Oslo Style Commandments ======================= - Step 1: Read the OpenStack Style Commandments http://docs.openstack.org/developer/hacking/ - Step 2: Read on Oslo Specific Commandments -------------------------- - None So Far General ------- - When defining global constants, define them before functions and classes - Use 'raise' instead of 'raise e' to preserve original traceback or exception being reraised:: except Exception as e: ... raise e # BAD except Exception: ... raise # OKAY TODO vs FIXME ------------- - TODO(name): implies that something should be done (cleanup, refactoring, etc), but is expected to be functional. - FIXME(name): implies that the method/function/etc shouldn't be used until that code is resolved and bug fixed. Text encoding ------------- - All text within python code should be of type 'unicode'. WRONG: >>> s = 'foo' >>> s 'foo' >>> type(s) RIGHT: >>> u = u'foo' >>> u u'foo' >>> type(u) - Transitions between internal unicode and external strings should always be immediately and explicitly encoded or decoded. - All external text that is not explicitly encoded (database storage, commandline arguments, etc.) should be presumed to be encoded as utf-8. WRONG: mystring = infile.readline() myreturnstring = do_some_magic_with(mystring) outfile.write(myreturnstring) RIGHT: mystring = infile.readline() mytext = s.decode('utf-8') returntext = do_some_magic_with(mytext) returnstring = returntext.encode('utf-8') outfile.write(returnstring)