path: root/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
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1 files changed, 546 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/ b/oslo_db/sqlalchemy/
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+# Copyright (c) 2016 OpenStack Foundation
+# All Rights Reserved.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
+# a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
+# under the License.
+import fixtures
+import logging
+import testresources
+from oslo_db import exception
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import enginefacade
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import provision
+from oslo_db.sqlalchemy import utils
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class ReplaceEngineFacadeFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
+ """A fixture that will plug the engine of one enginefacade into another.
+ This fixture can be used by test suites that already have their own non-
+ oslo_db database setup / teardown schemes, to plug any URL or test-oriented
+ enginefacade as-is into an enginefacade-oriented API.
+ For applications that use oslo.db's testing fixtures, the
+ ReplaceEngineFacade fixture is used internally.
+ E.g.::
+ class MyDBTest(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ from myapplication.api import main_enginefacade
+ my_test_enginefacade = enginefacade.transaction_context()
+ my_test_enginefacade.configure(connection=my_test_url)
+ self.useFixture(
+ ReplaceEngineFacadeFixture(
+ main_enginefacade, my_test_enginefacade))
+ Above, the main_enginefacade object is the normal application level
+ one, and my_test_enginefacade is a local one that we've created to
+ refer to some testing database. Throughout the fixture's setup,
+ the application level enginefacade will use the engine factory and
+ engines of the testing enginefacade, and at fixture teardown will be
+ replaced back.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, enginefacade, replace_with_enginefacade):
+ super(ReplaceEngineFacadeFixture, self).__init__()
+ self.enginefacade = enginefacade
+ self.replace_with_enginefacade = replace_with_enginefacade
+ def _setUp(self):
+ _reset_facade = self.enginefacade.patch_factory(
+ self.replace_with_enginefacade._factory
+ )
+ self.addCleanup(_reset_facade)
+class BaseDbFixture(fixtures.Fixture):
+ """Base database provisioning fixture.
+ This serves as the base class for the other fixtures, but by itself
+ does not implement _setUp(). It provides the basis for the flags
+ implemented by the various capability mixins (GenerateSchema,
+ DeletesFromSchema, etc.) as well as providing an abstraction over
+ the provisioning objects, which are specific to testresources.
+ Overall, consumers of this fixture just need to use the right classes
+ and the testresources mechanics are taken care of.
+ """
+ DRIVER = "sqlite"
+ _database_resources = {}
+ _db_not_available = {}
+ _schema_resources = {}
+ def __init__(self, driver=None, ident=None):
+ super(BaseDbFixture, self).__init__()
+ self.driver = driver or self.DRIVER
+ self.ident = ident or "default"
+ self.resource_key = (self.driver, self.__class__, self.ident)
+ def get_enginefacade(self):
+ """Return an enginefacade._TransactionContextManager.
+ This is typically a global variable like "context_manager" declared
+ in the db/ module and is the object returned by
+ enginefacade.transaction_context().
+ If left not implemented, the global enginefacade manager is used.
+ For the case where a project uses per-object or per-test enginefacades
+ like Gnocchi, the get_per_test_enginefacade()
+ method should also be implemented.
+ """
+ return enginefacade._context_manager
+ def get_per_test_enginefacade(self):
+ """Return an enginefacade._TransactionContextManager per test.
+ This facade should be the one that the test expects the code to
+ use. Usually this is the same one returned by get_engineafacade()
+ which is the default. For special applications like Gnocchi,
+ this can be overridden to provide an instance-level facade.
+ """
+ return self.get_enginefacade()
+ def _get_db_resource_not_available_reason(self):
+ return self._db_not_available.get(self.resource_key, None)
+ def _has_db_resource(self):
+ return self._database_resources.get(
+ self.resource_key, None) is not None
+ def _generate_schema_resource(self, database_resource):
+ return provision.SchemaResource(
+ database_resource,
+ None if not self._BUILD_SCHEMA
+ else self.generate_schema_create_all
+ else self.generate_schema_migrations,
+ )
+ def _get_resources(self):
+ key = self.resource_key
+ # the DatabaseResource and SchemaResource provision objects
+ # can be used by testresources as a marker outside of an individual
+ # test to indicate that this database / schema can be used across
+ # multiple tests. To make this work, many instances of this
+ # fixture have to return the *same* resource object given the same
+ # inputs. so we cache these in class-level dictionaries.
