# Copyright 2014 Red Hat, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import io import sys import textwrap from unittest import mock import fixtures from oslotest import base import tempfile import testscenarios from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_config import fixture as config_fixture from oslo_config import generator from oslo_config import types import yaml load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios def custom_type(a): """Something that acts like a type, but isn't known""" return a def build_formatter(output_file, **kwargs): conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() conf.register_opts(generator._generator_opts) for k, v in kwargs.items(): conf.set_override(k, v) return generator._OptFormatter(conf, output_file=output_file) class GeneratorTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): groups = { 'group1': cfg.OptGroup(name='group1', help='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ' 'adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ' 'incididunt ut labore et dolore magna ' 'aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis ' 'nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris ' 'nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo ' 'consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in.'), 'group2': cfg.OptGroup(name='group2', title='Group 2'), 'foo': cfg.OptGroup(name='foo', title='Foo Title', help='foo help'), } opts = { 'foo': cfg.StrOpt('foo', help='foo option'), 'bar': cfg.StrOpt('bar', help='bar option'), 'foo-bar': cfg.StrOpt('foo-bar', help='foobar'), 'no_help': cfg.StrOpt('no_help'), 'long_help': cfg.StrOpt('long_help', help='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur ' 'adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor ' 'incididunt ut labore et dolore magna ' 'aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis ' 'nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris ' 'nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo ' 'consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in ' 'reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse ' 'cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla ' 'pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat ' 'cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa ' 'qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est ' 'laborum.'), 'long_help_pre': cfg.StrOpt('long_help_pre', help='This is a very long help text which ' 'is preformatted with line breaks. ' 'It should break when it is too long ' 'but also keep the specified line ' 'breaks. This makes it possible to ' 'create lists with items:\n' '\n' '* item 1\n' '* item 2\n' '\n' 'and should increase the ' 'readability.'), 'choices_opt': cfg.StrOpt('choices_opt', default='a', choices=(None, '', 'a', 'b', 'c'), help='a string with choices'), 'deprecated_opt_without_deprecated_group': cfg.StrOpt( 'bar', deprecated_name='foobar', help='deprecated'), 'deprecated_for_removal_opt': cfg.StrOpt( 'bar', deprecated_for_removal=True, help='deprecated for removal'), 'deprecated_reason_opt': cfg.BoolOpt( 'turn_off_stove', default=False, deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_reason='This was supposed to work but it really, ' 'really did not. Always buy house insurance.', help='DEPRECATED: Turn off stove'), 'deprecated_opt_with_deprecated_since': cfg.BoolOpt( 'tune_in', deprecated_for_removal=True, deprecated_since='13.0'), 'deprecated_opt_with_deprecated_group': cfg.StrOpt( 'bar', deprecated_name='foobar', deprecated_group='group1', help='deprecated'), 'opt_with_DeprecatedOpt': cfg.BoolOpt( 'foo-bar', help='Opt with DeprecatedOpt', deprecated_opts=[cfg.DeprecatedOpt('foo-bar', group='deprecated')]), # Unknown Opt default must be a string 'unknown_type': cfg.Opt('unknown_opt', default='123', help='unknown', type=types.String(type_name='unknown type')), 'str_opt': cfg.StrOpt('str_opt', default='foo bar', help='a string'), 'str_opt_sample_default': cfg.StrOpt('str_opt', default='fooishbar', help='a string'), 'str_opt_with_space': cfg.StrOpt('str_opt', default=' foo bar ', help='a string with spaces'), 'str_opt_multiline': cfg.StrOpt('str_opt', default='foo\nbar\nbaz', help='a string with newlines'), 'bool_opt': cfg.BoolOpt('bool_opt', default=False, help='a boolean'), 'int_opt': cfg.IntOpt('int_opt', default=10, min=1, max=20, help='an integer'), 'int_opt_min_0': cfg.IntOpt('int_opt_min_0', default=10, min=0, max=20, help='an integer'), 'int_opt_max_0': cfg.IntOpt('int_opt_max_0', default=-1, max=0, help='an integer'), 'float_opt': cfg.FloatOpt('float_opt', default=0.1, help='a float'), 'list_opt': cfg.ListOpt('list_opt', default=['1', '2', '3'], help='a list'), 'list_opt_with_bounds': cfg.ListOpt('list_opt_with_bounds', default=['1', '2', '3'], help='a list', bounds=True), 'list_opt_single': cfg.ListOpt('list_opt_single', default='1', help='a list'), 'list_int_opt': cfg.ListOpt('list_int_opt', default=[1, 2, 3], help='a list'), 'dict_opt': cfg.DictOpt('dict_opt', default={'1': 'yes', '2': 'no'}, help='a dict'), 'ip_opt': cfg.IPOpt('ip_opt', default='', help='an ip address'), 'port_opt': cfg.PortOpt('port_opt', default=80, help='a port'), 'hostname_opt': cfg.HostnameOpt('hostname_opt', default='compute01.nova.site1', help='a hostname'), 'uri_opt': cfg.URIOpt('uri_opt', default='http://example.com', help='a URI'), 'multi_opt': cfg.MultiStrOpt('multi_opt', default=['1', '2', '3'], help='multiple strings'), 'multi_opt_none': cfg.MultiStrOpt('multi_opt_none', help='multiple strings'), 'multi_opt_empty': cfg.MultiStrOpt('multi_opt_empty', default=[], help='multiple strings'), 'multi_opt_sample_default': cfg.MultiStrOpt('multi_opt', default=['1', '2', '3'], sample_default=['5', '6'], help='multiple