#!/usr/bin/python # # (c) Cisco Systems, 2014 # # This module is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software. If not, see . DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: neutron_sec_group short_description: Create, Remove or Update Openstack security groups description: - Create, Remove or Update Openstack security groups options: login_username: description: - login username to authenticate to keystone required: true login_password: description: - Password of login user required: true login_tenant_name: description: - The tenant name of the login user required: true auth_url: description: - The keystone url for authentication required: false default: '' region_name: description: - Name of the region required: false default: None state: description: - Indicate desired state of the security group choices: ['present', 'absent'] default: present name: description: - Name to be given to the security group required: true default: None tenant_name: description: - Name of the tenant for which the security group has to be created, if none, the security group would be created for the login tenant. required: false default: None rules: description: - "List of security group rules. Available parameters of a rule: direction, port_range_min, port_range_max, ethertype, protocol, remote_ip_prefix|remote_group_id|remote_group_name" required: false default: none requirements: ["neutronclient", "keystoneclient"] ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # Creates a security group with a number of rules neutron_sec_group: login_username: "demo" login_password: "password" login_tenant_name: "demo" auth_url: "" name: "sg-test" description: "Description of the security group" state: "present" rules: - direction: "ingress" port_range_min: "80" port_range_max: "80" ethertype: "IPv4" protocol: "tcp" remote_ip_prefix: "" - direction: "ingress" port_range_min: "22" port_range_max: "22" ethertype: "IPv4" protocol: "tcp" remote_ip_prefix: "" - direction: "ingress" port_range_min: "22" port_range_max: "22" ethertype: "IPv4" protocol: "tcp" remote_group_id: UUID_OF_GROUP - direction: "ingress" port_range_min: "22" port_range_max: "22" ethertype: "IPv4" protocol: "tcp" remote_group_name: 'default' ''' try: import neutronclient.v2_0.client import keystoneclient.v2_0.client from neutronclient.common import exceptions except ImportError: print "failed=True msg='neutronclient and keystoneclient are required'" def main(): """ Main function - entry point. The magic starts here ;-) """ module = AnsibleModule( argument_spec=dict( auth_url=dict(default=''), login_username=dict(required=True), login_password=dict(required=True), login_tenant_name=dict(required=True), name=dict(required=True), description=dict(default=None), region_name=dict(default=None), rules=dict(default=None), tenant_name=dict(required=False), state=dict(default='present', choices=['present', 'absent']) ), supports_check_mode=True ) network_client = _get_network_client(module.params) identity_client = _get_identity_client(module.params) try: # Get id of security group (as a result check whether it exists) tenant_id = _get_tenant_id(module, identity_client) params = { 'name': module.params['name'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'fields': 'id', } sec_groups = network_client.list_security_groups(**params)['security_groups'] if len(sec_groups) > 1: raise exceptions.NeutronClientNoUniqueMatch(resource='security_group', name=name) elif len(sec_groups) == 0: sec_group_exists = False else: sec_group = sec_groups[0] sec_group_exists = True # state=present -> create or update depending on whether sg exists. if module.params['state'] == 'present': # UPDATE if sec_group_exists: changed, sg = _update_sg(module, network_client, sec_group, tenant_id) if changed: module.exit_json(sec_group=sg, updated=True, changed=changed) else: module.exit_json(sec_group=sg, changed=changed) # CREATE else: sg = _create_sg(module, network_client, tenant_id) module.exit_json(sec_group=sg, created=True, changed=True) # DELETE elif module.params['state'] == 'absent' and sec_group_exists: _delete_sg(module, network_client, sec_group) module.exit_json(changed=True) module.exit_json(changed=False) except exceptions.Unauthorized as exc: module.fail_json(msg="Authentication error: %s" % str(exc)) except Exception as exc: module.fail_json(msg="Error: %s" % str(exc)) def _delete_sg(module, network_client, sec_group): """ Deletes a security group. :param module: module to get security group params from. :param network_client: network client to use. :param sec_group: security group to delete. """ if module.check_mode: return network_client.delete_security_group(sec_group['id']) def _create_sg(module, network_client, tenant_id): """ Creates a security group. :param module: module to get security group params from. :param network_client: network client to use. :param: identity_client: identity_client used if an admin performs the operation for a different tenant. :return: newly created security group. """ if module.check_mode: return None data = { 'security_group': { 'name': module.params['name'], 'description': module.params['description'], 'tenant_id': tenant_id } } sg = network_client.create_security_group(data) sg = sg['security_group'] changed, sg = _update_sg(module, network_client, sg, tenant_id) return sg def _update_sg(module, network_client, sg, tenant_id): """ Updates a security group. :param module: module to get updated security group param from. :param network_client: network client to use. :param sg: security