path: root/tests/drivers/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/drivers/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 758 deletions
diff --git a/tests/drivers/ b/tests/drivers/
deleted file mode 100644
index b2da4a8..0000000
--- a/tests/drivers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,758 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc.
-# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
-# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
-# a copy of the License at
-# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
-# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
-# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
-# under the License.
-import datetime
-import sys
-import threading
-import time
-import uuid
-import fixtures
-import kombu
-from oslotest import mockpatch
-import testscenarios
-from oslo import messaging
-from oslo_config import cfg
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqp
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import amqpdriver
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import common as driver_common
-from oslo_messaging._drivers import impl_rabbit as rabbit_driver
-from oslo_messaging.tests import utils as test_utils
-from oslo_serialization import jsonutils
-from six.moves import mock
-load_tests = testscenarios.load_tests_apply_scenarios
-class TestDeprecatedRabbitDriverLoad(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestDeprecatedRabbitDriverLoad, self).setUp(
- conf=cfg.ConfigOpts())
- self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'rabbit'
- self.config(fake_rabbit=True, group="oslo_messaging_rabbit")
- def test_driver_load(self):
- self.config(heartbeat_timeout_threshold=0,
- group='oslo_messaging_rabbit')
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- driver = transport._driver
- url = driver._get_connection()._url
- self.assertIsInstance(driver, rabbit_driver.RabbitDriver)
- self.assertEqual('memory:////', url)
-class TestRabbitDriverLoad(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- scenarios = [
- ('rabbit', dict(transport_driver='rabbit',
- url='amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//')),
- ('kombu', dict(transport_driver='kombu',
- url='amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//')),
- ('rabbit+memory', dict(transport_driver='kombu+memory',
- url='memory:///'))
- ]
- @mock.patch('oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit.Connection.ensure')
- @mock.patch('oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit.Connection.reset')
- def test_driver_load(self, fake_ensure, fake_reset):
- self.config(heartbeat_timeout_threshold=0,
- group='oslo_messaging_rabbit')
- self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = self.transport_driver
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf)
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- driver = transport._driver
- url = driver._get_connection()._url
- self.assertIsInstance(driver, rabbit_driver.RabbitDriver)
- self.assertEqual(self.url, url)
-class TestRabbitConsume(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- def test_consume_timeout(self):
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, 'kombu+memory:////')
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- deadline = time.time() + 6
- with transport._driver._get_connection(amqp.PURPOSE_LISTEN) as conn:
- self.assertRaises(driver_common.Timeout,
- conn.consume, timeout=3)
- # kombu memory transport doesn't really raise error
- # so just simulate a real driver behavior
- conn.connection.connection.recoverable_channel_errors = (IOError,)
- conn.declare_fanout_consumer("", lambda msg: True)
- with mock.patch('kombu.connection.Connection.drain_events',
- side_effect=IOError):
- self.assertRaises(driver_common.Timeout,
- conn.consume, timeout=3)
- self.assertEqual(0, int(deadline - time.time()))
-class TestRabbitTransportURL(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- scenarios = [
- ('none', dict(url=None,
- expected=["amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//"])),
- ('memory', dict(url='kombu+memory:////',
- expected=["memory:///"])),
- ('empty',
- dict(url='rabbit:///',
- expected=['amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/'])),
- ('localhost',
- dict(url='rabbit://localhost/',
- expected=['amqp://:@localhost:5672/'])),
- ('virtual_host',
- dict(url='rabbit:///vhost',
- expected=['amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672/vhost'])),
- ('no_creds',
- dict(url='rabbit://host/virtual_host',
- expected=['amqp://:@host:5672/virtual_host'])),
- ('no_port',