strings'), 'string_type_with_bad_default': cfg.Opt('string_type_with_bad_default', help='string with bad default', default=4096), 'native_str_type': cfg.Opt('native_str_type', help='native help', type=str), 'native_int_type': cfg.Opt('native_int_type', help='native help', type=int), 'native_float_type': cfg.Opt('native_float_type', help='native help', type=float), 'custom_type': cfg.Opt('custom_type', help='custom help', type=custom_type), 'custom_type_name': cfg.Opt('custom_opt_type', type=types.Integer(type_name='port' ' number'), default=5511, help='this is a port'), } content_scenarios = [ ('empty', dict(opts=[], expected='''[DEFAULT] ''')), ('single_namespace', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['foo']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # foo option (string value) #foo = ''')), ('multiple_namespaces', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['foo']])]), ('other', [(None, [opts['bar']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From other # # bar option (string value) #bar = # # From test # # foo option (string value) #foo = ''')), ('group', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['group1'], [opts['foo']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [group1] # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do # eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim # ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut # aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in. # # From test # # foo option (string value) #foo = ''')), ('empty_group', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['group1'], [])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] ''')), ('multiple_groups', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['group1'], [opts['foo']]), (groups['group2'], [opts['bar']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [group1] # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do # eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim # ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut # aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in. # # From test # # foo option (string value) #foo = [group2] # # From test # # bar option (string value) #bar = ''')), ('group_in_multiple_namespaces', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['group1'], [opts['foo']])]), ('other', [(groups['group1'], [opts['bar']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [group1] # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do # eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim # ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut # aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in. # # From other # # bar option (string value) #bar = # # From test # # foo option (string value) #foo = ''')), ('hyphenated_name', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['foo-bar']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # foobar (string value) #foo_bar = ''')), ('no_help', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['no_help']])])], log_warning=('"%s" is missing a help string', 'no_help'), expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # (string value) #no_help = ''')), ('long_help', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['long_help']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do # eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim # ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut # aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in # reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla # pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in # culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. (string # value) #long_help = ''')), ('long_help_wrap_at_40', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['long_help']])])], wrap_width=40, expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, # consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do # eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et # dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim # veniam, quis nostrud exercitation # ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea # commodo consequat. Duis aute irure # dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate # velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat # nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint # occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt # in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit # anim id est laborum. (string value) #long_help = ''')), ('long_help_no_wrapping', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['long_help']])])], wrap_width=0, expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # ''' # noqa '# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod ' # noqa 'tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, ' # noqa 'quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo ' # noqa 'consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse ' # noqa 'cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat ' # noqa 'non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. ' # noqa '(string value)' # noqa ''' #long_help = ''')), # noqa ('long_help_with_preformatting', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['long_help_pre']])])], wrap_width=70, expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # This is a very long help text which is preformatted with line # breaks. It should break when it is too long but also keep the # specified line breaks. This makes it possible to create lists with # items: # # * item 1 # * item 2 # # and should increase