path: root/tools
diff options
authorDina Belova <>2015-10-16 17:32:55 +0300
committerDina Belova <>2015-10-22 17:34:17 +0300
commitd05278f762dd44d8e328ba11888e524e42a42c3f (patch)
tree14ef53621e6e5dc43e6c8c803503c3f3b0c21def /tools
parenta3fa8ffec975bc56c306e92b763cdf902dd45613 (diff)
Modify tool
Introduce mechanism of generating real life messages to the tool using the information gathered during Rally testing. This change allows to generate messages of the specfic length due to the distribution observed on real environment. messages_length.txt file contains lengths of string JSON objects that were later sent through the MQ layer during deployment and deletion of 50 VMs. was modified to use this data as a baseline to generate random string messages of the required length with the needed probability. Change-Id: Iae21f90b5ca202bf0e83f1149baef8b42c64eb55
Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
2 files changed, 82 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/tools/messages_length.yaml b/tools/messages_length.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..092ed51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/messages_length.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# The numbers below present the length of the messages (in string equivalent)
+# that were sent through the MQ backend (RabbitMQ) during the
+# boot_and_delete_server Rally scenario run (50 times, concurrency equal to 3).
+# The information was gathered via adding log to the _send method of
+# AMQPDriverBase class after all lines related to the msg object modifications.
+# Message length was gathered to introduce real-like message generator for
+# oslo.messaging tool, that could introduce traffic closer to the
+# real control plane load and estimate both message length and size (in bytes)
+# going through the MQ layer.
+ string_lengths: 806, 992, 992, 1116, 1116, 1191, 1595, 1199, 1043, 1210, 1220, 1191, 1123, 1624, 2583, 1153, 4412, 1642, 1210, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 6386, 6368, 6386, 6368, 6386, 11292, 2136, 5407, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 11292, 2136, 5398, 5407, 4357, 5431, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4407, 5431, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4457, 5431, 4387, 2627, 4387, 2094, 2038, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 4387, 5438, 2310, 2310, 2627, 2094, 2496, 2038, 5451, 2310, 5438, 2496, 2496, 2240, 2099, 2240, 1500, 2099, 2626, 5451, 2240, 2626, 1555, 1555, 1702, 1500, 5451, 1702, 2450, 2450, 1570, 1155, 4539, 1570, 4539, 1641, 2099, 1641, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3518, 5710, 1641, 2226, 2643, 3382, 6671, 3518, 2531, 2226, 2643, 2124, 3382, 5500, 3518, 2531, 2226, 2643, 965, 2124, 3382, 5500, 6858, 2531, 1177, 965, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1500, 1500, 2549, 7745, 1575, 5687, 7688, 2183, 1177, 2549, 965, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 7270, 2128, 1575, 6535, 2549, 6574, 6480, 2643, 2584, 6535, 1220, 2644, 7688, 2183, 1500, 1676, 2611, 1500, 6480, 2611, 2643, 1624, 2241, 1153, 4696, 7270, 2128, 2584, 2644, 1590, 2611, 2611, 1555, 2241, 1555, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4480, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4504, 5431, 4434, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 1500, 7270, 2128, 1500, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4532, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4532, 5431, 4434, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 1500, 7270, 2128, 1500, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4532, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4582, 5431, 4484, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 2099, 2626, 5451, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 1575, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 1500, 2128, 1500, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4582, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4582, 5431, 