- dict(url='rabbit://user:password@host/virtual_host',
- expected=['amqp://user:password@host:5672/virtual_host'])),
- ('full_url',
- dict(url='rabbit://user:password@host:10/virtual_host',
- expected=['amqp://user:password@host:10/virtual_host'])),
- ('full_two_url',
- dict(url='rabbit://user:password@host:10,'
- 'user2:password2@host2:12/virtual_host',
- expected=["amqp://user:password@host:10/virtual_host",
- "amqp://user2:password2@host2:12/virtual_host"]
- )),
- ('qpid',
- dict(url='kombu+qpid://user:password@host:10/virtual_host',
- expected=['qpid://user:password@host:10/virtual_host'])),
- ('rabbit',
- dict(url='kombu+rabbit://user:password@host:10/virtual_host',
- expected=['amqp://user:password@host:10/virtual_host'])),
- ('rabbit_ipv6',
- dict(url='kombu+rabbit://u:p@[fd00:beef:dead:55::133]:10/vhost',
- skip_py26='python 2.6 has broken urlparse for ipv6',
- expected=['amqp://u:p@[fd00:beef:dead:55::133]:10/vhost'])),
- ('rabbit_ipv4',
- dict(url='kombu+rabbit://user:password@',
- expected=['amqp://user:password@'])),
- ]
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestRabbitTransportURL, self).setUp()
- self.config(heartbeat_timeout_threshold=0,
- group='oslo_messaging_rabbit')
- self.messaging_conf.transport_driver = 'rabbit'
- @mock.patch('oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit.Connection.ensure')
- @mock.patch('oslo_messaging._drivers.impl_rabbit.Connection.reset')
- def test_transport_url(self, fake_ensure_connection, fake_reset):
- if hasattr(self, 'skip_py26') and sys.version_info < (2, 7):
- self.skipTest(self.skip_py26)
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, self.url)
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- driver = transport._driver
- # NOTE(sileht): some kombu transport can depend on library that
- # we don't want to depend yet, because selecting the transport
- # is experimental, only amqp is supported
- # for example kombu+qpid depends of qpid-tools
- # so, mock the to skip call to qpid-tools
- with mock.patch(''):
- urls = driver._get_connection()._url.split(";")
- self.assertEqual(sorted(self.expected), sorted(urls))
-class TestSendReceive(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- _n_senders = [
- ('single_sender', dict(n_senders=1)),
- ('multiple_senders', dict(n_senders=10)),
- ]
- _context = [
- ('empty_context', dict(ctxt={})),
- ('with_context', dict(ctxt={'user': 'mark'})),
- ]
- _reply = [
- ('rx_id', dict(rx_id=True, reply=None)),
- ('none', dict(rx_id=False, reply=None)),
- ('empty_list', dict(rx_id=False, reply=[])),
- ('empty_dict', dict(rx_id=False, reply={})),
- ('false', dict(rx_id=False, reply=False)),
- ('zero', dict(rx_id=False, reply=0)),
- ]
- _failure = [
- ('success', dict(failure=False)),
- ('failure', dict(failure=True, expected=False)),
- ('expected_failure', dict(failure=True, expected=True)),
- ]
- _timeout = [
- ('no_timeout', dict(timeout=None)),
- ('timeout', dict(timeout=0.01)), # FIXME(markmc): timeout=0 is broken?
- ]
- @classmethod
- def generate_scenarios(cls):
- cls.scenarios = testscenarios.multiply_scenarios(cls._n_senders,
- cls._context,
- cls._reply,
- cls._failure,
- cls._timeout)
- def test_send_receive(self):
- self.config(heartbeat_timeout_threshold=0,
- group='oslo_messaging_rabbit')
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, 'kombu+memory:////')
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- driver = transport._driver
- target = messaging.Target(topic='testtopic')
- listener = driver.listen(target)
- senders = []
- replies = []
- msgs = []
- errors = []
- def stub_error(msg, *a, **kw):
- if (a and len(a) == 1 and isinstance(a[0], dict) and a[0]):
- a = a[0]
- errors.append(str(msg) % a)
- self.stubs.Set(driver_common.LOG, 'error', stub_error)
- def send_and_wait_for_reply(i):
- try:
- replies.append(driver.send(target,
- self.ctxt,
- {'tx_id': i},
- wait_for_reply=True,
- timeout=self.timeout))
- self.assertFalse(self.failure)
- self.assertIsNone(self.timeout)
- except (ZeroDivisionError, messaging.MessagingTimeout) as e:
- replies.append(e)
- self.assertTrue(self.failure or self.timeout is not None)
- while len(senders) < self.n_senders:
- senders.append(threading.Thread(target=send_and_wait_for_reply,
- args=(len(senders), )))
- for i in range(len(senders)):
- senders[i].start()
- received = listener.poll()
- self.assertIsNotNone(received)
- self.assertEqual(self.ctxt, received.ctxt)
- self.assertEqual({'tx_id': i}, received.message)
- msgs.append(received)
- # reply in reverse, except reply to the first guy second from last
- order = list(range(len(senders) - 1, -1, -1))
- if len(order) > 1:
- order[-1], order[-2] = order[-2], order[-1]
- for i in order:
- if self.timeout is None:
- if self.failure:
- try:
- raise ZeroDivisionError
- except Exception:
- failure = sys.exc_info()
- # NOTE(noelbk) confirm that Publisher exchanges
- # are always declared with passive=True
- outer_self = self
- test_exchange_was_called = [False]
- old_init = kombu.entity.Exchange.__init__
- def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
- test_exchange_was_called[0] = True
- outer_self.assertTrue(kwargs['passive'])
- old_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
- kombu.entity.Exchange.__init__ = new_init
- try:
- msgs[i].reply(failure=failure,
- log_failure=not self.expected)
- finally:
- kombu.entity.Exchange.__init__ = old_init
- self.assertTrue(test_exchange_was_called[0])
- elif self.rx_id:
- msgs[i].reply({'rx_id': i})
- else:
- msgs[i].reply(self.reply)
- senders[i].join()
- self.assertEqual(len(senders), len(replies))
- for i, reply in enumerate(replies):
- if self.timeout is not None:
- self.assertIsInstance(reply, messaging.MessagingTimeout)
- elif self.failure:
- self.assertIsInstance(reply, ZeroDivisionError)
- elif self.rx_id:
- self.assertEqual({'rx_id': order[i]}, reply)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(self.reply, reply)
- if not self.timeout and self.failure and not self.expected:
- self.assertTrue(len(errors) > 0, errors)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(0, len(errors), errors)
-class TestPollAsync(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- def test_poll_timeout(self):
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, 'kombu+memory:////')
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- driver = transport._driver
- target = messaging.Target(topic='testtopic')
- listener = driver.listen(target)
- received = listener.poll(timeout=0.050)
- self.assertIsNone(received)
-class TestRacyWaitForReply(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- def test_send_receive(self):
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, 'kombu+memory:////')
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- driver = transport._driver
- target = messaging.Target(topic='testtopic')
- listener = driver.listen(target)
- senders = []
- replies = []
- msgs = []
- wait_conditions = []
- orig_reply_waiter = amqpdriver.ReplyWaiter.wait
- def reply_waiter(self, msg_id, timeout):
- if wait_conditions:
- cond = wait_conditions.pop()
- with cond:
- cond.notify()
- with cond:
- cond.wait()
- return orig_reply_waiter(self, msg_id, timeout)
- self.stubs.Set(amqpdriver.ReplyWaiter, 'wait', reply_waiter)
- def send_and_wait_for_reply(i, wait_for_reply):
- replies.append(driver.send(target,
- {},
- {'tx_id': i},
- wait_for_reply=wait_for_reply,
- timeout=None))
- while len(senders) < 2:
- t = threading.Thread(target=send_and_wait_for_reply,
- args=(len(senders), True))
- t.daemon = True
- senders.append(t)
- # test the case then msg_id is not set
- t = threading.Thread(target=send_and_wait_for_reply,
- args=(len(senders), False))
- t.daemon = True
- senders.append(t)
- # Start the first guy, receive his message, but delay his polling
- notify_condition = threading.Condition()
- wait_conditions.append(notify_condition)
- with notify_condition:
- senders[0].start()
- notify_condition.wait()
- msgs.append(listener.poll())
- self.assertEqual({'tx_id': 0}, msgs[-1].message)
- # Start the second guy, receive his message
- senders[1].start()
- msgs.append(listener.poll())
- self.assertEqual({'tx_id': 1}, msgs[-1].message)
- # Reply to both in order, making the second thread queue
- # the reply meant for the first thread
- msgs[0].reply({'rx_id': 0})
- msgs[1].reply({'rx_id': 1})
- # Wait for the second thread to finish
- senders[1].join()
- # Start the 3rd guy, receive his message
- senders[2].start()
- msgs.append(listener.poll())
- self.assertEqual({'tx_id': 2}, msgs[-1].message)
- # Verify the _send_reply was not invoked by driver:
- with mock.patch.object(msgs[2], '_send_reply') as method:
- msgs[2].reply({'rx_id': 2})
- self.assertEqual(method.call_count, 0)
- # Wait for the 3rd thread to finish
- senders[2].join()
- # Let the first thread continue
- with notify_condition:
- notify_condition.notify()
- # Wait for the first thread to finish
- senders[0].join()
- # Verify replies were received out of order
- self.assertEqual(len(senders), len(replies))
- self.assertEqual({'rx_id': 1}, replies[0])
- self.assertIsNone(replies[1])
- self.assertEqual({'rx_id': 0}, replies[2])
-def _declare_queue(target):
- connection = kombu.connection.BrokerConnection(transport='memory')
- # Kludge to speed up tests.