the readability. (string value) #long_help_pre = ''')), ('choices_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['choices_opt']])])], expected="""[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a string with choices (string value) # Possible values: # - # '' - # a - # b - # c - #choices_opt = a """)), ('deprecated opt without deprecated group', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['foo'], [opts['deprecated_opt_without_deprecated_group']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [foo] # foo help # # From test # # deprecated (string value) # Deprecated group/name - [foo]/foobar #bar = ''')), ('deprecated_for_removal', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['foo'], [opts['deprecated_for_removal_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [foo] # foo help # # From test # # DEPRECATED: deprecated for removal (string value) # This option is deprecated for removal. # Its value may be silently ignored in the future. #bar = ''')), ('deprecated_reason', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['foo'], [opts['deprecated_reason_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [foo] # foo help # # From test # # DEPRECATED: Turn off stove (boolean value) # This option is deprecated for removal. # Its value may be silently ignored in the future. # Reason: This was supposed to work but it really, really did not. # Always buy house insurance. #turn_off_stove = false ''')), ('deprecated_opt_with_deprecated_group', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['foo'], [opts['deprecated_opt_with_deprecated_group']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [foo] # foo help # # From test # # deprecated (string value) # Deprecated group/name - [group1]/foobar #bar = ''')), ('unknown_type', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['unknown_type']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # unknown (unknown type) #unknown_opt = 123 ''')), ('str_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['str_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a string (string value) #str_opt = foo bar ''')), ('str_opt_with_space', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['str_opt_with_space']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a string with spaces (string value) #str_opt = " foo bar " ''')), ('str_opt_multiline', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['str_opt_multiline']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a string with newlines (string value) #str_opt = foo # bar # baz ''')), ('bool_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['bool_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a boolean (boolean value) #bool_opt = false ''')), ('int_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['int_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # an integer (integer value) # Minimum value: 1 # Maximum value: 20 #int_opt = 10 ''')), ('int_opt_min_0', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['int_opt_min_0']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # an integer (integer value) # Minimum value: 0 # Maximum value: 20 #int_opt_min_0 = 10 ''')), ('int_opt_max_0', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['int_opt_max_0']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # an integer (integer value) # Maximum value: 0 #int_opt_max_0 = -1 ''')), ('float_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['float_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a float (floating point value) #float_opt = 0.1 ''')), ('list_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['list_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a list (list value) #list_opt = 1,2,3 ''')), ('list_opt_with_bounds', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['list_opt_with_bounds']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a list (list value) #list_opt_with_bounds = [1,2,3] ''')), ('list_opt_single', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['list_opt_single']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a list (list value) #list_opt_single = 1 ''')), ('list_int_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['list_int_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a list (list value) #list_int_opt = 1,2,3 ''')), ('dict_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['dict_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a dict (dict value) #dict_opt = 1:yes,2:no ''')), ('ip_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['ip_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # an ip address (IP address value) #ip_opt = ''')), ('port_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['port_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a port (port value) # Minimum value: 0 # Maximum value: 65535 #port_opt = 80 ''')), ('hostname_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['hostname_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a hostname (hostname value) #hostname_opt = compute01.nova.site1 ''')), ('multi_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['multi_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # multiple strings (multi valued) #multi_opt = 1 #multi_opt = 2 #multi_opt = 3 ''')), ('multi_opt_none', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['multi_opt_none']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # multiple strings (multi valued) #multi_opt_none = ''')), ('multi_opt_empty', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['multi_opt_empty']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # multiple strings (multi valued) #multi_opt_empty = ''')), ('str_opt_sample_default', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['str_opt_sample_default']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # a string (string value) #str_opt = fooishbar ''')), ('native_str_type', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['native_str_type']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # native help (string value) #native_str_type = ''')), ('native_int_type', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['native_int_type']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # native help (integer value) #native_int_type = ''')), ('native_float_type', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['native_float_type']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # native help (floating point value) #native_float_type = ''')), ('multi_opt_sample_default', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['multi_opt_sample_default']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # multiple strings (multi valued) # # This option has a sample default set, which means that # its actual default value may vary from the one documented # below. #multi_opt = 5 #multi_opt = 6 ''')), ('custom_type_name', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['custom_type_name']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # this is a port (port number) #custom_opt_type = 5511 ''')), ('custom_type', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['custom_type']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # custom help (unknown value) #custom_type = ''')), ('string_type_with_bad_default', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['string_type_with_bad_default']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # string with bad default (string value) #string_type_with_bad_default = 4096 ''')), ('str_opt_str_group', dict(opts=[('test', [('foo', [opts['str_opt']]), (groups['foo'], [opts['int_opt']])]), ('foo', [('foo', [opts['bool_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [foo] # foo help # # From foo # # a boolean (boolean value) #bool_opt = false # # From test # # a string (string value) #str_opt = foo bar # # From test # # an integer (integer value) # Minimum value: 1 # Maximum value: 20 #int_opt = 10 ''')), ('opt_str_opt_group', dict(opts=[('test', [(groups['foo'], [opts['int_opt']]), ('foo', [opts['str_opt']])]), ('foo', [(groups['foo'], [opts['bool_opt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] [foo] # foo help # # From foo # # a boolean (boolean value) #bool_opt = false # # From test # # an integer (integer value) # Minimum value: 1 # Maximum value: 20 #int_opt = 10 # # From test # # a string (string value) #str_opt = foo bar ''')), ('opt_with_DeprecatedOpt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [opts['opt_with_DeprecatedOpt']])])], expected='''[DEFAULT] # # From test # # Opt with DeprecatedOpt (boolean value) # Deprecated group/name - [deprecated]/foo_bar #foo_bar = ''')), ] output_file_scenarios = [ ('stdout', dict(stdout=True, output_file=None)), ('output_file', dict(output_file='sample.conf', stdout=False)), ] @classmethod def generate_scenarios(cls): cls.scenarios = testscenarios.multiply_scenarios( cls.content_scenarios, cls.output_file_scenarios) def setUp(self): super(GeneratorTestCase, self).setUp() self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() self.config_fixture = config_fixture.Config(self.conf) self.config = self.config_fixture.config self.useFixture(self.config_fixture) self.tempdir = self.useFixture(fixtures.TempDir()) def _capture_stream(self, stream_name): self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch("sys.%s" % stream_name, io.StringIO())) return getattr(sys, stream_name) def _capture_stdout(self): return self._capture_stream('stdout') @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_raw_opts_loaders') @mock.patch.object(generator, 'LOG') def test_generate(self, mock_log, raw_opts_loader): generator.register_cli_opts(self.conf) namespaces = [i[0] for i in self.opts] self.config(namespace=namespaces) for group in self.groups.values(): self.conf.register_group(group) wrap_width = getattr(self, 'wrap_width', None) if wrap_width is not None: self.config(wrap_width=wrap_width) if self.stdout: stdout = self._capture_stdout() else: output_file = self.tempdir.join(self.output_file) self.config(output_file=output_file) # We have a static data structure matching what should be # returned by _list_opts() but we're mocking out a lower level # function that needs to return a namespace and a callable to # return options from that namespace. We have to pass opts to # the lambda to cache a reference to the name because the list # comprehension changes the thing pointed to by the name each # time through the loop. raw_opts_loader.return_value = [ (ns, lambda opts=opts: opts) for ns, opts in self.opts ] generator.generate(self.conf) if self.stdout: self.assertEqual(self.expected, stdout.getvalue()) else: with open(output_file, 'r') as f: actual = f.read() self.assertEqual(self.expected, actual) log_warning = getattr(self, 'log_warning', None) if log_warning is not None: mock_log.warning.assert_called_once_with(*log_warning) else: self.assertFalse(mock_log.warning.called) class GeneratorFileHandlingTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(GeneratorFileHandlingTestCase, self).setUp() self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() self.config_fixture = config_fixture.Config(self.conf) self.config = self.config_fixture.config @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_groups') @mock.patch.object(generator, '_list_opts') def test_close_generated_file(self, a, b): generator.register_cli_opts(self.conf) self.config(output_file='somefile') m = mock.mock_open() m.close = mock.Mock() with mock.patch.object(generator, 'open', m, create=True): generator.generate(self.conf, output_file=None) m().close.assert_called_once() @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_groups') @mock.patch.object(generator, '_list_opts') def test_not_close_external_file(self, a, b): generator.register_cli_opts(self.conf) self.config() m = mock.Mock() generator.generate(self.conf, output_file=m) m().close.assert_not_called() class DriverOptionTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): def setUp(self): super(DriverOptionTestCase, self).setUp() self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() self.config_fixture = config_fixture.Config(self.conf) self.config = self.config_fixture.config self.useFixture(self.config_fixture) @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_driver_opts_loaders') @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_raw_opts_loaders') @mock.patch.object(generator, 'LOG') def test_driver_option(self, mock_log, raw_opts_loader, driver_opts_loader): group = cfg.OptGroup( name='test_group', title='Test Group', driver_option='foo', ) regular_opts = [ cfg.MultiStrOpt('foo', help='foo option'), cfg.StrOpt('bar', help='bar option'), ] driver_opts = { 'd1': [ cfg.StrOpt('d1-foo', help='foo option'), ], 'd2': [ cfg.StrOpt('d2-foo', help='foo option'), ], } # We have a static data structure matching what should be # returned by _list_opts() but we're mocking out a lower level # function that needs to return a namespace and a callable to # return options from that namespace. We have to pass opts to # the lambda to cache a reference to the name because the list # comprehension changes the thing pointed to by the name each # time through the loop. raw_opts_loader.return_value = [ ('testing', lambda: [(group, regular_opts)]), ] driver_opts_loader.return_value = [ ('testing', lambda: driver_opts), ] # Initialize the generator to produce YAML output to a buffer. generator.register_cli_opts(self.conf) self.config(namespace=['test_generator'], format_='yaml') stdout = io.StringIO() # Generate the output and parse it back to a data structure. generator.generate(self.conf, output_file=stdout) body = stdout.getvalue() actual = yaml.safe_load(body) test_section = actual['options']['test_group'] self.assertEqual('foo', test_section['driver_option']) found_option_names = [ o['name'] for o in test_section['opts'] ] self.assertEqual( ['foo', 'bar', 'd1-foo', 'd2-foo'], found_option_names ) self.assertEqual( {'d1': ['d1-foo'], 'd2': ['d2-foo']}, test_section['driver_opts'], ) GENERATOR_OPTS = {'format_': 'yaml', 'minimal': False, 'namespace': ['test'], 'output_file': None, 'summarize': False, 'wrap_width': 70, 'config_source': []} class MachineReadableGeneratorTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): all_opts = GeneratorTestCase.opts all_groups = GeneratorTestCase.groups content_scenarios = [ ('single_namespace', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [all_opts['foo']])])], expected={'deprecated_options': {}, 'generator_options': GENERATOR_OPTS, 'options': { 'DEFAULT': { 'driver_option': '', 'driver_opts': {}, 'dynamic_group_owner': '', 'help': '', 'standard_opts': ['foo'], 'opts': [{'advanced': False, 'choices': [], 'default': None, 'deprecated_for_removal': False, 'deprecated_opts': [], 'deprecated_reason': None, 'deprecated_since': None, 'dest': 'foo', 'help': 'foo option', 'max': None, 'metavar': None, 'min': None, 'mutable': False, 'name': 'foo', 'namespace': 'test', 'positional': False, 'required': False, 'sample_default': None, 'secret': False, 'short': None, 'type': 'string value'}]}}})), ('long_help', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [all_opts['long_help']])])], expected={'deprecated_options': {}, 'generator_options': GENERATOR_OPTS, 'options': { 'DEFAULT': { 'driver_option': '', 'driver_opts': {}, 'dynamic_group_owner': '', 'help': '', 'standard_opts': ['long_help'], 'opts': [{'advanced': False, 'choices': [], 'default': None, 'deprecated_for_removal': False, 'deprecated_opts': [], 'deprecated_reason': None, 'deprecated_since': None, 'dest': 'long_help', 'help': all_opts['long_help'].help, 'max': None, 'metavar': None, 'min': None, 'mutable': False, 'name': 'long_help', 'namespace': 'test', 'positional': False, 'required': False, 'sample_default': None, 'secret': False, 'short': None, 'type': 'string value'}]}}})), ('long_help_pre', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [all_opts['long_help_pre']])])], expected={'deprecated_options': {}, 'generator_options': GENERATOR_OPTS, 'options': { 'DEFAULT': { 'driver_option': '', 'driver_opts': {}, 'dynamic_group_owner': '', 'help': '', 'standard_opts': ['long_help_pre'], 'opts': [{'advanced': False, 'choices': [], 'default': None, 'deprecated_for_removal': False, 'deprecated_opts': [], 'deprecated_reason': None, 'deprecated_since': None, 'dest': 'long_help_pre', 'help': all_opts['long_help_pre'].help, 'max': None, 'metavar': None, 'min': None, 'mutable': False, 'name': 'long_help_pre', 'namespace': 'test', 'positional': False, 'required': False, 'sample_default': None, 'secret': False, 'short': None, 'type': 'string value'}]}}})), ('opt_with_DeprecatedOpt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [all_opts['opt_with_DeprecatedOpt']])])], expected={ 'deprecated_options': { 'deprecated': [{'name': 'foo_bar', 'replacement_group': 'DEFAULT', 'replacement_name': 'foo-bar'}]}, 'generator_options': GENERATOR_OPTS, 'options': { 'DEFAULT': { 'driver_option': '', 'driver_opts': {}, 'dynamic_group_owner': '', 'help': '', 'standard_opts': ['foo-bar'], 'opts': [{ 'advanced': False, 'choices': [], 