4484, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 1500, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1500, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4582, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4582, 5431, 4484, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1500, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4582, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 1500, 2175, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4582, 5431, 4484, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 6516, 2300, 6516, 5839, 6156, 6512, 1597, 1500, 1026, 1676, 1500, 6516, 4505, 1220, 2300, 6516, 1624, 6535, 1153, 4668, 5839, 2228, 6156, 1590, 6480, 2643, 6512, 2228, 2584, 1611, 2644, 1102, 1701, 2611, 4354, 2449, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 2582, 2398, 6386, 2226, 6368, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4452, 11292, 2136, 6536, 5407, 6386, 6368, 2298, 2116, 2116, 2608, 5398, 1855, 1880, 2175, 4526, 5431, 11292, 2136, 5407, 4456, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2116, 2310, 2496, 5438, 2116, 2240, 5398, 5451, 4604, 5431, 2099, 2626, 1555, 4506, 2627, 1702, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2450, 2496, 4539, 2240, 1641, 2099, 1500, 1570, 6386, 2626, 5451, 1555, 6368, 1500, 1702, 2450, 11292, 2136, 1570, 5407, 3518, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4539, 2226, 1641, 4604, 2643, 5431, 3382, 3518, 5500, 4506, 2531, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2226, 2310, 2124, 2643, 3382, 5451, 2496, 5500, 2240, 2531, 2099, 2626, 1555, 5687, 2124, 1177, 1702, 965, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 1575, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 1575, 5687, 2531, 1177, 965, 6574, 2549, 2124, 1500, 1500, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 1575, 5687, 1177, 2549, 6574, 965, 6535, 7688, 2183, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1500, 1702, 1500, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 7270, 2128, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 1575, 2549, 6574, 4604, 6535, 6536, 7688, 2183, 2298, 6480, 2643, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1500, 1500, 7270, 2128, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4604, 5431, 2142, 4604, 6535, 6536, 4506, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2298, 6480, 2643, 2310, 5438, 2608, 2496, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2584, 2240, 2644, 2099, 2626, 5451, 2611, 1555, 2611, 2241, 1702, 2450, 1555, 1570, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2582, 2398, 6386, 2226, 6368, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2142, 4604, 11292, 2136, 6536, 5407, 2531, 2116, 2116, 2124, 5398, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 4604, 5431, 5687, 1177, 4506, 965, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 1500, 4539, 1641, 1500, 1575, 2549, 6574, 3518, 7688, 2183, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 7270, 2128, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 5687, 1177, 2116, 2116, 5398, 965, 4604, 6535, 5431, 6480, 2643, 4506, 2584, 2627, 2094, 2644, 2038, 5438, 2611, 2310, 2611, 5451, 2496, 2241, 2240, 1575, 1555, 1702, 2450, 2099, 1570, 2626, 3308, 1555, 2043, 3518, 1702, 4539, 1575, 2450, 1641, 1570, 2549, 1500, 6574, 1500, 1220, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 7688, 2183, 3420, 1624, 6576, 1676, 3518, 1153, 4717, 2142, 1590, 4501, 2226, 6536, 1611, 2643, 7270, 2128, 1102, 1701, 3382, 5500, 2449, 2298, 2608, 1855, 2531, 1880, 2175, 2124, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 5687, 2644, 1177, 2611, 965, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 6386, 6368, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2582, 2116, 2398, 5398, 2226, 2093, 4551, 3420, 6576, 5431, 1575, 1500, 6574, 1500, 4481, 2549, 1575, 2627, 2142, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 4579, 6536, 2240, 2099, 7688, 2183, 2626, 5451, 1555, 2298, 1702, 2450, 