- connection.transport.polling_interval = 0.0
- connection.connect()
- channel =
- # work around 'memory' transport bug in 1.1.3
- channel._new_queue('ae.undeliver')
- if target.fanout:
- exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange(name=target.topic + '_fanout',
- type='fanout',
- durable=False,
- auto_delete=True)
- queue = kombu.entity.Queue(name=target.topic + '_fanout_12345',
- channel=channel,
- exchange=exchange,
- routing_key=target.topic)
- if target.server:
- exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange(name='openstack',
- type='topic',
- durable=False,
- auto_delete=False)
- topic = '%s.%s' % (target.topic, target.server)
- queue = kombu.entity.Queue(name=topic,
- channel=channel,
- exchange=exchange,
- routing_key=topic)
- else:
- exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange(name='openstack',
- type='topic',
- durable=False,
- auto_delete=False)
- queue = kombu.entity.Queue(name=target.topic,
- channel=channel,
- exchange=exchange,
- routing_key=target.topic)
- queue.declare()
- return connection, channel, queue
-class TestRequestWireFormat(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- _target = [
- ('topic_target',
- dict(topic='testtopic', server=None, fanout=False)),
- ('server_target',
- dict(topic='testtopic', server='testserver', fanout=False)),
- # NOTE(markmc):
- ('fanout_target',
- dict(topic='testtopic', server=None, fanout=True,
- skip_msg='Requires kombu>2.5.12 to fix kombu issue #195')),
- ]
- _msg = [
- ('empty_msg',
- dict(msg={}, expected={})),
- ('primitive_msg',
- dict(msg={'foo': 'bar'}, expected={'foo': 'bar'})),
- ('complex_msg',
- dict(msg={'a': {'b': datetime.datetime(1920, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)}},
- expected={'a': {'b': '1920-02-03T04:05:06.000007'}})),
- ]
- _context = [
- ('empty_ctxt', dict(ctxt={}, expected_ctxt={})),
- ('user_project_ctxt',
- dict(ctxt={'user': 'mark', 'project': 'snarkybunch'},
- expected_ctxt={'_context_user': 'mark',
- '_context_project': 'snarkybunch'})),
- ]
- @classmethod
- def generate_scenarios(cls):
- cls.scenarios = testscenarios.multiply_scenarios(cls._msg,
- cls._context,
- cls._target)
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestRequestWireFormat, self).setUp()
- self.uuids = []
- self.orig_uuid4 = uuid.uuid4
- self.useFixture(fixtures.MonkeyPatch('uuid.uuid4', self.mock_uuid4))
- def mock_uuid4(self):
- self.uuids.append(self.orig_uuid4())
- return self.uuids[-1]
- def test_request_wire_format(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'skip_msg'):
- self.skipTest(self.skip_msg)
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, 'kombu+memory:////')
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- driver = transport._driver
- target = messaging.Target(topic=self.topic,
- server=self.server,
- fanout=self.fanout)
- connection, channel, queue = _declare_queue(target)
- self.addCleanup(connection.release)
- driver.send(target, self.ctxt, self.msg)
- msgs = []
- def callback(msg):
- msg = channel.message_to_python(msg)
- msg.ack()
- msgs.append(msg.payload)
- queue.consume(callback=callback,
- consumer_tag='1',
- nowait=False)
- connection.drain_events()
- self.assertEqual(1, len(msgs))
- self.assertIn('oslo.message', msgs[0])
- received = msgs[0]
- received['oslo.message'] = jsonutils.loads(received['oslo.message'])
- # FIXME(markmc): add _msg_id and _reply_q check
- expected_msg = {
- '_unique_id': self.uuids[0].hex,
- }
- expected_msg.update(self.expected)
- expected_msg.update(self.expected_ctxt)
- expected = {
- 'oslo.version': '2.0',
- 'oslo.message': expected_msg,
- }
- self.assertEqual(expected, received)
-def _create_producer(target):
- connection = kombu.connection.BrokerConnection(transport='memory')
- # Kludge to speed up tests.