+ if key not in self._database_resources:
+ _enginefacade = self.get_enginefacade()
+ try:
+ self._database_resources[key] = \
+ self._generate_database_resource(_enginefacade)
+ except exception.BackendNotAvailable as bne:
+ self._database_resources[key] = None
+ self._db_not_available[key] = str(bne)
+ database_resource = self._database_resources[key]
+ if database_resource is None:
+ return []
+ else:
+ if key in self._schema_resources:
+ schema_resource = self._schema_resources[key]
+ else:
+ schema_resource = self._schema_resources[key] = \
+ self._generate_schema_resource(database_resource)
+ return [
+ ('_schema_%s' % self.ident, schema_resource),
+ ('_db_%s' % self.ident, database_resource)
+ ]
+class GeneratesSchema(object):
+ """Mixin defining a fixture as generating a schema using create_all().
+ This is a "capability" mixin that works in conjunction with classes
+ that include BaseDbFixture as a base.
+ """
+ def generate_schema_create_all(self, engine):
+ """A hook which should generate the model schema using create_all().
+ This hook is called within the scope of creating the database
+ assuming BUILD_WITH_MIGRATIONS is False.
+ """
+class GeneratesSchemaFromMigrations(GeneratesSchema):
+ """Mixin defining a fixture as generating a schema using migrations.
+ This is a "capability" mixin that works in conjunction with classes
+ that include BaseDbFixture as a base.
+ """
+ def generate_schema_migrations(self, engine):
+ """A hook which should generate the model schema using migrations.
+ This hook is called within the scope of creating the database
+ assuming BUILD_WITH_MIGRATIONS is True.
+ """
+class ResetsData(object):
+ """Mixin defining a fixture that resets schema data without dropping."""
+ def setup_for_reset(self, engine, enginefacade):
+ """"Perform setup that may be needed before the test runs."""
+ def reset_schema_data(self, engine, enginefacade):
+ """Reset the data in the schema."""
+class DeletesFromSchema(ResetsData):
+ """Mixin defining a fixture that can delete from all tables in place.
+ When DeletesFromSchema is present in a fixture,
+ _DROP_SCHEMA_PER_TEST is now False; this means that the
+ "teardown" flag of provision.SchemaResource will be False, which
+ prevents SchemaResource from dropping all objects within the schema
+ after each test.
+ This is a "capability" mixin that works in conjunction with classes
+ that include BaseDbFixture as a base.
+ """
+ def reset_schema_data(self, engine, facade):
+ self.delete_from_schema(engine)
+ def delete_from_schema(self, engine):
+ """A hook which should delete all data from an existing schema.
+ Should *not* drop any objects, just remove data from tables
+ that needs to be reset between tests.
+ """
+class RollsBackTransaction(ResetsData):
+ """Fixture class that maintains a database transaction per test.
+ """
+ def setup_for_reset(self, engine, facade):
+ conn = engine.connect()
+ engine = utils.NonCommittingEngine(conn)
+ self._reset_engine = enginefacade._TestTransactionFactory.apply_engine(
+ engine, facade)
+ def reset_schema_data(self, engine, facade):
+ self._reset_engine()
+ engine._dispose()
+class SimpleDbFixture(BaseDbFixture):
+ """Fixture which provides an engine from a fixed URL.
+ The SimpleDbFixture is generally appropriate only for a SQLite memory
+ database, as this database is naturally isolated from other processes and
+ does not require management of schemas. For tests that need to
+ run specifically against MySQL or Postgresql, the OpportunisticDbFixture
+ is more appropriate.
+ The database connection information itself comes from the provisoning
+ system, matching the desired driver (typically sqlite) to the default URL
+ that provisioning provides for this driver (in the case of sqlite, it's
+ the SQLite memory URL, e.g. sqlite://. For MySQL and Postgresql, it's
+ the familiar "openstack_citest" URL on localhost).
