diff options
authorJenkins <>2015-03-23 15:19:22 +0000
committerGerrit Code Review <>2015-03-23 15:19:22 +0000
commit3cf218d0961cf1e0dc2c6f58602c307f43ac6ad9 (patch)
parentadfb47387655d13e1c2fb7da0b63781500c7c69c (diff)
parente0baed656edf470a22d7a5f1610b70017002b611 (diff)
Merge "Implement generic update-on-match feature"
4 files changed, 987 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
index 6a0355d..ce347ce 100644
--- a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
+++ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
@@ -297,6 +297,7 @@ from oslo_db import exception
from oslo_db import options
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import compat
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import exc_filters
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import update_match
from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -599,6 +600,27 @@ class Query(sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query):
'deleted_at': timeutils.utcnow()},
+ def update_returning_pk(self, values, surrogate_key):
+ """Perform an UPDATE, returning the primary key of the matched row.
+ This is a method-version of
+ oslo_db.sqlalchemy.update_match.update_returning_pk(); see that
+ function for usage details.
+ """
+ return update_match.update_returning_pk(self, values, surrogate_key)
+ def update_on_match(self, specimen, surrogate_key, values, **kw):
+ """Emit an UPDATE statement matching the given specimen.
+ This is a method-version of
+ oslo_db.sqlalchemy.update_match.update_on_match(); see that function
+ for usage details.
+ """
+ return update_match.update_on_match(
+ self, specimen, surrogate_key, values, **kw)
class Session(sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session):
"""Custom Session class to avoid SqlAlchemy Session monkey patching."""
diff --git a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..692a72c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
@@ -0,0 +1,508 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import copy
+from sqlalchemy import inspect
+from sqlalchemy import orm
+from sqlalchemy import sql
+from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils
+def update_on_match(
+ query,
+ specimen,
+ surrogate_key,
+ values=None,
+ attempts=3,
+ include_only=None,
+ process_query=None,
+ handle_failure=None
+ """Emit an UPDATE statement matching the given specimen.
+ E.g.::
+ with enginefacade.writer() as session:
+ specimen = MyInstance(
+ uuid='ccea54f',
+ interface_id='ad33fea',
+ vm_state='SOME_VM_STATE',
+ )
+ values = {
+ 'vm_state': 'SOME_NEW_VM_STATE'
+ }
+ base_query = model_query(
+ context, models.Instance,
+ project_only=True, session=session)
+ hostname_query = model_query(
+ context, models.Instance, session=session,
+ read_deleted='no').
+ filter(func.lower(models.Instance.hostname) == 'SOMEHOSTNAME')
+ surrogate_key = ('uuid', )
+ def process_query(query):
+ return query.where(~exists(hostname_query))
+ def handle_failure(query):
+ try:
+ instance =
+ except NoResultFound:
+ raise exception.InstanceNotFound(instance_id=instance_uuid)
+ if session.query(hostname_query.exists()).scalar():
+ raise exception.InstanceExists(
+ name=values['hostname'].lower())
+ # try again
+ return False
+ peristent_instance = base_query.update_on_match(
+ specimen,
+ surrogate_key,
+ values=values,
+ process_query=process_query,
+ handle_failure=handle_failure
+ )
+ The UPDATE statement is constructed against the given specimen
+ using those values which are present to construct a WHERE clause.
+ If the specimen contains additional values to be ignored, the
+ ``include_only`` parameter may be passed which indicates a sequence
+ of attributes to use when constructing the WHERE.
+ The UPDATE is performed against an ORM Query, which is created from
+ the given ``Session``, or alternatively by passing the ```query``
+ parameter referring to an existing query.
+ Before the query is invoked, it is also passed through the callable
+ sent as ``process_query``, if present. This hook allows additional
+ criteria to be added to the query after it is created but before
+ invocation.
+ The function will then invoke the UPDATE statement and check for
+ "success" one or more times, up to a maximum of that passed as
+ ``attempts``.
+ The initial check for "success" from the UPDATE statement is that the
+ number of rows returned matches 1. If zero rows are matched, then
+ the UPDATE statement is assumed to have "failed", and the failure handling
+ phase begins.