group that needs to be updated. :return: True/False, the updated security group. """ changed = False sg = network_client.show_security_group(sg['id']) sg = sg['security_group'] # We only allow description updating, no name updating if module.params['description'] \ and not module.params['description'] == sg['description'] \ and module.check_mode: changed = True elif module.params['description'] \ and not module.params['description'] == sg['description'] \ and not module.check_mode: body = { 'security_group': { 'description': module.params['description'] } } sg = network_client.update_security_group(sg['id'], body) sg = sg['security_group'] changed = True if module.params['rules'] is not None: rules_changed = _update_sg_rules(module, network_client, sg, module.params['rules']) changed |= rules_changed return changed, sg def _update_sg_rules(module, network_client, sg, wanted_rules): """ Updates rules of a security group. """ changed = False existing_rules = sg['security_group_rules'] #check ok ok_rules = [] for new_rule in wanted_rules: # Ugly: define tenant also here so that matches new_rule['tenant_id'] = sg['tenant_id'] # protocol is in lowercase if 'protocol' in new_rule: new_rule['protocol'] = new_rule['protocol'].lower() matched_id = None for old_rule in existing_rules: clean_new_rule = new_rule.copy() clean_old_rule = old_rule.copy() old_id = clean_old_rule.pop('id') clean_old_rule.pop('security_group_id') for key in clean_old_rule.keys(): if key not in clean_new_rule: clean_new_rule[key] = None continue value = clean_new_rule[key] if isinstance(value, (str, unicode)) and value.isdigit(): clean_new_rule[key] = int(value) if cmp(clean_old_rule, clean_new_rule) == 0: matched_id = old_id break if matched_id: new_rule['done'] = True ok_rules.append(matched_id) #apply new first new_rules = [rule for rule in wanted_rules if 'done' not in rule] if len(new_rules): if not module.check_mode: sg = _create_sg_rules(network_client, sg, new_rules, tenant_id) changed = True #then delete not ok for rule in existing_rules: if rule['id'] in ok_rules: continue if not module.check_mode: sg = network_client.delete_security_group_rule(rule['id']) changed = True return changed def _create_sg_rules(network_client, sg, rules, tenant_id): """ Creates a set of security group rules in a given security group. :param network_client: network client to use to create rules. :param sg: security group to create rules in. :param rules: rules to create. :return: the updated security group. """ if rules: for rule in rules: if 'remote_group_name' in rule: rule['remote_group_id'] = _get_security_group_id(network_client, rule['remote_group_name'], tenant_id) rule.pop('remote_group_name', None) rule['tenant_id'] = sg['tenant_id'] rule['security_group_id'] = sg['id'] data = { 'security_group_rule': rule } network_client.create_security_group_rule(data) # fetch security group again to show end result return network_client.show_security_group(sg['id'])['security_group'] return sg def _get_security_group_id(network_client, group_name, tenant_id): """ Lookup the UUID for a named security group. This provides the ability to specify a SourceGroup via remote_group_id. http://docs.openstack.org/openstack-ops/content/security_groups.html This will return the first match to a group name. :param network_client: network client ot use to lookup group_id :param group_name: The name of the security group to lookup """ params = { 'name': group_name, 'tenant_id': tenant_id, 'fields': 'id' } return network_client.list_security_groups(**params)['security_groups'][0]['id'] def _get_tenant_id(module, identity_client): """ Returns the tenant_id, given tenant_name. if tenant_name is not specified in the module params uses login_tenant_name :param identity_client: identity_client used to get the tenant_id from its name. :param module_params: module parameters. """ if not module.params['tenant_name']: tenant_name = module.params['login_tenant_name'] else: tenant_name = module.params['tenant_name'] tenant = _get_tenant(identity_client, tenant_name) return tenant.id def _get_tenant(identity_client, tenant_name): """ Returns the tenant, given the tenant_name. :param identity_client: identity client to use to do the required requests. :param tenant_name: name of the tenant. :return: tenant for which the name was given. """ tenants = identity_client.tenants.list() tenant = next((t for t in tenants if t.name == tenant_name), None) if not tenant: raise Exception("Tenant with name '%s' not found." % tenant_name) return tenant def _get_network_client(module_params): """ :param module_params: module params containing the openstack credentials used to authenticate. :return: a neutron client. """ client = neutronclient.v2_0.client.Client( username=module_params.get('login_username'), password=module_params.get('login_password'), tenant_name=module_params.get('login_tenant_name'), auth_url=module_params.get('auth_url'), region_name=module_params.get('region_name')) return client def _get_identity_client(module_params): """ :param module_params: module params containing the openstack credentials used to authenticate. :return: a keystone client. """ client = keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client( username=module_params.get('login_username'), password=module_params.get('login_password'), tenant_name=module_params.get('login_tenant_name'), auth_url=module_params.get('auth_url'), region_name=module_params.get('region_name')) return client # Let's get the party started! from ansible.module_utils.basic import * main()