1570, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 5687, 2241, 1177, 965, 1555, 6386, 6368, 1702, 2450, 1570, 11292, 2136, 3308, 5407, 2043, 3518, 2116, 2116, 5398, 2582, 4579, 2398, 5431, 2226, 2093, 3420, 4481, 1500, 6576, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 1500, 2142, 2310, 1575, 1575, 2496, 2240, 6574, 2099, 4579, 2626, 1555, 2549, 5451, 1702, 6536, 2450, 1570, 7688, 2183, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 3518, 5710, 2226, 1641, 2643, 3382, 6671, 7270, 2128, 2531, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 2124, 4629, 5431, 6535, 4531, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 6480, 2643, 2496, 5438, 6858, 2584, 1177, 2240, 965, 2644, 1500, 2611, 5451, 2611, 2241, 2099, 1500, 2626, 1555, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1702, 1575, 1570, 2450, 4539, 1570, 1641, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 3518, 2549, 7745, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2643, 2226, 7688, 2093, 2183, 3382, 3420, 5500, 6576, 2531, 2124, 2142, 4629, 6536, 2298, 2608, 7270, 2128, 1855, 1880, 2175, 5687, 1177, 965, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 6386, 6368, 2611, 2611, 2241, 11292, 2136, 5407, 1555, 1500, 1702, 2116, 2116, 1500, 5398, 2450, 1570, 3308, 4629, 2043, 5431, 3518, 1575, 4531, 2549, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 6574, 2582, 2310, 2496, 2398, 5451, 2240, 7688, 2183, 2226, 1575, 2093, 3420, 2099, 2626, 1555, 6576, 1702, 2450, 2142, 1570, 4629, 6536, 4539, 1641, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 1500, 2531, 1500, 2124, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 5687, 6386, 1177, 1555, 6368, 965, 1702, 2450, 11292, 1570, 2136, 3308, 5407, 2043, 3518, 2116, 2116, 5398, 1575, 2582, 4679, 2398, 2226, 5431, 2093, 3420, 6576, 4581, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 1575, 2496, 2549, 2142, 5438, 6574, 2240, 4679, 6536, 7688, 2183, 5451, 2099, 2626, 2298, 1555, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1702, 2450, 1570, 7270, 4539, 1500, 2128, 1641, 1500, 1597, 1066, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 1220, 2531, 1624, 2124, 1153, 1676, 4818, 6386, 6535, 6368, 1624, 6480, 2643, 2584, 1611, 2644, 5687, 2611, 11292, 2136, 2611, 2241, 1177, 965, 1102, 1701, 5407, 2449, 1555, 1575, 1702, 2116, 2450, 2116, 1570, 5398, 3308, 2043, 3518, 4602, 5431, 2582, 2398, 4532, 2226, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2093, 5438, 2310, 3420, 2496, 6576, 1575, 2240, 5451, 2549, 2142, 6574, 4630, 6536, 2099, 2626, 1500, 7688, 2183, 1500, 4539, 1555, 2298, 1641, 2608, 1702, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2450, 1570, 7270, 2128, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 6386, 6368, 6535, 2124, 6480, 2643, 11292, 2136, 2584, 5407, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 2116, 2116, 5687, 5398, 1177, 1555, 965, 1575, 1702, 2450, 4630, 1570, 3308, 5431, 2043, 3518, 4532, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2582, 2398, 2240, 5451, 2226, 2093, 1500, 2099, 3420, 6576, 2626, 1500, 1555, 1575, 6574, 2549, 2142, 1702, 4630, 4539, 2450, 1641, 6536, 1570, 7688, 2183, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 5687, 2241, 1177, 965, 1555, 1702, 6386, 2450, 6368, 1570, 3308, 2043, 1575, 1500, 3518, 11292, 2136, 5407, 1500, 2582, 2116, 2398, 2116, 2226, 5398, 2093, 3420, 6576, 4680, 5431, 2142, 4680, 6536, 4582, 1575, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 6574, 2549, 2310, 5451, 2496, 2298, 2240, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7688, 2183, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 7270, 2128, 2531, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4680, 5431, 4582, 1500, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 2124, 2496, 5438, 1500, 2240, 5451, 6535, 2099, 2626, 1555, 5687, 1177, 1702, 965, 6480, 2643, 2450, 2584, 1570, 2644, 2611, 1575, 4539, 2611, 1641, 2241, 1555, 1702, 3518, 2450, 1570, 3308, 1575, 2043, 3518, 2226, 2549, 2643, 6574, 3382, 5500, 2531, 7688, 2183, 2582, 2398, 