+ The failure handling phase involves invoking the given ``handle_failure``
+ function, if any. This handler can perform additional queries to attempt
+ to figure out why the UPDATE didn't match any rows. The handler,
+ upon detection of the exact failure condition, should throw an exception
+ to exit; if it doesn't, it has the option of returning True or False,
+ where False means the error was not handled, and True means that there
+ was not in fact an error, and the function should return successfully.
+ If the failure handler is not present, or returns False after ``attempts``
+ number of attempts, then the function overall raises CantUpdateException.
+ If the handler returns True, then the function returns with no error.
+ The return value of the function is a persistent version of the given
+ specimen; this may be the specimen itself, if no matching object were
+ already present in the session; otherwise, the existing object is
+ returned, with the state of the specimen merged into it. The returned
+ persistent object will have the given values populated into the object.
+ The object is is returned as "persistent", meaning that it is
+ associated with the given
+ Session and has an identity key (that is, a real primary key
+ value).
+ In order to produce this identity key, a strategy must be used to
+ determine it as efficiently and safely as possible:
+ 1. If the given specimen already contained its primary key attributes
+ fully populated, then these attributes were used as criteria in the
+ UPDATE, so we have the primary key value; it is populated directly.
+ 2. If the target backend supports RETURNING, then when the update() query
+ is performed with a RETURNING clause so that the matching primary key
+ is returned atomically. This currently includes Postgresql, Oracle
+ and others (notably not MySQL or SQLite).
+ 3. If the target backend is MySQL, and the given model uses a
+ single-column, AUTO_INCREMENT integer primary key value (as is
+ the case for Nova), MySQL's recommended approach of making use
+ of ``LAST_INSERT_ID(expr)`` is used to atomically acquire the
+ matching primary key value within the scope of the UPDATE
+ statement, then it fetched immediately following by using
+ functions.html#function_last-insert-id
+ 4. Otherwise, for composite keys on MySQL or other backends such
+ as SQLite, the row as UPDATED must be re-fetched in order to
+ acquire the primary key value. The ``surrogate_key``
+ parameter is used for this in order to re-fetch the row; this
+ is a column name with a known, unique value where
+ the object can be fetched.
+ """
+ if values is None:
+ values = {}
+ entity = inspect(specimen)
+ mapper = entity.mapper
+ assert \
+ [desc['type'] for desc in query.column_descriptions] == \
+ [mapper.class_], "Query does not match given specimen"
+ criteria = manufacture_entity_criteria(
+ specimen, include_only=include_only, exclude=[surrogate_key])
+ query = query.filter(criteria)
+ if process_query:
+ query = process_query(query)
+ surrogate_key_arg = (
+ surrogate_key, entity.attrs[surrogate_key].loaded_value)
+ pk_value = None
+ for attempt in range(attempts):
+ try:
+ pk_value = query.update_returning_pk(values, surrogate_key_arg)
+ except MultiRowsMatched:
+ raise
+ except NoRowsMatched:
+ if handle_failure and handle_failure(query):
+ break
+ else:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise NoRowsMatched("Zero rows matched for %d attempts" % attempts)
+ if pk_value is None:
+ pk_value = entity.mapper.primary_key_from_instance(specimen)
+ # NOTE(mdbooth): Can't pass the original specimen object here as it might
+ # have lists of multiple potential values rather than actual values.
+ values = copy.copy(values)
+ values[surrogate_key] = surrogate_key_arg[1]
+ persistent_obj = manufacture_persistent_object(
+ query.session, specimen.__class__(), values, pk_value)
+ return persistent_obj
+def manufacture_persistent_object(
+ session, specimen, values=None, primary_key=None):
+ """Make an ORM-mapped object persistent in a Session without SQL.
+ The persistent object is returned.
+ If a matching object is already present in the given session, the specimen
+ is merged into it and the persistent object returned. Otherwise, the
+ specimen itself is made persistent and is returned.
+ The object must contain a full primary key, or provide it via the values or
+ primary_key parameters. The object is peristed to the Session in a "clean"
+ state with no pending changes.
+ :param session: A Session object.
+ :param specimen: a mapped object which is typically transient.