- connection.transport.polling_interval = 0.0
- connection.connect()
- channel =
- # work around 'memory' transport bug in 1.1.3
- channel._new_queue('ae.undeliver')
- if target.fanout:
- exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange(name=target.topic + '_fanout',
- type='fanout',
- durable=False,
- auto_delete=True)
- producer = kombu.messaging.Producer(exchange=exchange,
- channel=channel,
- routing_key=target.topic)
- elif target.server:
- exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange(name='openstack',
- type='topic',
- durable=False,
- auto_delete=False)
- topic = '%s.%s' % (target.topic, target.server)
- producer = kombu.messaging.Producer(exchange=exchange,
- channel=channel,
- routing_key=topic)
- else:
- exchange = kombu.entity.Exchange(name='openstack',
- type='topic',
- durable=False,
- auto_delete=False)
- producer = kombu.messaging.Producer(exchange=exchange,
- channel=channel,
- routing_key=target.topic)
- return connection, producer
-class TestReplyWireFormat(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- _target = [
- ('topic_target',
- dict(topic='testtopic', server=None, fanout=False)),
- ('server_target',
- dict(topic='testtopic', server='testserver', fanout=False)),
- # NOTE(markmc):
- ('fanout_target',
- dict(topic='testtopic', server=None, fanout=True,
- skip_msg='Requires kombu>2.5.12 to fix kombu issue #195')),
- ]
- _msg = [
- ('empty_msg',
- dict(msg={}, expected={})),
- ('primitive_msg',
- dict(msg={'foo': 'bar'}, expected={'foo': 'bar'})),
- ('complex_msg',
- dict(msg={'a': {'b': '1920-02-03T04:05:06.000007'}},
- expected={'a': {'b': '1920-02-03T04:05:06.000007'}})),
- ]
- _context = [
- ('empty_ctxt', dict(ctxt={}, expected_ctxt={})),
- ('user_project_ctxt',
- dict(ctxt={'_context_user': 'mark',
- '_context_project': 'snarkybunch'},
- expected_ctxt={'user': 'mark', 'project': 'snarkybunch'})),
- ]
- @classmethod
- def generate_scenarios(cls):
- cls.scenarios = testscenarios.multiply_scenarios(cls._msg,
- cls._context,
- cls._target)
- def test_reply_wire_format(self):
- if hasattr(self, 'skip_msg'):
- self.skipTest(self.skip_msg)
- transport = messaging.get_transport(self.conf, 'kombu+memory:////')
- self.addCleanup(transport.cleanup)
- driver = transport._driver
- target = messaging.Target(topic=self.topic,
- server=self.server,
- fanout=self.fanout)
- listener = driver.listen(target)
- connection, producer = _create_producer(target)
- self.addCleanup(connection.release)
- msg = {
- 'oslo.version': '2.0',
- 'oslo.message': {}
- }
- msg['oslo.message'].update(self.msg)
- msg['oslo.message'].update(self.ctxt)
- msg['oslo.message'].update({
- '_msg_id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
- '_unique_id': uuid.uuid4().hex,
- '_reply_q': 'reply_' + uuid.uuid4().hex,
- })
- msg['oslo.message'] = jsonutils.dumps(msg['oslo.message'])
- producer.publish(msg)
- received = listener.poll()
- self.assertIsNotNone(received)
- self.assertEqual(self.expected_ctxt, received.ctxt)
- self.assertEqual(self.expected, received.message)
-class RpcKombuHATestCase(test_utils.BaseTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(RpcKombuHATestCase, self).setUp()
- self.brokers = ['host1', 'host2', 'host3', 'host4', 'host5']
- self.config(rabbit_hosts=self.brokers,
- rabbit_retry_interval=0.01,
- rabbit_retry_backoff=0.01,
- kombu_reconnect_delay=0,
- group="oslo_messaging_rabbit")
- self.kombu_connect = mock.Mock()
- self.useFixture(mockpatch.Patch(
- 'kombu.connection.Connection.connect',
- side_effect=self.kombu_connect))
- self.useFixture(mockpatch.Patch(
- ''))
- # starting from the first broker in the list
- url = messaging.TransportURL.parse(self.conf, None)
- self.connection = rabbit_driver.Connection(self.conf, url,
- self.addCleanup(self.connection.close)
- def test_ensure_four_retry(self):
- mock_callback = mock.Mock(side_effect=IOError)
- self.assertRaises(messaging.MessageDeliveryFailure,
- self.connection.ensure, mock_callback,
- retry=4)
- self.assertEqual(5, self.kombu_connect.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(6, mock_callback.call_count)
- def test_ensure_one_retry(self):
- mock_callback = mock.Mock(side_effect=IOError)
- self.assertRaises(messaging.MessageDeliveryFailure,
- self.connection.ensure, mock_callback,
- retry=1)
- self.assertEqual(2, self.kombu_connect.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(3, mock_callback.call_count)
- def test_ensure_no_retry(self):
- mock_callback = mock.Mock(side_effect=IOError)
- self.assertRaises(messaging.MessageDeliveryFailure,
- self.connection.ensure, mock_callback,
- retry=0)
- self.assertEqual(1, self.kombu_connect.call_count)
- self.assertEqual(2, mock_callback.call_count)