+ There are a variety of create/drop schemes that can take place:
+ * The default is to procure a database connection on setup,
+ and at teardown, an instruction is issued to "drop" all
+ objects in the schema (e.g. tables, indexes). The SQLAlchemy
+ engine itself remains referenced at the class level for subsequent
+ re-use.
+ * When the GeneratesSchema or GeneratesSchemaFromMigrations mixins
+ are implemented, the appropriate generate_schema method is also
+ called when the fixture is set up, by default this is per test.
+ * When the DeletesFromSchema mixin is implemented, the generate_schema
+ method is now only called **once**, and the "drop all objects"
+ system is replaced with the delete_from_schema method. This
+ allows the same database to remain set up with all schema objects
+ intact, so that expensive migrations need not be run on every test.
+ * The fixture does **not** dispose the engine at the end of a test.
+ It is assumed the same engine will be re-used many times across
+ many tests. The AdHocDbFixture extends this one to provide
+ engine.dispose() at the end of a test.
+ This fixture is intended to work without needing a reference to
+ the test itself, and therefore cannot take advantage of the
+ OptimisingTestSuite.
+ """
+ _dependency_resources = {}
+ def _get_provisioned_db(self):
+ return self._dependency_resources["_db_%s" % self.ident]
+ def _generate_database_resource(self, _enginefacade):
+ return provision.DatabaseResource(self.driver, _enginefacade)
+ def _setUp(self):
+ super(SimpleDbFixture, self)._setUp()
+ cls = self.__class__
+ if "_db_%s" % self.ident not in cls._dependency_resources:
+ resources = self._get_resources()
+ # initialize resources the same way that testresources does.
+ for name, resource in resources:
+ cls._dependency_resources[name] = resource.getResource()
+ provisioned_db = self._get_provisioned_db()
+ if not self._DROP_SCHEMA_PER_TEST:
+ self.setup_for_reset(
+ provisioned_db.engine, provisioned_db.enginefacade)
+ self.useFixture(ReplaceEngineFacadeFixture(
+ self.get_per_test_enginefacade(),
+ provisioned_db.enginefacade
+ ))
+ if not self._DROP_SCHEMA_PER_TEST:
+ self.addCleanup(
+ self.reset_schema_data,
+ provisioned_db.engine, provisioned_db.enginefacade)
+ self.addCleanup(self._cleanup)
+ def _teardown_resources(self):
+ for name, resource in self._get_resources():
+ dep = self._dependency_resources.pop(name)
+ resource.finishedWith(dep)
+ def _cleanup(self):
+ pass
+class AdHocDbFixture(SimpleDbFixture):
+ """"Fixture which creates and disposes a database engine per test.
+ Also allows a specific URL to be passed, meaning the fixture can
+ be hardcoded to a specific SQLite file.
+ For a SQLite, this fixture will create the named database upon setup
+ and tear it down upon teardown. For other databases, the
+ database is assumed to exist already and will remain after teardown.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, url=None):
+ if url:
+ self.url = provision.sa_url.make_url(str(url))
+ driver = self.url.get_backend_name()
+ else:
+ driver = None
+ self.url = None
+ BaseDbFixture.__init__(
+ self, driver=driver,
+ ident=provision._random_ident())
+ self.url = url
+ def _generate_database_resource(self, _enginefacade):
+ return provision.DatabaseResource(
+ self.driver, _enginefacade, ad_hoc_url=self.url)
+ def _cleanup(self):
+ self._teardown_resources()
+class OpportunisticDbFixture(BaseDbFixture):
+ """Fixture which uses testresources fully for optimised runs.