+ :param values: a dictionary of values to be applied to the specimen,
+ in addition to the state that's already on it. The attributes will be
+ set such that no history is created; the object remains clean.
+ :param primary_key: optional tuple-based primary key. This will also
+ be applied to the instance if present.
+ """
+ state = inspect(specimen)
+ mapper = state.mapper
+ for k, v in values.items():
+ orm.attributes.set_committed_value(specimen, k, v)
+ pk_attrs = [
+ mapper.get_property_by_column(col).key
+ for col in mapper.primary_key
+ ]
+ if primary_key is not None:
+ for key, value in zip(pk_attrs, primary_key):
+ orm.attributes.set_committed_value(
+ specimen,
+ key,
+ value
+ )
+ for key in pk_attrs:
+ if state.attrs[key].loaded_value is orm.attributes.NO_VALUE:
+ raise ValueError("full primary key must be present")
+ orm.make_transient_to_detached(specimen)
+ if state.key not in session.identity_map:
+ session.add(specimen)
+ return specimen
+ else:
+ return session.merge(specimen, load=False)
+def manufacture_entity_criteria(entity, include_only=None, exclude=None):
+ """Given a mapped instance, produce a WHERE clause.
+ The attributes set upon the instance will be combined to produce
+ a SQL expression using the mapped SQL expressions as the base
+ of comparison.
+ Values on the instance may be set as tuples in which case the
+ criteria will produce an IN clause. None is also acceptable as a
+ scalar or tuple entry, which will produce IS NULL that is properly
+ joined with an OR against an IN expression if appropriate.
+ :param entity: a mapped entity.
+ :param include_only: optional sequence of keys to limit which
+ keys are included.
+ :param exclude: sequence of keys to exclude
+ """
+ state = inspect(entity)
+ exclude = set(exclude) if exclude is not None else set()
+ existing = dict(
+ (attr.key, attr.loaded_value)
+ for attr in state.attrs
+ if attr.loaded_value is not orm.attributes.NO_VALUE
+ and attr.key not in exclude
+ )
+ if include_only:
+ existing = dict(
+ (k, existing[k])
+ for k in set(existing).intersection(include_only)
+ )
+ return manufacture_criteria(state.mapper, existing)
+def manufacture_criteria(mapped, values):
+ """Given a mapper/class and a namespace of values, produce a WHERE clause.
+ The class should be a mapped class and the entries in the dictionary
+ correspond to mapped attribute names on the class.
+ A value may also be a tuple in which case that particular attribute
+ will be compared to a tuple using IN. The scalar value or
+ tuple can also contain None which translates to an IS NULL, that is
+ properly joined with OR against an IN expression if appropriate.
+ :param cls: a mapped class, or actual :class:`.Mapper` object.
+ :param values: dictionary of values.
+ """
+ mapper = inspect(mapped)
+ # organize keys using mapped attribute ordering, which is deterministic
+ value_keys = set(values)
+ keys = [k for k in mapper.column_attrs.keys() if k in value_keys]
+ return sql.and_(*[
+ _sql_crit(mapper.column_attrs[key].expression, values[key])
+ for key in keys
+ ])
+def _sql_crit(expression, value):
+ """Produce an equality expression against the given value.
+ This takes into account a value that is actually a collection
+ of values, as well as a value of None or collection that contains
+ None.
+ """
+ values = utils.to_list(value, default=(None, ))
+ if len(values) == 1:
+ if values[0] is None:
+ return expression == sql.null()
+ else:
+ return expression == values[0]
+ elif _none_set.intersection(values):
+ return sql.or_(
+ expression == sql.null(),
+ _sql_crit(expression, set(values).difference(_none_set))
+ )
+ else:
+ return expression.in_(values)
+def update_returning_pk(query, values, surrogate_key):
+ """Perform an UPDATE, returning the primary key of the matched row.
+ The primary key is returned using a selection of strategies:
+ * if the database supports RETURNING, RETURNING is used to retrieve
+ the primary key values inline.
+ * If the database is MySQL and the entity is mapped to a single integer
+ primary key column, MySQL's last_insert_id() function is used
+ inline within the UPDATE and then upon a second SELECT to get the
+ value.
