#!/bin/bash # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # # Check out every active repository from git.openstack.org. For new # copies, set up git-review. For any existing copies, update their # remotes and pull changes up to the local master. # # This script is based on prior art from mordred on the openstack-dev # mailing list. # http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2013-October/017532.html # # Usage: # # Check out everything under the current directory: # $ clone_openstack.sh # # Check out a specific project (you can list multiple names): # $ clone_openstack.sh openstack/oslo-incubator # trouble_with="" branched="" # Figure out if git-hooks is installed and should be used. # https://github.com/icefox/git-hooks which git-hooks 2>&1 > /dev/null USE_GIT_HOOKS=$? # Users can set INCLUDE_STACKFORGE=1 if they want to always check out # new copies of stackforge projects. INCLUDE_STACKFORGE=${INCLUDE_STACKFORGE:-0} # If we have any trouble at all working with a repository, report that # and then record the name for the summary at the end. function track_trouble { if [ $1 -ne 0 ] then echo "Remembering trouble with $2" trouble_with="$trouble_with $2" fi } # Determine the current branch of a local repository. function current_branch { (cd $1 && git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) } # Print a summary report for any repositories that had trouble # updating. function report_trouble { if [ ! -z "$trouble_with" ] then echo echo "Had trouble updating:" for r in $trouble_with do echo " $r - $(current_branch $r)" done fi } # Print a summary report for any repositories that were not on the # master branch when we updated them. function report_branched { if [ ! -z "$branched" ] then echo echo "Branched repos:" for r in $branched do echo " $r - $(current_branch $r)" done fi } # Check out a new copy of a repository and set it up to be a useful # local copy. function clone_new { typeset repo="$1" typeset url="$2" # Ignore stackforge projects unless told otherwise. if [[ $repo =~ ^stackforge/.* ]] then if [ $INCLUDE_STACKFORGE -ne 1 ] then return 0 fi fi echo echo "Cloning $repo" git clone $url $repo (cd $repo && git review -s) if [ $USE_GIT_HOOKS -eq 0 ] then echo "Configuring git hooks" (cd $repo && git hooks --install) fi return 0 } # Update an existing copy of a repository, including all remotes and # pulling into the local master branch if we're on that branch # already. function update_existing { typeset repo="$1" echo echo "Updating $repo" (cd $repo && git remote update) RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ] then return $RC fi # Only run git pull for repos where I'm not working in a branch. typeset b=$(current_branch $repo) if [ $b == "master" ] then if (cd $repo && git diff --exit-code >/dev/null) then (cd $repo && git pull) else echo "Skipping pull for master branch with local changes" (cd $repo && git status) fi else echo "Skipping pull for branch $b" branched="$branched $repo" fi } # Process a single repository found in gerrit, determining whether it # exists locally already or not. function get_one_repo { typeset repo="$1" typeset url="$2" typeset pardir=$(dirname $repo) if [ ! -z "$pardir" ] then mkdir -p $pardir fi if [ ! -d $repo ] ; then clone_new $repo $url else update_existing $repo fi RC=$? return $RC } # If we are given a list of projects on the command line, we will only # work on those. Otherwise, ask gerrit for the full list of openstack # projects, ignoring the ones in the attic. Stackforge projects are # ignored if they do not exist locally, so we include them in the # output list and check for them when we decide what to do with each # repository. projects="$*" if [ -z "$projects" ] then projects=$(ssh review.openstack.org -p 29418 gerrit ls-projects | grep -v 'attic') RC=$? if [ $RC -ne 0 ] then echo "Unable to obtain a list of projects from gerrit. Check your ssh credientials for review.openstack.org" userid=`id -un` gerrit_userid=`git config --get gitreview.username` if [ $userid != $gerrit_userid ] then echo "Identified a possible userid difference between $userid and $gerrit_userid" fi exit $RC fi else # Go ahead and set things up so we will work with stackforge # repositories, in case the caller has specified one on the # command line. INCLUDE_STACKFORGE=1 fi for repo in $projects; do get_one_repo $repo git://git.openstack.org/$repo track_trouble $? $repo done report_branched report_trouble