2124, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4680, 6536, 5687, 1177, 2298, 965, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 1500, 1500, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4680, 5431, 4582, 1575, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2549, 6574, 2310, 2496, 5451, 6535, 1575, 2240, 6480, 2643, 2099, 2626, 7688, 2183, 2584, 1555, 2644, 1702, 2611, 2611, 2450, 1570, 2241, 4539, 1641, 1555, 7270, 2128, 1712, 1702, 1154, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 1500, 3518, 3518, 1500, 2582, 2398, 1220, 2226, 2226, 2643, 2093, 1624, 3420, 6576, 3382, 1153, 5500, 6535, 2531, 2124, 4768, 1624, 2142, 1676, 4552, 6480, 6536, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2298, 2611, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2241, 2175, 5687, 1177, 965, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4552, 1575, 1575, 6536, 6386, 2549, 6368, 6574, 1500, 2298, 1500, 7688, 2183, 2608, 11292, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4552, 5431, 7270, 4482, 2128, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 5438, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 6386, 6368, 6535, 4539, 1641, 11292, 2136, 5407, 6480, 2643, 1575, 2584, 3518, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2116, 2116, 2241, 5398, 2226, 2643, 1555, 1702, 3382, 5500, 4580, 2450, 1570, 5431, 3308, 2043, 2531, 3518, 4482, 2124, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 2496, 5438, 2582, 5451, 2240, 2398, 2226, 5687, 2093, 2099, 3420, 2626, 1177, 1555, 6576, 965, 1702, 2450, 1570, 2142, 4580, 4539, 6536, 1641, 1500, 2298, 1500, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 1575, 2549, 6574, 5687, 7688, 2183, 1177, 965, 7270, 2128, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4630, 1575, 5431, 1500, 1575, 4532, 1500, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2549, 6574, 6535, 2240, 7688, 2183, 2099, 2626, 5451, 6480, 2643, 1555, 2584, 2644, 1702, 2611, 2450, 1570, 2611, 7270, 2241, 2128, 1555, 1702, 4539, 1641, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 3518, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2582, 2226, 2398, 2226, 2584, 2644, 2643, 2611, 2093, 2611, 3382, 3420, 2241, 5500, 6576, 1500, 1500, 2531, 1555, 2142, 4630, 6536, 2124, 1702, 2450, 1570, 2298, 5687, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 3308, 2043, 1177, 965, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4630, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 1575, 6386, 6368, 2549, 6574, 11292, 2136, 7688, 2183, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4630, 5431, 4532, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 5438, 7270, 2496, 2128, 1500, 1500, 2240, 2099, 5451, 2626, 1555, 6386, 6368, 1702, 2450, 1570, 11292, 1575, 2136, 5407, 4539, 2116, 1641, 2116, 5398, 6535, 3518, 6480, 2643, 4630, 5431, 2226, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 3382, 2611, 2241, 5500, 1555, 4532, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2531, 1702, 2310, 2450, 1570, 2496, 2124, 3308, 5438, 2240, 2043, 3518, 2099, 5451, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2582, 2398, 5687, 2450, 2226, 1570, 1177, 965, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4630, 4539, 6536, 1641, 1500, 3518, 1500, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2226, 2643, 1220, 3382, 5500, 1575, 1676, 2531, 2549, 6574, 1624, 2124, 7688, 2183, 1153, 4741, 1590, 1611, 5687, 1102, 1701, 1177, 965, 2449, 1597, 1066, 7270, 2128, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4525, 5431, 4455, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 1500, 2240, 5451, 1500, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 4539, 1641, 2549, 6574, 6535, 3518, 7688, 2183, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2226, 2611, 2643, 2611, 3382, 2241, 5500, 1555, 2531, 7270, 2124, 2128, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4553, 6536, 1500, 1500, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6535, 5687, 1177, 965, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 1575, 1575, 6574, 6386, 2549, 2142, 6368, 4553, 11292, 2136, 6536, 5407, 7688, 2183, 2116, 2298, 2116, 5398, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1500, 1500, 7270, 2128, 4553, 5431, 4455, 6386, 6368, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 6535, 5451, 11292, 2136, 6480, 2643, 5407, 2584, 2099, 2116, 2626, 2644, 1555, 2116, 2611, 5398, 1702, 2611, 1575, 2450, 2241, 4539, 4553, 1570, 1555, 1641, 5431, 1702, 2450, 4455, 1570, 2627, 2094, 2038, 3308, 5438, 2310, 2043, 2496, 3518, 2240, 3518, 5451, 2099, 2626, 2226, 2643, 2582, 2398, 3382, 1555, 5500, 2226, 1702, 2093, 2531, 2450, 3420, 1570, 6576, 2124, 4539, 1641, 2142, 4553, 6536, 2298, 3518, 1500, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1500, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 5687, 2531, 1177, 965, 2124, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 1575, 5687, 2549, 6574, 1177, 2116, 965, 2116, 7688, 2183, 5398, 4553, 5431, 1575, 4455, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 1500, 7270, 1500, 2128, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 2549, 4539, 6574, 1641, 6535, 3518, 7688, 2183, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2226, 2644, 2643, 2611, 3382, 2611, 5500, 2241, 1555, 2531, 1702, 2450, 2124, 1570, 7270, 2128, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 1500, 2398, 2226, 1500, 2093, 5687, 3420, 1177, 6576, 2142, 4553, 965, 6536, 6535, 2298, 2608, 6480, 1855, 2643, 1880, 2175, 2584, 2644, 2611, 1220, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1676, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 2582, 2398, 1624, 2226, 2549, 6574, 2093, 3420, 1153, 6386, 6576, 7688, 6368, 2183, 1575, 4767, 1624, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2142, 4551, 1611, 7270, 2128, 1102, 1701, 1500, 2449, 1500, 6536, 2116, 2116, 5398, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 4551, 5431, 4481, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 5451, 6535, 2240, 2099, 6480, 2643, 2626, 1555, 2584, 2644, 1702, 4539, 2611, 6386, 1641, 2450, 2611, 6368, 1570, 2241, 1555, 1575, 1702, 11292, 2450, 1570, 2136, 5407, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2116, 3518, 2116, 5398, 4579, 2582, 2226, 5431, 2398, 2643, 2226, 2093, 3382, 3420, 5500, 4481, 6576, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2531, 2310, 2496, 5451, 2142, 2124, 4579, 2240, 6536, 2099, 2626, 1555, 2298, 2608, 1702, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2450, 1570, 4539, 1641, 5687, 1500, 1177, 965, 1500, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 5687, 1177, 965, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 1575, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 1500, 1500, 4579, 7270, 2128, 5431, 4481, 1575, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2549, 2310, 6574, 2496, 6535, 5451, 2240, 7688, 2183, 2099, 6457, 2643, 2626, 1555, 2584, 4539, 2644, 2611, 1641, 1702, 7270, 2128, 2611, 2450, 2241, 1570, 1555, 1500, 1500, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 3518, 6535, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2643, 6480, 2643, 3382, 2226, 5500, 2584, 2644, 2093, 3420, 2611, 6553, 2531, 2611, 2124, 2241, 2142, 4579, 1555, 6513, 1702, 2298, 2450, 1570, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 3308, 2043, 3518, 5687, 1177, 965, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4579, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 6386, 6368, 7688, 2183, 11292, 2136, 5407, 1500, 2116, 1500, 2116, 5398, 4579, 5431, 4481, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 5451, 2099, 2626, 7270, 2128, 1555, 1575, 1702, 2450, 4539, 1570, 6386, 1641, 6368, 11292, 2136, 6535, 5407, 6480, 2643, 2116, 2116, 3518, 2584, 5398, 2644, 2611, 2226, 2643, 4629, 2611, 5431, 3382, 2241, 5500, 4531, 1555, 2531, 2627, 2094, 2038, 1702, 2310, 5438, 2450, 2496, 2124, 1570, 3308, 2240, 2043, 3518, 5451, 2099, 1500, 2626, 1500, 1555, 5687, 1702, 1177, 2450, 2582, 965, 1570, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 