+ * Otherwise, a "refetch" strategy is used, where a given "surrogate"
+ key value (typically a UUID column on the entity) is used to run
+ a new SELECT against that UUID. This UUID is also placed into
+ the UPDATE query to ensure the row matches.
+ :param query: a Query object with existing criterion, against a single
+ entity.
+ :param values: a dictionary of values to be updated on the row.
+ :param surrogate_key: a tuple of (attrname, value), referring to a
+ UNIQUE attribute that will also match the row. This attribute is used
+ to retrieve the row via a SELECT when no optimized strategy exists.
+ :return: the primary key, returned as a tuple.
+ Is only returned if rows matched is one. Otherwise, CantUpdateException
+ is raised.
+ """
+ entity = query.column_descriptions[0]['type']
+ mapper = inspect(entity).mapper
+ session = query.session
+ bind = session.connection(mapper=mapper)
+ if bind.dialect.implicit_returning:
+ pk_strategy = _pk_strategy_returning
+ elif == 'mysql' and \
+ len(mapper.primary_key) == 1 and \
+ isinstance(
+ mapper.primary_key[0].type, sqltypes.Integer):
+ pk_strategy = _pk_strategy_mysql_last_insert_id
+ else:
+ pk_strategy = _pk_strategy_refetch
+ return pk_strategy(query, mapper, values, surrogate_key)
+def _assert_single_row(rows_updated):
+ if rows_updated == 1:
+ return rows_updated
+ elif rows_updated > 1:
+ raise MultiRowsMatched("%d rows matched; expected one" % rows_updated)
+ else:
+ raise NoRowsMatched("No rows matched the UPDATE")
+def _pk_strategy_refetch(query, mapper, values, surrogate_key):
+ surrogate_key_name, surrogate_key_value = surrogate_key
+ surrogate_key_col = mapper.attrs[surrogate_key_name].expression
+ rowcount = query.\
+ filter(surrogate_key_col == surrogate_key_value).\
+ update(values, synchronize_session=False)
+ _assert_single_row(rowcount)
+ # SELECT AS my_table_id FROM my_table
+ # WHERE my_table.y = ? AND my_table.z = ?
+ fetch_query = query.session.query(
+ *mapper.primary_key).filter(
+ surrogate_key_col == surrogate_key_value)
+ primary_key =
+ return primary_key
+def _pk_strategy_returning(query, mapper, values, surrogate_key):
+ surrogate_key_name, surrogate_key_value = surrogate_key
+ surrogate_key_col = mapper.attrs[surrogate_key_name].expression
+ update_stmt = _update_stmt_from_query(mapper, query, values)
+ update_stmt = update_stmt.where(surrogate_key_col == surrogate_key_value)
+ update_stmt = update_stmt.returning(*mapper.primary_key)
+ # UPDATE my_table SET x=%(x)s, z=%(z)s WHERE my_table.y = %(y_1)s
+ # AND my_table.z = %(z_1)s RETURNING
+ result = query.session.execute(update_stmt)
+ rowcount = result.rowcount
+ _assert_single_row(rowcount)
+ primary_key = tuple(result.first())
+ return primary_key
+def _pk_strategy_mysql_last_insert_id(query, mapper, values, surrogate_key):
+ surrogate_key_name, surrogate_key_value = surrogate_key
+ surrogate_key_col = mapper.attrs[surrogate_key_name].expression
+ surrogate_pk_col = mapper.primary_key[0]
+ update_stmt = _update_stmt_from_query(mapper, query, values)
+ update_stmt = update_stmt.where(surrogate_key_col == surrogate_key_value)
+ update_stmt = update_stmt.values(
+ {surrogate_pk_col: sql.func.last_insert_id(surrogate_pk_col)})
+ # UPDATE my_table SET id=last_insert_id(,
+ # x=%s, z=%s WHERE my_table.y = %s AND my_table.z = %s
+ result = query.session.execute(update_stmt)
+ rowcount = result.rowcount
+ _assert_single_row(rowcount)
+ # SELECT last_insert_id() AS last_insert_id_1
+ primary_key = query.session.scalar(sql.func.last_insert_id()),
+ return primary_key
+def _update_stmt_from_query(mapper, query, values):
+ upd_values = dict(
+ (
+ mapper.column_attrs[key], value
+ ) for key, value in values.items()
+ )
+ query = query.enable_eagerloads(False)
+ context = query._compile_context()
+ primary_table = context.statement.froms[0]
+ update_stmt = sql.update(primary_table,
+ context.whereclause,
+ upd_values)
+ return update_stmt
+_none_set = frozenset([None])
+class CantUpdateException(Exception):
+ pass
+class NoRowsMatched(CantUpdateException):
+ pass
+class MultiRowsMatched(CantUpdateException):
+ pass
diff --git a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
index 932d409..e7c5b4a 100644
--- a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
+++ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