'default': None, 'deprecated_for_removal': False, 'deprecated_opts': [{'group': 'deprecated', 'name': 'foo_bar'}], 'deprecated_reason': None, 'deprecated_since': None, 'dest': 'foo_bar', 'help': all_opts['opt_with_DeprecatedOpt'].help, 'max': None, 'metavar': None, 'min': None, 'mutable': False, 'name': 'foo-bar', 'namespace': 'test', 'positional': False, 'required': False, 'sample_default': None, 'secret': False, 'short': None, 'type': 'boolean value'}]}}})), ('choices_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [all_opts['choices_opt']])])], expected={'deprecated_options': {}, 'generator_options': GENERATOR_OPTS, 'options': { 'DEFAULT': { 'driver_option': '', 'driver_opts': {}, 'dynamic_group_owner': '', 'help': '', 'standard_opts': ['choices_opt'], 'opts': [{'advanced': False, 'choices': [ (None, None), ('', None), ('a', None), ('b', None), ('c', None) ], 'default': 'a', 'deprecated_for_removal': False, 'deprecated_opts': [], 'deprecated_reason': None, 'deprecated_since': None, 'dest': 'choices_opt', 'help': all_opts['choices_opt'].help, 'max': None, 'metavar': None, 'min': None, 'mutable': False, 'name': 'choices_opt', 'namespace': 'test', 'positional': False, 'required': False, 'sample_default': None, 'secret': False, 'short': None, 'type': 'string value'}]}}})), ('int_opt', dict(opts=[('test', [(None, [all_opts['int_opt']])])], expected={'deprecated_options': {}, 'generator_options': GENERATOR_OPTS, 'options': { 'DEFAULT': { 'driver_option': '', 'driver_opts': {}, 'dynamic_group_owner': '', 'help': '', 'standard_opts': ['int_opt'], 'opts': [{'advanced': False, 'choices': [], 'default': 10, 'deprecated_for_removal': False, 'deprecated_opts': [], 'deprecated_reason': None, 'deprecated_since': None, 'dest': 'int_opt', 'help': all_opts['int_opt'].help, 'max': 20, 'metavar': None, 'min': 1, 'mutable': False, 'name': 'int_opt', 'namespace': 'test', 'positional': False, 'required': False, 'sample_default': None, 'secret': False, 'short': None, 'type': 'integer value'}]}}})), ('group_help', dict(opts=[('test', [(all_groups['group1'], [all_opts['foo']])])], expected={'deprecated_options': {}, 'generator_options': GENERATOR_OPTS, 'options': { 'DEFAULT': { # 'driver_option': '', # 'driver_opts': [], # 'dynamic_group_owner': '', 'help': '', 'standard_opts': [], 'opts': [] }, 'group1': { 'driver_option': '', 'driver_opts': {}, 'dynamic_group_owner': '', 'help': all_groups['group1'].help, 'standard_opts': ['foo'], 'opts': [{'advanced': False, 'choices': [], 'default': None, 'deprecated_for_removal': False, 'deprecated_opts': [], 'deprecated_reason': None, 'deprecated_since': None, 'dest': 'foo', 'help': all_opts['foo'].help, 'max': None, 'metavar': None, 'min': None, 'mutable': False, 'name': 'foo', 'namespace': 'test', 'positional': False, 'required': False, 'sample_default': None, 'secret': False, 'short': None, 'type': 'string value'}]}}})), ] def setUp(self): super(MachineReadableGeneratorTestCase, self).setUp() self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() self.config_fixture = config_fixture.Config(self.conf) self.config = self.config_fixture.config self.useFixture(self.config_fixture) @classmethod def generate_scenarios(cls): cls.scenarios = testscenarios.multiply_scenarios( cls.content_scenarios) @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_raw_opts_loaders') def test_generate(self, raw_opts_loader): generator.register_cli_opts(self.conf) namespaces = [i[0] for i in self.opts] self.config(namespace=namespaces, format_='yaml') # We have a static data structure matching what should be # returned by _list_opts() but we're mocking out a lower level # function that needs to return a namespace and a callable to # return options from that namespace. We have to pass opts to # the lambda to cache a reference to the name because the list # comprehension changes the thing pointed to by the name each # time through the loop. raw_opts_loader.return_value = [ (ns, lambda opts=opts: opts) for ns, opts in self.opts ] test_groups = generator._get_groups( generator._list_opts(self.conf.namespace)) self.assertEqual(self.expected, generator._generate_machine_readable_data(test_groups, self.conf)) class IgnoreDoublesTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): opts = [cfg.StrOpt('foo', help='foo option'), cfg.StrOpt('bar', help='bar option'), cfg.StrOpt('foo_bar', help='foobar'), cfg.StrOpt('str_opt', help='a string'), cfg.BoolOpt('bool_opt', help='a boolean'), cfg.IntOpt('int_opt', help='an integer')] def test_cleanup_opts_default(self): o = [("namespace1", [ ("group1", self.opts)])] self.assertEqual(o, generator._cleanup_opts(o)) def test_cleanup_opts_dup_opt(self): o = [("namespace1", [ ("group1", self.opts + [self.opts[0]])])] e = [("namespace1", [ ("group1", self.opts)])] self.assertEqual(e, generator._cleanup_opts(o)) def test_cleanup_opts_dup_groups_opt(self): o = [("namespace1", [ ("group1", self.opts + [self.opts[1]]), ("group2", self.opts), ("group3", self.opts + [self.opts[2]])])] e = [("namespace1", [ ("group1", self.opts), ("group2", self.opts), ("group3", self.opts)])] self.assertEqual(e, generator._cleanup_opts(o)) def test_cleanup_opts_dup_mixed_case_groups_opt(self): o = [("namespace1", [ ("default", self.opts), ("Default", self.opts + [self.opts[1]]), ("DEFAULT", self.opts + [self.opts[2]]), ("group1", self.opts + [self.opts[1]]), ("Group1", self.opts), ("GROUP1", self.opts + [self.opts[2]])])] e = [("namespace1", [ ("DEFAULT", self.opts), ("group1", self.opts)])] self.assertEqual(e, generator._cleanup_opts(o)) def test_cleanup_opts_dup_namespace_groups_opts(self): o = [("namespace1", [ ("group1", self.opts + [self.opts[1]]), ("group2", self.opts)]), ("namespace2", [ ("group1", self.opts + [self.opts[2]]), ("group2", self.opts)])] e = [("namespace1", [ ("group1", self.opts), ("group2", self.opts)]), ("namespace2", [ ("group1", self.opts), ("group2", self.opts)])] self.assertEqual(e, generator._cleanup_opts(o)) @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_raw_opts_loaders') def test_list_ignores_doubles(self, raw_opts_loaders): config_opts = [ (None, [cfg.StrOpt('foo'), cfg.StrOpt('bar')]), ] # These are the very same config options, but read twice. # This is possible if one misconfigures the entry point for the # sample config generator. raw_opts_loaders.return_value = [ ('namespace', lambda: config_opts), ('namespace', lambda: config_opts), ] slurped_opts = 0 for _, listing in generator._list_opts(['namespace']): for _, opts in listing: slurped_opts += len(opts) self.assertEqual(2, slurped_opts) class GeneratorAdditionalTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): opts = [cfg.StrOpt('foo', help='foo option', default='fred'), cfg.StrOpt('bar', help='bar option'), cfg.StrOpt('foo_bar', help='foobar'), cfg.StrOpt('str_opt', help='a string'), cfg.BoolOpt('bool_opt', help='a boolean'), cfg.IntOpt('int_opt', help='an integer')] def test_get_groups_empty_ns(self): groups = generator._get_groups([]) self.assertEqual({'DEFAULT': {'object': None, 'namespaces': []}}, groups) def test_get_groups_single_ns(self): config = [("namespace1", [ ("beta", self.opts), ("alpha", self.opts)])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) self.assertEqual(['DEFAULT', 'alpha', 'beta'], sorted(groups)) def test_get_groups_multiple_ns(self): config = [("namespace1", [ ("beta", self.opts), ("alpha", self.opts)]), ("namespace2", [ ("gamma", self.opts), ("alpha", self.opts)])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) self.assertEqual(['DEFAULT', 'alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'], sorted(groups)) def test_output_opts_empty_default(self): config = [("namespace1", [ ("alpha", [])])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) fd, tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmp_file, 'w+') as f: formatter = build_formatter(f) generator._output_opts(formatter, 'DEFAULT', groups.pop('DEFAULT')) expected = '''[DEFAULT] ''' with open(tmp_file, 'r') as f: actual = f.read() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def test_output_opts_group(self): config = [("namespace1", [ ("alpha", [self.opts[0]])])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) fd, tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmp_file, 'w+') as f: formatter = build_formatter(f) generator._output_opts(formatter, 'alpha', groups.pop('alpha')) expected = '''[alpha] # # From namespace1 # # foo option (string value) #foo = fred ''' with open(tmp_file, 'r') as f: actual = f.read() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) def _test_output_default_list_opt_with_string_value(self, default): opt = cfg.ListOpt('list_opt', help='a list', default=default) config = [("namespace1", [ ("alpha", [opt])])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) fd, tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp() f = open(tmp_file, 'w+') formatter = build_formatter(f) expected = '''[alpha] # # From namespace1 # # a list (list value) #list_opt = %(default)s ''' % {'default': default} generator._output_opts(formatter, 'alpha', groups.pop('alpha')) f.close() content = open(tmp_file).read() self.assertEqual(expected, content) def test_output_default_list_opt_with_string_value_multiple_entries(self): self._test_output_default_list_opt_with_string_value('foo,bar') def test_output_default_list_opt_with_string_value_single_entry(self): self._test_output_default_list_opt_with_string_value('foo') class GeneratorMutableOptionTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): def test_include_message(self): out = io.StringIO() opt = cfg.StrOpt('foo', help='foo option', mutable=True) gen = build_formatter(out) gen.format(opt, 'group1') result = out.getvalue() self.assertIn( 'This option can be changed without restarting.', result, ) def test_do_not_include_message(self): out = io.StringIO() opt = cfg.StrOpt('foo', help='foo option', mutable=False) gen = build_formatter(out) gen.format(opt, 'group1') result = out.getvalue() self.assertNotIn( 'This option can be changed without restarting.', result, ) class GeneratorRaiseErrorTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): def test_generator_raises_error(self): """Verifies that errors from extension manager are not suppressed.""" class FakeException(Exception): pass class FakeEP: def __init__(self): self.name = 'callback_is_expected' self.require = self.resolve self.load = self.resolve def resolve(self, *args, **kwargs): raise FakeException() fake_ep = FakeEP() self.conf = cfg.ConfigOpts() self.conf.register_opts(generator._generator_opts) self.conf.set_default('namespace', [fake_ep.name]) with mock.patch('stevedore.named.NamedExtensionManager', side_effect=FakeException()): self.assertRaises(FakeException, generator.generate, self.conf) def test_generator_call_with_no_arguments_raises_system_exit(self): testargs = ['oslo-config-generator'] with mock.patch('sys.argv', testargs): self.assertRaises(SystemExit, generator.main, []) class ChangeDefaultsTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_opt_default_updaters') @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_raw_opts_loaders') def test_no_modifiers_registered(self, raw_opts_loaders, get_updaters): orig_opt = cfg.StrOpt('foo', default='bar') raw_opts_loaders.return_value = [ ('namespace', lambda: [(None, [orig_opt])]), ] get_updaters.return_value = [] opts = generator._list_opts(['namespace']) # NOTE(dhellmann): Who