4539, 1641, 2142, 4629, 6536, 3518, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 1575, 1220, 2531, 1676, 2549, 6574, 2124, 1624, 7688, 2183, 1153, 4769, 1624, 1611, 1102, 1701, 5687, 2449, 1177, 1597, 965, 1066, 7270, 2128, 1500, 6386, 1500, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 1575, 4553, 5431, 4483, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 2240, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 5451, 6535, 6574, 2549, 6480, 2643, 3518, 2584, 2644, 7688, 2183, 2226, 2611, 2643, 2611, 5710, 2241, 3382, 1641, 1555, 6671, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2531, 2043, 3518, 2124, 1500, 2582, 1500, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 7270, 2128, 6576, 2142, 6858, 4581, 1177, 6536, 2298, 965, 2608, 6535, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 1575, 2142, 4581, 2549, 7745, 6536, 1575, 2298, 2608, 7688, 2183, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6386, 6368, 1500, 1500, 11292, 2136, 5407, 7270, 2128, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4631, 6386, 6368, 5431, 11292, 2136, 5407, 4533, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 2496, 2116, 5438, 2116, 5398, 2240, 2099, 6535, 2626, 6480, 2643, 5451, 2584, 2644, 4631, 1555, 5431, 2611, 4533, 2627, 2094, 2038, 1702, 2310, 2496, 2611, 2241, 2450, 1570, 2240, 5438, 2099, 2626, 1555, 5451, 1555, 1702, 4539, 1641, 1702, 2450, 2450, 1570, 1570, 3518, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2226, 1575, 2643, 4539, 3382, 5500, 2582, 2398, 3518, 2226, 1641, 2226, 2093, 3420, 2643, 6576, 2531, 3382, 2124, 5500, 2142, 4631, 6536, 2531, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2124, 5687, 1177, 965, 1500, 1500, 1575, 5687, 1177, 2549, 965, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 1575, 4631, 1500, 2549, 1500, 5431, 6574, 6535, 4533, 2627, 2094, 2038, 7688, 2183, 2310, 6480, 2643, 2496, 5438, 2240, 2584, 2099, 2626, 2644, 2611, 5451, 1555, 2611, 1702, 2241, 2450, 1570, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 7270, 3308, 2128, 4539, 2043, 3518, 1641, 3518, 2582, 2226, 2398, 2643, 2226, 2093, 3382, 3420, 5500, 6576, 2531, 2142, 4631, 2124, 6536, 6535, 2298, 2608, 6480, 1855, 2643, 1880, 2175, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 5687, 1177, 1555, 965, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1500, 1500, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4631, 6536, 2298, 1575, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6574, 1575, 1676, 7688, 2183, 1220, 2549, 1624, 1153, 4691, 6386, 6368, 1590, 1611, 7270, 2128, 1102, 1701, 11292, 2136, 2449, 5407, 1500, 1500, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4549, 5431, 6535, 6386, 6480, 6368, 2643, 4479, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2584, 2644, 5438, 1575, 2310, 5451, 2496, 2611, 2240, 2099, 2611, 2241, 2626, 11292, 2136, 1555, 5407, 1702, 2450, 1555, 1702, 2116, 1570, 2116, 2450, 5398, 4539, 1570, 1641, 4577, 3308, 5431, 2043, 3518, 3518, 4479, 2226, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2643, 2310, 3382, 5500, 2496, 2582, 5451, 2240, 2398, 2099, 2531, 2626, 1555, 2226, 2093, 1702, 2124, 3420, 2450, 1570, 6576, 2142, 4577, 6536, 4539, 1641, 2298, 5687, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1177, 965, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 2124, 1500, 1500, 1575, 5687, 2549, 1177, 6574, 965, 7688, 2183, 6386, 6368, 1575, 7270, 2128, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4577, 5431, 4479, 1575, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2549, 2310, 6574, 2496, 6535, 1500, 5451, 1500, 2240, 6480, 2643, 7688, 2183, 2584, 2099, 2644, 2626, 1555, 2611, 2611, 1702, 4539, 2450, 2241, 1570, 1641, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 7270, 2043, 2128, 3518, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2226, 2643, 2093, 3382, 3420, 5500, 6576, 2142, 2531, 4577, 6536, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2124, 2584, 2644, 2298, 2608, 2611, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 