@@ -188,6 +188,18 @@ def paginate_query(query, model, limit, sort_keys, marker=None,
return query
+def to_list(x, default=None):
+ if x is None:
+ return default
+ if not isinstance(x, collections.Iterable) or \
+ isinstance(x, six.string_types):
+ return [x]
+ elif isinstance(x, list):
+ return x
+ else:
+ return list(x)
def _read_deleted_filter(query, db_model, deleted):
if 'deleted' not in db_model.__table__.columns:
raise ValueError(_("There is no `deleted` column in `%s` table. "
diff --git a/oslo_db/tests/sqlalchemy/ b/oslo_db/tests/sqlalchemy/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc7af7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/oslo_db/tests/sqlalchemy/
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+from oslotest import base as oslo_test_base
+from sqlalchemy.ext import declarative
+from sqlalchemy import schema
+from sqlalchemy import sql
+from sqlalchemy import types as sqltypes
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import test_base
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import update_match
+Base = declarative.declarative_base()
+class MyModel(Base):
+ __tablename__ = 'my_table'
+ id = schema.Column(sqltypes.Integer, primary_key=True)
+ uuid = schema.Column(sqltypes.String(36), nullable=False, unique=True)
+ x = schema.Column(sqltypes.Integer)
+ y = schema.Column(sqltypes.String(40))
+ z = schema.Column(sqltypes.String(40))
+class ManufactureCriteriaTest(oslo_test_base.BaseTestCase):
+ def test_instance_criteria_basic(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z='z3',
+ uuid='136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "my_table.uuid = :uuid_1 AND my_table.y = :y_1 "
+ "AND my_table.z = :z_1",
+ str(update_match.manufacture_entity_criteria(specimen).compile())
+ )
+ def test_instance_criteria_basic_wnone(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z=None,
+ uuid='136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "my_table.uuid = :uuid_1 AND my_table.y = :y_1 "
+ "AND my_table.z IS NULL",
+ str(update_match.manufacture_entity_criteria(specimen).compile())
+ )
+ def test_instance_criteria_tuples(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z=('z1', 'z2'),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "my_table.y = :y_1 AND my_table.z IN (:z_1, :z_2)",
+ str(update_match.manufacture_entity_criteria(specimen).compile())
+ )
+ def test_instance_criteria_tuples_wnone(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z=('z1', 'z2', None),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "my_table.y = :y_1 AND (my_table.z IS NULL OR "
+ "my_table.z IN (:z_1, :z_2))",
+ str(update_match.manufacture_entity_criteria(specimen).compile())
+ )
+ def test_instance_criteria_none_list(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z=[None],
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "my_table.y = :y_1 AND my_table.z IS NULL",
+ str(update_match.manufacture_entity_criteria(specimen).compile())
+ )
+class UpdateMatchTest(test_base.DbTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(UpdateMatchTest, self).setUp()
+ Base.metadata.create_all(self.engine)
+ self.addCleanup(Base.metadata.drop_all, self.engine)
+ # self.engine.echo = 'debug'
+ self.session = self.sessionmaker(autocommit=False)
+ self.addCleanup(self.session.close)
+ self.session.add_all([
+ MyModel(
+ id=1,
+ uuid='23cb9224-9f8e-40fe-bd3c-e7577b7af37d',
+ x=5, y='y1', z='z1'),
+ MyModel(
+ id=2,
+ uuid='136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a',
+ x=6, y='y1', z='z2'),
+ MyModel(
+ id=3,
+ uuid='094eb162-d5df-494b-a458-a91a1b2d2c65',
+ x=7, y='y1', z='z1'),
+ MyModel(
+ id=4,
+ uuid='94659b3f-ea1f-4ffd-998d-93b28f7f5b70',
+ x=8, y='y2', z='z2'),
+ MyModel(
+ id=5,
+ uuid='bdf3893c-ee3c-40a0-bc79-960adb6cd1d4',
+ x=8, y='y2', z=None),
+ ])
+ self.session.commit()
+ def _assert_row(self, pk, values):
+ row = self.session.execute(
+[MyModel.__table__]).where( == pk)
+ ).first()
+ values['id'] = pk
+ self.assertEqual(values, dict(row))
+ def test_update_specimen_successful(self):
+ uuid = '136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z='z2', uuid=uuid
+ )
+ result = self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match(
+ specimen,
+ 'uuid',
+ values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'}
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(uuid, result.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(2,