+ This fixture relies upon the use of the OpportunisticDBTestMixin to supply
+ a test.resources attribute, and also works much more effectively when
+ combined the testresources.OptimisingTestSuite. The
+ optimize_db_test_loader() function should be used at the module and package
+ levels to optimize database provisioning across many tests.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, test, driver=None, ident=None):
+ super(OpportunisticDbFixture, self).__init__(
+ driver=driver, ident=ident)
+ self.test = test
+ def _get_provisioned_db(self):
+ return getattr(self.test, "_db_%s" % self.ident)
+ def _generate_database_resource(self, _enginefacade):
+ return provision.DatabaseResource(
+ self.driver, _enginefacade, provision_new_database=True)
+ def _setUp(self):
+ super(OpportunisticDbFixture, self)._setUp()
+ if not self._has_db_resource():
+ return
+ provisioned_db = self._get_provisioned_db()
+ if not self._DROP_SCHEMA_PER_TEST:
+ self.setup_for_reset(
+ provisioned_db.engine, provisioned_db.enginefacade)
+ self.useFixture(ReplaceEngineFacadeFixture(
+ self.get_per_test_enginefacade(),
+ provisioned_db.enginefacade
+ ))
+ if not self._DROP_SCHEMA_PER_TEST:
+ self.addCleanup(
+ self.reset_schema_data,
+ provisioned_db.engine, provisioned_db.enginefacade)
+class OpportunisticDBTestMixin(object):
+ """Test mixin that integrates the test suite with testresources.
+ There are three goals to this system:
+ 1. Allow creation of "stub" test suites that will run all the tests in a
+ parent suite against a specific kind of database (e.g. Mysql,
+ Postgresql), where the entire suite will be skipped if that target
+ kind of database is not available to the suite.
+ 2. provide a test with a process-local, anonymously named schema within a
+ target database, so that the test can run concurrently with other tests
+ without conflicting data
+ 3. provide compatibility with the testresources.OptimisingTestSuite, which
+ organizes TestCase instances ahead of time into groups that all
+ make use of the same type of database, setting up and tearing down
+ a database schema once for the scope of any number of tests within.
+ This technique is essential when testing against a non-SQLite database
+ because building of a schema is expensive, and also is most ideally
+ accomplished using the applications schema migration which are
+ even more vastly slow than a straight create_all().
+ This mixin provides the .resources attribute required by testresources when
+ using the OptimisingTestSuite.The .resources attribute then provides a
+ collection of testresources.TestResourceManager objects, which are defined
+ here in oslo_db.sqlalchemy.provision. These objects know how to find
+ available database backends, build up temporary databases, and invoke
+ schema generation and teardown instructions. The actual "build the schema
+ objects" part of the equation, and optionally a "delete from all the
+ tables" step, is provided by the implementing application itself.
+ """
+ FIXTURE = OpportunisticDbFixture
+ _collected_resources = None
+ _instantiated_fixtures = None
+ @property
+ def resources(self):
+ """Provide a collection of TestResourceManager objects.
+ The collection here is memoized, both at the level of the test
+ case itself, as well as in the fixture object(s) which provide
+ those resources.
+ """
+ if self._collected_resources is not None:
+ return self._collected_resources
+ fixtures = self._instantiate_fixtures()
+ self._collected_resources = []
+ for fixture in fixtures:
+ self._collected_resources.extend(fixture._get_resources())
+ return self._collected_resources
+ def setUp(self):
+ self._setup_fixtures()
+ super(OpportunisticDBTestMixin, self).setUp()
+ def _get_default_provisioned_db(self):
+ return self._db_default
+ def _instantiate_fixtures(self):
+ if self._instantiated_fixtures:
+ return self._instantiated_fixtures
+ self._instantiated_fixtures = utils.to_list(self.generate_fixtures())
+ return self._instantiated_fixtures
+ def generate_fixtures(self):
+ return self.FIXTURE(test=self)
+ def _setup_fixtures(self):
+ testresources.setUpResources(
+ self, self.resources, testresources._get_result())
+ self.addCleanup(
+ testresources.tearDownResources,
+ self, self.resources, testresources._get_result()
+ )
+ fixtures = self._instantiate_fixtures()
+ for fixture in fixtures:
+ self.useFixture(fixture)
+ if not fixture._has_db_resource():
+ msg = fixture._get_db_resource_not_available_reason()
+ self.skip(msg)
+ else:
+class MySQLOpportunisticFixture(OpportunisticDbFixture):
+ DRIVER = 'mysql'
+class PostgresqlOpportunisticFixture(OpportunisticDbFixture):
+ DRIVER = 'postgresql'