hosts_to_isolated_images`` """), cfg.BoolOpt( "restrict_isolated_hosts_to_isolated_images", default=True, help=""" Prevent non-isolated images from being built on isolated hosts. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``IsolatedHostsFilter`` filter is enabled. Even then, this option doesn't affect the behavior of requests for isolated images, which will *always* be restricted to isolated hosts. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] isolated_images`` * ``[filter_scheduler] isolated_hosts`` """), # TODO(stephenfin): Consider deprecating these next two options: they're # effectively useless now that we don't support arbitrary image metadata # properties cfg.StrOpt( "aggregate_image_properties_isolation_namespace", help=""" Image property namespace for use in the host aggregate. Images and hosts can be configured so that certain images can only be scheduled to hosts in a particular aggregate. This is done with metadata values set on the host aggregate that are identified by beginning with the value of this option. If the host is part of an aggregate with such a metadata key, the image in the request spec must have the value of that metadata in its properties in order for the scheduler to consider the host as acceptable. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation`` filter is enabled. Possible values: * A string, where the string corresponds to an image property namespace Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] aggregate_image_properties_isolation_separator`` """), cfg.StrOpt( "aggregate_image_properties_isolation_separator", default=".", help=""" Separator character(s) for image property namespace and name. When using the aggregate_image_properties_isolation filter, the relevant metadata keys are prefixed with the namespace defined in the aggregate_image_properties_isolation_namespace configuration option plus a separator. This option defines the separator to be used. Note that this setting only affects scheduling if the ``AggregateImagePropertiesIsolation`` filter is enabled. Possible values: * A string, where the string corresponds to an image property namespace separator character Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] aggregate_image_properties_isolation_namespace`` """), cfg.BoolOpt( "pci_in_placement", default=False, help=""" Enable scheduling and claiming PCI devices in Placement. This can be enabled after ``[pci]report_in_placement`` is enabled on all compute hosts. When enabled the scheduler queries Placement about the PCI device availability to select destination for a server with PCI request. The scheduler also allocates the selected PCI devices in Placement. Note that this logic does not replace the PCIPassthroughFilter but extends it. * ``[pci] report_in_placement`` * ``[pci] alias`` * ``[pci] device_spec`` """), ] metrics_group = cfg.OptGroup( name="metrics", title="Metrics parameters", help=""" Configuration options for metrics Options under this group allow to adjust how values assigned to metrics are calculated. """) # TODO(stephenfin): This entire feature could probably be removed. It's not # tested and likely doesn't work with most drivers now. metrics_weight_opts = [ cfg.FloatOpt("weight_multiplier", default=1.0, help=""" Multiplier used for weighing hosts based on reported metrics. When using metrics to weight the suitability of a host, you can use this option to change how the calculated weight influences the weight assigned to a host as follows: * ``>1.0``: increases the effect of the metric on overall weight * ``1.0``: no change to the calculated weight * ``>0.0,<1.0``: reduces the effect of the metric on overall weight * ``0.0``: the metric value is ignored, and the value of the ``[metrics] weight_of_unavailable`` option is returned instead * ``>-1.0,<0.0``: the effect is reduced and reversed * ``-1.0``: the effect is reversed * ``<-1.0``: the effect is increased proportionally and reversed Possible values: * An integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multiplier ratio for this weigher. Related options: * ``[filter_scheduler] weight_classes`` * ``[metrics] weight_of_unavailable`` """), cfg.ListOpt("weight_setting", default=[], help=""" Mapping of metric to weight modifier. This setting specifies the metrics to be weighed and the relative ratios for each metric. This should be a single string value, consisting of a series of one or more 'name=ratio' pairs, separated by commas, where ``name`` is the name of the metric to be weighed, and ``ratio`` is the relative weight for that metric. Note that if the ratio is set to 0, the metric value is ignored, and instead the weight will be set to the value of the ``[metrics] weight_of_unavailable`` option. As an example, let's consider the case where this option is set to: ``name1=1.0, name2=-1.3`` The final weight will be: ``(name1.value * 1.0) + (name2.value * -1.3)`` Possible values: * A list of zero or more key/value pairs separated by commas, where the key is a string representing the name of a metric and the value is a numeric weight for that metric. If any value is set to 0, the value is ignored and the weight will be set to the value of the ``[metrics] weight_of_unavailable`` option. Related options: * ``[metrics] weight_of_unavailable`` """), cfg.BoolOpt("required", default=True, help=""" Whether metrics are required. This setting determines how any unavailable metrics are treated. If this option is set to True, any hosts for which a metric is unavailable will raise an exception, so it is recommended to also use the MetricFilter to filter out those hosts before weighing. Possible values: * A boolean value, where False ensures any metric being unavailable for a host will set the host weight to ``[metrics] weight_of_unavailable``. Related options: * ``[metrics] weight_of_unavailable`` """), cfg.FloatOpt("weight_of_unavailable", default=float(-10000.0), help=""" Default weight for unavailable metrics. When any of the following conditions are met, this value will be used in place of any actual metric value: - One of the metrics named in ``[metrics] weight_setting`` is not available for a host, and the value of ``required`` is ``False``. - The ratio specified for a metric in ``[metrics] weight_setting`` is 0. - The ``[metrics] weight_multiplier`` option is set to 0. Possible values: * An integer or float value, where the value corresponds to the multiplier ratio for this weigher. Related options: * ``[metrics] weight_setting`` * ``[metrics] required`` * ``[metrics] weight_multiplier`` """), ] def register_opts(conf): conf.register_group(scheduler_group) conf.register_opts(scheduler_opts, group=scheduler_group) conf.register_group(filter_scheduler_group) conf.register_opts(filter_scheduler_opts, group=filter_scheduler_group) conf.register_group(metrics_group) conf.register_opts(metrics_weight_opts, group=metrics_group) def list_opts(): return { scheduler_group: scheduler_opts, filter_scheduler_group: filter_scheduler_opts, metrics_group: metrics_weight_opts, }