+ self.assertEqual('z3', result.z)
+ self.assertIn(result, self.session)
+ self._assert_row(
+ 2,
+ {
+ 'uuid': '136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a',
+ 'x': 9, 'y': 'y1', 'z': 'z3'
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_specimen_include_only(self):
+ uuid = '136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y9', z='z5', x=6, uuid=uuid
+ )
+ # Query the object first to test that we merge when the object is
+ # already cached in the session.
+ self.session.query(MyModel).filter(MyModel.uuid == uuid).one()
+ result = self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match(
+ specimen,
+ 'uuid',
+ values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ include_only=('x', )
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(uuid, result.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(2,
+ self.assertEqual('z3', result.z)
+ self.assertIn(result, self.session)
+ self.assertNotIn(result, self.session.dirty)
+ self._assert_row(
+ 2,
+ {
+ 'uuid': '136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a',
+ 'x': 9, 'y': 'y1', 'z': 'z3'
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_specimen_no_rows(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z='z3',
+ uuid='136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ )
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ update_match.NoRowsMatched,
+ self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match,
+ specimen, 'uuid', values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'}
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("Zero rows matched for 3 attempts", exc.args[0])
+ def test_update_specimen_process_query_no_rows(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z='z2',
+ uuid='136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ )
+ def process_query(query):
+ return query.filter_by(x=10)
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ update_match.NoRowsMatched,
+ self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match,
+ specimen, 'uuid', values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ process_query=process_query
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("Zero rows matched for 3 attempts", exc.args[0])
+ def test_update_specimen_given_query_no_rows(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z='z2',
+ uuid='136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ )
+ query = self.session.query(MyModel).filter_by(x=10)
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ update_match.NoRowsMatched,
+ query.update_on_match,
+ specimen, 'uuid', values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("Zero rows matched for 3 attempts", exc.args[0])
+ def test_update_specimen_multi_rows(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z='z1',
+ )
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ update_match.MultiRowsMatched,
+ self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match,
+ specimen, 'y', values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'}
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("2 rows matched; expected one", exc.args[0])
+ def test_update_specimen_query_mismatch_error(self):
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1'
+ )
+ q = self.session.query(MyModel.x, MyModel.y)
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ AssertionError,
+ q.update_on_match,
+ specimen, 'y', values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("Query does not match given specimen", exc.args[0])
+ def test_custom_handle_failure_raise_new(self):
+ class MyException(Exception):
+ pass
+ def handle_failure(query):
+ # ensure the query is usable
+ result = query.count()
+ self.assertEqual(0, result)
+ raise MyException("test: %d" % result)
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y1', z='z3',
+ uuid='136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ )
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ MyException,
+ self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match,
+ specimen, 'uuid', values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ handle_failure=handle_failure
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("test: 0", exc.args[0])
+ def test_custom_handle_failure_cancel_raise(self):
+ uuid = '136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a'