5687, 3308, 1177, 2043, 965, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 1500, 2142, 1500, 4577, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 1575, 6386, 6368, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 7270, 2128, 4627, 5431, 4529, 2627, 2094, 2038, 5438, 2310, 2496, 6386, 6368, 6535, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2240, 2099, 5451, 2626, 6480, 2643, 1555, 2584, 2116, 2644, 1702, 2611, 2116, 2450, 5398, 2611, 1570, 2241, 4539, 4627, 1641, 1555, 1500, 5431, 1500, 1702, 2450, 4529, 1570, 2627, 2094, 3518, 2038, 5438, 3308, 2310, 2043, 3518, 2226, 2496, 2643, 3382, 5451, 1575, 2240, 5500, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2099, 2626, 2093, 3420, 1555, 2531, 6576, 2124, 1702, 4539, 2450, 2142, 1570, 1641, 4627, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 5687, 1177, 965, 3518, 2226, 2643, 3382, 5500, 2531, 1575, 2124, 2549, 6574, 6386, 7688, 2183, 6368, 1568, 5687, 1177, 11292, 965, 2136, 5407, 1500, 1500, 2116, 2116, 5398, 7270, 2128, 1712, 1575, 4627, 1154, 5431, 4529, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 5438, 2496, 2240, 5451, 1676, 2099, 2626, 1555, 1220, 1702, 2450, 1575, 1570, 2549, 6574, 6535, 1624, 4539, 7688, 2183, 1641, 1500, 1500, 6480, 2643, 3518, 1153, 2584, 2644, 2226, 4817, 2611, 2643, 2611, 1590, 3382, 2241, 5500, 1624, 1555, 2559, 2561, 2559, 2531, 1702, 2124, 7270, 2579, 2579, 2450, 1611, 1570, 2128, 3308, 1102, 1701, 2449, 2043, 3518, 1597, 1106, 2582, 5687, 2398, 2226, 1177, 2093, 3420, 6576, 965, 6535, 2142, 4601, 6536, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2298, 1500, 2608, 1500, 2611, 1855, 1880, 2175, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 1575, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1575, 2549, 6574, 2582, 2398, 2226, 7688, 2093, 2183, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4601, 6536, 2298, 6386, 2608, 6368, 1855, 1880, 2175, 7270, 2128, 11292, 2136, 5407, 2116, 2116, 5398, 4601, 5431, 4531, 2627, 2094, 2038, 2310, 5438, 2496, 2240, 1500, 5451, 1500, 6535, 2099, 2626, 1555, 6480, 2643, 2584, 1702, 2644, 2450, 2611, 1570, 2611, 2241, 1555, 4539, 1641, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 3518, 2582, 2226, 2398, 2643, 2226, 2093, 3382, 3420, 5500, 6576, 2531, 2142, 4629, 2124, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 5687, 1177, 965, 1575, 1575, 2549, 6574, 7688, 2183, 7270, 2128, 6535, 6480, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 1500, 1500, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4629, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 7291, 2128, 6534, 6479, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 2093, 3420, 6576, 2142, 4629, 7291, 2128, 6536, 2298, 6534, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 6479, 2643, 2584, 2644, 2611, 2611, 2241, 1555, 1702, 2450, 1570, 3308, 2043, 3518, 2582, 2398, 2226, 1500, 2093, 3420, 1500, 6576, 2142, 4629, 6536, 2298, 2608, 1855, 1880, 2175, 1575, 1500, 1500, 1220, 1624, 1153, 4412, 1676, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1676, 1220, 1624, 1153, 4412, 1597, 908, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1676, 1220, 1624, 1153, 1500, 4412, 1500, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1597, 908, 1500, 1500, 1676, 1220, 1624, 1153, 4412, 1590, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500 \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 8b8fc0b..d3dda3e 100755
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -13,14 +13,19 @@
import eventlet
-import os
import argparse
+import collections
import datetime
import logging
+import os
+import random
+import string
import sys
import threading
import time
+import yaml
+from scipy.stats import rv_discrete
from oslo_config import cfg
import oslo_messaging as messaging
@@ -28,6 +33,8 @@ from oslo_messaging import notify # noqa
from oslo_messaging import rpc # noqa
LOG = logging.getLogger()
USAGE = """ Usage: ./ [-h] [--url URL] [-d DEBUG]\
{notify-server,notify-client,rpc-server,rpc-client} ...
