#!/usr/bin/python #coding: utf-8 -*- # (c) 2013, Benno Joy # # This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software. If not, see . try: from neutronclient.neutron import client from keystoneclient.v2_0 import client as ksclient except ImportError: print("failed=True msg='neutronclient and keystone client are required'") DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: neutron_network version_added: "1.4" short_description: Creates/Removes networks from OpenStack description: - Add or Remove network from OpenStack. options: login_username: description: - login username to authenticate to keystone required: true default: admin login_password: description: - Password of login user required: true default: 'yes' login_tenant_name: description: - The tenant name of the login user required: true default: 'yes' tenant_name: description: - The name of the tenant for whom the network is created required: false default: None auth_url: description: - The keystone url for authentication required: false default: '' region_name: description: - Name of the region required: false default: None state: description: - Indicate desired state of the resource choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present name: description: - Name to be assigned to the nework required: true default: None provider_network_type: description: - The type of the network to be created, gre, vxlan, vlan, local. Available types depend on the plugin. The Neutron service decides if not specified. required: false default: None provider_physical_network: description: - The physical network which would realize the virtual network for flat and vlan networks. required: false default: None provider_segmentation_id: description: - The id that has to be assigned to the network, in case of vlan networks that would be vlan id, for gre the tunnel id and for vxlan the VNI. required: false default: None router_external: description: - If 'yes', specifies that the virtual network is a external network (public). required: false default: false shared: description: - Whether this network is shared or not required: false default: false admin_state_up: description: - Whether the state should be marked as up or down required: false default: true requirements: ["neutronclient", "keystoneclient"] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Create a GRE backed Neutron network with tunnel id 1 for tenant1 - neutron_network: name=t1network tenant_name=tenant1 state=present provider_network_type=gre provider_segmentation_id=1 login_username=admin login_password=admin login_tenant_name=admin # Create an external network - neutron_network: name=external_network state=present provider_network_type=local router_external=yes login_username=admin login_password=admin login_tenant_name=admin ''' _os_keystone = None _os_tenant_id = None def _get_ksclient(module, kwargs): try: kclient = ksclient.Client( username=module.params.get('login_username'), password=module.params.get('login_password'), tenant_name=module.params.get('login_tenant_name'), auth_url=module.params.get('auth_url'), region_name=module.params.get('region_name')) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error authenticating to the keystone: %s" %e.message) global _os_keystone _os_keystone = kclient return kclient def _get_endpoint(module, ksclient): try: endpoint = ksclient.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='network', endpoint_type='publicURL') except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error getting endpoint for Neutron: %s " %e.message) return endpoint def _get_neutron_client(module, kwargs): _ksclient = _get_ksclient(module, kwargs) token = _ksclient.auth_token endpoint = _get_endpoint(module, _ksclient) kwargs = { 'token': token, 'endpoint_url': endpoint } try: neutron = client.Client('2.0', **kwargs) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = " Error in connecting to Neutron: %s " %e.message) return neutron def _set_tenant_id(module): global _os_tenant_id if module.params['tenant_name']: # We need admin power in order retrieve the tenant_id of a given # tenant name and to create/delete networks for a tenant that is not # the one used to authenticate the user. tenant_name = module.params['tenant_name'] for tenant in _os_keystone.tenants.list(): if tenant.name == tenant_name: _os_tenant_id = tenant.id break else: _os_tenant_id = _os_keystone.tenant_id if not _os_tenant_id: module.fail_json(msg = "The tenant id cannot be found, please check the paramters") def _get_net_id(neutron, module): kwargs = { 'tenant_id': _os_tenant_id, 'name': module.params['name'], } try: networks = neutron.list_networks(**kwargs) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error in listing Neutron networks: %s" % e.message) if not networks['networks']: return None return networks['networks'][0]['id'] def _create_network(module, neutron): neutron.format = 'json' network = { 'name': module.params.get('name'), 'tenant_id': _os_tenant_id, 'provider:network_type': module.params.get('provider_network_type'), 'provider:physical_network': module.params.get('provider_physical_network'), 'provider:segmentation_id': module.params.get('provider_segmentation_id'), 'router:external': module.params.get('router_external'), 'shared': module.params.get('shared'), 'admin_state_up': module.params.get('admin_state_up'), } if module.params['provider_network_type'] == 'local': network.pop('provider:physical_network', None) network.pop('provider:segmentation_id', None) if module.params['provider_network_type'] == 'flat': network.pop('provider:segmentation_id', None) if module.params['provider_network_type'] == 'gre': network.pop('provider:physical_network', None) if module.params['provider_network_type'] == 'vxlan': network.pop('provider:physical_network', None) if module.params['provider_network_type'] is None: network.pop('provider:network_type', None) network.pop('provider:physical_network', None) network.pop('provider:segmentation_id', None) try: net = neutron.create_network({'network':network}) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error in creating network: %s" % e.message) return net['network']['id'] def _delete_network(module, net_id, neutron): try: id = neutron.delete_network(net_id) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg = "Error in deleting the network: %s" % e.message) return True def main(): module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec = dict( login_username = dict(default='admin'), login_password = dict(required=True), login_tenant_name = dict(required='True'), auth_url = dict(default=''), region_name = dict(default=None), name = dict(required=True), tenant_name = dict(default=None), provider_network_type = dict(default=None, choices=['local', 'vlan', 'flat', 'gre', 'vxlan']), provider_physical_network = dict(default=None), provider_segmentation_id = dict(default=None), router_external = dict(default=False, type='bool'), shared = dict(default=False, type='bool'), admin_state_up = dict(default=True, type='bool'), state = dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']) ), ) if module.params['provider_network_type'] in ['vlan' , 'flat']: if not module.params['provider_physical_network']: module.fail_json(msg = " for vlan and flat networks, variable provider_physical_network should be set.") if module.params['provider_network_type'] in ['vlan', 'gre', 'vxlan']: if not module.params['provider_segmentation_id']: module.fail_json(msg = " for vlan, gre & vxlan networks, variable provider_segmentation_id should be set.") neutron = _get_neutron_client(module, module.params) _set_tenant_id(module) if module.params['state'] == 'present': network_id = _get_net_id(neutron, module) if not network_id: network_id = _create_network(module, neutron) module.exit_json(changed = True, result = "Created", id = network_id) else: module.exit_json(changed = False, result = "Success", id = network_id) if module.params['state'] == 'absent': network_id = _get_net_id(neutron, module) if not network_id: module.exit_json(changed = False, result = "Success") else: _delete_network(module, network_id, neutron) module.exit_json(changed = True, result = "Deleted") # this is magic, see lib/ansible/module.params['common.py from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()