+ class MyException(Exception):
+ pass
+ def handle_failure(query):
+ # ensure the query is usable
+ result = query.count()
+ self.assertEqual(0, result)
+ return True
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ id=2, y='y1', z='z3', uuid=uuid
+ )
+ result = self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match(
+ specimen, 'uuid', values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ handle_failure=handle_failure
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(uuid, result.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(2,
+ self.assertEqual('z3', result.z)
+ self.assertEqual(9, result.x)
+ self.assertIn(result, self.session)
+ def test_update_specimen_on_none_successful(self):
+ uuid = 'bdf3893c-ee3c-40a0-bc79-960adb6cd1d4'
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y='y2', z=None, uuid=uuid
+ )
+ result = self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match(
+ specimen,
+ 'uuid',
+ values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ )
+ self.assertIn(result, self.session)
+ self.assertEqual(uuid, result.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(5,
+ self.assertEqual('z3', result.z)
+ self._assert_row(
+ 5,
+ {
+ 'uuid': 'bdf3893c-ee3c-40a0-bc79-960adb6cd1d4',
+ 'x': 9, 'y': 'y2', 'z': 'z3'
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_specimen_on_multiple_nonnone_successful(self):
+ uuid = '094eb162-d5df-494b-a458-a91a1b2d2c65'
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y=('y1', 'y2'), x=(5, 7), uuid=uuid
+ )
+ result = self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match(
+ specimen,
+ 'uuid',
+ values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ )
+ self.assertIn(result, self.session)
+ self.assertEqual(uuid, result.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(3,
+ self.assertEqual('z3', result.z)
+ self._assert_row(
+ 3,
+ {
+ 'uuid': '094eb162-d5df-494b-a458-a91a1b2d2c65',
+ 'x': 9, 'y': 'y1', 'z': 'z3'
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_specimen_on_multiple_wnone_successful(self):
+ uuid = 'bdf3893c-ee3c-40a0-bc79-960adb6cd1d4'
+ specimen = MyModel(
+ y=('y1', 'y2'), x=(8, 7), z=('z1', 'z2', None), uuid=uuid
+ )
+ result = self.session.query(MyModel).update_on_match(
+ specimen,
+ 'uuid',
+ values={'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ )
+ self.assertIn(result, self.session)
+ self.assertEqual(uuid, result.uuid)
+ self.assertEqual(5,
+ self.assertEqual('z3', result.z)
+ self._assert_row(
+ 5,
+ {
+ 'uuid': 'bdf3893c-ee3c-40a0-bc79-960adb6cd1d4',
+ 'x': 9, 'y': 'y2', 'z': 'z3'
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_returning_pk_matched(self):
+ pk = self.session.query(MyModel).\
+ filter_by(y='y1', z='z2').update_returning_pk(
+ {'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ ('uuid', '136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a')
+ )
+ self.assertEqual((2,), pk)
+ self._assert_row(
+ 2,
+ {
+ 'uuid': '136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a',
+ 'x': 9, 'y': 'y1', 'z': 'z3'
+ }
+ )
+ def test_update_returning_wrong_uuid(self):
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ update_match.NoRowsMatched,
+ self.session.query(MyModel).
+ filter_by(y='y1', z='z2').update_returning_pk,
+ {'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ ('uuid', '23cb9224-9f8e-40fe-bd3c-e7577b7af37d')
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("No rows matched the UPDATE", exc.args[0])
+ def test_update_returning_no_rows(self):
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ update_match.NoRowsMatched,
+ self.session.query(MyModel).
+ filter_by(y='y1', z='z3').update_returning_pk,
+ {'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ ('uuid', '136254d5-3869-408f-9da7-190e0072641a')
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("No rows matched the UPDATE", exc.args[0])
+ def test_update_multiple_rows(self):
+ exc = self.assertRaises(
+ update_match.MultiRowsMatched,
+ self.session.query(MyModel).
+ filter_by(y='y1', z='z1').update_returning_pk,
+ {'x': 9, 'z': 'z3'},
+ ('y', 'y1')
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("2 rows matched; expected one", exc.args[0])
+class PGUpdateMatchTest(
+ UpdateMatchTest,
+ test_base.PostgreSQLOpportunisticTestCase):
+ pass
+class MySQLUpdateMatchTest(
+ UpdateMatchTest,
+ test_base.MySQLOpportunisticTestCase):
+ pass