@@ -40,6 +47,29 @@ Usage example:
--exit-wait 15000 -p 64 -m 64"""
+def init_random_generator():
+ data = []
+ with open('./messages_length.yaml') as m_file:
+ content = yaml.load(m_file)
+ data += [int(n) for n in content[
+ 'test_data']['string_lengths'].split(', ')]
+ ranges = collections.defaultdict(int)
+ for msg_length in data:
+ range_start = (msg_length / 500) * 500 + 1
+ ranges[range_start] += 1
+ ranges_start = sorted(ranges.keys())
+ total_count = len(data)
+ ranges_dist = []
+ for r in ranges_start:
+ r_dist = float(ranges[r]) / total_count
+ ranges_dist.append(r_dist)
+ random_var = rv_discrete(values=(ranges_start, ranges_dist))
+ return random_var
class LoggingNoParsingFilter(logging.Filter):
def filter(self, record):
msg = record.getMessage()
@@ -136,9 +166,19 @@ def send_msg(_id, transport, target, messages, wait_after_msg, timeout,
client = client.prepare(timeout=timeout)
rpc_method = _rpc_cast if is_cast else _rpc_call
- for i in range(0, messages):
- msg = "test message %d" % i
-"SEND: %s" % msg)
+ ranges = RANDOM_VARIABLE.rvs(size=messages)
+ i = 0
+ for range_start in ranges:
+ length = random.randint(range_start, range_start + 497)
+ msg = ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for x in range(length)) \
+ + ' ' + str(i)
+ i += 1
+ # temporary file to log approximate bytes size of messages
+ with open('./oslo_%s_%s.log' % (target.topic, CURRENT_PID), 'a+') as f:
+ # 37 additional bytes for Python String object size canculation.
+ # In fact we may ignore these bytes, and estimate the data flow
+ # via number of symbols
+ f.write(str(length + 37) + '\n')
rpc_method(client, msg)
if wait_after_msg > 0:
@@ -197,6 +237,9 @@ def main():
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', dest='debug', type=bool,
help="Turn on DEBUG logging level instead of WARN")
+ parser.add_argument('-tp', '--topic', dest='topic',
+ default="profiler_topic",
+ help="Topic to publish/receive messages to/from.")
subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='mode',
help='notify/rpc server/client mode')
@@ -246,7 +289,7 @@ def main():
cfg.CONF.project = 'oslo.messaging'
transport = messaging.get_transport(cfg.CONF, url=args.url)
- target = messaging.Target(topic='profiler_topic', server='profiler_server')
+ target = messaging.Target(topic=args.topic, server='profiler_server')
if args.mode == 'rpc-server':
if args.url.startswith('zmq'):
@@ -266,11 +309,29 @@ def main():
time_ellapsed = ( - start).total_seconds()
msg_count = args.messages * args.threads
- print ('%d messages was sent for %s seconds. Bandwight is %s msg/sec'
- % (msg_count, time_ellapsed, (msg_count / time_ellapsed)))
+ log_msg = '%d messages was sent for %s seconds. ' \
+ 'Bandwidth is %s msg/sec' % (msg_count, time_ellapsed,
+ (msg_count / time_ellapsed))
+ print (log_msg)
+ with open('./oslo_res_%s.txt' % args.topic, 'a+') as f:
+ f.write(log_msg + '\n')
+ with open('./oslo_%s_%s.log' % (args.topic, CURRENT_PID), 'a+') as f:
+ data =
+ data = [int(i) for i in data.split()]
+ data_sum = sum(data)
+ log_msg = '%s bytes were sent for %s seconds. Bandwidth is %s b/s' % (
+ data_sum, time_ellapsed, (data_sum / time_ellapsed))
+ print(log_msg)
+ with open('./oslo_res_%s.txt' % args.topic, 'a+') as f:
+ f.write(log_msg + '\n')
+ os.remove('./oslo_%s_%s.log' % (args.topic, CURRENT_PID))
+"calls finished, wait %d seconds" % args.exit_wait)
if __name__ == '__main__':
+ RANDOM_VARIABLE = init_random_generator()
+ CURRENT_PID = os.getpid()