designed this data structure? the_opt = opts[0][1][0][1][0] self.assertEqual('bar', the_opt.default) self.assertIs(orig_opt, the_opt) @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_opt_default_updaters') @mock.patch.object(generator, '_get_raw_opts_loaders') def test_change_default(self, raw_opts_loaders, get_updaters): orig_opt = cfg.StrOpt('foo', default='bar') raw_opts_loaders.return_value = [ ('namespace', lambda: [(None, [orig_opt])]), ] def updater(): cfg.set_defaults([orig_opt], foo='blah') get_updaters.return_value = [updater] opts = generator._list_opts(['namespace']) # NOTE(dhellmann): Who designed this data structure? the_opt = opts[0][1][0][1][0] self.assertEqual('blah', the_opt.default) self.assertIs(orig_opt, the_opt) class RequiredOptionTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): opts = [cfg.StrOpt('foo', help='foo option', default='fred'), cfg.StrOpt('bar', help='bar option', required=True), cfg.StrOpt('foo_bar', help='foobar'), cfg.StrOpt('bars', help='bars foo', required=True)] def test_required_option_order_single_ns(self): config = [("namespace1", [ ("alpha", self.opts)])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) fd, tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmp_file, 'w+') as f: formatter = build_formatter(f, minimal=True) generator._output_opts(formatter, 'alpha', groups.pop('alpha')) expected = '''[alpha] # # From namespace1 # # bar option (string value) bar = # bars foo (string value) bars = ''' with open(tmp_file, 'r') as f: actual = f.read() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) class SummarizedOptionsTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): """Validate 'summarize' config option. The 'summarize' switch ensures only summaries of each configuration option are output. """ opts = [ cfg.StrOpt( 'foo', default='fred', help="""This is the summary line for a config option. I can provide a lot more detail here, but I may not want to bloat my config file. In this scenario, I can use the 'summarize' config option to ensure only a summary of the option is output to the config file. However, the Sphinx-generated documentation, hosted online, remains unchanged. Hopefully this works. """), cfg.StrOpt( 'bar', required=True, help="""This is a less carefully formatted configuration option, where the author has not broken their description into a brief summary line and larger description. Watch this person's commit messages!""")] def test_summarized_option_order_single_ns(self): config = [('namespace1', [('alpha', self.opts)])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) fd, tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmp_file, 'w+') as f: formatter = build_formatter(f, summarize=True) generator._output_opts(formatter, 'alpha', groups.pop('alpha')) expected = '''[alpha] # # From namespace1 # # This is the summary line for a config option. For more information, # refer to the documentation. (string value) #foo = fred # This is a less carefully formatted configuration # option, where the author has not broken their description into a # brief # summary line and larger description. Watch this person's commit # messages! (string value) #bar = ''' with open(tmp_file, 'r') as f: actual = f.read() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) class AdvancedOptionsTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): opts = [cfg.StrOpt('foo', help='foo option', default='fred'), cfg.StrOpt('bar', help='bar option', advanced=True), cfg.StrOpt('foo_bar', help='foobar'), cfg.BoolOpt('bars', help='bars foo', default=True, advanced=True)] def test_advanced_option_order_single_ns(self): config = [("namespace1", [ ("alpha", self.opts)])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) fd, tmp_file = tempfile.mkstemp() with open(tmp_file, 'w+') as f: formatter = build_formatter(f) generator._output_opts(formatter, 'alpha', groups.pop('alpha')) expected = '''[alpha] # # From namespace1 # # foo option (string value) #foo = fred # foobar (string value) #foo_bar = # bar option (string value) # Advanced Option: intended for advanced users and not used # by the majority of users, and might have a significant # effect on stability and/or performance. #bar = # bars foo (boolean value) # Advanced Option: intended for advanced users and not used # by the majority of users, and might have a significant # effect on stability and/or performance. #bars = true ''' with open(tmp_file, 'r') as f: actual = f.read() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) class HostAddressTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): opts = [cfg.HostAddressOpt('foo', help='foo option', default='')] def test_host_address(self): config = [("namespace", [("alpha", self.opts)])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) out = io.StringIO() formatter = build_formatter(out) generator._output_opts(formatter, 'alpha', groups.pop('alpha')) result = out.getvalue() expected = textwrap.dedent(''' [alpha] # # From namespace # # foo option (host address value) #foo = ''').lstrip() self.assertEqual(expected, result) class HostDomainTestCase(base.BaseTestCase): opts = [cfg.HostDomainOpt('foo', help='foo option', default='')] def test_host_domain(self): config = [("namespace", [("alpha", self.opts)])] groups = generator._get_groups(config) out = io.StringIO() formatter = build_formatter(out) generator._output_opts(formatter, 'alpha', groups.pop('alpha')) result = out.getvalue() expected = textwrap.dedent(''' [alpha] # # From namespace # # foo option (host domain value) #foo = ''').lstrip() self.assertEqual(expected, result) GeneratorTestCase.generate_scenarios() MachineReadableGeneratorTestCase.generate_scenarios()